Stage 4



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Autumn, I did not do those forward reach lunges. It felt very awkward and I did not feel like I was getting a proper form. So I did weighted walking lunges. I got just as winded with that as I did trying the forward reach. Probably didn't get a good workout on my shoulders as much.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    yeah to everyone finishing stage 4! Now get over there to stage 5 and keep me company I only have 4 more workouts over there LOL. Also, you will be amazed at how much your BWM time will improve in stage 5. It still SUCKS but not as much :laugh:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Autumn, I did not do those forward reach lunges. It felt very awkward and I did not feel like I was getting a proper form. So I did weighted walking lunges. I got just as winded with that as I did trying the forward reach. Probably didn't get a good workout on my shoulders as much.
    I think I reverse lunge would be more appropriate here. You're starting on top of the platform, not more than one riser or just the platform itself, and step back keeping your hands in front of you. You don't have to reach out far, just drop your hands next to your foot on the platform.
  • autumn_mix
    autumn_mix Posts: 34 Member
    What you're describing is exactly what I can't do! :frown: It's the combination of pushing off that back foot while the front one is elevated, even if it's only one platform. I can't switch weight onto my lower foot during step-ups, either. The disc herniation I have hits the sciatic nerve on my left side, so it's really the weight-shifting stuff that messes me up (as opposed to say, deadlifts, which feel surprisingly fine). Regular lunges are better, I think because I use my front leg to "pull" my back leg forward, as opposed to pushing off using only my back leg.
    Autumn, I did not do those forward reach lunges. It felt very awkward and I did not feel like I was getting a proper form. So I did weighted walking lunges. I got just as winded with that as I did trying the forward reach. Probably didn't get a good workout on my shoulders as much.
    I think I reverse lunge would be more appropriate here. You're starting on top of the platform, not more than one riser or just the platform itself, and step back keeping your hands in front of you. You don't have to reach out far, just drop your hands next to your foot on the platform.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    After all that upper body work in Stage 3, I'm more sore than I've been in a long time after my first A workout in Stage 4. Ha! Guess it was the FS/PP?

    I did read from Alywn's FB page that you make the most gains with what you work first. So, I guess the soreness makes sense...
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Dangit, I've pretty much been forced to take a rest week. My 18 month old is teething and not going to bed on time and I was up late working last night. If I'm not in bed before 10pm, there is no way I'm getting up at 5am. I can't do half of the stuff at work because they don't have free weights. My diet has been crap it seems like lately - probably because I've been feeling discouraged since I have not had any changes in measurement for months now. I know this is for life, not just for the near future, but it still gets discouraging and frustrating when I have so much to lose still.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Jennie--it's frustrating when you can't control your schedule (and sorry about the teething!), just don't be too hard on yourself. Rest weeks are good for you, planned or not. I was wishing I were on a rest week when I was sweating my *kitten* off during the FSPP today. I do what you do now--don't bend my wrists back as much, and I never go all the way up to my toes. Still hate that move.... Only one more A workout!

    I was really tired at the gym this morning. I didn't sleep well, it was so hot and humid...just didn't have much pep. And I didn't up my weights on anything :(

    I've been running on my off days but I'm going to sleep in tomorrow. I'm hoping my B workout on Friday will be better after a true rest day.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I couldn't wait any more, I was getting totally restless. I did single leg deadlifts instead of wide grip ones and the rest was good. I am glad that I got it done and can get one more in this week so I'm not too far behind.

    Dandelion - love the leg shot!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    My back is feeling much better and the plan is to finish out stage 4 wob4 today!! woohoo! I am excited to get on to the next stage and that means that much closer time to my vacation Sept 9. :bigsmile:

    I really want to deadlift 125 today. Think it is possible to increase from 110 to 125? I'm gonna try.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    My back is feeling much better and the plan is to finish out stage 4 wob4 today!! woohoo! I am excited to get on to the next stage and that means that much closer time to my vacation Sept 9. :bigsmile:

    I really want to deadlift 125 today. Think it is possible to increase from 110 to 125? I'm gonna try.

    Have you tried yet? I'm still at a solid 115lbs. I think I could do quite a bit more if I didn't have that stupid wide grip!

    When I bump up to 135lbs (actually able to put a 45lb plate on each end), I'm planning on using a couple of smaller plates on each end so I still have the deficit without having to get a box. Anyone else do this?
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    STAGE 4 is FINISHED!!!

    I deadlifted 120. I thought my fingers were gonna pull off lifting that much.

    WOB beginning and final weights:

    deadlift 85>120

    Bulgarian split squat 20#db>30# DB
    underhand grip lat pull 60>96

    lunges 15#DBs> 20#DBs
    DB prone 5#dbs>7.5 #DBs

    Swiss Ball crunch 15DB overhead to 17.5
    reverse crunch laying on floor to 15 incline bench . Tried 30 incline for 8. I did it but it hurt my back.
    lateral flexion and back extension BW>20
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Mary - great progress!!!

    jnh - I'll probably do the same thing. I don't like being on a box doing deadlifts.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Mary, Mary, Mary!!!! Way to gO!!!
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Hey everybody! I did Stage 4 Workout A today. It was GREAT to return to the front squat push press, push ups, step ups, and lunges. I am ready to see a better booty in the near-future!

