Stage 5 Questions



  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    I've been skipping the intervals if I have other cardio near the workout as well. I'm looking forward to giving workout B a go tomorrow! I'm going to head to the gym in the middle of the day and its usually a ghost town on Saturdays so I should be able to take all the space and time I need. All of the sudden I'm feeling excited about this again!

    So I'm curious, how many of you are planning to do stage 6? It seems to be a pretty even mix, but after reading through the stage 6 thread on here it sounded like it may be worth it. And maybe a nice "break" from all these little moves and more complex combinations before moving on to the last stage.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    stage 5 DONE! I really pushed myself but I didn't get to increase weights. Must be as strong as I can get right now.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Way to go Mary!!! that's a hard stage to increase weight on.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Ellie, I'm planning to do Stage 6. I guess I just want to do the program as designed--and though I have serious doubts I'll be able to do pull ups or chin-ups, I'd love to get there.

    Mary, congrats on finishing S5! Amazing! I think it's hard to raise weights on this stage, too. I was happy when I went up in weight from S3 for the first S5 workout, but today on my 2nd A workout I couldn't raise weights on anything (well, only for one set, then had to drop back down). I really wish dumbbells came in 1 or 2 lb. increments--jumping up 5 lbs is too much for me right now. I almost dropped a dumbbell on my head when doing incline bench press! I'd need a spotter to go any heavier on that one...

    Sam, great new picture! You look fantastic.
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I'm going to skip Stage 6. My goals are fat loss at this point (bikini for 7 days in 2 months). When I circle back around and do the program again, my goals (hopefully) will be different and I will do Stage 6. I need to get over there and read the thread anyways. I still would be pretty apprehensive about doing the negative pull ups at my gym. Where I'd be doing them is the epicenter of the gym! I'd have to claw my way in (which is fine) but I sure would have to swallow the ol pride to do something I know I'm weak at...
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    thanks dandelion.
    JNH the negatives aren't that bad. You just get up and slowly let yourself down, trying to stay as still as possible. Most people are impressed that your even on the apparatus. I love being stronger. Comes in handy when I have to pick up the kids, carry groceries, or move furniture.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Ellie - great job just getting in there and getting your workout done!

    So the baby is finally feeling better, but I wasn't feeling well on Saturday (along with hubby and my 9 yo) so I missed my workout. Thankfully it only lasted one day for us and not 4 like it did for the baby.

    Thanks everyone - my quad is feeling better, but now I've done something to my shoulder. It hurts to even lift it up away from my body, so don't know how my workout will go tomorrow. I should finish S5 this week and can start S6 next week. Hoping I won't need to postpone it with how my shoulder feels right now.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Decided to get my workout in today because Saturday may be sketchy with my 9 yo in a soccer tournament this weekend. I was able to up most of my weights.

    deadlift/row - 45 lb dumbbells
    single leg squat - 30 lbs
    lat pulldown - 115 lbs (nautilus machine)
    back extension - skipped this one, don't have the proper equipment
    YTWL - 12.5 lbs (same as last time) didn't go too bad considering my shoulder.
    Incline reverse - did 10 reps each set
    skipped all the other ab stuff
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    thanks dandelion.
    JNH the negatives aren't that bad. You just get up and slowly let yourself down, trying to stay as still as possible. Most people are impressed that your even on the apparatus. I love being stronger. Comes in handy when I have to pick up the kids, carry groceries, or move furniture.

