


  • CaraE85
    CaraE85 Posts: 4 Member
    I admit, I was suppose to start the plan last Sunday but didn't. Well, I sort of started the diet part (knocked out a lot of the foods listed as "avoid"). When I weighed myself today, I had lost 5 pounds!!! That got me motivated to REALLY start the plan b/c I can't wait to see what the entire package does for me!

    I'm a pastry cook so it's really difficult to get away from a lot of the "avoid" items, but I figure as long as I only TASTE and not munch or eat the products, I should be okay, right?
  • Cara#85, You got this girl! Glad to have you with us!
  • pears734
    pears734 Posts: 496 Member

    My name is Kelsea, and I am 20 years old. I am a pre-med college student and am involved in many things around campus, including a sorority. My sisters all love to take pictures and post them up on facebook, but I am not liking how I look in the pictures, especially when I am next to my sorority sisters who are mostly a size 6 or smaller.

    Right now, I am a size 14. In high school, I lost 20 lbs, but once I hit college, I began to gain it back. I am still not at my highest weight, but I am not far off. I started the six weeks to skinny jeans today, so I am hoping that it will pay off before my spring break trip in March. I know my poor eating and lack of exercise got me here, but I feel like my motivation is higher than it has ever been, and the book gives a structured program that seems easy to follow. I am really excited to see what happens in the next 6 weeks :)
  • Hi Kelsea,

    You've got this girl. The fact that you recognize that you've been making bad choices in the past --- you're a lot further than a over half of the U.S population. Keep your eye on the prize -- think before you eat or drink -- make the best choices possible -- keep moving. Walk to classes, take the stairs, go to the recreation center as much as possible to Super Charge Your Skinny and you're gonna be awesome! Come see us on we will all keep you motivated and on track. Have fun, enjoy the journey.
  • CopyLisa
    CopyLisa Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! My name is Lisa. I am 47 years old and will be losing 50 pounds through the Six Weeks to Skinny Jeans Excercise and Diet Plan. I will be starting on Monday. I have 3 children and can no longer accept the excuse of "new baby weight" - my youngest is now 10 years old. I am dedicated to making big changes for myself and my family's health and fitness. 2012 is my year of success!

    Quick question for Amy. I see that you have ViSalus on your site. Can we use the shakes on the program?

    Look forward to sharing everyone's successes.
  • Hi Lisa!
    Welcome. So glad you decided to take this journey with us. To answer your question you can have shakes as long as they fit within your plan. I like the Visalus shakes because they are not chalked full of sugar and preservatives. If you can drink a shake that fits the plan with either water or low-fat milk -- go for it. Just remember to keep track of their calories too. :-) Amy
  • k41pope
    k41pope Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am Kathy. I am 32 and a mom of two under 2 and work a full time job :) Needless to say my life has been a little crazy and diet and exercise have not been my top priority. I am a former college basketball player and have had ACL Reconstruction on my left knee and both knees have early onset of Arthritis. I went to the Ortho Surgen and few months ago and I am limited on the high intensity cardio I can do and have been searching for something to get this weight off and thats good for my knees. I have tried a few things and nothing seems to work.

    I read an article in my Women's Health Magazine a few weeks ago and it had three pages of moves to help you loose 5, 10, 15 lbs. I saw from the article that it referenced Six Weeks to Skinny Jeans. I told my husband about it and he ordered the book for me and I have read half of it already. It sounds like a great plan and something I should be able to stick with. I am very excited about this and have a few girls at work who are also going to read the book and try the diet and exercies as well. We are going on a cruise May 26th which is only a few months away so my goal is to be in my skinny jeans and clothes by then. I would love to overall loose 25-30lbs this year which would put me to pre-college weight. I think I can do it and am excited for the opportunity. I always have to remind myself that weight loss isnt a race, its a lifestyle change. I get so side tracked with wanting to loose it fast that I dont stick to my goals. I really hope I can do this and get this weight off for the rest of my life.
  • CopyLisa
    CopyLisa Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Kathy,

    Congratulations on joining. I am in week two and have lost 6 pounds. Love the program and love this website. I have never found a better "free" site ever.

    Like you I have had knee surgery (torn miniscus) and early onset of arthritis that limited my cardio. I used to be a big runner. I met with my surgeon yesterday and he informed me that there is no cartilage left on one of my knees and the other is following. No more weight bearing exercises for me. And my running days are over.

    Thankfully we have a new pool so in the summer I can swim and I purchased a rowing machine that seems to not bother my knee as much so I am confident I will get my weight off once and for all. My goal is 40-50 pounds to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight (my youngest of three is 10 years old so I can't use baby weight as an excuse anymore).

    Feel free to friend me if you need support.

    All the best in your journey.

