Hi Everyone

I am ready to be rid of this weight once and for all. I cannot do it alone and actually do have supportive friends and family but, it is not enough. I want a safe-haven to go to when I need to vent because I'm frustrated, to celebrate when I am successful, and a place to call my own with others that are going through the same thing that I am. The crazy thing is, I am studying to be a
Registered Dietician and want to help others in the same situation that I am in. How can I help them if I cannot help myself!?! I have all the tools at my disposal to achieve my goals but, something is missing and I am on a journey to find out what it is. "Today is the first day of the rest of your life". :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    I am in the same situation. I had the surgery in 2006 and have gained it all back plus another 50lbs. I'm so discouraged at times and I feel so ashamed. So, I'm hoping we can help each other :0)
  • carolinagirl67
    carolinagirl67 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Just three of us? There's got to be more, but for now, we can really help and support each other.

    I had WLS in December of 2005. I lost 108#. I have gained back 44# and am determined to put a STOP to the gain and begin losing again. I am very excited about this website, as I believe that accountability to oneself (through documenting food intake) and to others will help us succeed!

    I started my journey today and look forward to supporting and encouraging each other.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I would love to be part of your group - please feel free to add me. I would love to have positive, encouraging friends for "the journey".

    I had Lap Band surgery about 5 years ago and successfully went from 260 down to 150. Unfortunately, the victory was short-lived, and as of October 1st, I had gained 60 pounds and was back up to 210 pounds.

    I realized I needed to do something when I went from buying M sized clothes, back up to the Plus sizes (1X and then 2X). Everything I was buying was shaped like a tent and I was trying to hide my weight gain. I was so embarrased that even with the help of the weight loss surgery, I was unable to maintain my goal weight - I truly felt like a failure...

    At my lowest weight post-op, I was exercising daily and felt great. Then I just slowly started "falling off the wagon" - exercising less, eating more and eating large amounts sweets. The weight went back on gradually, so it didn't really "hit me" until I was back in the Plus Sizes section.

    I have come to realize that even with the aid of the surgery it is truly a lifetime commitment, and I am ready to do that. I have lost 28 pounds since October 1st, and just found MFP about 10 days ago. I would like to get back to my goal weight of 150, and have about 32 more pounds to go, but now I know that once I get there I can not stop. I have to continue to eat well and exercise, and I plan to use MFP for encouragement and to keep myself honest about what I am putting in my month.

    I look forward to joining you on your journeys!

  • MeanWildLady
    Hello everyone, My name is Claudia I had bypass surgery in 1998 I lost from 286 to 198 than I stayed at that weight for about a year I have since gained almost all the weight back i am now at 254. I need to stay focus but mainly to stop eating so often which i started doing after I started have malnourishment issues cause by the surgery.

    I hope this can help me because today is the first day of the rest of my live. I am 56 and have family history of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure (which I also have) :drinker: me and my coffee. :wink:
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning everyone! My name is Linda and I'm 55. I've been a member of MyFitnessPal since 11/23/11. I have just had bariatric surgery on 11/30/11. I was a little nervous joining this site because my weight loss will be helped by the tool that my doctor has just given me, but I decided that everyone struggles with weight loss, tool or no tool.

    My doctor has preached and promoted 3 things in order for success: 1) focus on the program for the next 6-9 months - this is the period for maximum weight loss, it decreases after that; 2) follow the healthy eating program provided by the dietician and 3) exercise, exercise, exercise.

    I have read the posts on this site and each one tugged at my heart. Each of us has had a life changing operation that affects us for the rest of our life. Even though we've been given a tool, it's what we do with the tool that helps us achieve our goals.

    We are all on a journey...to a better healthier life. And we can get there....one step at a time....one pound at a time.

    Hugz to all of you.

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Just thought I would share an inspirational blog I just found on MFP - brought tears to my eyes... Enjoy!

  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    OMGosh!!! That was so neat to read! I weigh 333lbs and if she can do it, I can do it!! Thank you so much for sharing that blog with us anitrasoto!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    You are sooo welcome! I saw it and found it so touching, and encouraging... Too good not to share : )

    Hope everybody had a great day!

    Anitra : )
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning everybody!!! :laugh:

    Yesterday I had an "off" day. I couldn't eat. I was nauteus all day and for the most part slept. My biggest problem right now is getting in the protein. I'm supposed to start on pureed foods this week but yesterday I attempted it and that just didn't work. I finally got down 2 oz of soup in the early evening and a little protein drink. I laid in my easy chair all day and the only movement was to the bathroom. The results . . . the scales showed it this morning. I know you aren't supposed to weigh every day (but my bad) and I'm used to see 1+ lbs per day....and it was .2. I'm okay with that...not much went it....so not much went out.

    Today is a new day. The goal for today = movement. I need to mail xmas gifts (just a bit late getting going here) and go for a walk. I'm also going to focus on the protein and getting the 60 grams in. I really don't want my hair falling out.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday. Get out and go for a walk and see how good you feel afterwards.


