Stage 4



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    How did your workout B go , Jen? I am a little halfway finished with this stage .

    It's exciting to say after this stage 4, I only have 2 more stages!!! Then I think 'what's next"? What am I gonna do? Then I panic.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    It went well. I did 110 on the deadlift so pretty pleased with that. I really hate the reaching lunges - I tried to go up to 20 lbs and I feel like I lean over too much and am losing my form. I'm behind you in my workouts now because I skipped last Friday. I am planning on doing Stage 6 and was thinking about doing Stage 7 twice, but we'll see when I get there.

    I plan on doing Strong Lifts after this, at least for the 12 weeks he recommeds, then maybe NROL for Abs. I'm really hoping to be at my ultimate goal by next summer. I'm so close - 10 lbs or 7 inches off my waist, I don't care which but I will be in at least a size 6 next year!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    strong lifts seems to be a popular choice following this program, I may have to look into it as well. I've really a little online about it, is there more to the program than what is on the webiste? or maybe I just haven't explored it enough.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ellie, I am not sure. It seems stronglifts is very basic and not long at all. Of course, don't quote me because I have only skimmed the reading material. I could include cardio with stronglifts .......

    Off to do WOB3 tomorrow.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Strong lifts has 5 lifts that alternate days. Workout A is squats, bench press overhead press. Workout B is squats, bent over row, deadlifts. All the lifts are 5 sets of 5 except the deadlift is 1 set of 5 because you are doing squats each workout.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Okay, so it is is as simple as it seems. That's actually nice, it seems like that would make it east to incorporate in other types of exercise into the routine as opposed to being tied to a program.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    It went well. I did 110 on the deadlift so pretty pleased with that. I really hate the reaching lunges - I tried to go up to 20 lbs and I feel like I lean over too much and am losing my form. I'm behind you in my workouts now because I skipped last Friday. I am planning on doing Stage 6 and was thinking about doing Stage 7 twice, but we'll see when I get there.

    I plan on doing Strong Lifts after this, at least for the 12 weeks he recommeds, then maybe NROL for Abs. I'm really hoping to be at my ultimate goal by next summer. I'm so close - 10 lbs or 7 inches off my waist, I don't care which but I will be in at least a size 6 next year!

    I had exactly the same issue with the reaching lunges. Annoying! I'm planning to start StrongLifts after NR too--haven't read that much about it but the simplicity appeals to me. I'm also about 10 lbs. away from my goal. I'm hoping to get there by Christmas, but at the rate I'm going it could be 2020.

    Did WOA2 this morning--and you know how I said I was going to push myself? Well...may have pushed just a bit to hard. Had to bail halfway through my 2nd plank because I felt so dizzy and nauseated. Didn't even get to wood chops, which are my favorites. I don't know if it's because I ran on the days between NR workouts or hadn't eaten anything first (I don't usually) or if it really was because I forced myself to go up in weight on everything and was just really undone. Anyway, not good! At least I'll have two days of rest before attempting the B workout on Monday...and lots of food at my in-laws' this weekend. Will have to try to rein myself in.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    So I reached my goal of 110 deadlifts today. I increased weights in
    other exercises too.

    I pulled 84 pounds in all reps of underhand lat pull well I might as well list them for you. LOL I am so excited today because I felt like I pushed myself like I should have been doing.

    deadlifts 110

    bulgarian split squat 25 db
    underhand lat pull 84 lb

    lunges 17.5 db
    dumbbell prone 5 pound dumbbells This is a major victory for me. Stage 2 I was only able to do this standing. ALL 3 sets inclined :bigsmile:

    crunch 17.5 db overhead
    Reverse crunch . I really would like to do these at an incline but that is not possible YET.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Is the incline bench adjustable? GREAT progress Maniac!!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    yes, Sam. I can adjust at 15 increments. What would you suggest starting? I tried 45 incline and a low 15 incline.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Finished my A3 workout today. Went up in all my weights except for lunges and wood chop.

    FSPP - 65
    Step up - 65
    Single leg row - 20lb db
    Lunge - 20 lb (tried 25 and lost my balance too much)
    push ups - I would think these would get easier, but they seem to be getting harder.
    Plank - 120,90,60
    wood chop - 20 lb (I do this one on the floor)

    Mary - Great job on your last workout!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I tried to be all bad and do the highest. Joke on me, I had to lower it to the first setting. I also do sets of 10 for the ab work. I still don't understand why the reps go down for those. Also, I stuck with the jacknife for my reverse. They actually feel like I'm doing something.

    Great lifting Jennie!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I have one A and two B workouts left. I'm not doing HIIT this stage. I hope that doesn't impede progress too much but it's just too damn hot for me to want to do ANY cardio on top of this. :(

    Anyway, I did A last night and I'm getting very annoyed. I haven't been able to increase weights yet for anything in that workout. I'm at 65# on my FSPP and it hurts to do all three sets - my wrists. Someone mentioned that she broke that movement up into doing squats and then overhead presses, so she could go heavier on her squats. I see the value in doing this but wonder if dropping FSPP loses something? I just HATE how my wrists feel doing this and I've hit a wall in terms of progressing on weight.

