Bridge to 10K Challenge - Starts December



  • alirae75
    I am prepped and ready to start on Sunday!!!

    Completed my first 5k in many year on November 20. Ran it in 32.01. A friend told me yesterday that her Garmin tracked it in at 3.3 miles instead of the normal 3.1 miles (US distance here folks). That means that I was running under a 10 minute mile. Very exciting for me!
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    I have just finished C25K today, yeah. So ready to start B210K now :)

    I use Rundouble app which has C25K and B210K running programmes on it and allows you to play your own music and vocalises run/walk instructions when required across your music. Tis ace :)
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    I have an iphone and couldn't find "Rundouble". Anybody else have an app suggestion?

    Edited to say...

    Just found an app named "Bridge to 10k" and it's $2.99 on my iphone. I'll now ask an app question (I'm phone-challenged). Can you run two apps at the same time? I want to know if I bought this B210K app, could I run it at the same time as Runkeeper? Yes, I'm very anal and since I record all of my runs in Runkeeper I'd want it running in the background so my runs show up there.... :bigsmile:
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Run double is an Android app not for iphone.

    Yes, I can run two apps at once. I run Sports tracker to collect heart rate information and then run double for the running program and they both run fine together. But again I have an android (HTC Desire) not an iphone YMMV
  • ProudMomoftwo
    We ( my daughter and I ) will be starting this on Monday, Dec. 5th.
    Will spend some time this weekend mapping out a big enough loop.

    Getting excited!
  • shaynes14
    shaynes14 Posts: 106 Member
    This is the first time I have ever joined a group. I finished C25K and wished I had a group then. I would often follow another group that was closed just to get encouragement. I actually started the Bridge to 10k yesterday. I am not very fast, but I manage to plod along. I figure I need to keep pushing or I will never improve.

    To answer an earlier question I saw, yes, you can run more than one app at a time. :smile:

    Looking forward to having a virtual team running with me! Thanks for starting this up!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    I have my last run of C25K on Thursday and will be ready to start B210K on Sunday. Never thought I'd be excited about running, but here I am!
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I am so proud of everyone-look how we've all turned into runners! :D
  • ProudMomoftwo
    I have my last run of C25K on Thursday and will be ready to start B210K on Sunday. Never thought I'd be excited about running, but here I am!
    My final day of C25K is Friday.
    Calling for snow this weekend :noway:

    Will start B210K on Monday - weather permitting, of course

    Keep pushing forward.
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    I kinda jumped the gun and started a bit early, but I anticipate some days/weeks that'll be slower for me (this is a busy time of year), so I'm sure it'll even out. :)
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    The start date of the challenge coincides with the start of W9D1 of c25k for me. I am wondering if I should just step up to B210K right away? As a background, since the beginning, I have been running my c25k in double. What I mean is, I leave home, complete the required training, reset my mp3 player and redo the day all the way back home. Today (W8) I warmed up for 5 min, ran 28, walked 5 minutes. Then, reset walked 5, ran 28, walked 5. So, week 9 would involve 60 minutes in total, I am thinking of sidestepping it so as to start B210K at the same time as the rest of the group. Opinions?

    So yeah - you could probably complete the b210k program now! If you will check out the link posted earlier of the workout schedule, you will see that the final week is run 30, walk 1, run 30 - basically what you're doing. You may be ready for half marathon training, my friend! Well done!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Here's a question for all - how fast are you running? Someone mentioned "plodding along" and that's exactly ME! We average 4.0 mph during the actual run times (which is super fast compared to our start times in c25k!). My workout partner and I started b210k this past Monday - the first week, in my opinion, is basically a do-over of W9 c25k except in the time alotted this week, we didn't even complete a 5k! It was 2.9mi and we just ran overtime to do 5k. Does this mean we are "plodding" along too slowly or what???
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    About 6mph/10 min miles.
  • ImRunnin_Nurmi
    I'm in Week 4 of Freeway to 10K, which is a similar (but longer: 10-week) interval program to get you to 10K.

    I know you all are doing a 6-week program, but thought I'd poke my head in occasionally to see how everyone is doing!

    GOOD LUCK! :flowerforyou:
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Here's a question for all - how fast are you running? Someone mentioned "plodding along" and that's exactly ME! We average 4.0 mph during the actual run times (which is super fast compared to our start times in c25k!). My workout partner and I started b210k this past Monday - the first week, in my opinion, is basically a do-over of W9 c25k except in the time alotted this week, we didn't even complete a 5k! It was 2.9mi and we just ran overtime to do 5k. Does this mean we are "plodding" along too slowly or what???

    I think you have to run/jog or "plod" along to what you can handle. I run at 5mph for a 12 minute mile when I am on the treadmill to start. Then I increase it to 5.2 or3 and thats as high as I go. However, outside, I run faster. I can do and have done anywhere from a 10 minute mile to 11.5, especially after the 1st mile when I am warmed up. I did w1d2 this week on the treadmill and after the 40 minutes, I was at 3.6 miles. Which to me, is hardly an increase since I have run 5ks in 33.

    My first 10k isn't until March. I figure once I get the distance down, I will work on speed.
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Here's a question for all - how fast are you running? Someone mentioned "plodding along" and that's exactly ME! We average 4.0 mph during the actual run times (which is super fast compared to our start times in c25k!). My workout partner and I started b210k this past Monday - the first week, in my opinion, is basically a do-over of W9 c25k except in the time alotted this week, we didn't even complete a 5k! It was 2.9mi and we just ran overtime to do 5k. Does this mean we are "plodding" along too slowly or what???

    I think you have to run/jog or "plod" along to what you can handle. I run at 5mph for a 12 minute mile when I am on the treadmill to start. Then I increase it to 5.2 or3 and thats as high as I go. However, outside, I run faster. I can do and have done anywhere from a 10 minute mile to 11.5, especially after the 1st mile when I am warmed up. I did w1d2 this week on the treadmill and after the 40 minutes, I was at 3.6 miles. Which to me, is hardly an increase since I have run 5ks in 33.

    My first 10k isn't until March. I figure once I get the distance down, I will work on speed.
    I agree with all of this - firstly, these programs are designed just to get you to the end, it doesn't matter how slowly you go to get to your 5K/10K. Secondly, I think working on the distance before upping your speed is also very sensible, as if you push yourself too hard to excel at both you'll end up injured (like I was.) We're all different, and our progress is going to be too, so everyone should just enjoy themselves!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    We ( my daughter and I ) will be starting this on Monday, Dec. 5th.
    Will spend some time this weekend mapping out a big enough loop.

    Getting excited!
    We finished C25K yesterday !! Yay - we are graduates!
    It is cold and rainy today so it might be a good day to map out that bigger loop for B210K.
    The plan to start on Monday ( weather permitting ). Forecast says 60% of snow...( heavy sigh )
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    So, I can't participate in the challenge due to my apparent pregnancy, LOL. It has rendered me a completely incompetent runner practically overnight. I'm allowed to keep running, just not at the level I would like to. I'll still hang around and cheer on the rest of you though.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
  • AnotherJenn
    AnotherJenn Posts: 62 Member
    I wish I found this group sooner! I'm going to work my weeks and post how it goes even though I'm a few weeks behind. Thanks for starting this group :-)