


  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    hey everyone I am a submariners wife. My husband has been in for 7 years and we have been married for 6 years 7 in August of this year. I am 29 I have 2 children a daughter 5 and a son 2. I am at my heaviest after having my son and my dad passing ( you can read about my journey and past journey here :) We are on shore duty now but he just re- enlisted and he will be going back to sea duty this year. I want to get healthy for my family and so that when he deploys I can have a chance at getting to my goal weight lol
  • ChiefWhitesWife
    ChiefWhitesWife Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone! I am married to a Navy Chief. We have been married for 16 years and started out as high school sweethearts. We have three kids, 14,11 and 10.
    My husband recently left for another deployment to Afghanistan. I am working on eating healthy, exercise and in general changing our lifestyle while he is deployed. I am hoping to wear a dress I have in my closet that he loves at his homecoming in about a year.
    I started this change for myself, but slowly my kids have adapted to the new lifestyle change. My 11 year old daughter was shopping with me last night and asked for a sports bra and some exercise clothes and told me she wanted to exercise with me. Little by little changes are being made.....without me making them jump on board.....they are starting to follow my lead. So that is my goal, to lose my weight while my husband is deployed, have a more active lifestyle with my kids (and husband when he returns), make better food choices, and just be a more healthy wife and mother.
  • NavyWifeTwinMom
    NavyWifeTwinMom Posts: 98 Member
    Hi! I've been on MFP for about a year now and just started poking around the groups today...I'm not a big poster to the boards, but I would love to join this group as we all have so much in common outside of our fitness goals! My husband is a pilot in the Navy and currently deployed (halfway thru as of 3/1!!). I have six year old twin boys, and my workouts of choice are P90x/P90X2/trail running...the latter on hold until deployment ends! I look forward to getting to know some more military spouses:-)


    ETA: DH has been in 15 years, we've been together for 20 years and married 13 years. So far, 10 moves under my belt...oh, that crazy Uncle Sam! ;)
  • amberntay20
    amberntay20 Posts: 28 Member
    Hey everyone :) I have been using my fitness pal for about a month ish. I am a air force wife. We are currently station in Little Rock but will be moving to Offutt end of May! I have two kiddos a little girl who will be 2 months this week and a little boy who is two and def. going through the terrible twos haha. I have lost 11lbs of 23 lbs which is my weight goal. :) feel free to add me~
  • armywifeandmom
    armywifeandmom Posts: 17 Member

    My name is Allegra. My husband is a SSG in the Army. We're stationed at Fort Campbell, KY. We have five children. I'm a full-time student (junior) at APSU. I just joined MFP a few days ago. Looking forward to meeting new friends here.

  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
    Hi everyone! My hubby is a corpsman deployed with the marines out of Camp Lejeune!!! I joined this group to better my health! Add me if you want....I'm applying to OCS this fall!!!!! You ladies have a lovely day :)
  • nofatkatski
    Hi! My name is Katrina and we are in the Army! We are stationed in Heidelberg, Germany! I joined MFP because I need that accountability for my eating habits! If your in the area and want to tag along on this weight loss journey, come on by my page! If you just want to talk and be online fitness peeps, that works too! Heck, we all need all the support we can get!!
  • natie97
    natie97 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. My name is Natalie and Im a Navy Wife. We are stationed in Mayport. Im hoping to lose about 60 pounds (Ive lost 40 so far). I was doing really well losing weight but the holidays came and so did the pounds. :/ Ive gained about 15+ pounds since Thanksgiving. I tried to get back on track at the beginning of the year but my mind wasnt in the right place. Today I weighed in at 231 and I was quite upset. Ive gained almost 10 pounds in the past two weeks (my hubby has been underway and Ive been a little depressed because we just learned his deployment was moved up two months...leaving in June instead of August - I also realized that after June I wont have many friends...most of my friends are moving this summer)!! AHH!! So, Im getting back on track today starting with drinking lots of water and getting back in the gym. I used Sparkpeople to help me lost weight last year but I thought I would give MFP a try this time. I hope it works to keep me motivated!
  • Abasmusikbx
    Hello all I am Katie Peltier an Army wife stationed at Fort Campbell my husband is B 1st and 320th, I have to small babies and I am a Christian Recording Artisr and am releasing my new album soon as well as starting a tour, you can listen at I recently have lost 56 lbs and want to loose about 50 more :o)
  • colleenjscott
    Hi everyone! My name is Colleen and I'm not a wife yet but will be later this year! My boyfriend is in the Navy and we've been together almost 7 and a half years! I joined to have more accountability for when I exercise and what I eat! I love running and I am currently attempting to learn how to swim as well! Please feel free to add me! :smile:
  • Troi2012
    Troi2012 Posts: 12
    Hello all!! My name is Troi and I am an Army wife. We are stationed in rainy Lacey, WA (Fort Lewis area). We leave here to go to Fort Leavenworth, KS at the end of May and I am soooo ready to go. Nasty weather here. Been married 10 years and we have one child who is now 7 months old. Looking forward to meeting new fitness pals.
  • iamihobo
    iamihobo Posts: 232 Member
    Hang in there! :)
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Hey, everyone! I'm Beck, and I've been an Army wife for 8+ years. My husband is an Ssg P and we're stationed at Ft Bliss, Tx. We have two girls, ages 5 and almost 3. I absolutely love this lifestyle!