    Oh, once I learned that I can do step-ups with the BB on my back (thank you, I think it was Sam, who told me this) - I've increased the weight on those. What a difference!!! My legs are shaking when I get done with FSPP and then step-ups. I'm only doing 75# right now but plan to increase for my last workout. Going into the 1 pt row after all that leg work just makes me so shaky and unbalanced on one leg.

    As much as I hate the lunges - I LOOOOVE them. I've only got the 25 lb DBs in hand (not sure how I'd do balancing a loaded barbell for this? Anyone do that?) but I get a REALLY great stretch. I've also raised my step up another notch so I can go deeper. Although I'm finding it that it makes it a little too similar to Bulgarian split squats when raising the tier up. :/ Not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

    I'm eating a bit less than I had during the other stages. I've lowered my cals to 1500 during the week. Mainly because as the heat has set in, I move MUCH less than before and my TDEE is way lower. Then on the weekends (well, Friday usually) I eat about 3000-3400 it offsets it. I just wonder if my lower calorie intake during the week is affecting my overall strength and stamina. :(
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi! WOB2 today--much better than my last workout, which wasn't hard since I didn't feel like I was going to puke this time, lol. Though it WAS hot in the gym. They really need to crank their a/c some more. I was drenched by the end.

    Steadily upping everything, which makes me happy. I cheated on my Cuban snatches by doing them standing (the incline bench was in use, and I didn't feel like waiting). It's SO much easier standing!

    Jen (Mrs.R) I have the same question re; FSPP. Kills my wrist, still can't go above 65. My overhead press isn't great either, but it would be easier to manage splitting them into two. I should try the step up with barbell--holding 30 lb. weights sucks.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Jen and Dandelion - I totally agree on the FSPP, it totally kills my wrists. I did notice the last workout that when I went to do the OH press part, I still had my wrists bent back. I then started rotating my wrists so they were more straight on the OH press part and that relieved some of the strain during each lift. Don't know if it will help me go up in weight or not, but we'll see on the next workout.

    The baby kept me up last night, so I was too tired to get up and lift this morning. I have 1 A workout and 2 B workouts left as well and we are going out of town this weekend, so will only get two workouts in this week now. :(
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm in awe yall can do 65 pounds on the FSPS. I can barely do 45 without my upper half giving out. I might try 50 today on the last set.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Did my first A workout today. I was really surprised how much more I could do after the last Stage 2 A workout considering I wasn't doing those lifts. I'm still on 45lbs for the FSPP though. It was MUCH easier this time around and I'll go up to at least 50 next workout. I wasn't sure how I'd do on the 3rd set since Stage 2 was just 2 sets. After I was done some dude told me I could do way more weight if I didn't go up on my toes. I was like "um...the program I'm doing calls for me to go up on my toes." But honestly, it's not thing going up on my toes and much as lifting the weight OVER MY HEAD that makes me not go up in weight. Idiot.

    Doing the one leg rdl's helped me with my balance so I could do the 1pt row with 25's and actually feel like I was working at the row and not just the one leg.

    Oh and Alwyn's smoking that crack if he thinks I"m going to be planking anywhere near 120 seconds. I was able to do 65 seconds then 55 seconds 3 times.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    jnh - I don't go up on my toes when I do the FSPP, I lose my balance too much, then it throws off my rhythm. LOL at your comment on the plank! Just keep working at it. I can actually hold a plank for 2 minutes no problem, but only if I do it without doing all that other work first.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Jnh, I totally agree! crack for sure. 120 seconds!!! I can get 90 seconds if I am resting on bench.

    Beginning to end of stage 4WOA weights:

    FSPS 35 BB>45 #

    step ups 10# DB> 12# DB I mainly used 10 pound DB. Weight higher than 15 pounds caused me to bend over during rising. So I stuck with 10#DB to get a good form and push through the heel.
    one point row 10#DB>20 #DB

    pushups half on the bench to ALL on floor :bigsmile: NEVER thought this would happen.
    static lunges 10#DB>20# DB

    woodchop 17.5>60 pounds and I seriously think I hurt my back on that today.
    planks 60 seconds using bench to 75 on floor but those # are all over the place so I'll give you my best times because today I barely got 63 seconds on the floor.

    Will finish up Stage 4 Wednesday that is IF my back is better. It hurts to sit.
  • autumn_mix
    autumn_mix Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! Starting Stage IV tonight! I am looking for some opinions though - I really can't do the reverse lunge from box with forward reach without it killing my lower back (I have a herniated disc). In Stage II, I substituted regular lunges, a la Stage I. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas of a different substitution, or if the regular lunges are reasonable?

    ...and I'm so not looking forward to the FSPP again. Kills my wrists. Feel like a wuss. Grumble. :grumble: