What are you doing?



  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    Well, I just got the book about a week ago and it is a lot of information. Even though I lift weights sometimes I'm definitely a beginner so I'm going to spend some time reading the book and getting the hang of things. I like that the book is structured and that there are a variety of plans and that they are for the long haul. I have a book and the program was for a month or two and I wasn't sure what to do after so I'm sure this will help me in getting a long time fitness regimen.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I got a bit lazy and not happy with what I was doing, so I am Starting basically over...

    Fat Loss I right now
  • walterafable
    Firstly, widen your grip - move your hands farther out towards the ends of the bar. Concentrate on getting your forearms next to your upper arms with your elbows in. Your forearms should not stack on top of your upper arms. To save your wrists, let go of the bar with your pinkies. If you need more, also drop your ring fingers from the bar. The bar will almost roll entirely off of your fingertips towards your chest. If your elbows are up, in, and out in front of you the bar should rest at the peaks of your front deltoids. Bring your chest up and out to help support the bar. Remember too that you should find your best (most comfortable) position in the squat rack first. Once you move the bar out of the rack you won't be able to make adjustments. You can also play around with keeping your thumbs on the same side of the bar as your fingers rather than wrapping them around the bar. If none of these things work, seek out some help from a knowledgeable trainer. A book called Starting Strength might also be worth a read though the author doesn't care much for front squats but there is a lot of helpful biomechanics in that book. In the end, your anthropometrics may not allow you to perform front squats correctly/comfortably. Good luck!
  • walterafable
    I need help. I'm obviously doing something wrong because Front Squats are killing me. The only weight I can do without my wrists being in great pain is just the bar by itself. The bare bar! That's crazy. I curl 50lbs with dumb bells, but I can't do front squats with more than 45 total?

    The problem is that it kills my wrists. Any advice? Evidently I am doing something wrong.

    Firstly, widen your grip - move your hands farther out towards the ends of the bar. Concentrate on getting your forearms next to your upper arms with your elbows in. Your forearms should not stack on top of your upper arms. To save your wrists, let go of the bar with your pinkies. If you need more, also drop your ring fingers from the bar. The bar will almost roll entirely off of your fingertips towards your chest. If your elbows are up, in, and out in front of you the bar should rest at the peaks of your front deltoids. Bring your chest up and out to help support the bar. Remember too that you should find your best (most comfortable) position in the squat rack first. Once you move the bar out of the rack you won't be able to make adjustments. You can also play around with keeping your thumbs on the same side of the bar as your fingers rather than wrapping them around the bar. If none of these things work, seek out some help from a knowledgeable trainer. A book called Starting Strength might also be worth a read though the author doesn't care much for front squats but there is a lot of helpful biomechanics in that book. In the end, your anthropometrics may not allow you to perform front squats correctly/comfortably. Good luck!
  • walterafable
    Reading the book?
    Working through a cycle?
    Watching it collect dust?
    Thinking about buying it?

    I am starting the Break Robb....uh...I mean Break In.

    Read the book. Considering pre-ordering the next book due out later in the month. I've heard that a lot of the core exercises have been revamped or removed entirely in favor of more combo moves.

    I've completed the Break-In, and Fat Loss 1. I'm in my second week of Fat Loss 2. I haven't lost as much weight as I was expecting but my body composition is much better. Despite not doing any bench presses I feel a lot stronger in my upper body. I think the push presses are doing most of the work there.

    After Fat Loss 2 I'll probably take a break from New Rules and come back after reviewing the new book. I'm thinking about doing a round of StrongLifts 5X5. I also have a Groupon for a free 4 weeks of Cross Fit at a local box. Just looking to mix things up, but New Rules has me on a great path...
  • fingersmagoo
    fingersmagoo Posts: 16 Member

    I can't do theses either, so I do something different. I cross my arms and have them parallel with the ground.

    Like this


    Works just as well, and does not kill my wrists.

  • SamuraiSeven
    my name is Matthew. I just started the program this week. I have been gaining muscle and fat for a long time in the gym and think its from not eating enough. I saw the calorie formula and my jaw dropped. i am 275lbs 6ft 3in. My goal weight is 240 and the formula says I need between 3500 and 4000 cals. Is that right?
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Reading the book. Since I don't have too much fat, I'm gonna start the Break in and then continue with Hypertrophy I. I've been going to the gym for quite a while, but I need more structure.
  • Juggernaut_D
    Juggernaut_D Posts: 149 Member
    I bought the book for Kindle and am reading it on the iPad. I loved the book until it actually got to the 'programs'. I think the digital version lost something in translation, because the first thing it says in Fat Loss 1, is to do alternating exercises 1 and 2, 3 and 4, or 5 and 6. I can do these 2, 3 or even 4 times a week, but never more than 2 days in a row. Then it goes on to show a chart that literally says in each row, 'Workout 1,2', 'Workout 3,4', and Workout 5,6'.
    Umm...okay - but what do those workouts consist of?! I'm lost. The end of that chapter shows the Fat Loss 3 with 2 charts that actually have exercises in them. Do I use those as 1 & 2? If so, where are the others?! Please help me!!
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    So far I've finished the Break-in and HT1. AM now on the 3rd week of HT2 and have to say the program is great! It never gets boring and keeps the DOMS coming, which at least makes me feel I've had a good workout.

