Stage 1



  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    Nelski - I have a BF% tester also. It's an Omniron (sp?) hand held thing. It varies a bit every time I use it, but as long as the overall number is going down, that's all I care about.
    Yup, that's the one!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member

    Overhead press - 65 lbs (oly bar)

    You do this instead of the shoulder press? Is that the correct term? I need something besides the shoulder press.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I believe it's the same thing, I just don't use dumbbells and use the olympic bar instead. Currently my heaviest dumbbells are 10 lbs. Have you searched for shoulder exercises? Might be worth talking with a trainer also to get some other exercises you can do to strengthen that shoulder.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I just wanted to introduce myself and say that I started Stage 1 Workout A today. It was a little nerve-wracking to walk up to that squat rack at the gym and use that giant Olympic bar for the first time! It was heavy!

    Squats: bar only (45 lb.)
    Pushups: on the floor
    Seated Row: 50 lbs.
    Step Ups: 25 lb. dumbells
    Prone Jacknife: ouch!

    I'm excited about Workout B on Thursday!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    welcome austelle.

    have fun with the program.

    today was my last B workout. thought i'd share my progress. the first number is from my very first set several weeks ago. the second number if from my last set this week

    squat: 85 ->160
    pushup: regular ->decline on 5 step risers
    seated row: 100 ->180 (on a new machine/different angle)
    step up on 20" stool: 25->65
    prone jackknife : barely finish set -> pikes
    deadlift: 75 ->175
    DB shoulder press: Right 20, Left 22.5 Both 35
    wide lat pulldown: 95->127.5
    lunge : 22.5 ->35
    swiss ball crunch : 10# plate on chest ->35

    wide lat pulldowns are my achilles heel. something about that angle is weird plus i plateaud a lot since the machine i use goes up in increments of 7.5#. if they had 2.5# additions that would have been great

    pushups also plateaud a bit in the middle because of my shoulder issues, but those are pretty much cleared up.

    lunges : i didnt go up too much on weight i think because of balance issues. but the good news is i had much better balance on the the set from today.

    so this is it for me. I'm not doing the AMRAP. I'm waiting until April 22 to start the next stage since I need some time off for deloading. My knees, ankles, elbows and hands have been signalllng for a break for a few weeks now. I have to admit I'm sure part of my pain was from eating at a deficit, but them's the breaks

    Good luck everyone in stage 1! See you in stage 2 :happy:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hello, Austelle! tomorrow I will begin 4A workout.

    Mesha, good luck with stage 2.

    I am impressed with both of y'alls numbers. I'm probably being too wimpy with my weights especially with the lunges and step ups.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Deadlift - 79 (Took it down from 84 because of back issues. Def doing better!)
    Overhead press - 22 lbs each hand
    Assist pull-ups -Can't measure. I wonder how to tell if I am improving?
    Lunges - 22 lbs each hand
    Swiss ball - 25lbs overhead.

    Felt wimpy today so no increases. This workout is taking me just under an hour with warm-up, stretches and resting. I am a little alarmed that this is considered the "short" work-out by many :noway:

    :flowerforyou: Meesha,Totally impressed by your progress and numbers! Wow!
    I am not reloading weights for the dumbells sets because it's easier (lazy me:ohwell: ) but it seems the challenge is about right for me. Is this unusual?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Deadlift - 79 (Took it down from 84 because of back issues. Def doing better!)
    Overhead press - 22 lbs each hand
    Assist pull-ups -Can't measure. I wonder how to tell if I am improving?
    Lunges - 22 lbs each hand
    Swiss ball - 25lbs overhead.

