Jan challenge/new year loves

So with today I start the derbalife challenge. I will lose 25 pounds in 10 weeks and I will also increase my exercise and endurance in this 10 weeks. What is everyone else going to do to make sure we are meeting our own goals this year!!! Lets keep the support going!!!


  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    (1) It's the 2nd and I'm on day 2 of 30DS. Hoping to keep that up throughout the month.
    (2) Set the goal to only eat out 3x a month - I have already eaten out 3x, but I'm still going to try to meet this.
    (3) I signed up for Rowing/Pilates classes 2x a week, these start tomorrow.
    (4) No red meat for January (this is also part of the eating for your blood type book I am reading)
    (5) I started a fun, colorful fitness journal that I intend to write in daily.
  • BellaBones
    (1) It's the 2nd and I'm on day 2 of 30DS. Hoping to keep that up throughout the month.
    (2) Set the goal to only eat out 3x a month - I have already eaten out 3x, but I'm still going to try to meet this.
    (3) I signed up for Rowing/Pilates classes 2x a week, these start tomorrow.
    (4) No red meat for January (this is also part of the eating for your blood type book I am reading)
    (5) I started a fun, colorful fitness journal that I intend to write in daily.

    This sounds great. I think I will add a only eating out clause to my challenge as well :) I may make it 4 times a month, once a week.
  • Labcoathipster
    Hey All!

    This month-tomorrow actually- I start low glycemic eating. No fruits except what goes in my morning shake, only sprouted grains, nothing processed and lots of veggies and chicken! I'm going to see if I can bust through this weight hump.

    I bought a scale, and will be weighing myself weekly to track progress. I haven't set a loss goal, I just want to see what I can lose in a month.

    Also I'm changing up my workout schedule. I have a 30 minute, 3 day a week cardio baseline. I can and will go above this, but I will not ever do less. I'm putting together my workout regimen tonight, and I will stick to it. I'm not going to just "do what I feel like doing" on my workout nights.

    And LIFTING! I'm going to up my weight lifting.

    Wish me luck!
  • BellaBones
    Hey All!

    This month-tomorrow actually- I start low glycemic eating. No fruits except what goes in my morning shake, only sprouted grains, nothing processed and lots of veggies and chicken! I'm going to see if I can bust through this weight hump.

    I bought a scale, and will be weighing myself weekly to track progress. I haven't set a loss goal, I just want to see what I can lose in a month.

    Also I'm changing up my workout schedule. I have a 30 minute, 3 day a week cardio baseline. I can and will go above this, but I will not ever do less. I'm putting together my workout regimen tonight, and I will stick to it. I'm not going to just "do what I feel like doing" on my workout nights.

    And LIFTING! I'm going to up my weight lifting.

    Wish me luck!

    Sounds awesome, make sure to keep up posted :) Yes get your fruits in, they are soooooo goood for you and in the morning even better as you can use all the good natural sugar to get you through the day!!!

    I see you adding to your regime of exercise, pretty soon 30 minutes 2 times a week will not be enough, you will crave more. That is how it is with me and skating.
  • BellaBones
    So day 3 of the new year.

    No chocolate, no red meat, actually no meat at all yet. I started my derbalife (herbalife) challenge and weighed in yesterday and took my inches report. So much work to be done, but I believe I can do this with the support of my league and the support of you all here.

    I am going to try eating healthier than ever. I have given myself 1 time a week to not cook dinner and go out to eat, usually this is on Fridays, me and the boy get foods and watch a movie, he goes to sleep and I go skate late session :)

    One of the girls in derby had a great idea that I will start today. We do this thing called the CHAMBER once a month... it is about 20 different exercises and derby skill sets. There are 10 beams in our rink and each has a different exercise on it. We do these on skates with a lap between each set. So I will be taking the 10 beam exercises and doing them in circuit form, x3 :) It should take about 20 minutes to get through. I will do this at least 3 times a week.

    The last thing is to skate 1 hour 5 times a week :) I can feel my body getting smaller and feeling better already!
  • BellaBones
    Skated and did my mini chamber yesterday, feeling good. I refused to get my favorite drumstick ice cream afterwards when I was tempted :) They were even going to be paid for, I still said no. WILL POWER
  • Labcoathipster

    Sounds awesome, make sure to keep up posted :) Yes get your fruits in, they are soooooo goood for you and in the morning even better as you can use all the good natural sugar to get you through the day!!!

    I see you adding to your regime of exercise, pretty soon 30 minutes 2 times a week will not be enough, you will crave more. That is how it is with me and skating.

    Oh yeah, I'm already doing more than 30 minutes 3 times a week, yesterday and today I did 45 minutes and I don't plan on stopping. I just officially established a base for myself that no matter what is going on in my life, I will never get less than 30 minutes 3 times a week of cardio.

    I'm kinda sick right now, but surprisingly feel great! I started my new workout schedule yesterday with cardio, and then today I just finished my strength training. I'm so sore, but very happy. The low glycemic eating is proving to be difficult, but I'm getting there....I'll keep you posted.

    Now if only I could get rid of this sore throat!

    I'm going to weigh in on Saturday mornings so I'll keep y'all updated!! Keep up the good work bella!
  • Labcoathipster
    Just made the best dinner...Broiled Tilapia, Cous Cous and salad. I feel happy. :)
  • BellaBones
    Just made the best dinner...Broiled Tilapia, Cous Cous and salad. I feel happy. :)

    Yummy :)
  • BellaBones
    Skated our first real practice last night, we just started our new season :) I am so excited. I now am down to what I was before the holidays, I have lost 5 pounds since the first of the year. Whatever I am doing it is working and I love it. Will do the mini chamber today and then hopefully get in my skate tonight. Tomorrow I have a 1.5 hour hike up Cowles Mountain. Seems like fun!!! Burn baby burn.

    Tonight however I will be eating a vegan chorizo burrito and not feel at all bad about it. You have to let some fun foods in :)
  • Labcoathipster
    Mmmmm sounds yummy. I'm sadly sick. And I missed my workout yesterday so I feel guilty on top of it. I'm back at work today, so I'm going to try and get my workout in tonight, instead of taking today as my rest day. I need to get a good meal in me first, and hopefully me and my throat will be up to it.
  • Labcoathipster
    How was everyone's weekend??

    Mine was good, I'm finally starting to feel better and was able to get in a workout. Today I hit it again. I also started out with two compliments that I was looking skinny. Heck yeah!
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA. Last week totally exhausted me.

    The not eating out as much thing didn't work out so well for me, but I am still trying to limit myself to only eating out when someone else is paying (LOL).

    I still haven't had red meat - I'm hoping this can become an actual permanent lifestyle change, but only time will tell.

    @labcoat - gotta love it when people start realizing how great you look!! on pinterest i saw something that said 'it takes 4 wks for you to start seeing changes in your body, 8 wks for your family & friends, and 12 for the rest of the world'. Are you at 100% again? Glad you are starting to feel better.

    @bellabones - 5lbs is awesome!!! I don't think I've lost anything in over a month, trying not to get discouraged though. How's Derbalife going??
  • BellaBones
    The Derbalife challenge is going strong. I have adjusted my starting weight as of the beggining of the new year, this way I am in line with all of my other team mates, they just started the fitnesspal :) I am hoping we will see some of their faces here. I have put my 35 pounds lost on my white board and will add it to my final numbers when the challenge is done. I will not forget those ever so hard to keep off 35 pounds. I have lost and kept them off for about 1 year now :) Woo hoo, that is awesome.

    Last week I did 400 minutes of cardio !!!! WOW. This week I am hoping to get in 500. The circuit counts as cardio and it gives me toning as well, best of both worlds. Yeppee.

    Labcoat, you are doing great.

    Kristin, glad to see you back. :)
  • Labcoathipster
    Kristen, glad to see you back as well! and Bella you're a freaking rockstar.

    Finally I'm back 100%! And I feel really good. I got my HRM and I worked out hard the past two nights. I'm going to follow it up tomorrow with another good strength training session and some jump roping. I'm starting to realize again how much I love feeling the burn and sweat. It makes me feel like I'm working for something.

    Yahoo happy 2012!!!
  • Labcoathipster
    Last night was strength training and today I'm sore.....

    Later tonight is interval training cardio on the treadmill. Eeek!!!! I'll check in and let you know how it goes. :)
  • BellaBones
    Last night was strength training and today I'm sore.....

    Later tonight is interval training cardio on the treadmill. Eeek!!!! I'll check in and let you know how it goes. :)

    Sounds fun as can be :) Good job with the jump rope. Jumping jacks are awesome as well.

    Keep us posted.
  • BellaBones
    Started the 100 push up app and will be stoked when I can do 100 manly push ups. Made it to 14 so far :) My challenge is doing great, I am above my goal so far. I have not had any chocolate or red meat so that is great. I am feeling so much more motivated these days. I think it helps when you see your success :) I am starting to really enjoy exercise and being healthy!!! It is starting to show!!! hahaha

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Labcoathipster
    Started the 100 push up app and will be stoked when I can do 100 manly push ups. Made it to 14 so far :) My challenge is doing great, I am above my goal so far. I have not had any chocolate or red meat so that is great. I am feeling so much more motivated these days. I think it helps when you see your success :) I am starting to really enjoy exercise and being healthy!!! It is starting to show!!! hahaha

    Have a great day everyone.

    Yay! Good for you! Keep it going and keep us updated on how many pushups you can do. I'm excited for you to reach your goal!
  • Labcoathipster
    Well it's officially halfway through the month and I've started to FINALLY drop weight! And inches. Yahoo! I went go buy a pair of work pants yesterday and was shocked to find out I had dropped 2 whole pant sizes. WTH?! Such a nice surprise! And total proof that muscles weights more than fat. I've lost around two pounds since starting, but all that is muscle replacing fat. Yay!!

    I also did my first outdoor trail run today. I did two and a quarter mile outdoor run/walk in about 43 minutes. It's kind of crazy because I felt like I worked so much harder outside than I do when I'm in the gym on a machine. My friend and I are signing up for a 5K in a month, so we will be doing outdoor trail runs together once a week, and I"m going to start running outside as well. I"m way out of shape with it, but I feel excellent and I"m excited to start improving my times.

    Hope you all had a great weekend, and let's finish out this month strong!!! Rock on.