    Now, with HT2, I had to adapt some of the exercises. For example, dips - I never would be able do 2*25 of them. Also, it's just impossible to keep balance when doing 6*3 dynamic lunges, so I do static lunges on the rack for safety. All in all, I feel the lower body seems a bit neglected compared to HT1 in this 3-split second part, but I guess the authors know what they are writing about. The Russian twist does not really work for me, so I vary that with some other abs exercise like the wood chop.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    I bought the book for Kindle and am reading it on the iPad. I loved the book until it actually got to the 'programs'. I think the digital version lost something in translation, because the first thing it says in Fat Loss 1, is to do alternating exercises 1 and 2, 3 and 4, or 5 and 6. I can do these 2, 3 or even 4 times a week, but never more than 2 days in a row. Then it goes on to show a chart that literally says in each row, 'Workout 1,2', 'Workout 3,4', and Workout 5,6'.
    Umm...okay - but what do those workouts consist of?! I'm lost. The end of that chapter shows the Fat Loss 3 with 2 charts that actually have exercises in them. Do I use those as 1 & 2? If so, where are the others?! Please help me!!
    I think you need to contact Amazon to let them know that the book has a problem. Each phase has different exercises so Fat Loss 1 is different from Fat Loss 2 and so on.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    So far I've finished the Break-in and HT1. AM now on the 3rd week of HT2 and have to say the program is great! It never gets boring and keeps the DOMS coming, which at least makes me feel I've had a good workout.

    Now, with HT2, I had to adapt some of the exercises. For example, dips - I never would be able do 2*25 of them. Also, it's just impossible to keep balance when doing 6*3 dynamic lunges, so I do static lunges on the rack for safety. All in all, I feel the lower body seems a bit neglected compared to HT1 in this 3-split second part, but I guess the authors know what they are writing about. The Russian twist does not really work for me, so I vary that with some other abs exercise like the wood chop.
    How are u liking HT2? So far I've done the Break in, FL1, FL2 and I have 1 more workout to go in HT1. Then I'll b taking the recommended break and on to HT2.
  • Rak0ribz
    Rak0ribz Posts: 177 Member
    Right now, I'm off the weights (after finishing the break-in workout). I hurt my wrist; the doctor tells me it's deQuervain's Tenosynovitis. It doesn't hurt _that_ much, but I can feel myself re-injuring it every time I pick up the kids/type for a long time/a million other things. I'm going to start wearing a brace today once it gets delivered, and hopefully I'll be healed up in a couple of months.

    In the meantime, I'm using the Caymax A6W app & doing the Aerobic Six of Weider abdominal workout in place of my weight routine. It's not as much fun as the weights, but I figure it's better than nothing.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    So far I've finished the Break-in and HT1. AM now on the 3rd week of HT2 and have to say the program is great! It never gets boring and keeps the DOMS coming, which at least makes me feel I've had a good workout.

    Now, with HT2, I had to adapt some of the exercises. For example, dips - I never would be able do 2*25 of them. Also, it's just impossible to keep balance when doing 6*3 dynamic lunges, so I do static lunges on the rack for safety. All in all, I feel the lower body seems a bit neglected compared to HT1 in this 3-split second part, but I guess the authors know what they are writing about. The Russian twist does not really work for me, so I vary that with some other abs exercise like the wood chop.
    How are u liking HT2? So far I've done the Break in, FL1, FL2 and I have 1 more workout to go in HT1. Then I'll b taking the recommended break and on to HT2.

    Like I said, HT2 feels a bit weird… but with the adaptations I described it's doable and fun. I do hate 2*25 though… It sounds like a quirky, but there seems to be no end to 25 reps. Also, they don't give that much attention to the legs. But with the right form, it's still very effective.

    How long have you been doing NROL? How many workouts do you plan in a week?
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Like I said, HT2 feels a bit weird… but with the adaptations I described it's doable and fun. I do hate 2*25 though… It sounds like a quirky, but there seems to be no end to 25 reps. Also, they don't give that much attention to the legs. But with the right form, it's still very effective.