    I actually LOST strength during Stage 3. It is my fault. I lost my mojo, got sloppy with my diet, and then I got really sick and couldn't work out for a few weeks.

    Anyhow, I'm looking forward to working hard the next couple of weeks and getting back in the groove!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Ack, forgot to post final stage 4 A numbers (sorry I'm not too chatty in here, I've been distracted lately).

    FSPP: had done 45-65# first workout, finished off at 70# at my highest for 5 reps but majority done at 65#.
    Step-ups: 60# to 85#
    DB one point row: 25# DB each hand = same (don't have higher DBs, and the balancing on this is seriously intense after wrecking my legs in the first two exercises!)
    Rear foot elevated lunge: 25# = same (raised the box a bit though but tried not to make it too much like bulgarian)
    Push-ups: was doing 8 each set in beginning, now doing 10-12 each set
    Plank: 120 secs = same

    Didn't do wood chop since I don't get any real benefit using a DB and I'm at home. I'm doing workout B today to finish up the stage.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Finally made it back to the gym this morning for my second A workout, my schedule has just been crazy recently! I upped the FSPP to 55 lbs and wow was that a challenge! I was almost having to jump to get enough momentum to get the bar up over my head by the third set but I got through them. I lowered my weight on the stop and one point row from 20 lb dbs to 15, I just really felt like my form was suffering at the higher weight and I think that's probably more important. I really overdid something on the split squat, I don't know if it was a pull to too much of a stretch or what but my left quad was killing after the first set. I barely made it through the second and ended up skipping the third. The pain is much, much less now a few hours later so hopefully its nothing serious.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Awwww, finished the stage - am so glad to be moving on. I felt like the B workout was FOREVER FREAKIN' LONG. Here's my stats...see ya'll in stage 5!

    Deadlift (trad'l): 165# - 185#
    Bulgarian split squat: 25# - 65#
    Underhand lat pulldown: 118# - 128#
    Rev lunge box w/reach: 12# - 15# each hand
    DB Cuban snatch: 10# each hand = no change (hate this friggin' move)
    Crunches - did with 20 lbs and did 20 each set
    Rev crunch - from 8 each set to 20 each set
    Prone jackknife - from 8 each set to 12-14 each set (my left foot always cramps up and I have to stop, I don't know why!)
    Prone cobra - 120 secs = no change

    I mentioned before that I haven't been doing the HIIT. So no stats to report there.
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    So I've got to ask, how does everyone lift so much with the deadlifts?! My upper body just can't seem to support anything more than around 90-95 lbs. It kills my hands even with gloves on and my arms can't hold much more weight even just hanging there while my legs do the work. I know my legs can take more, but I just can't seem to handle weights that are any heavier.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    So I've got to ask, how does everyone lift so much with the deadlifts?! My upper body just can't seem to support anything more than around 90-95 lbs. It kills my hands even with gloves on and my arms can't hold much more weight even just hanging there while my legs do the work. I know my legs can take more, but I just can't seem to handle weights that are any heavier.

    How are you gripping the bar? I used an underhand grip until I got to about 130 lbs at which point I had to switch to a mixed grip (my left hand grip under, my right hand grips over). Try that the next time you lift and see how much more you can do. If you are having a hard time keeping a grip on the bar - there are several things that can help improve grip strength from farmer's walks to hanging from a bar (like a pull-up bar/monkey bars) for as long as you can. Just keep doing it. Grip strength is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome but you'll get there. Also, don't feel bad setting the bar down and re-gripping after each rep if you need to. When I'm doing the heavier weights I have to re-grip every two or so, actually when I do 185#, I usually have to set it down real quick and re-grip (like a 3 sec pause). You'll see some heavy deadlifters actually just do the deadlift up and then drop the bar down - literally (rubber coated plates allow this to happen). I don't do that as I work out at home and don't have those kinds of weights (nor do I want to crack my basement floor, hah). I think you get a good workout having to lower the bar back down anyway. Also - really pay attention to form - legs drive that weight up and make sure you get the hip thrust at the top of the movement. Oh and lastly - I wear lifting gloves. They are old (13 years old) so I should probably get some new ones - but they help ME tremendously since my hands get SUPER sweaty and the bar will just slip right out of them. I've heard a lot of people say to use chalk if you are bare-gripping the bar - but I don't want to make a mess in my basement so gloves for me!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    So I've got to ask, how does everyone lift so much with the deadlifts?! My upper body just can't seem to support anything more than around 90-95 lbs. It kills my hands even with gloves on and my arms can't hold much more weight even just hanging there while my legs do the work. I know my legs can take more, but I just can't seem to handle weights that are any heavier.

    The widegrip is MUCH harder than shoulder width apart.