  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    If I remember correctly, you are just about 3 weeks post-op, no? What type of surgery did you have? (I had the Lap Band about 5 years ago...)

    I know my surgeon told me about a product called "Unjury" to help with the protein intake. I remember it was virtually tasteless, so I would mix it in things like applesauce and soups. I didn't have too much trouble with nausea, but I do remember that things did have to be really bland. At least by mixing this powder in, I could get some nutrition in and didn't have to live on shakes. I am not sure if this product is still around, but it might be helpful to try to find a tastetless, powdered protein to mix in with whatever little you can get down... Your body certainly needs protein to heal and for energy.

    Good for you still wanting to walk - I know my abdomen was quite sore for several weeks post-op which made exercise the last thing I wanted to do. Stick with it!

    Hope you get to feeling better soon - I know you will : )

    Actually, just Googled it and here is a link to the Unjury - it helped me out...


    and some post-op info:


    Anitra : )
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Okay, here is another of my favorite blogs on here - a truly inspirational young lady I am proud to have as a "friend" on here - enjoy!

  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Another great inspirational blog.
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    I've heard about the "unjury" and I am going to get some. That should help a lot with getting in the protein.
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning fellow group members! Where is everybody at? :flowerforyou:

    I would like to encourage everyone to "check in" and share where you are currently in your progress. Probably with the exception of me (because I'm a bariactric newbie), everyone who has joined the group seems to be at least a year or more post-surgery. Even though I haven't walked in your shoes yet of having had the surgery, lost the weight, and regained it, I have struggled with weight issues since I was born. We have all been blessed with the "tool" to help us lose the weight. However, it's just a tool, and the rest is up to us.

    What I've seen the past 2 weeks is if I don't eat properly and move my body, I won't experience a weight loss. When I don't get in the nutrients my body needs, it hoards, and I don't see results. Funny how that happens eh?

    My challenge to the group this week is MOVE YOU BODY! :happy: #1 exercise in America is walking. I can only do about 5 - 10 minutes at a time right now. But I know, and I've seen it, that 5-10 minutes makes a big difference. You can also do exercises in a chair. I bought chair yoga tapes and I plan to start using them.

    Move Your Body.....and let's see what results can happen.

    God Bless,

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    You are so right about the exercise! As much as I hate it, I have started trying to incorporate more and more into my life... I really get tired, bored, discouraged...etc with long workouts, so I have found that it works better for me if I split them up. I try to do at least 30 minutes a day, and find it much easier to tackle in 10 minute "chunks". With time, I will try to make the time frames longer to build up my stamina, but for now, this is working and I am sure that it is just as beneficial - any movement is better than none at all!

    Have a great day (and keep it moving!!!) : )

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I found a couple really low impact workouts on YouTube - they get you moving but are easy to keep up with (even for those of us who are not very coordinated :) And the best thing is that they are only 10 minutes long (each)


  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Happy Monday! :smile:

    Hubby and I went to the gym yesterday and I got in a little walking. It felt good. Down another pound this morning but I'm still not getting enough fluid or protein. Today I'm going to try to focus more on getting the proper nutrients in. Because I still can't eat regular food, I bought baby food yesterday and going to try that for the puree portion of my recovery. So far, I'm able to keep it down.

    Have a great day!!!

  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I see my surgeon this Wednesday for a follow-up. I hadn't gone back in 2 years because I was too embarrassed and ashamed of gaining the weight and then some back. I went to see him the beginning of November and he had me see their psychologist and he also wants me to have an endoscopy and upper GI. They want to check the pouch since I have no sensation of the pouch anymore. But those are not until January. But I guess a team of different doctor's met on my case and so that is why I'm following up with them Wednesday. I'm eager to hear what they have to say. They have been very supportive and want to help me get back to the path of losing weight again.

    Well, I hope you're all having a nice evening!

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    That's funny, I haven't been back to my surgeon for 2 years because I also was embarrassed about gaining half of my weight back. Once I committed to losing weight and got back on track on October 1st, I called and made my appointment (but I put it off until the end of January so I could get back as close to my goal weight as possible...)

    It is really unfortunate that we let embarrasment come in the way of our health (like the doctors haven't seen this happen before...)

    (I do have to say, though that I am glad I am not the only one....)

    Have a great evening, and see you guys tomorrow!

  • carolinagirl67
    carolinagirl67 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I didn't realize that I had to keep coming back to the message board to see posts :) I thought somehow it would notify me if there were new posts. Shows how tech savvy I am!

    It has been one week since I started my journey back to eating healthy and trying to lose weight again. I haven't weighed, but can tell that I have lost just in the way my clothes fit.

    I have heard a little about Visalus, but am interested to hear more. I think I saw on your log, Anitra, that you are taking that. Can you give me some info? I'm already getting bored with the foods I am eating and need to change things up a little.

    Hope you all have a great day tomorrow and finish the holiday season strong! If we can make it through this time, we can make it through anything!