    How long have you been doing NROL? How many workouts do you plan in a week?
    Well I did the break-in and part of FL1 last year but life got in the way. Restarted in January and I've been keeping up ever since. I only do 3 workouts a week b/c of my class schedule. I'm also in the middle of a bulk which I'm timing to end with the end of HT2. Which by the way I'm NOT looking forward to. 25 reps?? NO WAY. 15 reps are SO hard for me I can imagine how much I'm going to dread those days. What will you be moving on to afterwards? I plan to go to Strength 1.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Like I said, HT2 feels a bit weird… but with the adaptations I described it's doable and fun. I do hate 2*25 though… It sounds like a quirky, but there seems to be no end to 25 reps. Also, they don't give that much attention to the legs. But with the right form, it's still very effective.

    How long have you been doing NROL? How many workouts do you plan in a week?
    Well I did the break-in and part of FL1 last year but life got in the way. Restarted in January and I've been keeping up ever since. I only do 3 workouts a week b/c of my class schedule. I'm also in the middle of a bulk which I'm timing to end with the end of HT2. Which by the way I'm NOT looking forward to. 25 reps?? NO WAY. 15 reps are SO hard for me I can imagine how much I'm going to dread those days. What will you be moving on to afterwards? I plan to go to Strength 1.
    I think I'll just follow the book, which means HT3 and then the Strength series… maybe finally fat loss, but now there's not much fat to lose.

    3 WO/week is plenty - they actually recommend to not do more than that.

    25 reps is doable with lighter weights, but for the body weight exercises like dips I just cannot handle it.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member

    I think I'll just follow the book, which means HT3 and then the Strength series… maybe finally fat loss, but now there's not much fat to lose.

    3 WO/week is plenty - they actually recommend to not do more than that.

    25 reps is doable with lighter weights, but for the body weight exercises like dips I just cannot handle it.

    Hey how's it going? I started HT2 but I've decided to end my bulk early b/c, well, I'm looking really fat and I want to lose even a little weight for my vacation in august. I'll still be continuing with HT2, then S1 (I'm doing Eternal Beginner). Not sure about doing FLIII like the book suggests tho, I hear lower volume with higher reps is more ideal for cutting with minimal, if any, muscle loss. Don't want to lose the muscle I've worked so hard for.

    I haven't done any of the 25 rep workouts yet, but I can wait :laugh:. As for the dips, I can't do any with full ROM so I'm working on it. Same for chin-ups so I substitute underhand lat-pulldowns instead.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Hey how's it going? I started HT2 but I've decided to end my bulk early b/c, well, I'm looking really fat and I want to lose even a little weight for my vacation in august. I'll still be continuing with HT2, then S1 (I'm doing Eternal Beginner). Not sure about doing FLIII like the book suggests tho, I hear lower volume with higher reps is more ideal for cutting with minimal, if any, muscle loss. Don't want to lose the muscle I've worked so hard for.

    I haven't done any of the 25 rep workouts yet, but I can wait :laugh:. As for the dips, I can't do any with full ROM so I'm working on it. Same for chin-ups so I substitute underhand lat-pulldowns instead.
    Good to hear from you again!

    I think losing muscle has more to do with eating on a deficit than exercising with lower weight and higher reps, so if you're still eating enough I wouldn't worry about it.

    As for the 25 rep dips - I just do bench dips! Haven't found an alternative for 25 chin-ups though… Anyway, I'm now at HT2 round 6, so 2 more weeks to go… Then HT3, and I looked briefly at Strength, wow, that seems a lot more challenging because they require you do some lifts explosively! Can't wait.

    I think I will finally do FL, just to get more experience and to learn from the results. Only when I have seen the whole program through, I will decide wether it's worth doing it again or try some other stuff, but honestly, so far I can't complain.

    Good luck with the rest of HT2! It's fun (and WO's are rather short).
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    On several forums people were saying that Hypertrophy III lower body part of the new rules of lifting would be hard, but from the schedule I couldn't believe that. How hard could it be?! I mean, just some1.25 squats, Bulgarian splits (which we already did in HTI) and split good mornings whatever that is? Must be fun rather than hard!

    Boy, was I wrong and was everyone on the forums right. The HT III leg workout is a real killer. Or, maybe I'm just getting too old?!
  • juliadijk
    juliadijk Posts: 20 Member
    I'm probably the only woman on the NROL for Men program, hahaha. I read the NROL for women and found some of the exercises 'too girly'. When my husband read the book, he asked me if there was a men's book and I bought it for him. I started reading that one and loved the exercises, so we started Break In together. I am on the 'Eternal Beginner' cycle and just started Hypertrophy 2. I LOVE what it has done for my body and my confidence :D