December Challenge



  • Davy_RockHit
    Hi, Sorry to be so late in jumping on here! I am in love with Roller Derby and I am so excited that I made the All Star Team!!!! Anyways I am finally getting a chance to open up my schedule to include my Zumba and Shake and Tone Classes. My goal is to do a class everyday that I am not doing roller derby :) cant wait to build up a routine. My weight loss is going great and I am so in awe of my size dropping, it is becoming more dramatic every day.
  • BellaBones
    Hi, Sorry to be so late in jumping on here! I am in love with Roller Derby and I am so excited that I made the All Star Team!!!! Anyways I am finally getting a chance to open up my schedule to include my Zumba and Shake and Tone Classes. My goal is to do a class everyday that I am not doing roller derby :) cant wait to build up a routine. My weight loss is going great and I am so in awe of my size dropping, it is becoming more dramatic every day.

    That is awesome, and think if you could zumba and derby in the same day.... what a burn that would be, I am starting to step up my game. Everyone is doing so well. Make sure to keep up, you are doing so well! Keep us posted here. Motivate and support :)
  • BellaBones
    So I skated this morning for 50 minutes. Then I skated tonight for about 30 and did what we call the chamber, basically a whole half hour circut routine. Crazy core. I sweated my butt off, literally. Today felt so awesome, walking up early to exercise and ending my night with a intense hour work out, watch out!!!!
  • BellaBones
    Yay I love this more people replying and putting theor thoughts in and adding the support we all need. This is great! Now if only more people can tell us what they are doing and get our lovely support!!! I think we rock socks !!!

    Anywho, did my 1 hour of skating... endurance style, jam style, broke out a huge sweat and it was really cold so I know I was working my booty off, literally!!!

    Today I am going to work my arms and core and then do some xmas decorating and house cleaning. No skating or endurance, but the housework and decorating should help out.

    I agree! The more people the better! I love the enthusiasm and the support. It's so nice to have people in your corner.

    Good job on the skating! Make sure you drink lots of water to make up for all you sweat out. :) and housework and decorating can be an excellent little workout. It's stimulating for the body and mind, and when you're done your place will look pretty.

    Good work team! We're killing it!!!

    Yes, water water water... I drink way to much gatorade, it should be only one gatorade and the rest water. :) Today was great, and yes team we are awesome and killing it. Looking forward to leaving the chocolate behind next week, bring it.
  • Labcoathipster
    So I skated this morning for 50 minutes. Then I skated tonight for about 30 and did what we call the chamber, basically a whole half hour circut routine. Crazy core. I sweated my butt off, literally. Today felt so awesome, walking up early to exercise and ending my night with a intense hour work out, watch out!!!!

    Awesome job!!! A full day of training for you then. I bet you'll sleep well tonight!

    Today was a rest day for me. Tomorrow I hit it hard! 30 minutes cardio (elliptical) and abs, arms, shoulders and back workout. Ho!!!
  • Labcoathipster
    Hi, Sorry to be so late in jumping on here! I am in love with Roller Derby and I am so excited that I made the All Star Team!!!! Anyways I am finally getting a chance to open up my schedule to include my Zumba and Shake and Tone Classes. My goal is to do a class everyday that I am not doing roller derby :) cant wait to build up a routine. My weight loss is going great and I am so in awe of my size dropping, it is becoming more dramatic every day.

    Welcome! I'm not a derby girl but I'm an ex rugby player. I quit after a dislocated rib and broken finger. That and I was out of shape. Now I'm back training for the Tough Mudder and a mini triathalon. So excited to have more people join us!
  • Labcoathipster
    Yay I love this more people replying and putting theor thoughts in and adding the support we all need. This is great! Now if only more people can tell us what they are doing and get our lovely support!!! I think we rock socks !!!

    Anywho, did my 1 hour of skating... endurance style, jam style, broke out a huge sweat and it was really cold so I know I was working my booty off, literally!!!

    Today I am going to work my arms and core and then do some xmas decorating and house cleaning. No skating or endurance, but the housework and decorating should help out.

    I agree! The more people the better! I love the enthusiasm and the support. It's so nice to have people in your corner.

    Good job on the skating! Make sure you drink lots of water to make up for all you sweat out. :) and housework and decorating can be an excellent little workout. It's stimulating for the body and mind, and when you're done your place will look pretty.

    Good work team! We're killing it!!!

    Yes, water water water... I drink way to much gatorade, it should be only one gatorade and the rest water. :) Today was great, and yes team we are awesome and killing it. Looking forward to leaving the chocolate behind next week, bring it.

    Speaking of, since I'm having a sugar 'issue', Every single day this next week I will NOT go over on my sugar. I will NOT. In fact, I will be under.
  • Davy_RockHit
    Whenever I increase my workouts the scale is slower to move! I have decided though that I am ok w this as long a I am showing progress in other ways. Endurance is so important to me!
  • BellaBones
    Whenever I increase my workouts the scale is slower to move! I have decided though that I am ok w this as long a I am showing progress in other ways. Endurance is so important to me!