  • bamababe42
    Loved the book and have read it several times since buying it a week ago so here I go on my 6 week journey - Week 1 Day 1 and I know I have got this! Good luck to all your girlies we CAN do this!!!!
  • JBsCrazyGirl
    Hi :)
    My name is Robbin. I am a 19year old medical student and shift leader at my towns local subway. I have been at my happy weight before, but sense then wondered quite far from it. In the past I have made promises to myself to "I will look good in that bikini by May" to "I am going to be looking better than my cousin back from the army" :) Haha well, he comes home Saturday and I do not even own a bikini anymore. I believe I have enough of a health conscious to know what I SHOULD NOT eat to the point where I do not eat it often or I do not eat a lot of it, but I know I have trouble with bad habits. I am excited about this program because so far today looking more into it, figuring my own stats outs, how many calories I have, where they need to go all this stuff I had no idea where to find or calculate, I have found all today. I feel that is going to be so much more possible to pull through when you know pretty much exactly what is going on and what you need to do. I do not want to throw away anymore of my skinny jeans <3
    I have found extremely helpful tools here, and so far the book is just awesome :)
    Good Luck Everybody!
  • Hi bamababe42,
    So... glad you enjoyed the book, now go out and enjoy the journey. Can't wait to follow you! Amy
  • Hi Robbin,
    So glad to have you with us! Amy
  • cccrissy
    cccrissy Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Fellow six weekers!

    I'm starting the 6 week plan today! I need some motivation, so anybody who wants to be my buddy on MFP, I welcome all requests!

    About me: I'm 37, 5'1 and I weigh 157lbs. Im a single mom, I work full time, andi go to school full time, clearly there are not enough hours in a day! I'm going to give this my best shot! Before my son was born, I was at the gym 5 days/week and I weighed around 147 lbs. Im naturally pretty stocky, big legs, big boobs, big arms, and it was all muscle when I was working out. After I gave birth, within 6 weeks I lost the 27 lbs I gained during pregnancy, and after 3 months I went down to 135! My lowest weight since high school! I was so happy at that weight, I threw away all my fat clothes. Well, fast forward 3.5 years, bad eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, I'm back to the heaviest I have ever been less 3 lbs. I'm ready to do this, I'm tired of feeling tubby, tired and unhealthy. Here goes! Wish me luck!
  • listro2
    listro2 Posts: 1

    My name is Lisa and I'm excited to start the 6 week plan today! I read some excerpts from the book yesterday in my Womens Health magazine, bought the book on Kindle and figured there's no time like the present to get started. I will be 42 at the end of June and am around 13 lbs from my goal weight. I participated in my first sprint triathalon last September and then took a "short break" -- which turned into nearly 6 months so am pretty frustrated with myself. I will be participating in the Camp Pendleton Mud Run this June and will be doing another Tri Rock this September.

    Living in San Diego, I am ready and motivated to get fit and feel great so that I can play with my two sons & husband at the beach this summer without always reaching for a cover-up, and so that I can participate in mud-runs & triathalons and feel strong!!

    I also welcome all buddy requests -- the more the merrier!
  • miso14
    miso14 Posts: 2
    Hi everyone!
    My name is Marissa, and I'm 20 years old. I'm not overweight, but I've got a little extra poundage that I can't seem to shake. I've never really made a habit of exercising or eating healthy, so I'm hoping this six week program will get me started on a healthier and happier way of living! I could use some help though - please come and friend me on myfitnesspal! Always looking for extra support :)
  • SixWeeksToSkinnyJeans
    Welcome! Can't wait to follow your journey. Please make sure to friend me @ sixweekstoskinnyjeans
  • SixWeeksToSkinnyJeans
    Hi listro2,
    Great to meet you and all the other ladies! I too love to get active and moving outdoors. You can follow my writing for the Iron Girl at and at -- I can't wait to get to know you and follow your journey.
  • saspann
    saspann Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm Stacy, I'm 37 and I'm from Georgia. I got Six Weeks to Skinny Jeans a week ago and have read most of it. I "used to be" super fit and in shape, ran/walked up to 6 miles a day....then I got married and had two kids. I'm a size 8 and weigh 142 but my goal is about 120 and a size 2. I used to be and I can be excited to get started!
  • arahsa
    arahsa Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm 22 and in Colorado at the moment for school. I got six weeks to Skinny Jeans about a week ago and read it, and I'm now starting to work towards getting into shape. I'm on my 2nd day and so far I love it. I'm a size 18 at 224lbs. I'd like to get to be about 170 and a size 12/14 not in six weeks (I'd like to just be a size 14 at the end of my 6 weeks) but that's my long term goal. I'm really excited about this program and can't wait to start losing. :)
  • girlchillin
    Hello everyone! I bought this book a few weeks ago and am ready to start the challenge! :smile:

    I am 39 with three children and a wonderful husband who is supporting me 100% on this plan. I work full time and am taking college courses in my free time, so it has been diffucult to fit in a regular exercise routine. My goal is to lose 50lbs (over a reasonable amount of time) utilizing the strategies laid out in the book. I am on the verge of a size 18 and REFUSE to go there!