1st Trimester



  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    A babymoon! I have never heard of any such thing...wonder if I can talk to husband into something like that.

    Well ladies...I am at 13 and a half weeks now, so I guess it's time to meander over to the 2nd trimester board. Lots of blessings to all of you, and I'll see you over there!

    Awesome!! see you there in 2 weeks!
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    My first appointment isn't until July 11th! I'm very nervous. I had a positive test, haven't had my period, I'm bloated (I've gained about 3 lbs), and my boobs have big blue veins (this happens every time I'm pregnant). Other than that I've had no side effects. With my daughter I puked all the time and with my son I was constantly dizzy and starving. I feel totally normal and I keep expecting to feel odd. Weird worries.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    My first appointment isn't until July 11th! I'm very nervous. I had a positive test, haven't had my period, I'm bloated (I've gained about 3 lbs), and my boobs have big blue veins (this happens every time I'm pregnant). Other than that I've had no side effects. With my daughter I puked all the time and with my son I was constantly dizzy and starving. I feel totally normal and I keep expecting to feel odd. Weird worries.

    hey there, don't be worried. I practically didn't feel pregnant my whole pregnancy so far. I started getting nausea around 7wks and it went away around 9.5 weeks, but it wasn't bad. I wasn't puking at all. When pregnant with my daughter, I didn't have any nausea or pregnancy symptoms. I guess we are just lucky women who don't have morning sickness, :)

    12wks +5lbs
  • TChelleD
    TChelleD Posts: 19 Member
    Hi ladies. I'm Terri, found out on Sat that I'm expecting. I am 6 weeks along and haven't been able to set up a doctors appointment yet. Complications at the doctors office with my insurance. I'm really nervous about this pregnancy, my second son was born with a chromosome abnormality that wasn't diagnosed until he was 3 months old. I just want to see MY doctor for this pregnancy, I really don't want to have to find a new OB.
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    Took a second pregnancy test today ... absolutely positive... amazing how we make ourselves worry. :laugh:
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Took a second pregnancy test today ... absolutely positive... amazing how we make ourselves worry. :laugh:

    I was so worried for the first few weeks after I found out! I over analyzed everything, but it's all turned out well so far. I'm also one that hasn't had any morning sickness. There are a few things that make me nauseous, but as long as I avoid those I don't experience any of that either! I've been told to consider myself lucky and that this is the start to a lifetime of a very different kind of worrying :)
    Hi ladies. I'm Terri, found out on Sat that I'm expecting. I am 6 weeks along and haven't been able to set up a doctors appointment yet. Complications at the doctors office with my insurance. I'm really nervous about this pregnancy, my second son was born with a chromosome abnormality that wasn't diagnosed until he was 3 months old. I just want to see MY doctor for this pregnancy, I really don't want to have to find a new OB.

    Welcome Terri! I wish you the best of luck and health in your pregnancy. You'll have to keep us all updated!

    So I took the plunge today and bought my first pair of maternity pants. The belly band wasn't cutting it anymore and I was so sick of having to adjust it all the time. I weighed myself 3 times before putting them on today, just to make sure it is a baby and not too many carbs or something! I'm so much more comfortable but still feel kind of silly needing them 11 weeks into my first pregnancy..
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Took a second pregnancy test today ... absolutely positive... amazing how we make ourselves worry. :laugh:

    LOL! I took 4 all in one day. Just to be uber sure! Congrats!!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Just have a quick question.

    I'm 8 weeks pregnant (just started week 8). I'm very bloated in my belly, and my boobs are a cup size bigger already.

    Does the bloating go away?

    I had to buy maternity pants already today:


    Just curious if my belly will be this "puffy" for the whole pregnancy or if it's temporary.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I am still pretty puffy @ 12 weeks. I am not showing yet, just looks like I gained weight (which I did, LOL) I think the puffiness stays until an actual bump pushes out. :(
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I am still pretty puffy @ 12 weeks. I am not showing yet, just looks like I gained weight (which I did, LOL) I think the puffiness stays until an actual bump pushes out. :(

    Mine looks like I'm showing (especially in profile), but it's all bloatiness. So frustrating!
  • danalee83
    danalee83 Posts: 63 Member
    I feel so bloated too! I went to the DR yesterday for our first ultrasound appt! Made me teary eyed seeing our little blob and the heart beating. I was super nauseas from wks 4-6 but havent had any nausea just tired (but not as tired as I was during wks 4-6) So I was really afraid something was wrong since I wasnt feeling pregnant anymore! Found out I am actually due feb 16th and not the 10th. (I guess the calendars online where you enter in the last date of your period are based on a 28 day cycle and mines more like 35) Feel relieved to have seen the heart but its still early.