    Felt wimpy today so no increases. This workout is taking me just under an hour with warm-up, stretches and resting. I am a little alarmed that this is considered the "short" work-out by many :noway:

    :flowerforyou: Meesha,Totally impressed by your progress and numbers! Wow!
    I am not reloading weights for the dumbells sets because it's easier (lazy me:ohwell: ) but it seems the challenge is about right for me. Is this unusual?

    the assist pullups are a bit weird in terms of weight. the weight you choose on the machine is the amount the machine is helping you pull up. so subtract your body weight from that amount to get an idea of how how much you're lifting.

    the lower the weight you choose on the machine, the more weight you are lifting yourself. hope that makes sense

    and the stage 1 workouts starting getting longer for me once we reached the 3 sets. i wasnt taking the full 60 second rests between sets for the first workouts because i didnt need them. but definitely by the end, i needed those 60 seconds and even would sometimes take a wee break after 4 reps, especially with those step ups
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    today was my last B workout. thought i'd share my progress. the first number is from my very first set several weeks ago. the second number if from my last set this week

    squat: 85 ->160
    pushup: regular ->decline on 5 step risers
    seated row: 100 ->180 (on a new machine/different angle)
    step up on 20" stool: 25->65
    prone jackknife : barely finish set -> pikes
    deadlift: 75 ->175
    DB shoulder press: Right 20, Left 22.5 Both 35
    wide lat pulldown: 95->127.5
    lunge : 22.5 ->35
    swiss ball crunch : 10# plate on chest ->35

    Wow, great job! Your weights progressed a lot! You also started some of your exercises close to where I am ending, I'm a whimp lol. I should be starting stage 2 April 24, after taking a week off. See ya there!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Does anyone feel like they are not doing nearly enough work? Five exercises in a workout, a few sets each, and I'm done in around 20-25 minutes.

    I have always felt like I need at least 90 minutes of exercise a day, though granted I was working high reps/low weights.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Does anyone feel like they are not doing nearly enough work? Five exercises in a workout, a few sets each, and I'm done in around 20-25 minutes.

    I have always felt like I need at least 90 minutes of exercise a day, though granted I was working high reps/low weights.

    I think it might feel that way in the beginning, especially if you are starting out with lighter weights while trying to figure our just how much you can do. Once I began lifting heavier after a few workouts I started feeling like it was more of a workout, especially when you get to 3 sets. 90 minutes seems like a lot unless you are including cardio.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Definitely including cardio in there, and often riding as well.
  • jbrown78
    jbrown78 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Everyone. I feel like I need to be talked off a ledge today. Now I know weighing myself everyday is a no no but I am a scale junkie! I am not losing!!! I am finding this very frustrating and now I am tempted to go back to 1200 cal. I know that I should stay off the scale and use measurements but I tried that and unless I am measuring differently some got bigger!! Sorry for the whining but...well who else will listen?:laugh:

    Is anyone else finding this problem? I am looking in to POX90 or Insanity to do as well as my lifting. I know the book says that the lifting should be enough but... maybe not?

    Currently at stage 1 workout A3 (doing tonight) and I and doing 3 sets each
    lat pulldown 60
    should press 15 each hand
    deadlift 55
    squat 65
    seated row 60
    lunges 20 each hand
    step up 20 each hand
    and 10 on floor push ups

    Thanks for listening to me whine. any advice is welcome!:heart:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I hear you about weighing and not seeing a loss. Today will be my 7th workout of the program (4A). Actually, I gained 4 pounds but back down 1 . 3 pound gain was not my hope for this. I want to be a lighter weight and leaner.

    I think if you go back to 1200 cals you will regret it. Are you cutting 300 calories? That's what I started doing this week to hopefully see a loss. BUT I am coming to the conclusion the scales do not matter as long as I am smaller. I just want it to hurry up and get here.

    Also, I don't think would see a difference in measurement this early. I know I know! I am doing the same. :embarassed:

    Hang in there. We are in this together.
  • kcfaber
    kcfaber Posts: 123 Member
    Jbrown: I know the weight loss thing is frustrating. I have felt the same and I am terrible about weighing daily. But now having completed the program I can honestly say my body looks a lot different even though the scale hasn't budged. My clothes fit better. More definition in my arms and legs and even my abs (hardest area for me to lose). Take pictures. Do the measurements. Try to get some measurement of body fat like calipers or something if you have access to them. I am doing p90x now and there is no way I could be doing it as well if I hadn't completed this program and I would definitely not do it in combination with this program if you are really lifting heavy. Obviously you have to decide for yourself what your goals are and how long you are willing to wait for visible results. This program is not a quick fix or even a weight loss program so much as a strength training/fat loss program. Stick with it if you can and I think you will be happy with the results you get.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    jbrown - I don't how many times a week you are lifting, but at 2x a week at most you have been at it for 2 weeks. I really suggest you give it a full month. This is a long term process, not short term and you have to put in the time to get results. I totally get wanting the instant satisfaction that you can get from doing lots of cardio and cutting calories, but this program will change your body much more than just losing weight. I know it's hard, but be patient if you can! :flowerforyou:

