Stage 7 Questions (the final countdown)



  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I did not do 7.4. Probably hit it tomorrow.
    ebaymommy, you are incredible to be doing marathon training at the same time as this stage! I think you'll feel better after another workout or two. My legs didn't kill me after 7.3 like they did the first two workouts.

    I sincerely hope so! I'm not sure I can carry on like this for another month. I can't remember my quads ever hurting like this. I probably need to foam roll them but I'm afraid of the pain! On the plus side I'm eating over 2000/day and still losing weight so my "cut" after bulking is not seeming to painful at all. :)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I did not do 7.4. Probably hit it tomorrow.
    ebaymommy, you are incredible to be doing marathon training at the same time as this stage! I think you'll feel better after another workout or two. My legs didn't kill me after 7.3 like they did the first two workouts.

    I sincerely hope so! I'm not sure I can carry on like this for another month. I can't remember my quads ever hurting like this. I probably need to foam roll them but I'm afraid of the pain! On the plus side I'm eating over 2000/day and still losing weight so my "cut" after bulking is not seeming to painful at all. :)

    That is awesome! Gotta love having muscles :)

    Finished 7.4. I feel like I'm not going to make ANY progress on the alternating sets, but I did increase my weights a little today on all but the pull downs.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    I finished 7.5 Last night... That was a hard workout. I felt like between the barbell bench press and the pushups my arms were going to give out! I was able to increase my reps to 20 for most exercises in the 2nd half on that one, so I'm feeling pretty good there.

    Is everyone doing these workouts a second time for the full 12 besides me? I'm really feeling positive about the results even though I feel like dying during these workouts!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    My plan is to stick with Stage 7 until the end of Feb. Hopefully that will be 9 workouts. Then I'll move into Supercharged. I really HATE these workouts, but I agree with you on the results. Who knows, I may stick with it for the full 12, but I doubt it.
    My booty is sooo sore today. I increased the height of the step I'm using on the step-ups for this stage and it really makes a difference.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    I started the 2nd round of stage 7 last night, and I'm definitely seeing improvements from the first time I went through it. Still hard, but damn, I'm super proud of myself :-)
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I finished 7.5 Last night... That was a hard workout. I felt like between the barbell bench press and the pushups my arms were going to give out! I was able to increase my reps to 20 for most exercises in the 2nd half on that one, so I'm feeling pretty good there.

    Is everyone doing these workouts a second time for the full 12 besides me? I'm really feeling positive about the results even though I feel like dying during these workouts!

    I'm planning to do the full 12. If I live that long. LOL!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Alli, you weren't kidding about 7.5. My chest, arms, back are sore! I felt like I got a great workout. I think I'm getting used to these and I may do the full 12.
    My diet last week was horrible. Vacation combined with TOM and valentines day probably will keep me from seeing any results for a week or two.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    I did 7.3 yesterday and finally had a day with (almost) no DOMS. Thank goodness! Last week was really rough.
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Stage 7, I am in you!!

    Finished the first workout yesterday, some minor DOMS. It took a bit of experimenting to see what weights to use with that many reps, but when it was done I felt GREAT! So proud of myself for sticking with this. Congrats to everyone - we can do it! :)
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    7.4 done! This week is tons easier than last week. I'm using the same (or even slightly upping) my weights and not having the awful DOMS that I did after workouts 1 & 2. Thank goodness!

    And can I just say that I *dread* the step-ups in this stage? They go on & on & on & on.......
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    elg, glad you're joining us! I was frustrated with how much I had to decrease my weights for the higher reps, but it seems to work anyway!
    ebaymommy, glad that you're not having the DOMS. I HATE the step-ups for this stage. It's one of those exercises that HURTS no matter how light my weights are. I can do just body weight and they STILL HURT, LOL.
    Finished 7.6 today. I was glad I went at a busy time because it really made me want to push myself since there were so many women staring at me while I did DLs, LOL. Can't decide if I want to keep doing these torturous workouts or just do a few simple compound workouts until I decide what to do for my Supercharged workouts.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Oh my goodness Stage 6 is finally over for me. Four rounds of antibiotics, then out of control asthma, then I screwed up my wrist (again). Wrist is still in disrepair, but its workable. Im moving on. Stage 7, Ill see you Monday morning.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Nthn, I am glad you're finally able to join us! What an ordeal you've been through. Maybe the "break" has given you some nice rest time to KILL Stage 7.

    I lifted this morning, but was too sore and tired to do another Stage 7 workout. I did 3 sets of front squat/push press X 6, and 2 sets of split squats, push-ups, romanian DL/bent row X 12 with shorter rests and then finished with back extensions and reverse crunches. Still reading Supercharged and so ready to start it Friday!
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    Life has given me a bit of a break mid stage 7, so I'll be taking it easy until Thursday at this point. I'm hoping that this mini break will help me finish stage 7 nice and strong!!
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    Cowgirl and Ali, its good to see you both again!

    I wasnt going to start Stage 7 until Monday, but last night I realized I need to have my daughter to the pediatrician for suture removal in the morning. Then I have to see my ortho for my wrist in the afternoon. That wouldnt leave me any time for the gym. :frown: Screw that. I went ahead and started today.

    Oh dear goodness. Stage 7 should be renamed the 7th Circle of Hell. Its completely a mental game. I had to keep talking myself into finishing. It was brutal. Please tell me you girls are seeing the inches just melt off of you. 'Cause Im not sure the torture is worth it if this fat isnt just going to melt off at this point! :wink: :laugh:

    As if that workout werent enough, I decided it would be a bright idea to come home and mow the lawn. I am one whooped puppy. I sure as heck am hoping for a good night's sleep tonight!

    Hope you girls are well! Ive missed chatting with you!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Alli, hope you enjoy your break.
    Nthn, the workouts ARE a mental game. But the DOMS is very much physical, lol. I actually went back to eating a light breakfast before I workout because I felt like I was barely able to complete them fasted. I *think* I've had good results, but I weigh in on Friday and will measure then too and let you know for sure. Problem is that I went on vacation during Stage 7 and my eating was reeeeeally bad.

    Hoping to do another Stage 7 workout tomorrow.
  • allikat819
    allikat819 Posts: 125 Member
    Yes, Nthn, these workouts a huge mental game. I usually do ok for the first set, but the 2nd and 3rd are horrifying because I keep remembering that I have more to get through before I'm done.

    I've definitely had good results from this stage - I'm losing inches and my pants are getting too big. This a huge part of the reason I'm opting to do the full 12 workouts.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Alli, that's great! I am told that Supercharged is similar to Stage 7, I am hoping for good results from it too.
    I did 7.1 again today. Was able to up weights on everything. So happy about that!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    7.6 - done this morning! Can't believe I'm saying this but I'm totally in for round 2 of this stage. I'm dripping sweat in these workouts and that makes me strangely happy.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    So I started round 2 today. FIrst go-round I did 15 reps for all exercises, all sets. This time I'm upping it to 20.....with the exception of push-ups, I just can't do 4 rounds of 20. I did 20 on the first set and then dropped back to 15 for the remaining 3 sets. 20 reps seems like a lot more than 15 when you're already tired. LOL!