Jan Start Progress Thread

Hi! I've noticed people talking about a January start progress thread. I think that's an excellent idea. I have not yet received the book, but I took all my measurements. So here goes!

Weight: 143 lbs
Neck: 13
Bust line: 36
Below Bust: 32
R Arm: 10.5
L Arm: 10.5
Natural Waist: 27
@ Belly Button: 29.75
Hips: 38
R Thigh: 22.75
L Thigh: 23
R Calf: 15.75
L Calf: 15.25

The above measurements are all in inches. I will dig out my camera soon. Look forward to hearing from the rest of you!


  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    I plan on starting tomorrow! I just bought all of my weights and stability ball today, so I will be doing the program at home. Here are my measurements in inches.

    Weight: 117
    Neck: 11.5
    Bust line: 36.5 (but I'm nursing a 5.5 month old)
    Below bust: 29
    Right forearm: 9
    Left forearm: 8.75
    Natural Waist: 26
    @ Belly Button: 29
    Hips: 36
    Right Thigh: 21
    Left Thigh: 20.5
    Right Calf: 13
    Left Calf: 13

    I'm excited to lose some of this excess body fat and gain some kickin' muscles! :)
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Oh, cool. I was getting overwhelmed reading through the Stage 1 Thread. Glad there's a do-over for newbies like me.

    I started today.

    I don't have all the measurements, but will do that this evening & post.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'll be starting in the middle of the month (I go to nationals on Friday for just over a week) but I'll be starting on the 18th (when my gym membership kicks back in) I'll be getting measurements on the 16th as well.
  • VinVenture
    Per: 31/12/11
    Measuremements (metric, cm and kg):
    Arm, upper: 28/29 cm
    Arm, forearm: 24/25 cm
    Chest: 89 cm
    Waist: 74 cm
    Bellybutton: 92 cm
    Butt: 97 cm
    Thighs: 97 cm
    Individual thigh: 55/56 cm
    Weight: 60.6 kg

    Have taken pictures, just have to clean them up before I post. Will edit them in later.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Glad to see all of you on the program! I'm in week 3, but will likely repeat the last week twice before moving to Stage 2.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Dec. 31, 2011 stats:

    I'm 5'9", age 43 and weigh 161.8 lbs:

    neck - 13.0
    bust - 32.0
    waist (belly button) - 36.0
    hips - 42.5
    r. thigh - 23.5
    r. calf - 14.5
    r. ankle - 8.25
    r. forearm - 9.5
    r. wrist - 5.75
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I'll take my measurements and post them in a day or two.
    I meant to do it today,but totally forgot to do it!
  • camckinney
    camckinney Posts: 61 Member
    Really glad I found this! I started today. However, I'm hesitant on the increase in calories. So I'm going to see how it goes and re-evaluate in a few weeks. Will do my measurements in the morning. :) I have a 10lb loss that I'm will be trying to reach as well as building my muscles and looking great instead of flabby!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I'd like it if others would also post their height and age. When I see "117 lbs.", I'm thinking, "oh my gawd that's SKINNY", but maybe you are only 5'0"....so, it kind of helps me with my mental image(s).

    (If you are shy about your age, fine, don't post it - but I think it's okay to post height.)
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I started my first workout yesterday.. Didn't take my measurements but will tonight... But I have taken my before pics....

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 166.6
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    I'd like it if others would also post their height and age. When I see "117 lbs.", I'm thinking, "oh my gawd that's SKINNY", but maybe you are only 5'0"....so, it kind of helps me with my mental image(s).

    (If you are shy about your age, fine, don't post it - but I think it's okay to post height.)

    Age: 23, almost 24
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 143
  • camckinney
    camckinney Posts: 61 Member
    Here are my measurements. My goal weight is 140-145. Trying to hit 145 for now and see how it looks.

    Weight: 155
    Height: 5.8
    Age: 38
    Neck: 13.5
    Bust Line: 38.5
    Below Bust: 34.5
    R Arm: 11
    L Arm: 11.5
    Nat Waist: 33.5
    Belly Button: 36
    Hips: 39.5
    R. Thigh: 21.5
    L. Thigh: 21.5
    R. Calf: 14
    L. Calf: 13.5
  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm 33 years old and 5'6". 117 might sound skinny, but I swear there's a lot of flab. I'm not really trying to lose any more weight, but I am trying to lose fat and gain muscle! :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Yeah, Jennifer, to me 117 lbs sounds SUPER-skinny. Which is fine (if that's how you are genetically set-up).

    I think I was 117 back in grade 9, maybe....


  • livelightsmile
    livelightsmile Posts: 5 Member
    Start Stats:

    Age 35
    Height 5'5"
    Weight 173
    Chest 44
    Waist 39
    Hips 43
    Thigh 25
    Arm 14
    Neck 13.5

    I'd like to lose about 40 pounds, but my weight doesn't matter as much as my bodyfat does, so I'm hoping NROLFW helps with my body composition as much as it sounds like it will.
  • camckinney
    camckinney Posts: 61 Member
    So I am on week one and have completed 2 workouts. I'm VERY sore. Bought my protein shakes last night and vitamins, etc. Hoping the additional protein helps. I have adjusted my calorie intake to 1500 (because I have been at 1200/1300 since I started losing weight). I have set my macros to 40-35-25. I upped my protein to try to come close to the book's requirements regardless of my lower calorie goal. I will re-evaluate my calories in 4 weeks. If I'm noticing the things he talked about I will up them (fearfully).

    I am working out at home. My husband is doing it with me. So far we have only had to adjust for two exercises that we did not have the equipment for. I need to find a better alternative for the lat pull down. If you have any ideas, please share.

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I started my first workout yesterday.. Didn't take my measurements but will tonight... But I have taken my before pics....

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 166.6

    Here are my stats:

    Weight Update: 165.4

    Hips:41 1/2
    Left Thigh: 26 1/2
    Right Thigh: 26 1/2
    Left Bicep: 12 1/2
    Right Bicep: 12 1/2
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    How long is it taken you all to complete the exercises? I'm in stage 1 and did work out 2 yesterday, chart B and I'll be honest I didn't do the full 60 second rest... But even with them I feel I could get through the all the exercises in less than 25 minutes... Am I doing something wrong?

    Also are you ladies doing any extra exercises? On my off days from lifting (Tue/Thur/Sat) I want to try to get in some good cardio..
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Jenn, the work-outs in Stage 1 ARE short. I like this. (I am doing the full 60 secs of rest.) If you read through the other "Stage" threads, though, you will see the work-outs get to between 90-120 minutes in Stage 5!!

    I am doing cardio on my non-weight-lifting days. My lift days are M/W/F. On T/Th, I do HIIT for 20 minutes. On Saturday, it's my long (steady-state) cardio day - 75 minutes. Sunday is a rest day (so far) - but I might put a yoga DVD on that day because I really think I could use the stretching.

    Also, I'm doing 12 minutes of HIIT at the end of every weight-lifting training, just to try and capture that "extra burn".

    I have zero (good) results to post, as to whether or not this is "working", but it also hasn't been long enough, in my opinion, to count!

    I think nutrition plan is VERY important, so I am paying laser-beam attention to what I put in my mouth, too!
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 631 Member
    I've decided that since I still want to drop some weight and try to get into the 150's I'm going to add cardio after my lifts on MWF, then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I'll do cardio only...