1st Trimester



  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I've been doing the Linday Brin dvds from Target...it was $14.99 for 4 dvds, 1 for each trimester and 1 for after baby (a bootcamp dvd). She's super cheerful, which depending on the day can be annoying (haha!), but it's been a good dvd for me and my energy level at the moment!
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    I completely hear you with the body issues!! I've gained 2ish pounds, but I feel completely disgusting!! I am going to the gym today and VERY excited lol.. I've been so tired, I've only been a few times since I found out.. I too should have lost a lot more weight before getting pregnant, but you know what, stuff happens.. and I wasn't going to put my life on hold.. We had just joined a gym the month before we found out (of course), so I don't plan on wasting my money every month.. I'm thinking I'll continue with my very wimpy walk/jog and zumba.. I think it will be fine as long as I don't overdo it. My dr has said to continue life as usual right now..
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Is it bad that I am doing the same workout program that I was doing before pregnancy? I know its a question I need to ask my dr, but I don't get an appointment until I am 10wks. I figured I will continue with it since my energy level is still great. I was doing Body Revolution before I was pregnant and before that I did 30DS. 6week 6 pk, ripped in 30, and all sorts of Jillian dvds. I still do Body Revolution daily but I modify the high impact jumping moves. Also we go on walks whenever the weather permits (I live in Seattle area, enough said, haha) I bought a few prenatal DVDs but they seem super easy, I was thinking of doing those when I am in my 2nd or 3rd Trimester and need to slow things down. Being due in January in a way sucks cause you can't really go outside for walks during your 3rd tri, I guess I will keep my gym membership... lol


    ** I hear ya, I have gained 2lbs as well and I am only 7 weeks! I hope to only gain 2 more this trimester, but things aren't looking good. :))
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Is it bad that I am doing the same workout program that I was doing before pregnancy?

    It's probably fine (obviously, I'm not a doctor, so I don't really know). I was deadlifting 160+ lbs and squatting 100+. I already have hypermobility in my joints and, with the extra flexibility of pregnancy, I'm not comfortable lifting so heavy. I'm also no longer comfortable doing a lot of plyometric movements, so 30 Day Shred is probably out. I might still go to the gym with my husband and just lighten up a lot on the weights and do the elliptical but I also wanted to add some more "at home" options.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I've had some bad body issues the past 6 weeks or so...you want to know what helped?? Finally putting on the maternity pants today! Now I feel "pregnant" instead of just "fat". I did name my food baby though (Alfonzo). And someone rubbed it yesterday!!!! I said "Quit rubbing my fat!!"

    kaitlinj - I read in a pregnancy magazine that the elliptical can cause your hips to misalign during pregnancy. Don't know how true that is, but you might want to check it out. That's funny we bought the same videos! I have had the pilates one for a couple of weeks, and I watched it but haven't tried it yet! This weekend for sure!! My perfect preg workout should have showed up today at my house.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I almost cried today at the doctor. They told me I had gained 2 pounds. It is just freaking HARD to watch that scale go back up after the hard work.
  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 399 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Well after complaining about gaining the weight since I found out today I can't eat anything and it goes right through me aghh not fun!! Also started having aversions and the main thing is dark colored diet soda is that the weirdest thing!! (before you say anything about the soda my dr told me not to stop anything I was already doing)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Sorry been so long. The stomach flu has been running through my house this past week and so far I am the only one who hasn't had it and hopefully to keep it that way. I am nauseous enough without adding that. I will be 12wks tomorrow and have started noticing my pants getting tighter in the waist. This is really unusual because with my son I didn't even start showing until I was 28 weeks. My mother says that she showed with her second one early too around the 3 month mark. I go back for my second ultrasound on Wed so that will be exciting. My "morning sickness" (which lasts from sun up to sun down) is not showing any signs of leaving anytime soon which does have a positive I have lost weight because I have very little appetite. Pretty soon I will be making my way over to the 2nd trimester boards and I hope to see all of you there.

    jennysmission - I have major aversions to dark colored diet soda too I thought I was crazy. I need the soda to help settle my stomach and I found a grape ginger ale that is good and it helps with my nausea.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I keep hearing these stories of women not showing until 20-28 weeks with their first pregnancies! I'm really hoping I am showing before then! I mean, if I'm gonna be gaining weight and not drinking coffee, I want to at least show off a cute bump, right?!?! :happy:

    However, the idea of getting to sleep on my stomach for a long time is appealing.....
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    hey guys, this weight gain is depressing me! when 2.5 weeks ago I weighed 124lbs, this morning I was 127.8. ?!?! I am freaking out. I have been eating a lot of carbs so I don't get nausea, but I am NOT pigging out and I eat fairly healthy. I don't get it! I hope I don't gain much more this trimester,

    7wks 4days
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Hi, guys!

