Stage 7 Questions (the final countdown)



  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Did workout 2 on Thursday and felt much better. It still killed me while I was doing it, but no doms this time around. Back to the lunges tomorrow though. ..
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Let's make it Sunday thanks to insensitive husband.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    OK WO2 wasn't o bad. What I find interesting is that my average and max heart rate were higher, but I didn't feel like I was going to be sick or pass out like in WO1. Maybe because I was more cautious with the weight. I did 55lbs for the BB Incline BP; 90 for the seated row. Then I only used 15lb dbs for the rotation exercises: Elevated DB Squat (20reps), shoulder press (15reps), and step ups (15reps). then 60lbs for the Under lat pulls (20reps). My left hand was cramping really bad by the end.
  • zukkiz
    zukkiz Posts: 362 Member
    I am so glad I am not the only one that was trying to catch my breath. I went in thinking, "I can do 20 reps no problem. I got this." Um, no I put everything down to 15 reps and my butt was still kicked. Love it though.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    OK WO2 wasn't o bad. What I find interesting is that my average and max heart rate were higher, but I didn't feel like I was going to be sick or pass out like in WO1. Maybe because I was more cautious with the weight. I did 55lbs for the BB Incline BP; 90 for the seated row. Then I only used 15lb dbs for the rotation exercises: Elevated DB Squat (20reps), shoulder press (15reps), and step ups (15reps). then 60lbs for the Under lat pulls (20reps). My left hand was cramping really bad by the end.
    These are pretty much the exact weights I used as well (I only did 70 on the rows) and I definitely felt like 7.2 was easier than 7.1 as well. I wonder if I had some massive CNS adaption from 7.1 that helped? I did 7.3 yesterday and it didn't seem anywhere near as bad as 7.1, although my arms were a lot more tired (from the deadlifts) and the last few rows were REALLY hard. No DOMS today though.
  • Sk8rG
    Sk8rG Posts: 55 Member
    I did WO1 on Saturday and my lower body is seriously sore today....the 2nd day is always the worst for me. Mostly glutes and hamstrings. I will do WO2 tomorrow and hope that like some of you experienced I have less a desire to pass out or chuck my breakfast. I stuck to the 30 sec rest between exercises, but I rested between sets until my HR went back to 135 ish.

    WO1 weights:

    Squats: 105 lbs
    Lunges: 20 lb dumbbells
    Regular pushups
    Bent Over Rows: 20 lb dumbbells
    Deadlifts: 65lbs

    I did the full 4 sets - only 15 reps each - could not make it to 20.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    No DOMS for 7.2 either. I'm hoping for a better workout for 7.3 tomorrow (same cycle as 7.1)
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    I am so glad I am not the only one that was trying to catch my breath. I went in thinking, "I can do 20 reps no problem. I got this." Um, no I put everything down to 15 reps and my butt was still kicked. Love it though.

    I had the same mentality! I really had to fight to get to 15 on some of them....pushups I could only muster 10. But I still felt like I worked.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Did 7.3 tonight. It's those static lunges that will be the death of me. Tonight I did them with 20lb dbs. I managed 12 pushups each cycle, 65 for the romanian deadlifts and 40lbs for the rows and I only did 100 on the barbell deadlift. I know I can go higher but I didn't want to push it and max out before the circuit of death. I felt decent until I sat in the car. THEN I felt like I wanted to throw up and pass out.

    PS crazy lifter chick next to me ricked out a 155 set of squats and 185 deadlift.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    PS crazy lifter chick next to me ricked out a 155 set of squats and 185 deadlift.
    Nice! My goal is 150 for each by the end of the year. Going to do some stronglifts work after I finish stage 7; my best is about 125-130 so far (though I'm a little lighter for the stage 7 lifts at the moment).
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Me too. I'm going into NROL4ABS but I really do want to go big.
  • katiedid1226
    katiedid1226 Posts: 233 Member
    Today is my last day! I will miss this program.
    I'm going to take the month of October to do whatever excercises I want!
    30 Day Shred in November, and Turbofire in December.

    I think.....

