


  • david581c
    pansexual makes so much sense to me.

    I'm attracted to personalities, of course looks happen, though I'm so attracted to people who know who Morrissey is
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Morrissey? Sounds like a species of tree.

  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I think the reason bisexuals/pansexuals get such a bad rap sometimes is the same reason you get so many bi people asserting that everyone is bi ... it's because some part of our sexuality is hardcoded into us. As a"bi" queer person, it's difficult for me to wrap my brain around the fact that some people really, truly are attracted to only one sex of person. Likewise, I think it is difficult for some people who are not bi or pan to wrap their minds around the idea that sex doesn't limit who we are attracted to. It's not all non-bi/pan people, but for some it might just be incomprehensible because it is so counter to their own sexual wiring.
    That is why I personally disagree with saying everyone's bi or a little bi. I feel like that undermines other very valid sexualities simply because I am not that sexuality and therefore do not experience attraction that way.
    I sometimes think it is like belief in god. You get people who KNOW that there IS a God and you get people who KNOW that there IS NOT. Most of the time these two camps simply don't get where the other is coming from. And you get people in between too. But for the people firmly on one side or the other, it is something you can feel to your core to the point where it seems like the other side has to be lying to feel so differently than you. But they're not ... like sexuality, belief in a God is something that can be partially hardcoded into our brains, too. (I use the religion analogy because it was after watching a very well done documentary on the temporal lobes by the BBC that I had my "a-ha!" moment about all of this.)
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    pansexual makes so much sense to me.

    I'm attracted to personalities, of course looks happen, though I'm so attracted to people who know who Morrissey is

    What about it doesn't make sense? Maybe one of us can try to explain it.
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    pansexual makes so much sense to me.

    I'm attracted to personalities, of course looks happen, though I'm so attracted to people who know who Morrissey is

    What about it doesn't make sense? Maybe one of us can try to explain it.

    I think you read that wrong. >_>
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    pansexual makes so much sense to me.

    I'm attracted to personalities, of course looks happen, though I'm so attracted to people who know who Morrissey is

    What about it doesn't make sense? Maybe one of us can try to explain it.

    I think you read that wrong. >_>

    I could have sworn that said "no sense"...
  • david581c
    it's cool, do it all the time.

    what a weekend. my brain totally grew a wrinkle.

    why the term "pan" though?
  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    What do you mean?
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    it's cool, do it all the time.

    what a weekend. my brain totally grew a wrinkle.

    why the term "pan" though?

    According to Wikipedia, "The prefix "pan" comes from an Ancient Greek term meaning "all" or "every"". I figured as much. It's usually some sort of Greek or Latin prefix.
  • KittMahan
    ... tend to get kind of a bad rap. At least they do where i'm from. Especially the menfolk. Let's talk about it, shall we?

    Why do you think that is?
    What are some of the things you've heard as a bisexual or as a partner of a bisexual?
    What were your reactions?
    We all have preferences and types, but why is it that portions of the hetero crowd tends to believe that since we're bisexual, then we must find EVERYONE attractive with no specific taste?

    I'm attracted to a certain kind of personality... the gender of the body holding it is just accessories. And yes, I have standards too :)

    Does this make me bi? pan? who cares. I love who I choose to love.
  • Banrion
    Banrion Posts: 157 Member
    My problem is more that, when I explain pansexual to someone, they generally respond with, " you're bisexual?", at which point much facepalming ensues.

    To be fair, I had no idea what pansexual was until this past year, and that is the label that best describes me. When I explain it to people though I generally get, "So you'll sleep with anyone?" "Um, no. I will not be sleeping with you. Also, I still have standards."

