Hi Everyone



  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Hi Rachel!!

    So glad you decided to join us!!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Hello Everyone. I'm Trish. I had lap band surgery in August of 2011. I initially did great (50 pounds in about 3 months) then it got hard, and the holidays hit, and excuse after excuse. Well, 1/1/2012 NO MORE excuses. I was lucky enough to maintain in November and December, but I know I could have taken off more weight if I had just tried. All of a sudden I was "too busy to go to the gym, too busy to cook good food, too stressed to stay away from the fast food and candy" it was "Just one bite, then another and then, oh screw it, i've blown it today so I might as well eat what I want". Those days are over. I have an appointment with my surgeon this month and think that one more small adjustment to the band might be what I need. Also, am clearing out all the junk food. It it's not here I can't eat it. Family will have to deal! Hubby needs to take off some weight for his health (he has emphysema and extra weight makes it harder to breathe). New Year, New Me.

    Good luck everyone. We can and will do this. We can and will be successful with time and effort!

    Feel free to friend me. I will offer the motivation and accept any assistance that you have to offer.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Welcome Trish!! So glad you joined us! And you're right..we can and will do this!!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Welcome Rachel & Trish!!!

    Hope you all had a great new year - I am excited to buckle down and really put my heart and soul into this. I have actually been discouraged lately, because the weight loss has slowed down. I know we all go through normal ups, downs, and plateaus, but I have really been pushing to work out harder, and was hoping the results of that hard work would show up on the scale (not so much......)

    From everything I have been reading, I need to eat more. I usually get close to my 1,200 calories per day, but never eat any of my exercise calories (usually between 300 and 800 calories recently). I know I need to eat at least some of those calories to kick start my metabolism again, but I am scared. If I am not really losing now eating 1,200 calories a day and working out every single day, what will happen when I start to eat more? I am so scared of seeing that scale go up!!!

    Well, I think I am going to have to try it. Everyone says I may gain a few pounds and it may stick around for a few weeks while my metabolism is re-adjusting, but I need to get it moving again... I can't be on this plateau forever, because I still have 28 more pounds to go.

    I am so mad that I let myself gain back that 60 pounds!

    Well, I will let you know how this plan goes over - trying to eat more to jump start my metabolism again. I tried today, but was actually having so much fun trying out my new workout DVDs, that I burned an extra 485 calories - now I am scared to eat any of those calories...

    Well, wishing you a great 2012 (and friend requests sent to Rachel & Trish!I

  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning to all my PBS (post-bariatric surgery) friends!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome aboard Trish & Rachel! We're so happy to have you as part of our group. I'm so glad that we have this group here on MFP. The people I've met on here so far are awesome and very encouraging.

    Have ya'll seen the new 2012 WW commercial? It's really cool and the theme is BELIEVE. So thinking about our journey, I came up with:
    - BELIEVE that we have made the right choice to have bariatric surgery
    - BELIEVE that we are beautiful
    - BELIEVE that through determination, hard work and following a dietetic and exercise plan we will be successful
    - BELIEVE we have HOPE to reach our goals
    - BELIEVE that we are not alone in this journey - we have our MFP friends for support

    For me, I am still on liquids. Today I am making a concerted effort to get the protein in no matter what. I have no energy and just want to sleep all the time. I'm having a Muscle Milk Light right now which has 20 grams and hope to have another one later in the day. I really do want to transition to soft foods (which I am supposed to start tomorrow), but until the nausea subsides, that won't be happening.

    Rachel - congrats on your weight loss success thus far! The reason you lost the lbs you did prior to surgery was due probably to the pre-surgery liquid diet. And you loss since surgery is awesome. Our surgeries were like about a couple of weeks apart so it will be great comparing notes and following your journey. What are you doing for exercise right now? My doctor won't let me do anything but walk at this point. I have 2 more incisions to heal then I can get in the pool again. I can hardly wait!!! Does your doctor's group have a monthly support group? We do and it's helpful. But I really like my MFP friends and this is daily which is very helpful. I wish you the best on this journey. I'm sure we'll be able to help each other along the way.

