


  • Wouga
    Wouga Posts: 145 Member
    Hi Ladies! My name is Kim, my husband is an Army service member. We've been married for 10 years, the last 5 of which have been in the military. We have 3 kids (2 ours, 1 my stepson) and are currently stationed in Hawaii.
  • gamburgey
    Hello ladies! I am an Air Force wife & my husband is currently stationed in Belgium! He has been in 5 years today and reenlists in June. He's going to be a "lifer."

    I have always worked out on a regular basis just to live a healthy lifestyle & to eat :laugh:, I LOVE food. I recently became a fitness junkie and have actually set a weightloss goal for the first time. I just lost 7 Lbs & 8.5 inches all around doing the Brazil Butt Lift. I freakin' :heart: that workout!!! MFP has helped me stay on track by balancing my love of food & working out. I have 9 Lbs to go until I reach my goal weight. I wish all of you ladies the best of luck with your fitness journeys. Feel free to add me as a friend for some extra motivation & support.
  • MicahsMom11
    MicahsMom11 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, My name is Neika, Im an Army WIfe Currently stationed at Fort Lee, Va. PCSing May 1 to Commerce, Ga. I have a 15month old son. I weighed 200lbs when I had my son and I now currently weigh 135. Im working on feeling like myself again. having my son changed my body and how I felt about my looks. Im starting to feel like myself again and Im loving every moment
  • tristanjewel
    Hi there!!

    My name is Tristan, and I am an Army wife and new MOM! Miss Kennedy is 6 weeks old and I am ready to get back into shape! We are stationed at Fort Sam Houston in Texas and always looking to meet new people!!

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!

  • EnthusedMeerkat
    EnthusedMeerkat Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone. Just joined the group. I'm not yet a wife, but will be in November. My fiance is currently stationed at Mayport in Jacksonville, FL. We're going through our second deployment together (his third total) and it ends this month! :happy:

    I just turned 26 last month...joined MyFitnessPal a few months ago, but didn't start actively using it until last week. I've lost 10 pounds so far (total...not just in the week I've used this site) and planned to lose around 40 more before my wedding.
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    I am Dusti and a proud Coast Guard wife. My DH flies 65s at Air Station Detroit. We are PCSing next summer (thankfully) and hoping for a warmer spot. I joined MFP because I gained 20 pounds since Januray due to fracturing and chipping my foot. I am not at 100% yet, but definitely doing better. I have lost 6 pounds so far, and hope to be back to my normal weight by the fall.
  • Back2Basic
    Back2Basic Posts: 69 Member
    Hi! I'm Sarah and my husband is in the Army. We met in training, but a bad knee injury landed me a quick discharge. We're stationed at Ft. Bragg. I'm 23 today! I definitely got addicted to the motivation of my squad mates to get into working out, so I could always use some "tough love". My husband has gotten excited and decided to help me lose weight, but he does his working out at PT and isn't usually up to working out with me at home.
    I would love if anyone wanted to add me. Thanks!
  • maggiemcd713
    Hi everyone. Just joined the group. I'm not yet a wife, but will be in November. My fiance is currently stationed at Mayport in Jacksonville, FL. We're going through our second deployment together (his third total) and it ends this month! :happy:

    I just turned 26 last month...joined MyFitnessPal a few months ago, but didn't start actively using it until last week. I've lost 10 pounds so far (total...not just in the week I've used this site) and planned to lose around 40 more before my wedding.

    Hey! My husband is Navy and stationed in Kings Bay, GA which is 30 mins from Jax! :)
  • maggiemcd713
    Hi Everyone! I'm Maggie, I've been married for 4 years, husband has been an MA in the Navy for 2 years now. We are at our first duty station at NSB Kings Bay in GA, but we actually live on the other side of the border down in Florida. I'm 24. When we first moved here from out hometown in San Diego, I experienced such a huge change in my way of life, what I ate, what I did to stay active, etc.. and I gained 40 pounds! I wan't to lose that weight and then some!! Being in Florida, there is plenty of gorgeous outdoors to explore, but between the bugs and the heat and humidity, I have had to get really creative with staying active!
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Angie and my hubby is in the Army. We are now on Recruiting Duty in SoCal and it looks like he'll be converting. We've been married for 9 years and have a 3.5 year old.