    :heart: THIS!!! Same, its like bisexual = easy
    I finally started to use the label bi/pan just in the past year, if you had asked me before that I would just say that I am a romantic. I fall in love with people, its the personality and characteristics, not attached to their genetics and biology that attracted me, I am not looking for a hookup, I look in terms of lasting. In the world we live in, I realized that I need to use a label or I would be spouting off the same speech every 5mins, all that it boils down to is that......I have dated women that are very feminine, some could be called butch, I have dated very metro guys and very manly men, but in each of those people I found something that called to me, made me smile or laugh and be open to love. This would can label and make all the misconceptions that its wants to make, I am going to live and love....and be happy.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I'm attracted to both.. but with women it's usually more sexual. I did date 1 woman whom I felt emotions for and had a long term relationship with.

    I do tend to not see gender.. I just see beauty whether it's personality or physical beauty in either males or females. :love:

    I do think bisexuals have a bad rap. We are looked at as greedy and confused. I'm neither. I just like what I like. :drinker:
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I have had long term, monogamous relationships with women and men. I've always considered myself bisexual, but the more I have looked up pansexual the more I feel that could be me as well. I would easily date a transgender person if they were the right person. I would be open to any HUMAN being so long as they were good souls.
    If sexuality was black and white, it would be SO boring. I'm glad I am the way I am, no matter how confusing it was in adolescence. I actually originally came out to my family as gay, because I could never see myself in a LTR with a man, but I am sexually attracted to both men and women. I would actually say more so to women, but right now I am engaged to a man (actually my first really serious relationship with a man). He knows about my past, has met a few of my past girlfriends, and is 100% okay with it so long as I am faithful, which isn't even a concern of mine or his. It wasn't until I met him could I see myself getting married and starting a family the traditional way.
    The biggest problem I have found with being bi-sexual is the fact many in the gay and straight communities outcast us, always telling us we should pick a side, or that "being bi isn't even possible" (I have heard that one many times especially about men), 'you're just experimenting/confused/curious', 'you just like to have sex' (yeah no *kitten*, most people do?), 'it is just an excuse to be slutty', etc. So many people don't realize the struggles bisexuals have. Sometimes we have it harder. As a child/young adult, it was extremely conflicting to have both sexual feelings and crushes on both sexes, and to be honest sometimes I wonder with marrying a man, if I will ever have full sexual and emotional fulfillment since I truly am greatly attracted to both- and my personal belief in a marriage of any kind is to share monogamy (I have no issues for others who don't believe this, it is just my personal opinion~live and let live). Also, there is a lot less research and focus on bisexuality; questions are often left unanswered and ignored, making it more difficult for youth or even adults with questions. Many people also accuse us of just being in self denial because we 'are actually just gay'. It is so frustrating, bisexuality and pansexuality need to be recognized as being valid sexualitys so others can feel like they have somewhere to belong and feel validated for completely normal feelings.
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    everyone tends to think that bisexuals will cheat on their partners, meaning date a girl and guy at the same time. I myself am bisexual and would NEVER do that and I know a lot of bisexuals that wouldn't do that. Anyone can cheat; It's not just bisexuals. So, I'm kind of annoyed when someone thinks that I'm just going to cheat on them because I'm bi.
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    I have had long term, monogamous relationships with women and men. I've always considered myself bisexual, but the more I have looked up pansexual the more I feel that could be me as well. I would easily date a transgender person if they were the right person. I would be open to any HUMAN being so long as they were good souls.
    I agree, I consider myself bisexual, but feel like I could also be pansexual.
    The biggest problem I have found with being bi-sexual is the fact many in the gay and straight communities outcast us, always telling us we should pick a side, or that "being bi isn't even possible" (I have heard that one many times especially about men), 'you're just experimenting/confused/curious', 'you just like to have sex' (yeah no *kitten*, most people do?), 'it is just an excuse to be slutty', etc. So many people don't realize the struggles bisexuals have. Sometimes we have it harder. As a child/young adult, it was extremely conflicting to have both sexual feelings and crushes on both sexes, and to be honest sometimes I wonder with marrying a man, if I will ever have full sexual and emotional fulfillment since I truly am greatly attracted to both- and my personal belief in a marriage of any kind is to share monogamy (I have no issues for others who don't believe this, it is just my personal opinion~live and let live). Also, there is a lot less research and focus on bisexuality; questions are often left unanswered and ignored, making it more difficult for youth or even adults with questions. Many people also accuse us of just being in self denial because we 'are actually just gay'. It is so frustrating, bisexuality and pansexuality need to be recognized as being valid sexualitys so others can feel like they have somewhere to belong and feel validated for completely normal feelings.