    Trish - 50 lbs in 3 months that is awesome! You're right - 2012 - new year, new beginning, we can do it! My doctor told me to truly focus on the 1st 6-9 months. He said that's when you will experience the most weight loss. After that it gets harder and the loss is much slower. I think it'd be great to incorporate your hubby into your eating plan. He can eat the same as you, just in a larger quantity. It'll help both of you be successful. My hubby lives in England and was here for my surgery. After surgery, he waited on me hand and foot, and he ate terribly and gained a couple of pounds. I can hardly wait to see him in May and be preparing meals that both of us can enjoy (and that will help him eat healthier as well). I would definitely use this time to beef up your exercise program and focus on healthy eating habits. You have a few more months left in that "prime window" and the more you can utilize that opportunity, the better you will feel in the long run. Welcome to the group!!!!

    And Anitra my darlin'....you are such an inspiration to me!!!! One of the things I learned from WW was that sometimes you have to eat more calories in order to get that metabolism kicked into high gear or you may need to change up the exercise routine. Do you give your muscles down time? Sometimes we can exercise too much and our muscles need time to heal between sessions. For us, I know it'll be difficult to eat more than 1200 calories in a day, but maybe eating some of those exercise calories would help get you out of the rut. if not, I would talk to your dietician. Also, know that our weight loss after the initial surgery is going to be slower. You are doing an incredibly fabulous job of tracking and exercising (and simply the poster child for MFP)!! :smile: Also, do you eat within 30 minutes of rising in the morning? That's one thing I learned from WW is if you eat something within 30 min of rising it will jump start the metabolism. Don't be scared to eat the calories that you earn from exercising.....it might just help with the metabolism. Keep up the great work GF!

    Keep up the great work everyone! Have a super day!


  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Friends,

    Because of all the nausea and I can't seem to want to eat, my doctor has ordered an EGD Wednesday morning. Please keep me in your prayers and I hope this will help so I can begin getting in the nutrients that I need. I will let everyone know how it goes.

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member

    Thank you so much for the encouraging words - it means so much to me, especially when you are going through such a hard time yourself... : ) You will be in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow, and please let us know as soon as possible how everything goes tomorrow (((hugs))) We will be here waiting for you!

  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    I just got finished watching Biggest Loser (so I've watched all 13 seasons so far) and it amazes me watching these folks in the gym for the first time. Have none of these folks ever watched the show before???? The trainers always "murder" these folks the first time they are in the gym and there are always twists and turns throughout the season to keep the contestants on their toes. I just get tickled at the way they whine and act at the initial workouts.....if I were to have ever gone on the show, I'd know exactly what to expect and welcome it because I was there to get my health in order.

    Just found it amuzing.......how about ya'll?????


  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    I only got to see the last 15 minutes - I forgot it was on! Arggggggggggggggggggggg
  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    I had watched a part of it, I to have watched I think 13 seasons. I just love watching the biggest loser. Its really all I do watch or Dr. Michael. I love her acting, She is an insperation to me, as she doesn't give up and the first female Dr. In Colorado. I love to see the challenges on the biggest loser also on Dr. Mike. Anyway, I will watch the rest at a later time, probly friday as I have it saved on my DVR. Those things are so wanderful to have, escpecially when you work and school and can't watch what you want when you want to. Anitra I'm Soooo sorry that you missed it, The one thing nice is you can down load it, and watch it. I had to do that befor because the system went down so My DVR didn't record it. Anyway, I have missed communicating with everyone but soooo thankful that I'm working and school is back, Winter vacation is over. So Everyone will here from me on weekends, I will still be logging my food and exersice on my phone, but its hard to type and make comments from a phone. Every one have a wanderful day and rest of the week.
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Howdy friends! I had my EGD this morning. It was truly the weirdest experience. I've had endoscopies in the past and don't remember a thing, but this was so weird. They gave me the medication and I can remember them putting something in my mouth for the tubes to go through, but after that, it was like I was in another world. It's like I was but not there and I seem to remember them doing stuff.

    Anyway, the doctor did have to dialate the opening due to scar tissue that had closed it up some. I am thrilled!!!! I've slept most of the afternoon and ate a fruit bar, some cream of chicken soup and now a little ice cream. The Unjury order arrived today, so tomorrow I will hopefully begin to put the additional protein in my foods and get my nutrients up so that the healing can continue and complete it's course.

    Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts.

    Hugz to all,

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    So glad to have all of my MFP friends - the support here is truly fantastic!

    I just went and set my DVR to record all Biggest Losers so I won't miss any more. I like watching them for motivation...

    Linda: so glad they were actually able to break up some of that scar tissue - hope it helps you feel fantastic! The recovery process is a slow one, but it sounds like you are on the right track. I hope the Unjury helps - I know I just sprinkled a little on almost everything I ate. Every little bit helps: )

    Have a great day all!!

