1st Trimester



  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    ShoeDeava: Love the attitude!! I'm so happy this group exsists. It seems like everyone here understands completely and it makes me feel a lot better about my worries!

    snowgrrl: I know exactly how you feel as far as being completely exhausted. I think I could sleep all day and still be tired! I'm almost 11 weeks now and it seems like its finally subsiding.

    I was on vacation this past weekend and was worried two flights and 4 days in the hot sun would be too much stress on the baby. Then on the way home from the airport, I got into a car accident. It wasn't anything I'd be concerned about if I hadn't been pregnant, but because I am it was enough to almost cause a total meltdown. Then the other guy didn't want to give me any of his information.... but that's another conversation entirely. So I finally snapped at him, told him I was pregnant, needed to get the ER and didn't have time for his bull****.

    I went right to the ER for an ultrasound and thankfully everything was okay. The cramping I had was a combination of anxiety and the seatbelt tightening up around my midsection. The little peanut's heart was beating at 169bpm. We even saw his little arms and legs moving all around. It was almost surreal watching it on the screen. It kind of made everything seem a little more real. Definitely an exciting way to end a terrifying evening!!
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    lou-ann!!! That is a crazy rollercoaster day story!!! My heart melted when you spoke of your baby's heartbeat and moving little arms and legs...ahhhhh... seriously, my eyes are watering up. So thankful that you and your little being are still well!!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    lou_ann - I'm so glad you and your baby are okay!! what a crazy few days, but you're right, seeing your healthy baby can make everything better.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Oh my gosh! SOOOOO sorry you had to go through that stress, but very glad to hear that baby is fine!
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    Hi! I'm looking to make friends with some fellow first trimester moms (we're due in February). Especially those of you who had to pause the weight loss journey when you found out about the pregnancy. If you have you're diary open then even better! I'm looking for meal ideas and support!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi! I am going on my 9 weeks soon with lots of pregnancy symptoms, heartburn, nausea, tiredness, this last one being the worse. I sleep all the time, I am thankful I am on holidays during the summer, planning on taking care of me and the baby. Plus, I gained 4 pounds already. Planning on eating healthy and adding some walking and swimming to my daily routine.

    Nerdybookgirl - When is your due date? Mine is february 5th. I also had to pause my weight loss journey, I had lost 60 pounds so far, probably the reason I was able to get pregnant was because I lost weight. Doctors had given me 0.5% chance of getting pregnant with PCOS. I had my miracle baby, he is now 13 years old!!! Now, I find out I am pregnant, not what we were expecting but if it's in meant to be, it's meant to be!
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    ShoeDeava: Love the attitude!! I'm so happy this group exsists. It seems like everyone here understands completely and it makes me feel a lot better about my worries!

    snowgrrl: I know exactly how you feel as far as being completely exhausted. I think I could sleep all day and still be tired! I'm almost 11 weeks now and it seems like its finally subsiding.

    I was on vacation this past weekend and was worried two flights and 4 days in the hot sun would be too much stress on the baby. Then on the way home from the airport, I got into a car accident. It wasn't anything I'd be concerned about if I hadn't been pregnant, but because I am it was enough to almost cause a total meltdown. Then the other guy didn't want to give me any of his information.... but that's another conversation entirely. So I finally snapped at him, told him I was pregnant, needed to get the ER and didn't have time for his bull****.

    I went right to the ER for an ultrasound and thankfully everything was okay. The cramping I had was a combination of anxiety and the seatbelt tightening up around my midsection. The little peanut's heart was beating at 169bpm. We even saw his little arms and legs moving all around. It was almost surreal watching it on the screen. It kind of made everything seem a little more real. Definitely an exciting way to end a terrifying evening!!

    Lou Ann Sorry about the accident but I am glad you and the Baby are ok.
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    Anyone hear an update on My1985Freckle? I don't see any posts from a few weeks and didn't see anything in 2nd trimester either.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Anyone hear an update on My1985Freckle? I don't see any posts from a few weeks and didn't see anything in 2nd trimester either.

    I was wondering too!!
  • ShoeDeahva
    ShoeDeahva Posts: 82 Member
    I just sent her a DM. Hopefully she is ok.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi, Ladies....

    I had an appointment on the 19th which would have been 11wks2dys. And, well, the doc goes "Your uterus is not enlarged. You aren't pregnant." I was like "WTF?!" He did bloodwork to test my thyroid and cancer-y stuff and an U/S just to prove that I'm not pregnant. I had to wait a whole freaking week to get the results which I got this past Tuesday (would have been 12wks2dys).

