The Attack Phase



  • bittybooh
    bittybooh Posts: 21 Member
    It's funny you should say that about looking forward to eating veggies! I too, felt that same way. I had also comtemplated staying on the attack phase a little longer than I was told, but chose not to because I was missing my veggies!!! Stick with it, it is SOO easy. I am on a plateau right now....but this has happened before, so I am increasing my exercise times like Dukan says to in his book. Have a great day everyone! :happy:
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    OMG when I was on cruise all I wanted was a plain side salad- lettuce/tomatoes with vinegar, and I also was not a veggie person. This diet is great- now on cruise I REALLY look forward to my PV days, and I no longer take my veggies for granted. I haven't had one day yet where I missed carbs at all ;)
  • notgivingup2012
    The pounds are dropping like crazy.... this whole time I thought I was eating so good by eating Lean Cusines, Oatmeal etc. Then I was so hungry not too long later. Then I tried Dukan and 1 can of tuna can fill me up for like 4 hours!!! Im on cruise now. I lost about 8 lbs since starting the plan. My fav receipes so far are the 1 vanilla dukan muffins a day (thanx elfo for reciepe!), I love the stuffed chicken (with non fat cream chese and turkey bacon) Im next going to make dukan pancakes once my muffin stock is up. Question, can you have any of the Walden Farms products?? Like the Walden Farms Maple Syrup, or ketchup? Their products are calories free, sugar free, fat free, carb free. Also I know Dukan says you dont have to count calories, fat or carbs but I still do. Im suppose to be at 1200 calories a day, but im finding that 900 calories fill me up for the day. My question is does anyone force themselves to reach the 1200 or do you just listen to your body and stop when your full?
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    I had a whole reply that was deleted, so I will try to write it again...
    About counting calories...
    While Dukan says you don't need to count calories - it's a really good habit to get on MFP and enter in your food- not to see your calories per say- but it's good to see what you're putting into your body, see how your body reacts to certain foods, good discipline, and also a GREAT way to relearn what portions look like (ie. 4 oz of meat). As you have seen - it's really hard to go over in calories on the Dukan- that's why he says you don't need to track it (I think), but I like to do it to see what I'm doing- what works for me.
    Regarding the 1200 cals/day-- My advice would be "DO NOT force yourself to eat when you are NOT hungry". Rather- make sure you take a multi vitamin Daily- and really take advantage of your PV days with healthy choices.
    In the beginning while on Attack- I think I had this same question- although I wasn't "hungry" it "felt" like I was eating less (I think I mention this in one of my video blogs), but I let that all go and just ate when I felt like I would get hungry and stopped eating as soon as I felt satisfied. Think of the Dukan as a training system for what will happen when you reach your goal weight. The goal is to eat healthy not to eat X amount of calories. I hope that help- it's just my take on it.
  • banananisme
    banananisme Posts: 60 Member
    Hi everybody! I'm about to start the Attack phase :-) Going to start tomorrow and I was wondering if I was alone ^^
    How far is everybody in the plan?

    I remember feeling very energetic (when I followed this a while back) & I want to feel this burst again :-)

    So here I am, writing several recipes to try for the next copple of days!
  • Veggiekebab
    Hi everyone... starting today. I'll keep you posted. So glad I found this group. How much weight did you lose on the Attack phase'''
  • krenwren
    krenwren Posts: 136 Member
    Hi everyone... starting today. I'll keep you posted. So glad I found this group. How much weight did you lose on the Attack phase'''

    I lost 5 pounds doing five days of attack. I am in the cruise phase now and have lost 11 pounds so far. I seem to be stuck for right now so will be doing some modifications to make sure I'm getting enough calories. it's easy to finish the day with a severe deficit which I'm assuming will contribute to a plateau. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • sfb2510
    sfb2510 Posts: 28
    I lost around 2-3kg which was incentive enough for me to carry on with dukan!

    on the cruise phase ive had relapses but theres been no weight gain or loss from it over the last week - however I dont mind this though. its ok if you relapse, so long as you get back on it

    good luck everyone x
  • uk_james
    uk_james Posts: 52 Member
    Just started the Dukan diet and inspired by lots of your posts, looking forward to seeing if this works for me. Day 2 of Attack coming up!
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    How lovely to find a community of people so enthused, supportive and motivating!

    Officially I start Dukan'ing on Wednesday (tomorrow), but I've spent the last two days lowering my carbs and getting to grips with the plan - tomorrow it's full throttle attack!

    I don't eat dairy (allergy) so I'm already breaking some rules as I have nut milks, soy isolate protein shakes (no carbs, barely any sugars) and soya yoghurts - thankfully they're all relatively good.

    I'm finding it hard not to count calories though. I'm coming out at about 1200 per day (BMR 1500) but I'm torn between forcing extra food down and just ignoring it during the attack phase. Ignorance appears to be bliss as it's near impossible to eat your BMR on this plan (who knew a yoghurt with a tablespoon of oatbran could be so filling?).