    It's getting in the up position that worries me. The grips in my gym are WAY high in the air (in between the cables)!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Did my second A workout last night and seem to have suffered some type of over use injury on my inner thigh muscles. I don't know what happened. I went down in my first squat to do the one arm dumbbell snatch and it was instant pain. I was able to gingerly make it through the rest of the workout but I had to skip the BWM. Both of my legs were just burning when I got home and they are still very sore this morning. I had a similar type muscle pain in stage 4 in my quad. Seemed that resting it was the only solution, but has anyone else had this happen? I would like to know what it is so I don't keep repeating this. I don't feel like I've been over training. I did my workout B on Saturday, went for a jog on sunday and yesterday was a rest day.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    ellie - are you doing any warmups with lighter weights before you get to the actual weight you're working with?
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    I had been using the elliptical as a "full body" type warm up as that was what I has seen a lot of people doing, but I was thinking that not being warmed up enough may be part of the problem. In reality, though, I was only squatting with a 20 lb db so I would have considered that light for the squat part at least! Could be a lingering problem for not getting properly warmed up and cooled down for awhile, though. I will try a better warm up next time and hopefully this won't keep me out of commission for too long.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hmmmm Ellie, that's too bad. Warming up more might help, or really controlling your motion. I've had inner-thigh tightness during squats and I just watch my position and make sure I'm not torquing out to one side--that seems to help. Hope you feel better quickly!

    I'm really enjoying the B workout this go-round. I think it's all the ab work. I love the incline crunches (now that I've finally gotten up the courage to climb up on the bench and do them right in the middle of the weight area!). And I like being sore the next day, like today.

    Total rest day for me today, yay!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Finished workout A4 yesterday. Here are my results

    Snatch - 25 < 40
    single leg DL - 25 < 40
    db Bent over row - 40 < 40
    one arm squat - 15/25 < 20/45
    db incline press - 25 < 30
    plank - I could only get 90 to start, then just started doing 60 and then just started skipping them
    wood chop - 20 lbs on floor, never increased and started skipping these also
    BWM - same as Stage 3 - just over 2 minutes and had to skip them most of the time because I only have an hour at lunch and didn't have time to do them.

    I like workout A much better. I really dislike all the ab stuff.

    ellie - I do a 5 minute warm up on the elliptical, but still do warm ups with lighter weights before I start going heavy. And 20 lbs might not seem heavy, but if it's heavy for you, then it would be considered heavy.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey Jen! You will be finished in now time!

    I almost bailed on my ab workout last time but I didn't. Figured the exercises are in there for a reason.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I only had to skip them most days because I didn't have the time. I was doing 4 sets of everything. Maybe if I'd only done 3 sets, I would have had time to get them in. The gym at work has heavier dumbbells than I have at home, but that only gives me an hour the get it all in over my lunch break.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    I opted for more sleep this morning instead of my 3rd A workout. So...won't be done with this stage for another week and a half. Oh well, no hurry to do the BWM again!
  • Febgirl
    Febgirl Posts: 68 Member

    Thought I would jump in here - I started Stage 5 last weekend. I'm finding it really hard to get motivated, all the repeat of exercises is starting to get a bit repetitive. In saying that, I've had fantastic results so far, and bought my first pair of (shortish) shorts today - my thighs have always been my problem area but they're not looking too bad now thanks to NROLFW :) I've got a beach holiday booked in a months time so that will be my motivation to get through Stage 5!

    I think I'm going to just do 3 sets of each, not 4. Back to the gym tomorrow.
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi Febgirl, and welcome! I'm feeling rather unmotivated, too. I don't know if it's the repeat exercises or if I'm tired of lifting/working out in general, or just needed a break, but I skipped all my workouts at the end of last week. I *must* go to the gym tomorrow morning, but right now I don't feel like doing anything!! Weird...

    Anyway, I"ll check in tomorrow. Hopefully to say I killed my S5 WOA3....
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member

    Thought I would jump in here - I started Stage 5 last weekend. I'm finding it really hard to get motivated, all the repeat of exercises is starting to get a bit repetitive. In saying that, I've had fantastic results so far, and bought my first pair of (shortish) shorts today - my thighs have always been my problem area but they're not looking too bad now thanks to NROLFW :) I've got a beach holiday booked in a months time so that will be my motivation to get through Stage 5!

    I think I'm going to just do 3 sets of each, not 4. Back to the gym tomorrow.

    4 sets is definately rough!