Who's Starting When?



  • I am starting tomorrow. I've been stuck at the same weight for almost three weeks now. I really need a kick start. Looking forward to this!
  • hey guys i just started this morning :D I'm always saying ill start tomorrow or next week or whatever so i just decided this time I'm starting right now!

    I'm new to my fitness pal too ( just joined last night!) so can anyone tell me how i get the ticker tape to come up at the bottom of my posts?

    i will post my measurements tonight and r we doing before and after pics too?

    quick q is anyone else doing the meal plan that comes with the 30 day shred? i live in Egypt so i cant always get my hands on everything the meals call for but ill do my best!

    sorry about all the questions :)

  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Ashamed of these measurments, but I guess honesty is motivating...


    Arm Left : 17.5

    Arm Right : 17.5

    Chest :42

    Waist : 44.5

    Hips : 55

    Thigh Left : 30

    Thigh Right : 30
  • diddy12
    diddy12 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi All,

    I really need the support when it comes to exercise lately... Just cant seem to get the will to do it. So hopefully being part of this group will help. Accountability always helps! Will start the 1st

    good luck everyone!

  • erica714
    erica714 Posts: 48 Member
    I started yesterday.



    R Arm: 11.0
    L Arm 11.25

    Chest 38.5

    Waist 32.0

    Hips 40.5

    R Thigh 23.0
    L Thigh 21.5
  • MrsFelton2010
    MrsFelton2010 Posts: 339 Member
    I am starting on the 1st of December :-). I also have 6w6p so I am thinking of mixing that in as well
  • i'm starting on the 1st! I'll probably incorporate some other workouts in as well. it seems these last 13 pounds are getting stubborn! :)
  • awadm
    awadm Posts: 252
    Just bought it on eBay last night! Should be here in a few days and that's when I'll start it!...cannot wait to shed the pounds :D
  • JonathanMFP
    JonathanMFP Posts: 44 Member
    Day 1 started this morning, not yesterday as previously posted.

    As for measurements, my chest appears to be 50 inches. But along with arm and thigh measurements, I keep getting different numbers depending on how I hold the tape measure, if I move slightly, etc. Since I can't be sure I'll measure everything the same way at the end, I'll just stick with what I'm already tracking here on MyFitnessPal:

    -Neck: 17
    -Waist: 50
    -Hips: 50

    I did take some starting pictures, though. Not my best, by far. They are definitely a good reality check, though, and seeing them makes me glad I'm doing this challenge.

    And thankful for this whole MyFitnessPal site and community.
  • I'm starting tomorrow. I lost about 55 pounds in 2010 but have been trying (unsuccessfully) to lose a final 10 for almost a year now! I have a cruise at the end of December so I'm hoping you all can help me stay on track and be accountable. I exercise a lot already (8 hours a week between cardio and strength training), but I've heard great things about 30 day shred and love the idea of everybody supporting each other. Thanks!
  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    So glad everyone is here!! =)
    Welcome! And get excited for our results!!
  • Shannon_Nicole83
    Shannon_Nicole83 Posts: 181 Member
    Today is my last day on my first shred, I'll restart on the 1st, but I'm planning on mixing up the levels a bit now. I did level 1, 2, and 3 for ten days each, I might switch levels every couple days this time to keep it interesting. I think I'm going to add more cardio too, I found a "sweating to the 80's" on Amazon and it looks fun. I took measurements on November 1st, will measure again tonight and see what's changed. Those will be my new starting point for December. Also, I didn't take pictures last time, but I wish I did so I'll take those tonight too (please excuse the rolls/stretch marks :sad: )
  • dianer75935
    dianer75935 Posts: 186 Member
    Starting on the 1st
  • lbdee
    lbdee Posts: 31
    I'm starting on the 1st. Got my DVD from Target yesterday, $10. Will post measurements tomorrow too. Anyone have suggestions for the best time to do this workout?? Work schedule 8:30-5:30 M-F with 1 hour lunch makes it hard!!! ;-( Looking forward to being "shred" in 30 days!!!
  • neesh200
    neesh200 Posts: 9 Member
    Going to get the dvd today and start tomorrow!!!
  • My plan is to start tomorrow, the 1st. I've been laid out sick though, so we'll see how that goes.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I'm starting on the 1st. Got my DVD from Target yesterday, $10. Will post measurements tomorrow too. Anyone have suggestions for the best time to do this workout?? Work schedule 8:30-5:30 M-F with 1 hour lunch makes it hard!!! ;-( Looking forward to being "shred" in 30 days!!!

    I do most of my exerise at 5 am and since this DVD is only 25 minutes you probably wouldn't have to get up quite so early. I work from 7am-4pm and have 4 boys at home. No exercising gets done once I'm home for the day.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    (please excuse the rolls/stretch marks :sad: )

    Same here - after 4 kids my body is not even close to the same it was.
  • sunnydays33
    sunnydays33 Posts: 170 Member
    Starting tomorrow! YAY!! Thanks for organizing the group...I'll post my measurements in the other thread.
  • I wanna start on the 2nd or 3rd (frankly whenever I can get my hands on that DVD!) I got 3 lb dumbbells, but I may also invest in the 5 lbers too. =]

    Yeah- I was wondering what weight everyone was going to use... I have 3 lbs and 5 lbs
    I usually use my 2 lbs or 3 lbs pounds for this. Then again, last time I did it, I only got 10 days in before I stopped (lack of motivation and too many term papers, lol)