  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Here's hoping everyone is having a great weekend. I actually tried to eat some ham tonite (unpureed) and see how that goes down. I just think my tummy is not used to real food so it makes me a bit queezy. It's stayed down so that's a good thing!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Yay you - hope the transition to more solid foods goes smooothly!

    Have a great evening!

  • mjdavis12
    mjdavis12 Posts: 2 Member
    I had LB surgery in 2008 and lost 90 lbs. I was quite content at that weight when I started to creep back up. I plateaued at 230 lbs. Then I learned that the band had put a hole in my stomach and that I had an abscess and would have to have it removed immediately...I cried. It was a long road to recovery. It has been a little over a year and I have gained almost all of my weight back and am on the road to recovery.
  • dawnkemp58
    dawnkemp58 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all,
    I am in Syracuse area, had bariatric surgery in 2002, lost 150 lbs, and was still not at my goal - still needed to lose another 100 pounds.
    I have since gained back 50 of that lost, and I am struggling.

    I hope everyone here can help!
  • cheribaby411
    cheribaby411 Posts: 2 Member
    Today is Day 1 again.
    I have been steadily gaining weight over the last 5 years. I had Lap Band surgery 5 years ago, I originally lost 65 lbs - I have gained it all back!!! I stopped being accountable In those 5 years I have dealt with many emotional and spiritual issues and have quit smoking as well. I believe that it is time to get in touch with my physical and financial issues.
    I plan to succeed in 2012 - I want to be the whole package!
    I need to start from square 1 - I must follow directions!!!
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    Today is Day 1 again.
    I have been steadily gaining weight over the last 5 years. I had Lap Band surgery 5 years ago, I originally lost 65 lbs - I have gained it all back!!! I stopped being accountable In those 5 years I have dealt with many emotional and spiritual issues and have quit smoking as well. I believe that it is time to get in touch with my physical and financial issues.
    I plan to succeed in 2012 - I want to be the whole package!
    I need to start from square 1 - I must follow directions!!!

    Cheribaby411, you've taken the first steps. You can do this. Have you made an appointment with you surgeon yet? Maybe you need a fill. Keep us updated on your progress and be vigilant. I am sending you a friend request.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I looks like you all are doing a great job working hard to reach your goals and dreams! I'm doing the 17 Day Diet to get me back on track. I asked my surgeon about it and he said it would be a great diet because it teaches you to eat lean protein, veggies, fruit, yogurt, etc. He just said to stay away from the breads, pastas, rice, crackers, etc. So far I've lost 9lbs since the 1st of January and I actually think I've dropped a couple more today, so I'll see in the morning what the scale says.

    I have my endoscopy this Thursday so they can check everything to make sure there isn't something surgically that needs to be done. I also need to schedule with the dietitian that he wants me to see this week. Hopefully I can get into her before I have to go back to see my surgeon on the 8th of February. Then the last thing I have left to do is the Upper GI and that's the following week. After that's all done, I'll be able to see the surgeon and he'll let me know what the next steps are to get this weight off.

    My daughter is going to have the surgery done also and I've really been trying to encourage her to try the 17 Day Diet with me and get on here to record everything. But she's not ready, so I worry about her having the surgery and ending up where I am someday. So I'll continue to encourage her to start now at losing. Plus the surgeon will be really happy with her if she's losing a little and showing forth that effort! So keep me in your prayers as I try to encourage her to start now.

    Well, you all continue to work hard and so will I and I'll check back in with you soon!!

    Tami :heart:
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Tami, 9 lbs since the beginning of January is FABULOSO!!! I am so happy that you are getting back on track and you seem to have put forth the effort by meeting with your surgeon and dietician to put those components in place for success. One of the things I want to understand from those that have lost the weight with surgery and put it back on is,.......why???.....and how???? Our tummies are the size of a golf ball and I'd like to hear how the weight can be put back on. Scares me a little because this has been such a life changing experience and I don't want to ever get back to 275 again.

    If I continue the track I am on, I will be below 200 on March 15 and could be in the 160's by May when I see my husband next . That would just be the cat's meow!!! Shopping for new clothes in Central London would be so awesome! I could even be at goal weight by June. That is just unreal. I know the 4 lbs/week loss won't last forever, but I am definitely going to follow my doctor's instructions and maximize these 1st 6 months to get as much weight off as possible. Hopefully I'll meet my goals or at least come close to them but I will keep striving to get this fat crap off so I can lead a more normal healthy life.

    Love and Hugs to all of you!!!!
