What are you doing?

RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
Reading the book?
Working through a cycle?
Watching it collect dust?
Thinking about buying it?

I am starting the Break Robb....uh...I mean Break In.


  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I read the book, I've been doing something nearly identical to the break-in for about 3 weeks now. So I am going to jump right into fat-loss 1. But there's a couple exercises that I am going to swap out with other ones in the same movement groups. Not the core lifts like the deads or squats. But the Swiss ball stuff. I am not going to do that at the gym, I do Swiss ball crunches 2-3 days a week at home as part of my calisthenics/boxing workout. So I swapped the crunches with pull-ups(This is a very weak area for me that I am trying to improve) and the Lat rolls with Wood Chops(I LOVE THESE).
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    But the Swiss ball stuff. I am not going to do that at the gym

    The Swiss ball is kind of a public insult to my manhood. I never see guys doing them at the gym, only girls. :(
    But, I'm still doing them.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    But the Swiss ball stuff. I am not going to do that at the gym

    The Swiss ball is kind of a public insult to my manhood. I never see guys doing them at the gym, only girls. :(
    But, I'm still doing them.

    We have them, I've seen some of the most cut guys in there using them. I just don't see crunches as that effective. There's so many other core exercises that work more muscle groups. E.g. Full contact twist, mountain climbers, renegade rows, planks. Most people work the crap out of their abs and do not work the obliques that are responsible for pulling your stomach inward. Some of these people on tv with their 6 pack abs look great straight on but from the side look like they have a gut for that very reason.
  • mugofire
    mugofire Posts: 110 Member
    Don't really know what the Swiss Ball stuff is?? Please get me up to date on this :)
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    Several ball excercises, including sit ups...works well because it calls for balance which incorporates the supporting muscles. They are cheap, do that part at home.
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    Oh yeah, just getting started (again). Everything is set up and I will be doing work out #1 tomorrow.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    So just finished my first night, I must say it was one hell of a workout.

    I learned a couple things.

    First, my hamstrings are too tight for proper form while doing squats, and I imagine this will be a problem with deadlifts also. So I am going to start stretching them right away.

    Second, supine hip extensions seem inappropriate for a room full of buff, sweaty guys. I replaced these with v-ups.

    Third, it's difficult to gauge what you can lift for 3 sets of 15. There was only one I couldn't do to completion and I was close when my arms just wouldn't go anymore.

    Looking forward to day two on Wednesday.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Day 2 tomorrow excited. Recovered well from day one even with very little sleep.
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    So just finished my first night, I must say it was one hell of a workout.

    I learned a couple things.

    First, my hamstrings are too tight for proper form while doing squats, and I imagine this will be a problem with deadlifts also. So I am going to start stretching them right away.

    Second, supine hip extensions seem inappropriate for a room full of buff, sweaty guys. I replaced these with v-ups.

    Third, it's difficult to gauge what you can lift for 3 sets of 15. There was only one I couldn't do to completion and I was close when my arms just wouldn't go anymore.

    Looking forward to day two on Wednesday.

    Warm up sets with lighter weight will help also.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    So just finished my first night, I must say it was one hell of a workout.

    I learned a couple things.

    First, my hamstrings are too tight for proper form while doing squats, and I imagine this will be a problem with deadlifts also. So I am going to start stretching them right away.

    Second, supine hip extensions seem inappropriate for a room full of buff, sweaty guys. I replaced these with v-ups.

    Third, it's difficult to gauge what you can lift for 3 sets of 15. There was only one I couldn't do to completion and I was close when my arms just wouldn't go anymore.

    Looking forward to day two on Wednesday.

    Warm up sets with lighter weight will help also.

    Yea I tried to do this as much as I could unfortunately my only option for a gym is rather large and it's only 10 bucks a month so if you don't go at the right time of day it's PACKED! So I found it difficult to even do some of this stuff.
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    Day one done yesterday!
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    I took today off as a recovery day. Two reasons: Cold and I had too.

    I have never seriously done squats or lunges before. YOUCH! My glutes needed a break. I think I started off with too much weight so I am going to lower it.

    Now that I have gone through each of the elements in the Break In at least once, I am going to start my Official Break In on Monday. I would start this week but I am going to be at a retreat with all my students and don't think the hotel gym is going to be very nice.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Okay so my day two consisted of:

    Everything is in sets of 3 with 15 reps per set for the first week with 75 rest (which at first I thought would be too much).

    Incline Dumbbell Press
    Bulgarian Split Squat(Basically Impossible for me, really struggled with these and I will be practicing these at home)
    Mixed Grip Lat Pull Down
    Romanian Dead Lift
    Woodchops. (Every time I say that in my head I hear Arnold "GET TO THE CHOPPA")

    I was toast after this. It was probably an hour before my heart rate returned to normal, and lets just say it made going up and down the stairs interesting.
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    I took today off as a recovery day. Two reasons: Cold and I had too.

    I have never seriously done squats or lunges before. YOUCH! My glutes needed a break. I think I started off with too much weight so I am going to lower it.

    Now that I have gone through each of the elements in the Break In at least once, I am going to start my Official Break In on Monday. I would start this week but I am going to be at a retreat with all my students and don't think the hotel gym is going to be very nice.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Legs are my weak point...thighs are killing me from the squats!
    Lunges are tough too, I keep falling over...LOL.
    This is day 2 for me, sore or not I have to keep going.
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    I took today off as a recovery day. Two reasons: Cold and I had too.

    I have never seriously done squats or lunges before. YOUCH! My glutes needed a break. I think I started off with too much weight so I am going to lower it.

    Now that I have gone through each of the elements in the Break In at least once, I am going to start my Official Break In on Monday. I would start this week but I am going to be at a retreat with all my students and don't think the hotel gym is going to be very nice.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Legs are my weak point...thighs are killing me from the squats!
    Lunges are tough too, I keep falling over...LOL.
    This is day 2 for me, sore or not I have to keep going.
  • Don26
    Don26 Posts: 46
    I took today off as a recovery day. Two reasons: Cold and I had too.

    I have never seriously done squats or lunges before. YOUCH! My glutes needed a break. I think I started off with too much weight so I am going to lower it.

    Now that I have gone through each of the elements in the Break In at least once, I am going to start my Official Break In on Monday. I would start this week but I am going to be at a retreat with all my students and don't think the hotel gym is going to be very nice.

    How is everyone else doing?

    Legs are my weak point...thighs are killing me from the squats!
    Lunges are tough too, I keep falling over...LOL.
    This is day 2 for me, sore or not I have to keep going.
  • aus452003
    Just completed day 1 of fat-loss 2. It was actually a lot funner than i expected it t be. I had to sub barbell for dumbells in some of the exercises. but all around it is a nice program.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Okay so week 1 of fat loss 1 is done. Coupled with diet and really great self control trough the holidays I managed to lose 3.4lb last week!

    On to week two. Which means less reps & more weight baby!
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    Week 1 of Break In will be over tomorrow. Now that I have a heart rate monitor and can have a fairly accurate assessment of calories burned, I am amazed at how comparable weights are to cardio in terms of burn. Today I burned 750 in 52 minutes. That is about what I would do on the elliptical.

    Soreness Report:
    Thighs - little
    Sides - a lot
    Back - a little
    Butt - a little

    Overall, I am enjoying this.
  • aus452003
    I just finished my 3rd workout of fatloss 2. I have to say It is awesome. I do have a hard time doing lunges though. I lose ballance. I cant wait for fatloos 3. Also the Intervals Alwyn C. suggest are harder than I thought they would be.
