Getting Started



  • PrincessGlitterTush
    Hey - are there going to be weekly weigh ins maybe? So we know how everyone is doing and keeping each other motivated?
  • kelseyessex
    Hey yes I think every Saturday is a good day? also gives you an incentive not to party on a Friday night and just do it once a week...unless you are sticking to my alcohol ban - I'm going to try and do No Alcohol and No Chocolate from 2 January until I reach my goal weight - will inspire me to get it done quicker and not cheat.

    Shall I do a discussion every Saturday to get your weight/measurements?

    I will also put a weekly challenge on whether it be diet or exercise related or both. x
  • kelseyessex
    There will be eliminations each week.

    Beginning Check-in by Saturday 31 December 2011 with weight & all measurements.

    Following check-ins will be: (you may send me your information by email or post on here)
    Every Saturday between theh beginning and final check-in dates (no later than 11 a.m. or you will be eliminated)

    Saturday 23 June 2012 (final check-in)

    When you check in this is the information that you will need to submit:
    Current Weight:
    Current waist inches:
    Current hips inches:
    Current wrist inches:
    Current forearm inches
    Exercise Minutes:
    Daily Challenges Completed:

    The Daily Challenges will be listed below (I have asked Jules Watkins to post these).
  • hunny73
    hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
    Hello Everyone!! I'm looking forward to taking part in my first challenge and look forward to seeing some results for 23rd June (my birthday!!) i'll let you have my starting measurements and goals on 2nd January (is that correct?)
  • kelseyessex
    Only 11 days to go :-D xxx
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    You say there will be eliminations each week. What would you have to do to be eliminated?
  • kelseyessex
    I'm scrapping the eliminations..I think everyone should be able to complete their 25lb loss :D yey!! 10 days to go! x
  • GWSGregS
    GWSGregS Posts: 14 Member

    This is my first group...I think I just joined it. What do I do next?

    Looking forward to the challenge.
  • zenJes
    zenJes Posts: 198 Member
    oo not long now guys soooooo excited!!! ive just written down the check in requirements!! in my new diary i got for christmas lol will have to forcible make an effort to stick to inches lol so if you get a quirky measurement from me its probably in cm lol
    all set to have measurements in for the 31st Dec so we get some great starting posts..
  • berchen82
    count me in :-)
  • kelseyessex
    Only 5 days until weigh-in....7 days until the challenge officially starts :D

    I am going to have a detox week starting today, just so it doesn't hit me too hard on 2 January lol x
  • berchen82
    I also startet today with my 1200 cal, not eating back my excercise plan :-) Gained 6 lbs during christmastime...
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 331 Member
    Sounds great - I can't wait!!!! I'm actually hoping to lose 15 by Valentine's hopefully by June I'll be down 30 (maybe more)...wooo hoo!!!!

    I am NOT eating back my exercise's not working for I have 1960 per day or something....and TONS of protein!!!
  • Tresor
    Tresor Posts: 23 Member
    I've been looking for the right "challenge" group and I think that this group is it. I'll be getting the measurements ready for start date.
  • kelseyessex
    Tresor, glad you have decided to join our group :) can't wait to start!!!
  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    I have stopped weighing in and filling my diary.
    Just wanted to see how much weight I have put on over the Christmas period..

    New year resolutions will be sorted out by this challenge start date and one is to stop smoking..
    I know we can all do this together and I look forward to motivating and inspiring a few of you..

    Good luck all

  • kelseyessex
    Andy you will be fine :)

    I can't wait for Monday to get this shizzle started hehe!
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    I am so looking forward to getting my body in primo shape again. I can't wait for bikini season! lol... didn't look forward to it much this past year, but I fully plan to take advantage of it this time.
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 331 Member
    I'm so ready!!! 25lbs will get me really close to my 1st goal...and then we'll go from there...possibly another 15 after that!!!!!

    I need to get back to my old body!!!!
  • Andylee63
    Andylee63 Posts: 154 Member
    Happy New year Guys... :drinker:

    Hope I was the first to say it :laugh: