Hi Everyone



  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry I didn't write yesterday. The night before our bed fell (not enough screws holding it up), so while we were waiting for the the glue to dry, decided to just go get a hotel room and have a little romantic night away. Trust me since my surgery weeks ago there's not been any romance (mainly on my part), so I think it helped just getting away for a night. I'll just be glad to begin feeling more like myself soon.

    3 more shopping days!

    Hugz to all

  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I hope you are having a great day today as you prepare for Christmas!! Well, I saw my surgeon today and he is so kind! He totally supports me and just wants to see me succeed! He went over how the pouch works and how I should eat and what I should eat as well as a few other things. He's scheduling and upper GI and an endoscopy so if there is something that needs to be adjusted medically, he can do that. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm there for a revision and I told them no, not really. I'm just here to see what I need to be doing better. I'm not there to get another surgery unless the doctor feels I should. So, we'll see what the scans all show. But the important part is that I have hope again and I'm really going to get to work and get this weight off!!! He also wants me to see a nutritionist, so I'll be scheduling that soon too. That should be very helpful!

    Well, enjoy your day!

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    @scoobycindy: yea I love the ViSalus products. I started their “90 Day Challenge” (to get healthy) on October 1st, and have lost 30 pounds so far and feel awesome (hubby has lost 27 pounds). They have a meal replacement shake that I have twice a day (breakfast and lunch) – each shake has only 90 calories per serving - they have 12g protein, and only 1gram fat, 7 grams carbs and 75 mg sodium. They are a little expensive, but I think I am actually spending less, because I am not buying “garbage” at the grocery store.

    I make my shakes with the 35 calorie/cup unsweetened Almond milk and 1tsp Truvia plus whatever else I want to change the flavor. The ViSalus powder is Sweet Cream flavored, so you can mix it with just about anything. My favorite recipe now is one I make with the powder, almond milk and Truvia, then I add ¼ cup each pumpkin puree and Old Fashioned dry oats with some pumpkin pie spice. The oatmeal and pumpkin make it even more filling and I have no trouble making it from meal to meal for a total of 235 calories I believe… Hubby likes them with chocolate soy milk and a banana.

    I am not going to lie, the first week on the challenge I was hungry between shakes, but the second week was easier, and by the third week, my body had adjusted and I was no longer hungry between meals. (I sip on the shakes over an hour or two..) I have almost no cravings any more – in fact I have not had one bite of any Christmas treats – and I have had the same package of Reeses Peanut Butter cups in my desk drawer since October and don’t even care. I feel so much better, and have lots of energy…

    In addition to the shakes, I am taking their ViPak vitamins twice a day (they contain a multi vitamin, an anti-aging and energy one, omegas, and antioxidants). I have never taken vitamins before (except when I was pregnant), but love these…

    My 90 Day Challenge ends in 8 days, and I am going to start my next challenge on the following day.

    A couple people on MFP have commented that I should eat more “real food” and not the shakes – well that obviously did not work too well for me before, or I would not have gotten back up to 210 pounds (I have since deleted those friends, because that is not something I want to hear every day…). The shakes are so healthy, and what I add to them is healthy, so I have no problem having them twice a day – I am positive that the nutrition I am getting now is better than what I was eating “before”.

    If you are interested in getting more info, you can go to: www.anitrasoto.myvi.net/challenge . I don’t promote this product, but when my daughter signed me up, she set me up as a distributor (so I can if I want to…).

    If you have any more questions, feel free to ask – I am hooked!
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    @ Tami: sounds like you had a great day! I am sure your "team" will help you get back on the right track. Happy for you!!

    @ Linda: what a great idea!!!

    Hope you guys all had a great day!!

  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning everyone!! :flowerforyou:

    Anitra - sounds like you have a good plan with the shakes. I've been drinking the EAS ones and I can no longer stand the taste any longer. I'm going to buy some of the Unjury unflavored and try putting it in my soups, etc.

    Today I'm attempting to get the protein in and starting off with some peanut butter in some cream of wheat. Not the best tasting stuff, but it'll do for a start.

    Good luck with your challenge. You're doing a great job so far.
  • carolinagirl67
    carolinagirl67 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks, Anitra! I am going to check that out. Good for you for deleting those who are not supportive. The purpose of this site is to be supportive of each other. I see nothing that you need to do differently....you are succeeding! Do not let the others dampen your enthusiasm and drive.

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member

    Thanks! feel the same way about the negative comments... Just to make a generalized statement like "you really need to eat more 'real food' " was not what I needed to hear at that moment - especially when I am drinking something with complete nutrition and everything that I am adding to it is super healthy. I am also eating lots of other healthy things throughout the day. One thing I know, even after I reach my goal weight, I will continue having at least one ViSalus shake a day - I am sure the nutrition I get there is more complete than anything I would cook.... I know how to eat healthfully - the unfortunate thing is that apparantly I choose not to on occasion - hence the weight gain :-O Oh well, to each his own : )

    Hope you all have a Merry Merry Christmas!!!

  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, everyone,
    My name is christina, and I had WLS done in 5/24/10. It seems like its been longer. I have been very successful, but feel like I'm stuck. I have always wanted to weigh 150lb. My largest was 350+. I am currently 178. I do have alot of problems, when it comes to mnthly for all you females. I think I'm at that change of life stage and when cycle comes I have hourmonal changes. It's crazy but it affect my weight. I seen a web site www.my5daypouch. It helps me after my cycle I do the 5 day thing, and I found out that working out helps me also. I am just wandering if anyone else has had the same problem and what they did to overcome the problem?????
  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    thanks for the blog. I did go to it and asked her to be my friend as that post was very encouraging to me.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Welcome Christina and congratulations on your fantastic weight loss! I am sure that many here will have ideas and suggestions to help you.
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning everyone! Did everyone surive the "Christmas yummies"??

