Calling all Quiters ?



    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    This Thursday is my quit day. I've read all your posts and am so proud of you all. You give me the motivation to know I can do it. The last few days I've been changing up the psychological portion of this BAD habit. I try not to smoke with my morning coffee, in the car or after a meal, etc. So far so good. Ya'll keep up the good work!!!
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Hey Everyone,
    I joined the group a while ago, but I just put the smokes down, once again, yesterday morning. I had my last one yesterday morning at 7 am. So, I am just over 26 hours.... I am using the patch and lots of gum. I will check in daily. This is the only thing that works for me.. I can't continue to smoke for SO many reasons... My husband doesn't like it, and there is no way I can do Turbo Fire and smoke...
    Keep it smoke free!!
    Have a good one!
  • I am on day 2 of no smoking, I have smoked for 34 years, quit a few times in between but always went back to it, I want to stay off of them for good this time, I too am using the patch this time, but I do find it really hard after I am done eating something, that's when I crave them the most, and now that I am not smoking after I eat, I just want to continue eating, how long does this last? I am really hard on myself so I don't want to put back on any weight, so I am going to start working out more, I am just afraid that I am going to keep myself so busy that I will run myself down. I need a happy medium, I know that in the long run if I put on a couple of pounds that is still better than smoking. My mother has copd and my younger brother had cancer in his lungs, I don't want that to be me. Very thankful there is a place here where I can say what I'm feeling and I'm sure lots can understand. Thanks everyone.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I am on day 2 of no smoking, I have smoked for 34 years, quit a few times in between but always went back to it, I want to stay off of them for good this time, I too am using the patch this time, but I do find it really hard after I am done eating something, that's when I crave them the most, and now that I am not smoking after I eat, I just want to continue eating, how long does this last?

    For me this feeling lasted about a week... just try to keep yourself occupied with something when you finish eating. I found having a candy cane for desert really helped me (yea, its more food... but it's only 50 calories and takes a while if you just suck on it, and you get that hand to mouth motion you crave). You may have to play with things to see what will work for you.

    Good luck!! Everything gets easier after day 3, you can do it!
  • Shishkeberry
    Shishkeberry Posts: 95 Member
    Congratulations and welcome to the new members, both those of you who recently quit and those of you that are doing it soon! Way to go!

    I have good news! My DF just decided to quit with me and he has successfully made it through 3 days now. I'm so proud of him!
  • patiencez2
    patiencez2 Posts: 160 Member
    Good Job Everyone, Glad we have quitters here *smile* Going on 8 months here. Best thing I ever did.
    I don't remember coughing a lot, one day at a time is all we can do. Yeah we are Non Smokers!!!!
  • cmiles23
    cmiles23 Posts: 234 Member
  • patiencez2
    patiencez2 Posts: 160 Member
    That was when I wanted one the most to was in the car! don't know why was expecting it to be after I ate.
    Hang in there it will soon pass. I now have to have something to drink in the car. Water Coffee something!
  • Shishkeberry
    Shishkeberry Posts: 95 Member
    After tonight it will be one month for me and a week for my DF. Yay!
  • patiencez2
    patiencez2 Posts: 160 Member
    Just checking in Glad all is doing well, So Proud of everyone. Yes we have control of our Life Yeah!!!!!!
  • ConkreteChic
    ConkreteChic Posts: 72 Member
    Hey y'all! I posted somewhere that Friday was going to be my quit date, and I stuck to it! So now I'm 72 hours smoke free (using the patch) and going strong. I know this is the best thing I can do for my health - I was working out hard 5 days a week, getting my water, juicing vegetables, eating fewer calories, taking the stairs at work, fitting in more fruits and veggies, taking vitamins and supplements, eating organic and................*smoking*? WTH? Now I really feel committed to living a healthy lifestyle!