    Headed to go buy some larger clothes because I feel big in everything already. I have gained about 3lbs but it feels like 20!
  • bkay30
    bkay30 Posts: 43
    Walked 3 miles on the treadmlll today. I miss my turbo kick class, but Dr said walking only. (ive had a previous miscarriage) How is everyone feeling? Im only 4w6d, so no big symptoms yet. I hope they kick in soon, im getting worried how fine I feel
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I feel so bloated too! I went to the DR yesterday for our first ultrasound appt! Made me teary eyed seeing our little blob and the heart beating. I was super nauseas from wks 4-6 but havent had any nausea just tired (but not as tired as I was during wks 4-6) So I was really afraid something was wrong since I wasnt feeling pregnant anymore! Found out I am actually due feb 16th and not the 10th. (I guess the calendars online where you enter in the last date of your period are based on a 28 day cycle and mines more like 35) Feel relieved to have seen the heart but its still early.

    Headed to go buy some larger clothes because I feel big in everything already. I have gained about 3lbs but it feels like 20!

    So you are 7 weeks pregnant right now? And you were able to see the baby and the heartbeat? I am going for an ultrasound this week for the first time and I am 9 weeks, just wondering what to expect to see at the ultrasound, I wasn't sure if I would be able to see the heartbeat at 9 weeks. I am so nervous.

    at * bkay30 - you always worry no matter what. I have symptoms of fatigue, nausea right now and I am still scared of having another miscarriage. Specially since I had symptoms for a good 3 weeks after losing the baby last time. Hopefully the ultrasound I am having will help me put my mind at ease.
  • bkay30
    bkay30 Posts: 43
    @licha You can definitely see the heartbeat at 9 weeks. Unless you have your dates wrong. The 9-12 weeks appointments are fun because the baby moves around so much. They are such a tiny little thing, just moving away :) You can also see little arm/leg buds. Like a gummy bear :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    @licha: I saw the heartbeat on our sonogram last week at 7 weeks. It was such an incredible experience!

    My ultrasound tech said that not everyone sees it that early though, so don't get upset. They didn't see anything on the doppler. I had to have a transvaginal to see anything.
  • bkay30
    bkay30 Posts: 43
    Yes, for sure transvaginal that early on. I couldnt get "on top of belly" sonograms until like 13 weeks. I hope everyone posts sonogram pics when they get one :) So excited to see them!! :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Here's my tadpole at 7 weeks:


    Lovely heartbeat spotted at 113 bpm. :smile:

    We have officially nicknamed the baby "tadpole" since that's what the ultrasound tech said it looked like at 7 weeks. hehe
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I feel so bloated too! I went to the DR yesterday for our first ultrasound appt! Made me teary eyed seeing our little blob and the heart beating. I was super nauseas from wks 4-6 but havent had any nausea just tired (but not as tired as I was during wks 4-6) So I was really afraid something was wrong since I wasnt feeling pregnant anymore! Found out I am actually due feb 16th and not the 10th. (I guess the calendars online where you enter in the last date of your period are based on a 28 day cycle and mines more like 35) Feel relieved to have seen the heart but its still early.

    Headed to go buy some larger clothes because I feel big in everything already. I have gained about 3lbs but it feels like 20!

    So you are 7 weeks pregnant right now? And you were able to see the baby and the heartbeat? I am going for an ultrasound this week for the first time and I am 9 weeks, just wondering what to expect to see at the ultrasound, I wasn't sure if I would be able to see the heartbeat at 9 weeks. I am so nervous.

    at * bkay30 - you always worry no matter what. I have symptoms of fatigue, nausea right now and I am still scared of having another miscarriage. Specially since I had symptoms for a good 3 weeks after losing the baby last time. Hopefully the ultrasound I am having will help me put my mind at ease.

    I had an ultrasound at 9weeks6days and they were able to see the heartbeat and baby. Had a hb of 170bpm. But she tried on the doppler and couldnt find the heartbeat. Don't get freaked out if you cant hear the heartbeat on the doppler, it might be too early. Best of luck to you!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    So discouraged today, found out my ultrasound will only be on July 16th, that means I have to wait even longer to find out if the baby even has a heartbeat, I will be11 weeks pregnant by that time. :( I don't want to tell anyone until I see or hear a heartbeat and it's getting harder to not tell people I am pregnant. We have a family reunion the weekend before my ultrasound, I would of loved to know by then but I guess I will have to lie about why I am so tired and can't drink alcohol. The worst is the waiting to find out if the baby is okay but I've got to try and be positive.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    So discouraged today, found out my ultrasound will only be on July 16th, that means I have to wait even longer to find out if the baby even has a heartbeat, I will be11 weeks pregnant by that time. :( I don't want to tell anyone until I see or hear a heartbeat and it's getting harder to not tell people I am pregnant. We have a family reunion the weekend before my ultrasound, I would of loved to know by then but I guess I will have to lie about why I am so tired and can't drink alcohol. The worst is the waiting to find out if the baby is okay but I've got to try and be positive.

    I know it's disappointing that timing didn't work out how you had hoped, but at least you will be able to see quite a bit of your little one at 11 weeks :) Hoping the next 11 days go by quickly for you!!