    I was actually able to "eat" something last night. It wasn't much, but a start. I had my heart set on ham, mashed potatoes and green beans. It took me a while, but I was able to eat and keep it down. Still no where near the protein amount that I need, but it was a good start.

    Congrats Christina on your fabulous weight loss. I don't have the "monthly" thing any longer so I'm not much help there except to say that there's usually a good deal of water weight associated with it. Have you talked to your dietician about it? They may be able to offer some advice as well.

    My goal is 145 but being 55, that may be a little adventurous. I may resolve to just being able to shop somewhere other than Lane Bryant. The main thing is being healthy and living a healthier lifestyle. If I can do that, the rest will take care of itself.

    I wish you continued success in your journey.

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member

    So glad you are starting to feel better!!

    Yes, I successfully avoided every bite of holiday junk (I hate exercising so much, I would prefer not to eat it than eating it and then having to burn it back off...) As nice as the holidays are, it is so much easier without all of that temptation...

    Hope you all have a great week!

  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    I myself servived, second year of not really gorging into all the sweets. Nothing like haven sweet potatoes, salad and a nice juice white meat turkey. that to me sounds so much better than deep dark chocolate cake that is so dry it gets stuck in your throat. I think you all know what I'm talking about. At least the food I eat is nutritious and feeling. It doesn't get stuck in the throat and I can actually taste it, it sticks to my tummy and keeps me full. I don't have to gagge, or get sick anymore. I get to enjoy with the thought of exersicing if I want to. Although I do have to admitt I did try a smalllll piece of fudge and man it nocked me on my butttttt. I felt it hit my pouch and I was instantly tired. So I walked and then went to bed. No more fudge for me, I hate that kind of feeling, like I have no energy. But man the Turkey was so delicous, that it was great today also. Hope you all enjoyed your meals and had a wanderful Christmas dinner.
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning ya'll, :smile:

    Well I put my hubby back on the plane to England. :sad: He was such a wonderful nursemaid and totally took care of me while he was here. Now it's all up to me to take care of myself. Went to see the dietician....she wasn't very happy and was quite concerned over the lack of protein in my diet. Honestly, I just haven't been able to eat. Applesauce and sugar free ice cream are my friends right now. Well, it's pureed foods for another week. Can't start the mechanical soft foods just yet. Also not getting enough liquids. One of the problems I have is when I drink water, it just seems to "hit" my stomach and it feels awful. I chew on ice a lot and let it melt and that feels better....but not getting enough. Lots of stuff to work on and hopefully I'll be turning the corner soon.

    Hugs to all!

  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member

    Glad you are starting to get some more food in you - have you tried the protein powder yet? I remember mixing a spoonful of protein powder into sugar free fat free pudding and being able to get that down. (I had a bad experience with applesauce early on - I think I am still traumatized by it : -) The first solid food I was able to eat and enjoy was scrambled eggs - oh yea and cottage cheese - forgot about cottage cheese - that has protein and is pretty bland...

    Hope you continue to progress!

    Anitra : )
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member

    I, too, had a horrible time with water. It hurt my stomach when I drank. So I asked my doctor why that is, and he said that water, for whatever reason, seems to be one of the hardest things on the pouch and that a lot of people have a hard time with water for awhile. So he suggested drinking in the water with like crystal lite or something like that. And it helped. I use a generic brand of crystal lite and love it and have no problem getting water down now. I hope that helps a little :0).

  • cmcravens
    cmcravens Posts: 53 Member
    O how I remember not being able to drink water, It hit me so hard I actually fell to my knees one time. so I also started the crystal light mixes, also I found that sobe zero cal. settled in my pouch with no problems Propel grape flavor was also veryy refreshing. I sure hope that things are going alot better, Even after 1.5 yrs I still to this day have problems drinking plain water, I buy this flavored water, It's called metopolitan Mint water. That is also very refreshing, I drink that after my work outs, Or, once I finish drinking the store bought, I can refill it with reg. water from the gym, because it still has the mint flavor in it. This only last about refill's than it's time for a new bottle.
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! :flowerforyou:

    Hopefully 2012 is going to be a great adventure for all of us.

    Thanks so much for the info on the water. Honestly, I thought I was imagining things. I love water and I'm not really one to put 'stuff' in my water. I wonder why adding a little flavoring helps? That is so weird. What is easy for me is letting ice melt or chewing on ice chips. My sister told me that Sonic sells bags of ice that is the "little" chips which I love.

    I ordered the Unjury protein and hope it arrives soon. I'm still no where in the vacinity of where I need to be food or protein wise so I'm hoping as soon as I get this, I can increase the protein (before all my hair falls out!).

    Here's to us in 2012 - may it be a year of successful toward a healthier lifestyle!


  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Happy New Year's everyone!!!!!

    I'm so excited for 2012! :happy: I know it's going to be my year to get this weight off that I put back on after surgery! My surgeon and all his staff are helping me so much get back to where I'm supposed to be and I wish I wouldn't have gotten embarrassed and not go back to them for so long, but that is all behind me and it's onward to the new!! :wink:

    I hope that 2012 will be your year too!!! :flowerforyou:

    Tami :heart:
  • moonl817
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Rachel. I had the Gastric Bypass on 12/7/11. I am just starting my weight loss journey. My peak weight was 427, the day of surgey I was down to 404. Im not sure how I lost that weight I was eating all kinds of bad stuff because I knew I couldn't have those foods any longer or at least not for a long time. I had my 3 week post op appt this last Tue 12/28 I am now down to 380. Im happy for every pound that comes off. I need friends and support from people that has or is going through the same thing I am.