    Just thought I'd post a few of the benefits I'm feeling (it motivates me to see it listed out, and maybe it will help motivate others, too!):

    - More time in my day (10 cigarettes (minimum) X 7 minutes smoking = 70 minutes, at least, I have to do other stuff)
    - I smell good...damn good.
    - No more planning around cigarettes - going certain places used to make me nervous because I knew I couldnt smoke there
    - Enjoying time with family - like above, I used to kind of dread doing stuff with family, and I couldnt wait to get out of there
    because they didn't know I smoked and I didn't want them to. But I love them and I want to enjoy my time with them!!
    - Good health! Every day I don't smoke is one day closer to having the body of a non-smoker
    - I'm not a hypocrite - How did I ever think I could be healthy by doing all these things to alter my diet and exercise, but
    continuing to smoke?
    - I can push myself - now exercise is determined by my fitness level, which I can change, and not by my diminishing lung
    - Setting a good example - I NEVER want my daughter to smoke, and I've told her how I wished I'd never started and how
    quitting is probably the hardest thing I will ever do. She can now be proud of me and learn by my example.
    - Gaining control - cigarettes absolutely OWNED me. I was sick of planning around when I could smoke
    - Getting rid of guilt - I felt bad about myself and my choices every time I had a cigarette...especially around other people.
    - My car smells nice again and isn't dusty and ashy
    - I'm lessening my impact on the environment
    - My singing voice is already improving (I'm a karaoke nut)

    There are probably MILLIONS more reasons, but those are some of my biggies.

    I hope you all have a great, smoke-free day. You are my inspiration, so stay strong!! Cheers to all of us who have quit or are thinking about quitting! :drinker:
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hey y'all! I posted somewhere that Friday was going to be my quit date, and I stuck to it! So now I'm 72 hours smoke free (using the patch) and going strong. I know this is the best thing I can do for my health - I was working out hard 5 days a week, getting my water, juicing vegetables, eating fewer calories, taking the stairs at work, fitting in more fruits and veggies, taking vitamins and supplements, eating organic and................*smoking*? WTH? Now I really feel committed to living a healthy lifestyle!

    Hooray!!! Congrats on quitting, and your past the 72 hour mark... it gets easier everyday from here! I'm proud of you.. and you are setting such a great example for your daughter. Just keep all your reasons in mind and how you have been feeling lately when you get cravings... it will make it so much easier to say 'no'. Keep it up, you are doing great! :flowerforyou:

    I recently stopped wearing my patch. I figured I would use it until I could control the habitual cravings. Well I forgot to put a patch on saturday by accident... then sunday I figured I would see if I could get by without... and I did. I took a patch with me to work but I still haven't put it on, and I don't really feel like I need to. So, I think I am done with them... which is great because I don't like how they make my arms hurt!!
  • patiencez2
    patiencez2 Posts: 160 Member
    Hey y'all! I posted somewhere that Friday was going to be my quit date, and I stuck to it! So now I'm 72 hours smoke free (using the patch) and going strong. I know this is the best thing I can do for my health - I was working out hard 5 days a week, getting my water, juicing vegetables, eating fewer calories, taking the stairs at work, fitting in more fruits and veggies, taking vitamins and supplements, eating organic and................*smoking*? WTH? Now I really feel committed to living a healthy lifestyle!

    I am so Proud of you *smile* I know You can do this! Keep up the good work it is so worth it, For your self and your kids.
    I recently stopped wearing my patch. I figured I would use it until I could control the habitual cravings. Well I forgot to put a patch on saturday by accident... then sunday I figured I would see if I could get by without... and I did. I took a patch with me to work but I still haven't put it on, and I don't really feel like I need to. So, I think I am done with them... which is great because I don't like how they make my arms hurt!!

    I quit using the patch and forgot to put them on. I carried them around for awhile in case I needed it. But I still have some left. They made me have nightmares at night. I had to take them off at night anyway.
    I feel so much better not smelling like nicotine, I can breath. Food taste better. Life is good.