


  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Man, I havent played any games in SO SO long.
    I think at xmas Ill have to play Fluxx or Zombie Dice or Ticket to Ride or Apples to Apples or or...something...with my brothers
  • Alast
    Alast Posts: 33
    Hehe, do so. I just played a round of Hive and a round of Forbidden Island with a colleague of mine. Both great games and I won both :D

    Ok, for those who dont know, Forbidden Island is actually a cooperative game. Its from the same Designer as Pandemic and uses a lot of the same mechanics. Its a bit like the smaller brother of Pandemic but I find ot actually more elegant than the bigger brother. So this game we both won ;)

    Hive is an abstract strategy game with complete information for both players. The players play with hexagonal tiles displaying insects with no actual board. Each insect type has its own movement mechanism and this way each player tries to completely surround the bee queen of their opponent. Its one of those games creating a lot of depth using only a few simple rules.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Oh I know Hive. I won the first 3 games against my bf, he won the next 7. I told him Im never playing with him again. He told me he "had it all figured out"...jerk. haha

    Forbidden Island seems like something Id love! Ill have to look into it
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    Hello! I'm Ann & I'm also a boardgame geek.

    Like a bunch of you here, we had family games when I was growing up - monopoly, trivial pursuits etc. Oh, and not sure if it counts as a board game, as there's no actual board, but we played Mah Jong as a family as well. I got into the games workshop ones when I was around 10 - the Dr Who one, Talisman :)
    The game that sticks in my mind from back in the day was one with an electronic tower that rotated & you had to collect keys and fight various things..... except I can't remember what it was called :( No doubt the name will spring into my head at some point. I recollect it being pretty advanced stuff, I think someone had brought it back from the states as a present for me :) I played that thing to death!
    Edit: Remembered: It was called Dark Tower!

    Otherwise, I now have a lot of German games, in particular Settlers & all the variants (very fond of the spaceships!)

    Now all I need is to find some board-gamers in my vague vicinity to play against again!! :smile:
  • seljabyr
    seljabyr Posts: 11

    Seljabyr from KS

    I'm quite the newbie to board games...but quickly becoming addicted

    My boyfriend is the one who introduces me to new games b/c I just don't have the time to look! We are planning on attending some newbie tutorial session at the local gaming shops as they often host free events for players like us who want to learn a new game! I smell new friends & rivals around the corner....

    Game of Thrones is the 1st and only card game I've tried. But I'm in love with it b/c I'm obsessed with the Song of Ice and Fire series.

    I'd like to own some games that don't cost a **** ton of $ with never ending expansions & such like Magic. I love fantasy, zombie, mythological...

    Not looking to be hard core, just to spend some time at the local gaming shops having a good time with enthusiasts. Although I can be pretty competitive.

    I was addicted to Boggle & Mancala as a kid :)