    From the U/S/tests, The doc said it was a really early M/C. Most likely within days of my positive HPT at 6wks giving the negative blood test at 6wks 2dys. He had no idea why I got a positive HPT at 9wks. No idea why I still had symptoms for the past 6wks (At least he didn't diagnose me as crazy though which he was kinda a jerk and insinuated at my first appointment with him!). And no idea why I hadn't passed any tissue. But, he said as soon as I regulate I look good to go for trying! All the bloodtests they did to rule out the symptoms being caused by thyroid problems or cancers and such all came back good. Guess I'm just an anomally. :-)

    So, yes, I am very disappointed that we lost this baby (or babies, I'm still convinced it was twins!). But I am actually handling it very well. I think I'm MORE upset that I put 15 pounds back on and I'm not getting a baby out of it! LOL
  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    So sorry My1985Freckle:( Sound like the doctor was a bit insensitive. Glad you are handling it ok, miscarriage is terrible, I have gone through it twice myself. Take care>:flowerforyou:
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    sorry to hear My1985Freckle. I hope your doing ok. Like the dr says, give it another go in a few months! Baby dust to you.

    hey guys, i'm getting to 12wks here in a couple of day! I am getting pretty depressed with seeing myself get chubbier. I don't look pregnant at all, I just look like I am gaining weight. I gained close to 5lbs already. Last couple of days my scale has me at 129. I think seeing 130 again will bring me to tears. lol I have been under 130 for the past 9 months and I was hoping I wouldn't see the 130s until I was well into my 2nd trimester. :(( WELL here is SOME good news. We are taking a babymoon to Hawaii in September! Super excited about that! I am still having insurance issues and it looks like I will have to pay out of pocket and hope I get some kind of insurance later on. No one accept pre existing conditions! I've cried enough over this matter, now I am just super bummed.
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys :) I really appreciate it!

    My1985Freckle: Sorry to hear about your situation and the insensitive doctor. I hope to see you back here soon!!

    Cocolo: A babymoon will be very exciting! I hope you have fun! I'm sorry to hear about the insurance issues though. I could turn this into a political conversation, but I'll spare everyone that potentially heated conversation. Have you thought of visiting a midwife? They tend to be a lot less expensive than a hospital birth.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Thanks for all the support guys :) I really appreciate it!

    My1985Freckle: Sorry to hear about your situation and the insensitive doctor. I hope to see you back here soon!!

    Cocolo: A babymoon will be very exciting! I hope you have fun! I'm sorry to hear about the insurance issues though. I could turn this into a political conversation, but I'll spare everyone that potentially heated conversation. Have you thought of visiting a midwife? They tend to be a lot less expensive than a hospital birth.

    I have thought about a mid-wife, but I would much rather have a hospital birth in case I come across any emergency issues. I will look more into doing visits with a mid-wife and then going to the hospital for the birth.
  • shellsy0424
    shellsy0424 Posts: 127 Member
    We are going on a babymoon in July to Mexico but we are bringing our 13 month old so I don't know if it is really a baby moon. LOL Still looking forward to some warm weather as we haven't had any here in Vancouver this summer yet. I will be 14 weeks when we travel, turning to 15 so it should be good. I am showing already at 11 weeks so a few more weeks and it shouldn't just look like fat but actually baby. That is what I am hoping anyways.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    We are going on a babymoon in July to Mexico but we are bringing our 13 month old so I don't know if it is really a baby moon. LOL Still looking forward to some warm weather as we haven't had any here in Vancouver this summer yet. I will be 14 weeks when we travel, turning to 15 so it should be good. I am showing already at 11 weeks so a few more weeks and it shouldn't just look like fat but actually baby. That is what I am hoping anyways.

    Lol, ya we are taking our 2 yr old with us as well. I still consider it a babymoon. lol. I will be around 24-25 weeks. Hoping not to be too big. When I went while pregnant with my daughter I was 22weeks and wasnt showing. I am currently almost 12wks and just look pudgy, not pregnant. Soooo crossing my finger.!
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    Hey licha75! We are due on February 13th.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    A babymoon! I have never heard of any such thing...wonder if I can talk to husband into something like that.

    Well ladies...I am at 13 and a half weeks now, so I guess it's time to meander over to the 2nd trimester board. Lots of blessings to all of you, and I'll see you over there!
  • danalee83
    danalee83 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 7 weeks pregnant - (due Feb. 10th). I have my first OB/GYN appointment July 3rd!
    I don't have too much of the so-called "morning sickness", but I'm always hungry. I've already gained 7 pounds!!! OMG!!!
    I'm a little stressed out about the weight gain. I mean, if I got this much weight, this soon, what am I going to be like in another 30 weeks?! I've heard of women gaining 60 lbs during pregnancy - yikes! So what kind of calorie intake should I be shooting for? Right now, I simply eat everything in sight.

    Again, no morning sickness, but I can barely keep my eyes open. I've been sleeping 12-14 hour nights and having a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoons after work......hows everyone else doing?

    I am also due on Feb 10th! I have my first appt tomorrow (july 2) I am excited and pretty nervous. From weeks 5-7 I was so nauseas and extremely exhausted. Now for the last week I am still exhausted but the nausea has gone away (hopefully for good) but I am also worried if everything is going ok.

    I just changed my calorie intake on here. I feel like I am so hungry all the time but then when I finally get food I take a few bites and am fine (eyes bigger than my stomach!) I am trying to snack on healthy things like tons of fruits and veggies. For awhile all I wanted was cold foods- hot foods were too stinky! I have gained about 3 pounds so far. I have been too tired to exercise until yesterday when I went on a long hike. It felt great!