Week 1 Dec 5 - Dec 11



  • sosborne73
    Also since Sunday is the last day of the 1st week everyone needs to be thinking about what 1 thing they want to work on for next week.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member

    Cardio 30 mins - Did 45 mins and then I was done. Since I have Fibromyalgia, not using as an excuse, my body told me last night that I was about to do damage from this weeks workout levels. SO I am going to have to rethink what I can do. I am in no way lessoning it as much as working smarter. Today when I awoke, by whole body hurt like a tight rubber band.

    Cardio 30 mins.

    Problem Ares
    Inner Thighs -
    Tri-ceps -
    Tummy -
    Butt -

    Willl repost when completed.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    Last weeks goals:
    Mon - 30 mins Cardio 30 mins Cardio 10 mins working on problem areas - DONE
    Tues - 30 mins Cardio, 30 mins Strength Training with Body Sculpting by The Biggest Loser - DONE
    Wed - OFF
    Thurs - 30 mins Cario, 30 mins Strength Training LEVEL 2 - (After this workout, I was shaking for over 2 hours!)
    Friday - 30 mins Cardio, 30 mins Cardio - I could only do the first one but made it 45 mins.
    Sat - 30 mins Cardio - 30 mins Strength Training - Work Problem Areas - I could do NONE of this
    Sun - OFF - Thank God cause I couldn't have done anything

    Tentatively this is my plan for this week unless find new information that will make me change it.

    Mon - 30 mins cardio, 30 mins toning Body Sculpt TBL, 10 mins PAT (Problem Area Targeting)
    Tues - 30 mins Cardio, 10 mins PAT, 20 mins Cardio
    Wed - REST
    Thurs - 30 mins cardio, 30 mins toning Body Sculpt TBL, 10 mins PAT (Problem Area Targeting)
    Fri - 30 mins Cardio, 10 mins PAT, 20 mins Cardio
    Sat - 20 Mins Pilates, 20 Mins Cardio
    Sun - REST
  • sosborne73
    So, how did everyone do for the week? I did pretty good. I messed up one day because of a migraine but, I am not going to beat myself up about it. I have already posted the link for week 2.

    Monday-Completed walk/jog
    Tuesday-Did 100 Situps
    Wednesday-Completed walk/jog
    Thursday-Did 100 Situps
    Friday-Completed walk/jog
    Saturday-Did 100 Situps
    Sunday-Should have done walk/jog but didn't get it completed because of a migraine. :(
  • sosborne73
    Last weeks goals:
    Mon - 30 mins Cardio 30 mins Cardio 10 mins working on problem areas - DONE
    Tues - 30 mins Cardio, 30 mins Strength Training with Body Sculpting by The Biggest Loser - DONE
    Wed - OFF
    Thurs - 30 mins Cario, 30 mins Strength Training LEVEL 2 - (After this workout, I was shaking for over 2 hours!)
    Friday - 30 mins Cardio, 30 mins Cardio - I could only do the first one but made it 45 mins.
    Sat - 30 mins Cardio - 30 mins Strength Training - Work Problem Areas - I could do NONE of this
    Sun - OFF - Thank God cause I couldn't have done anything

    Tentatively this is my plan for this week unless find new information that will make me change it.

    Mon - 30 mins cardio, 30 mins toning Body Sculpt TBL, 10 mins PAT (Problem Area Targeting)
    Tues - 30 mins Cardio, 10 mins PAT, 20 mins Cardio
    Wed - REST
    Thurs - 30 mins cardio, 30 mins toning Body Sculpt TBL, 10 mins PAT (Problem Area Targeting)
    Fri - 30 mins Cardio, 10 mins PAT, 20 mins Cardio
    Sat - 20 Mins Pilates, 20 Mins Cardio
    Sun - REST

    Good job woman! I am proud of you. I have posted the link for week 2 if you want to put your goals on there.
  • Shelle68
    Shelle68 Posts: 432 Member
    You should put the link on here