    Yes endurance is key in derby :) or anything for that matter. I noticed last night when I was skating that I was able to skate for half hour straight with out cutting pace or even think about stopping. I was not out of breath or winded. I can do up to 50 minutes, but I do get winded then and feel it . It is getting better. I want to get to be able to skate hard for at least an hour straight without stopping at all :)

    Good for you Davy,
  • Labcoathipster
    I too have seen improvements! Thursday and Friday I was feeling sick, so i didn't work out, though I didn't go over my calories either. Today (Saturday) I woke up and sat down on the couch. I was debating with myself on whether or not I wanted to work out. I asked myself, "You feel like crap now, do you think that sitting on the couch is going to help that feeling?" No. It didn't. So I went upstairs, changed and got my butt in the gym. And it didn't even take that much convincing on my part. And on top of it, I feel great and I'm doing so much more cardio than I was able to a month ago!

    35 minutes on elliptical, almost three miles. I'm hoping this can transfer over to running! My fastes mile time in high school was ten minutes. I want to beat a lot. Yay for actually doing what I set out to do!!!
  • Davy_RockHit
    I'm so happy, going to open skate with my family. My husband is a ref and my sons love to skate yay!
  • BellaBones
    I'm so happy, going to open skate with my family. My husband is a ref and my sons love to skate yay!

    Awesome, Our team is based out of our local rink, so we get to go to public sessions for free, Makes me able to skate almost every day, LOve it.. Skate it up.
  • BellaBones
    Day two no sugar, or chocolate should I say or candy. :) So far so good. I skated last night for 2 hours, scrimmiged the night before for and hour an a half... I am getting it done, but gotta get back to the toning and circuit !!!! today I will and skate for about an hour.
  • Labcoathipster
    Awesome! Today I"m going to do an hour of cardio, 30 on bike, 30 on elliptical. And I'm going to do some abs.

    Sugar challenge is going well, but yesterday was an off day, so I'm looking forward to a nice workout.
  • BellaBones
    Keep trying Labcoat. I am still chocolate free on day three :) and I have a box of ferrero rochets (sp?) in my car... I will not eat them until next week, this I promise myself. Today arms and abs with a little skate on the side. Did my hour skate last night and my abs, looking good so far this week. :)
  • Labcoathipster
    Keep trying Labcoat. I am still chocolate free on day three :) and I have a box of ferrero rochets (sp?) in my car... I will not eat them until next week, this I promise myself. Today arms and abs with a little skate on the side. Did my hour skate last night and my abs, looking good so far this week. :)

    Just think of how good those will taste, knowing you made it a week without them! We CAN conquer this. Sugar challenge is going GREAT today! I'll definitely be under. :)

    I was tired after my cardio today. I'm pretty spent, but I still have to hit abs and arms. Gotta keep my eye on the prize!

    You're doing great BellaBones!!! Keep up the awesome work. You're kicking my *kitten* MAJORLY!
  • BellaBones
    Keep trying Labcoat. I am still chocolate free on day three :) and I have a box of ferrero rochets (sp?) in my car... I will not eat them until next week, this I promise myself. Today arms and abs with a little skate on the side. Did my hour skate last night and my abs, looking good so far this week. :)

    Just think of how good those will taste, knowing you made it a week without them! We CAN conquer this. Sugar challenge is going GREAT today! I'll definitely be under. :)

    I was tired after my cardio today. I'm pretty spent, but I still have to hit abs and arms. Gotta keep my eye on the prize!

    You're doing great BellaBones!!! Keep up the awesome work. You're kicking my *kitten* MAJORLY!

    Awesome, your endurance is increasing on that elliptical and keep up with that sugar count, it can make the world of difference. Yes, I gave all but 6 of those chocolates away last night..Monday I will eat one, and only one. But so far so good on the no chocolate, period. I actually have been able to stay away from sweets for the most part, so I give us a GREAT BIG HIGH FIVE.

    I did not get around to my arms yesterday but will be doing somekind of workout, I am just going to search the you tube and find a 20 minute program that is moderate and have it get my blood flowing.
  • Labcoathipster
    Bella, HECK YES on giving most of those chocolates away! You're rocking it girl!!!

    I discovered the Nike Complete Training phone app today, for free, so that was my workout for this evening. KICKED MY BUTT for real. My arms are so sore and if I never did another lunge again I would be satisfied for the rest of my life. But it was definitely nice to find an alternative workout solution for when I'm not able to hit the gym and it's cold outside. I fully suggest taking a look at it!

    The sugar is on an excellent track today. Will come in zeroed out or below! Yahoo, we can DO THIS!

    Keep up the good work!!!!
  • Labcoathipster
    Alright! How we all doing after the weekend? I'm still going strong on staying below on sugar. I think for this next week, I'm going to cut out any PM snacking and I wont eat anything after 7 PM! Hopefully this will go well..... Also next week is my first weigh in. I'm actually kind of terrified. Eeek! I'll be working out every single day in the gym or at home with my Nike Trainer app....every day. Hope y'all had a good weekend!
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    I'm new to this group, but excited to be here {thanks for the invite @labcoathipster}

    I spent the weekend home sick so at least I didn't overindulge in holiday treats, but I also didn't really get a good workout in.

    To challenge myself I am getting back to the gym this week. I normally do 2-hrs on the elliptical Mon - Thur (or I was until about 2-wks ago). I am always at incline 3, resistance 3 b/c I don't think if I go any harder I will last my whole 2-hrs [which I need to or I can't watch my tv shows!] My goal for the remainder will be to challenge myself and burn extra calories by increasing incline & resistance every 30 min..... Starting with 3/3 and ending at 6/6! I CAN do this!

    Next week I will try to increase them even more.

    I also want to challenge myself to maintain my food journal!! I've been slacking lately.