    I just joined MFP couple days ago and could use some more friends. My goal is to lose at least 30 lbs. I've been on Inanity for the last 50 days.
  • mandy_hanson
    Hi. My name is Mandy. I've been married for 12 years and we have 4 kids. My husband is currently deployed and I'm trying to lose the weight before he gets back. So far I've lost 22 lbs but still have 13 lbs to go and 14 weeks left till this year long deployment is over.
  • agartin
    agartin Posts: 274 Member

    Just found the group so I wandered in. :)

    I'm Alexandra. I've been married 4.5 years to my husband, Daniel. We have a 3 year old daughter named Cadence, and are currently stationed at Camp Pendleton, CA.

    I'm interested in meeting other moms out here that are going through a similar fitness journey.

    I look forward to getting to know every one. :)
  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi I'm Jessica I have been married to my husband and the coast guard for almost 4 years. We have just welcomed our first child into the world in October. I gained 65+ pound with my little man and looking for support getting it all off and then some. We are currently stationed in Mobile Al. The Coast Guard took my husband almost a month ago until August sometime and I am wanting to shred the rest of this baby weight before we see him again. Feel free to add me TIA :)
  • jesstiger81
    jesstiger81 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello! Can't believe I am just now finding this group! I have been married to a B-52 navigator (Air Force) for 6 months now!
  • Emaz1027
    Emaz1027 Posts: 9 Member
    My name is Erika and I'm currently engaged to a fresh new army soldier. He left yesterday! For ft. Lenard wood, MO and I'm not wasting anytime getting in shape for him. I'd love all the support I can get and anyone from Lenard wood,please add me I'd love to accidentally meet some of his fellow soldiers women lol.
  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member
    Hello ladies! I am an Air Force wife & my husband is currently stationed in Belgium! He has been in 5 years today and reenlists in June. He's going to be a "lifer."

    I have always worked out on a regular basis just to live a healthy lifestyle & to eat :laugh:, I LOVE food. I recently became a fitness junkie and have actually set a weightloss goal for the first time. I just lost 7 Lbs & 8.5 inches all around doing the Brazil Butt Lift. I freakin' :heart: that workout!!! MFP has helped me stay on track by balancing my love of food & working out. I have 9 Lbs to go until I reach my goal weight. I wish all of you ladies the best of luck with your fitness journeys. Feel free to add me as a friend for some extra motivation & support.

    Brazillian butt lift?!
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I'm Shanon and My husband is a sailor in the Navy. We are currently stationed in Norfolk, VA . I joined MFP in 2007 and have gone through phases of using it or not. The past month or so is really the first time I've even looked at the message boards and until yesterday I didn't even realize groups existed! My husband joined the Navy in February 2011 and we have been married since August 2009. We are a little older (he is 29) for as new as his Navy career is so I totally need to get fit so I can look as good as all the wives of the kids he works with :)
    Oh and I'm on twitter and pretend to blog--- @shanonrenee and if any of you are into that too!
  • Mrsmontoya08
    Mrsmontoya08 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Danielle and I'm married to a Active Army Guard. We are currently in Central Alaska where we will probably be for a few more years. I am a SAHM of three wonderful children, my son is 3 (I gained over 100 lbs when I was pregnant with him), my daughter is 1 (I gained about 80 when pregnant with her), and my other daughter is 2 weeks (I gained 35 with her). After each pregnancy, I lost MOST of the weight but kept a few extra lbs for cushoning... About a year ago, I was introduced to a program that I fell in love with called INSANITY!!! Since then I've become more health concious and have slowly been working to get my body HEALTHY. I could care less about the number on the scale, I just want to be healthy again!
  • TwisterKSChick
    TwisterKSChick Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Jessica and I'm a soon to be Army Spouse...I noticed a few others who fall into that category on here, so I'm guessing it's ok. My special soldier is in the Army, prior Navy and we are both active on My Fitness Pal. I've had gastric bypass (6 years ago) and now I actually have to work at losing weight. LOL! Who'da thunk? Anyway, my goal is to be healthier whatever size that is and am just looking for some motivation on those tough days. I'm always excited to meet other military spouses because we tend to have such great connections and instant family. Hope to hear from you all soon!

  • donnaruller
    Hi my name is Donna, I just moved to Jacksonville, FL with my husband. He is AF Reserves. He is currently working on the Subbase in GA.
    When we met he was Active Duty Navy getting ready to deploy to Afghanistan. When he was deployed I lost 20lbs and was all cute and slim for his homecoming. Since his return, we got married and I gained that weight back I am back to trying to lose that weight. Which isn't as easy with him around with his love of sinful food!
    Looking forward to supporting fellow military wives and making new friends