    I've recently lost 30 lbs and am hoping go lose another 10-20!
  • noelliebell
    noelliebell Posts: 4 Member
    Hey ladies! (: My name is Noelle, I'm 20, and here is to hoping that you accept Military girlfriends as well!! (I saw a few, so I hope it's okay!).

    My boyfriend is currently in Sasebo, Japan and I'm hoping to get noticeably healthier before the next time he has leave, and completely healthy by the time we are able to "start" our lives together. (:
  • schulermomof3boys
    My name is Valencia Schuler, and i am 28 yrs old...
    I live in St. Louis, MO
    I am married (6 yrs). My husband is a Military Police in the United States Army. He has been with the army 4 years, and before that, he was with the Marines at Camp Pendleton for 4.5 years!
    We have 3 beautiful boys (4, 2, and 9 wks)
    I work at a preschool andhave been there 5 yrs.
    My family is my world!
  • Vickdec
    Vickdec Posts: 2
    Hi! My name is Vickey. My hausband is in the Army. We are here in Fort Knox, KY. We have a 13 yr daughter and have been married for 15yrs. I gained a lot of weight while struggling w/ my thyroids ( they thought it was cancer ). So, I dealt w/ that for 6 yrs and finally had them removed a couple of yrs ago but have since been dealing w/ other health issues. I've kinda been in my own little shell for a while trying to cope w/ it all. Anyway I am trying to get back out there and lose some weight now that I finally have a little bit of energy and hopefully make some friends too!
  • deebutts
    deebutts Posts: 7 Member
    Hi my name is Dee. I've been married to my husband and been an army wife for 13 yrs. I have 2 babies, Daisy 11 and Colt 2. Were stationed at "The Great Place" Ft. Hood, TX. That little quote is questionable most days. :)
  • MountainGirl80
    MountainGirl80 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Megan. My husband is a Combat Medic in the Army. Right now we're stationed at Fort Drum, NY. We've been married for 13 years but we've only been an army family for 3. We have an 8 year old son. We'll be PCSing this summer so I'm a little nervous about moving to a new duty station. I'm new to mfp and looking for more support, so add me if you like!
  • misfitsgurl08
    misfitsgurl08 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi my name is Ashley. Im married to a Marine. Hes my world and has been for the past 7 years. We got married in October of 2008. Been together since freshman year in high school. We are out in Twentynine Palms, CA. We have 2 amazing kiddos, one just turned 3 last month and the other will be 9 months old next month. Im getting serious about losing weight, I want to be in shape for myself, mmy kids and my hubby! =)
  • evilstarburst
    evilstarburst Posts: 47 Member
    Hello ladies, my name is Sara stationed in Hawaii, have been married to my best friend for 2 years known him for about 7-8 years. He is in the navy and got deployed to africa :( for a year. I was 250 pounds on new years decided I wanted to look nice for him and myself, I've lost 25 pounds so far. =)