January Start



  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm back!! I fell off the wagon for a week of stress and discouragement... but I'm finally back on. **blushing** At least I have a car again, which should make it easier to get to the gym now. I was car-less for almost 2 months, so walking there in the winter cold wasn't very motivating. LOL

    You're telling me waking up when it's still dark outside and walking in the freezing cold to pick a bunch of really heavy objects isn't motivating?! Just kidding! I struggle with this also. Someone told me today that if you just wake up every morning and do it, and don't even question why, just do it and make it part of your routine, it will eventually become natural to you. Still working on this myself. Forced myself out of bed at 5:30 this morning and it actually wasn't too bad.
    My timing to start this program wasn't the best, but I'm going to MAKE it happen. The past month has been a thyroid medicine nightmare for me. I stupidly listened to a new doctor mid-December, who doesn't know anything about me, and told me to stop taking my thyroid meds abruptly after YEARS of being on them. I knew better, but listened anyway... Since then, my energy levels, appetite and emotions have been all over the place, my hair has been falling out in clumps, my normally-regular period surprised me by returning only 17 days later, and my weight jumped up almost 10 pounds, and would normally be dropping, at the 1700-1900 calories NROL recommends, but didn't budge... so I got discouraged...

    I decided to get back on the wagon TODAY! I'm going to the doc for follow-up blood work tomorrow and I'm going to tell them all my symptoms and either go back on my old dose, or back on at least 1/2 the dose I was taking before... whether they like it or not. I'm not going to let a doc that doesn't even know me, disrupt my life SO MUCH, while they "PRACTICE" on me. I absolutely REFUSE to live my life at this weight... or allow anything or anyone to stop me from getting my health back. I felt GREAT when I went to the doctor for a regular checkup... and 6 weeks later, I feel miserable after following their advice.

    I'm a few workouts behind everyone, but I'm jumping back in and plan to stick around for a while. The soreness may slow me down for my first week back, but I am going to add cardio on my days off, so I can drop some weight a little faster and help get myself into a normal schedule to form a habit of working out regularly again. This is not a race to me... it's about getting my life and my old lifestyle back. I LOVE training... especially lifting heavy.

    I seem to be hearing more and more about women with thyroid problems lately. It makes me wonder if I'm just more aware of the issue or if it is becoming more common. I'm glad to see you are working through it with the right attitude though. As soon as you get back in the routine it will be easy. You'll actually start craving those workouts, I know I do. One little piece of advice I can offer as you get back into it is this, if you are ever feeling discouraged, repeat a mantra in your head over and over to pump you up and put you back in the right frame of mine. Mine is "stronger, faster, better, harder." I say it because that's what's happening to my body when I workout - I'm getting stronger, running faster, acheving better health and gaining muscle! Sometimes we just have to remind ourselves of the reason why we do this and then it becomes easier.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member

    I'm still lurking, because I'm still "on hold" with the NROL4W program.

    When I re-start (expected in 2 weeks, I'd say), I believe I'll jump in at Stage 2. I am doing quite a few of the "lifts" in Stage 1, just not in the particular order stated in NROL4W. And, I'm doing some supplemental weight-training, too.
  • camckinney
    camckinney Posts: 61 Member
    Well, still moving along. Had to take a couple days off due to some medical issues (unrelated). Which turned into a week off. But started back at it and feels good. I have got to get into recording my weights that I'm using. I continually change them dependent upon the type of lift I'm having to do. Some muscles are stronger than others (obviously). LOL But continue to add more weight as I go. I've noticed some changes, not much, but still something is better than nothing. Still driving me crazy not seeing the scale move, but I know that is to be expected. Glad it hasn't increased by too much.
  • BetterWithAge
    I did 5B yesterday and went up in weight... Deadlifts 65; shoulder press two 20 pound DB's; lat pull 60; lunge two 20 pound DB's. I thought for sure that my shoulders would be more sore from the lat pulls, but my legs are feeling those lunges instead.
  • BetterWithAge
    Welcome back livelightsmil... I hope you feel better
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I did 5B yesterday and went up in weight... Deadlifts 65; shoulder press two 20 pound DB's; lat pull 60; lunge two 20 pound DB's. I thought for sure that my shoulders would be more sore from the lat pulls, but my legs are feeling those lunges instead.

    The lunges kill me too! I'm doing 5B tomorrow. Nice work on the increasing weight :)
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I did 5B yesterday and went up in weight... Deadlifts 65; shoulder press two 20 pound DB's; lat pull 60; lunge two 20 pound DB's. I thought for sure that my shoulders would be more sore from the lat pulls, but my legs are feeling those lunges instead.

    You're making some good progress, rock on!
  • BetterWithAge
    Thank you :)

    I did 6A this morning... Squats 65, regular pushups, seated row 60, step up two 17-1/2 lb DB's (those are rough), regular prone jacknives, I have way more control that I did when I started. I am really looking forward to the workouts :)
  • camckinney
    camckinney Posts: 61 Member
    Did Workout 5A tonight. Wow adding that extra rep was tiring. I found I needed the 60 seconds for recovery between reps.

    I just read, like now while typing, that I've been doing the wrong variation for pushups. I've been doing the girly ones from the knees.....WHAT?? How did I miss that. Oops, well, next work out, maybe I'll try just doing a regular push up LOL.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    No matter how you look at it, Stage 1 is REALLY about getting comfy in the gym, getting comfy with equipment, and getting comfy with increasing the WEIGHT as you work-out.

    Weight-lifting is about practice....not about perfection. We're all going to make all sorts of *mistakes* as we go through this (unless you have been weight-lifting, already, for some length of time).

    I still re-read certain portions of the book quite regularly. And, the pictures (to me) don't always tell the WHOLE story....which is why I get real live people to check my form while I'm doing stuff.

    I like reading people's "bloopers" on these forums....makes me feel SO much more human when I have mine (and there are many)!