    Then maybe start up again in January? What is everyone else doing?
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    7.3 done. Didn't increase weight but really focused on maxing my reps.
    Squat 90x8x2
    DBsquat 30x20x4
    Shoulder press 30x15x4
    step up 30x20x4
    pulldown 70x15x3
    warm up was tough when stretching out my hammies. still a little stiff from Wednesday, but really decent workout tonight.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    7.4 and I HATE FING Static lunges!! I wanted to pass out again. My ears were ringing like crazy and I was breathing like an 80 year old smoker.
    BBBP: 60x2x8
    Seated row: 90x2x8
    Static lunges 40x15x3, 40x10x1
    push=ups 12x4
    RDL: 40x20x3, 50x20x1
    DBROW: 40x15x4

    Only one WO left!!!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Just did 7.2 today. This is so much harder than it seems it should be! 7.1 and 7.2 both made me feel like I was going to pass out and/or die halfway through. My arms seem useless now. Couple of days ago it was my legs. Wow. Just wow. Wonder what the reasoning is for the higher reps with such short rest periods since it's such a deviation from the rest of the workouts.

    Anyway, here's my stats if anyone's interested.

    Squats: 92 lb 8 reps X 3 (probably my mistake) 90 sec
    Static Lunge w/ Rear Foot Elevated: 25 lb pair 15 reps X 2 sets, 15 lb pair 15 reps X 2 sets 30 sec
    Pushups: Regular 15 reps X 4 30 sec
    Romanian Deadlifts: 92 lb 10 reps X 4 sets (seriously, I couldn't do more than 10. Didn't occur to me to change the plates) 30 sec
    DB Rows: 25 lb pair 15 reps X 4 sets 30 sec

    Barbell Bench Press: Olympic bar 8 reps X 1 set, 52 lb 2 reps X 2 sets (could do more but I knew this time what was coming) 90 sec
    Seated Row: 82 lb 15 reps X 2 sets, 52 lb 10 reps X 2 set 30 sec
    DB squat w/ heels raised: 15 lb pair 15 reps X 2 sets, 10 reps X 2 sets 30 sec
    Step Ups: 15 lb pair 15 reps X 2 sets, 10 reps X 2 sets 30 sec
    Lat Pulldown: 100 lb 15 reps X 2 sets, 70 lb 15 reps X 2 sets 30 sec

    I lost my book apparently, so did 7.2 from what you guys posted here. If anyone can PM me the rest of the workouts, I'd really appreciate it. I don't really see the point of rebuying the book for 4 more workouts. Plus I'd have to order it online since my local Barnes & Noble doesn't have it currently.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member

    Barbell Bench Press: Olympic bar 8 reps X 1 set, 52 lb 2 reps X 2 sets (could do more but I knew this time what was coming) 90 sec
    Should say 52 lb 8 reps X 2 sets
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hello ladies. I start Stage 7 on Saturday, hopefully. My kids have soccer games at 8am, 10am, 12:15 and 4pm. Then I'm having drinks with my sisters at 8:30 that night. Hoping I can get up early and get my lifting in.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome Jennie to stage 7.

    I'm done and out of here. LOL
    7.6 Deadlift 110x2x8
    Step up 50x4x15
    DBsquat 40x20x4
    shoulder press 40x15x4
    Under lat pull 70x4x15
    My traps are screaming today and I had a very hard tome changing my clothes after work HA.
    It was a good workout and I didn't feel like I was going to die.

    YEAH!! I done!!!!!!!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    lost my book apparently, so did 7.2 from what you guys posted here. If anyone can PM me the rest of the workouts, I'd really appreciate it. I don't really see the point of rebuying the book for 4 more workouts. Plus I'd have to order it online since my local Barnes & Noble doesn't have it currently.
    7.3 opens deadlift and repeats 7.1
    7.4 opens with squat and repeats 7.2
    7.5 BBBP incline repeat 7.1
    7.6 is a deadlift repeat 7.2
    opening exercises are 2x8, four exercise circuit is 4x15-20
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Thanks everyone who helped me with getting 7.3-7.6 workouts! You guys are great. Planning on doing 7.3 in a few hours. Hope it doesn't kill me :ohwell: