Jan challenge/new year loves



  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING. I must track EVERYTHING.

    I have been so bad about this lately - I really need to start doing this so I can start to see trends with my weightloss, workouts, and nutrition.

    I didn't eat so great this weekend, but I did talk all my friends into going roller skating instead of out to the bars on Saturday night - score one for Kristin!!! It was over 2-hrs of solid skating, I was only out of the rink for maybe 10 minutes total.

    @Labcoat - AWESOME on dropping the pant sizes!! I think that is what I'm most looking forward to. My friend gave me all of her 10/12 pants (like 20 pairs!) so I didn't have to go buy new clothes and I can't wait to give them all back to her and slip into my 4/6 pants again!!

    However, I need to start eating better, my diet is ridiculous these days - so bad that I took my diary off of viewable and put it on private!!

    @Bella - That's great about the pushups, pretty huge goal!! I'm a freak when it comes to pushups, I don't think I've ever done a 'girl' pushup in my life. I think my arms are abnormally strong for some reason. But I sure as heck can't do 100. Is it supposed to be in a row? That sounds crazy. One of my fitness teachers always has us do 25 at the end of class so I imagine I can maybe do 30/35 before I have to take a break.

    I did screw up and have some red meat the other day - it was a completely unconscious decision. I ordered, ate and then remembered I wasn't going to. I was so mad at myself, but I can't turn back time and take it back :(
  • Don't beat yourself up Kristin, trust me, that will get you no where. Just be glad that you're back on here, and tracking, and it's really easy to come back. You know you can do it, and we believe in you! This whole process is really hard sometimes, but we can and WILL prove to ourselves that we can do it. :) You're awesome and you will achieve what you set out to do! Now get to it!
  • So I had a mini NSV. Today was my works 20th anniversary, and there were tons and tons of cupcakes. I decided not to grab one and was fine with it. But then my boss brought in a whole box that was left over and left them on a table that was only five feet from my desk. No one pressured me to eat one or anything, but still I said no. It was a total personal internal thing. I looked at it, and didn't even flinch towards one or feel bad for not eating one. I'm just not that person anymore. It's kind of crazy actually. Yay!
  • So I had a mini NSV. Today was my works 20th anniversary, and there were tons and tons of cupcakes. I decided not to grab one and was fine with it. But then my boss brought in a whole box that was left over and left them on a table that was only five feet from my desk. No one pressured me to eat one or anything, but still I said no. It was a total personal internal thing. I looked at it, and didn't even flinch towards one or feel bad for not eating one. I'm just not that person anymore. It's kind of crazy actually. Yay!

    This rocks, keep it up. :) It feels great doesn't it?
  • Hey everyone. On schedule here. January is looking awesome. Things are in full swing, I am more active than ever. And the scale is always in the downward direction. Now just to destroy the weekends, I usually gain at least a pound. Just got to keep on track and make myself accountable. My loss could look so much better by know if I werent to gain those little pounds back all the time.
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    So I had a mini NSV. Today was my works 20th anniversary, and there were tons and tons of cupcakes. I decided not to grab one and was fine with it. But then my boss brought in a whole box that was left over and left them on a table that was only five feet from my desk. No one pressured me to eat one or anything, but still I said no. It was a total personal internal thing. I looked at it, and didn't even flinch towards one or feel bad for not eating one. I'm just not that person anymore. It's kind of crazy actually. Yay!

    Good for you!! Chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese icing are one of my biggest weaknesses.

    Proud of you girl!!
  • Thanks ladies!

    So I am officially a runner now. :) Not necessarily a good one yet, but I"m on my way! I've done three runs this week with my good friend and even though it kicks my *kitten*, I'm so happy I'm doing it. I think that my fitness will improve greatly with this new addition. Also, I've signed up for three 5K's!! Ahhh!

    I'm running the first of Feb. 11th, one on March 17th and one on May 19th. I'm so excited and nervous all at the same time. I never thought I would do something like this, and not wuss out. Crazy!

    January has been a good month.

    How are y'all doing???
  • Hey everyone. On schedule here. January is looking awesome. Things are in full swing, I am more active than ever. And the scale is always in the downward direction. Now just to destroy the weekends, I usually gain at least a pound. Just got to keep on track and make myself accountable. My loss could look so much better by know if I werent to gain those little pounds back all the time.

    Keep at it girl! Weekends are tough, but you are kicking some serious *kitten* right now. You are definitely motivation for me! Smash and grab!!!!!!
  • 2012Kristin
    2012Kristin Posts: 222 Member
    I started Insanity with my friend this morning. Kicked my butt and my fingers are crossed that I stick with it. She is coming over 5 days a week at 5AM and the 8AM on Saturday. Going to do measurements and before pictures tonight I think....
  • I started Insanity with my friend this morning. Kicked my butt and my fingers are crossed that I stick with it. She is coming over 5 days a week at 5AM and the 8AM on Saturday. Going to do measurements and before pictures tonight I think....

    You can do it! We believe in you!!!! Let us know how it goes.
  • 33 push up in on my 100 goal. Losing it at a stand still, must spark my metabolism. Its been 24 days chocolate free :) I know I will reach my goal, just have to work really supper hard to get there. Heading into week 4 of my challenge and is a little behind schedule... but I will get this and make it happen, healthfully.
  • I am going to own this weekend. :) What about you. And what are our goals for the month of February? How about how we did in January? I think we did awesome and through some downfalls, we did it. So lets double the awesome in February.
  • I am going to own this weekend. :) What about you. And what are our goals for the month of February? How about how we did in January? I think we did awesome and through some downfalls, we did it. So lets double the awesome in February.

    I agree!

    In January I started running and it's the first time I saw a weight loss in this whole journey. Last night I ran farther than I've run since I've started. Yay! I'm going running again on Saturday and I hope to double that amount.

    For Feb. I'm running my first ever 5K! Woo Hoo! So the month of Feb will be all about getting in good running shape while building muscle mass. it will be all about endurance and feel, not about amount lost. I'm running a second 5K on March 17th, and I want to be able to run the whole thing. Cheers to an awesome January and an even better February!!
  • OK let's finish out strong! Today and tomorrow left in January. Tonight is another trail run followed by strength training. Tomorrow is strength and stretching with a vegetarian cooking class. :) Yay!
  • Labcoat, own that 5 k :) And yes we can finish this month out stronger then ever. I will be running today at lunch, do my push ups, then head to a 3 hour practice tonight!!!

    And awesome loss, even if you are not counting the loss so much, it does feel great when you see it and when you are feeling good inside and out!!!

    Lets make the end of Jan great and give us momentum of awesome to roll into Feb!!!
  • Labcoat, own that 5 k :) And yes we can finish this month out stronger then ever. I will be running today at lunch, do my push ups, then head to a 3 hour practice tonight!!!

    And awesome loss, even if you are not counting the loss so much, it does feel great when you see it and when you are feeling good inside and out!!!

    Lets make the end of Jan great and give us momentum of awesome to roll into Feb!!!

    YES! How's the pushup challenge going? What's your number??