    I HATE when people say these things. How isn't it possible? lol it's not that just want to have sex or that we are greedy or anything. That's just who we are. We are attracted to men and women. I guess people just don't get it since theyre not in our shoes, but still its not right to judge.
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    :heart: THIS!!! Same, its like bisexual = easy
    I finally started to use the label bi/pan just in the past year, if you had asked me before that I would just say that I am a romantic. I fall in love with people, its the personality and characteristics, not attached to their genetics and biology that attracted me, I am not looking for a hookup, I look in terms of lasting. In the world we live in, I realized that I need to use a label or I would be spouting off the same speech every 5mins, all that it boils down to is that......I have dated women that are very feminine, some could be called butch, I have dated very metro guys and very manly men, but in each of those people I found something that called to me, made me smile or laugh and be open to love. This would can label and make all the misconceptions that its wants to make, I am going to live and love....and be happy.

    I love this! lol
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    I've heard it all. People saying that bisexuals are just desperate people and are willing to be with whoever they can. I've heard them be called sluts, *kitten*, etc. It offends me big time. That's so not true. I've had people say that no one loves bisexuals because they can't make up their mind about who they want to be with. And that is so wrong. People can love anyone. Just because someone likes both sexes doesn't mean that they don't have their own taste and preferences in people. I won't settle for just anyone. I've heard people say that bisexuals are allowed to date a girl and a guy at the same time and it wouldn't be considered cheated because they're different genders. Wrong! Dating more then one person at any time is wrong! I don't fall in love with just anyone. It doesn't matter if they're a girl or a guy, they have to have a romantic side. I gotta admit it, I'm a die hard, old fashioned, romantic girl at heart. People always ask me if I lean more torward girls or guys. But I have no answer. I love both just the same. I don't fall in love with someone more easily just because they are a certain gender. I fall for the person inside, personality, etc.
    I've always refered to myself as a bisexual simply because it's easier but then I learned about pansexuals and think that fits me more. It doesn't matter about the gender to me. What matters is a person's personality and soul, etc. If Iove them I love them, it doesn't matter if they're a guy, girl, trans, etc. I don't care about the gender of the person I fall in love with, only who they are.
  • FairuzyAmanuzy
    FairuzyAmanuzy Posts: 221 Member
    I think being pansexual is a beautiful thing. TO me it means loving someone for who they are as a person, not what is in their pants. It is love without boxes, or constraints of society. That doesn't mean you are attracted to EVERYONE! You are attracted to people who you mesh with, and I don't know about you....but I don't get along with ALOT of people.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    Out here in sacramento many lesbians wont even give a Bi/Pan female a chance.
    I guess out of the fear that they will cheat on em with a guy or leave em for a guy.
    If ur gna cheat, ur gonna cheat, girl or guy.
    So me being pansexual out here is kinda hard when i find interest in a female....
  • Rainbow_Brite86
    Because "menfolk" here think if you are bi it means you want a damned threesome, and not by yourself..

    From where I live they are believed we are attracted to everyone and anyone equally. and this is not true. I don't think most people know what pansexuality is nor heard of it.
    ... tend to get kind of a bad rap. At least they do where i'm from. Especially the menfolk. Let's talk about it, shall we?

    Why do you think that is?
    What are some of the things you've heard as a bisexual or as a partner of a bisexual?
    What were your reactions?
    We all have preferences and types, but why is it that portions of the hetero crowd tends to believe that since we're bisexual, then we must find EVERYONE attractive with no specific taste?