    After one month of trying to eat at maintenance and most days eating above maintenance because I was starving, I have not gained or lost any real weight. But, I have seen changes in how my clothes fit and the visible muscle on my body. It's likely you are stil retaining a bit of water, make sure you are drinking lots of water to flush out all that retention. If you look thru some of the later stages, you can see other peoples results and maybe that will motivate you. :smile:
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member

    I haven't started yet, but I'm just getting to the part in the book with the workouts, and I'm planning to finish reading this week and start lifting Monday (Apr. 16). So, in the process of planning, I have a few questions:

    1. The book says to take a week off after Stage 1. But week 6 of stage 1 only has 1 workout (B8). If I do it on a Monday (May 21), does that mean I start Stage 2 the following Monday (May 28, on 6 days rest), or do I take one full calendar week, and start Stage 2 on the following Monday (Jun. 4)?

    2. Also, during Stage 2 (assuming it's also about 6 weeks?), I'm going to be in Europe on vacation for 2 weeks. Assuming I won't have access to the necessary equipment while I'm away, do I just take a break from lifting those 2 weeks, or should I delay my Stage 1 start so that those 2 weeks are my break between Stage 1 and Stage 2?

    Thanks in advance for any help with these planning questions.

    *I admit I haven't read this whole thread yet, so if they're already asked & answered, feel free to say so, and I'll try to find them as I do read through it.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Karen - you actually have a few options.

    1. at the end of stage 1 are the AMRAPS - if you do these then you would be done on Friday May 25, then take a week off and start stage 2 on June 4.

    2. you could end on May 21 not do the AMRAPS and start stage 2 on May 28 - you would have a full 7 days off by then.

    3. You could go straight into stage 2 (I think it's only about 3 weeks), then maybe it won't interfere with your vacation, then you'll have 2 weeks off before starting stage 3

    4. You could take the break after stage 1, start stage 2, then just have a break in the middle somewhere and pick up where you left off when you get back from vacation.

    I hope I'm making sense. I'm having the same issue. I will end Stage 1 on Saturday (14th) and start Stage 2 right away on Tuesday (17th) get in 6 workouts, take a week break since I'll be out of town for work and just finish it when I get back.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member

    I haven't started yet, but I'm just getting to the part in the book with the workouts, and I'm planning to finish reading this week and start lifting Monday (Apr. 16). So, in the process of planning, I have a few questions:

    1. The book says to take a week off after Stage 1. But week 6 of stage 1 only has 1 workout (B8). If I do it on a Monday (May 21), does that mean I start Stage 2 the following Monday (May 28, on 6 days rest), or do I take one full calendar week, and start Stage 2 on the following Monday (Jun. 4)?

    2. Also, during Stage 2 (assuming it's also about 6 weeks?), I'm going to be in Europe on vacation for 2 weeks. Assuming I won't have access to the necessary equipment while I'm away, do I just take a break from lifting those 2 weeks, or should I delay my Stage 1 start so that those 2 weeks are my break between Stage 1 and Stage 2?

    Thanks in advance for any help with these planning questions.

    *I admit I haven't read this whole thread yet, so if they're already asked & answered, feel free to say so, and I'll try to find them as I do read through it.

    If you do the 2 special workouts in stage 1 it would be 6 full weeks. If you choose to not do them, I would start stage 2 a week after you stop stage 1 no matter what day you end 1. It's really up to you but you probably don't want much more than a week rest. I will be doing my last stage 1 workout on Monday the 16th and will start stage 2 Tuesday the 24th(I would start Monday but I'm getting back from camping that day.

    Stage 2 is only 3 weeks.
  • qtpie2006
    qtpie2006 Posts: 10
    What is C25k?