    Finally had some time today to sit down and read through some posts in this group. I am at 9 weeks today with a due date of January 1. So far, haven't been feeling particularly pregnant. Was nauseous off and on a couple of days 2 weeks ago, but haven't really been since then. The only things making me feel pregnant at all are wanting to take naps, not having energy when I exercise, and being gassy and having weird bathroom issues. My boobs are a little tender off and on, but nothing to get terribly excited about. Had an ultrasound at 7 weeks 3 days because I was having some spotting (definitely freaked me out) and got to see the heartbeat...so that was exciting. For now, trying to keep myself busy and distracted to pass the time before my next appointment on June 19, when I am really hoping to actually hear a heartbeat and hopefully ease up on the worrying a bit.

    Anyone else worry about "jinxing" things? We've wanted this baby for a long time and the pregnancy was extremely unexpected. Even though we have seen a heartbeat, I have this constant sense of doom that, if I talk about being pregnant, or look at cribs, or start thinking about baby names, I am going to somehow un-do the whole pregnancy. I know that makes absolutely no sense...I never thought I would be so weird about all of this. It's making it really hard to be excited and just enjoy the pregnancy...I'm always finding something new to freak out about. And it seems like everyone I talk to has some horror story about pregnancies-gone-wrong that they are just dying to share...why do people feel the need to do that??

    I think that part of what's making this so stressful is that my husband is leaving for military duty next week and will be gone for a month...he'll miss the next appointment, and I'll be here completely alone. It freaks me out to think about the possibility of something happening, or having a bad appointment, and facing it by myself. Ugh. Would love to make friends with some fellow pregnant military wives!

    So I guess my question is...how do you get over being worried and just get super excited? I am so ready to go shopping with a cute baby bump and to have baby showers and put together a nursery and start looking for a maternity leave sub! The waiting for that point is KILLING me!
  • pcedano
    pcedano Posts: 62 Member
    Hey Jaclynn! First of all there is no answer. The moment you become pregnant you will be in constant worry until your last breath, Parenting = Worrying. What you need to do is find things to distract you and do everything you possible can to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. At the end of the day we need to realize and accept the fact that a lot of things are out of our hands. I am the mom of a wonderful 2 years old little girl and expecting my second child in December, and as like you during my pregnancy I've heard horrible stories. With this pregnancy I've experienced two tragic events with dear friends that I would not go into because I believe us preggos shouldn't worry about them. These are events that I try to put in the back of my mind because the thought of them actually happening to me makes me freak out. I've learned that you need to cherish and be thankful for every moment you are given. Remember this is a one in a life time experience because not every pregnancy is the same. I have gone through things with this pregnancy that I never experienced with my daughter. I refer to this pregnancy as my "first" pregnancy because with my daughter I did not have any type of symptom.

    Wishing you and every Mommy-to-be in this group a healthy pregnancy, great delivery, and a wonderful baby!!!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi, I'm Kayla.

    This is pregnancy number one for my hubby and I. We weren't planning it at all, but I missed a few pills while he was out of town, he came home, yadda yadda yadda. I suddenly became hungry and exhausted all the time and couldn't work out (I ran a 5k every day). I thought, maybe I need to up my calories. Then I started feeling nauseated the whole day! I thought no, I couldn't be pregnant. Then out of the blue I became allergic to mayo. Internet search came back that pregnancy can sometimes cause a sudden food allergy. Then my hubby is "Your boobs look bigger." We were both convinced that I was pregnant. I took a test and it was negative. I didn't believe it. I took a few more and finally I got a positive HPT on Mother's Day (6 weeks along at that point- benefit of knowing when you missed the pills and hubby came home lol).

    I had a blood test on the 15th, but it was negative. :ohwell: Confused the crap out of me, but I still felt VERY pregnant. The doctor said that it was probably just too early to get a positive result, took me off the BC, put me on prenatals and told me to come back for another test. I was on vacation the last two weeks and still feel very pregant, so I'm skipping her and going right to the OBGYN.

    So, now I am about 9 weeks along and am heading to the OBGYN on Thursday June 7.
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    I too am having a hard time being truly excited about my pregnancy. We tried for a long time, and I just knew in my heart that I was completely ready. I finally got pregnant, and I am excited, but I almost don't believe it. My husband and parents are dying with excitement.. and I'm just waiting for something to go wrong. I don't want to get too excited because I don't think I could handle the dissapointment if something did go wrong. I've always had a fear of not being able to have children (completely medically unfounded, just a fear). I also haven't had a lot of symptoms, so that adds to my "not realness" And then of course I feel guilty about not being excited enough. I am sooo looking forward to my dr appointment on Friday when we'll do the sono. I'm hoping that will really validate it for me. Plus, hopefully I can get a real due date, and I just want to know that it's for real. Ahh pregnancy hormones lol.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm in the same boat as many of you - still can't believe it's real, but we have our first ultrasound tomorrow so that should make me feel better! I'm always worried something might go wrong - I think part of that is due to reading babycenter and wte forums...some posts make me a worry wart, so I'm having to stay away for now. prayers for everyone here for less stress and a healthy pregnancy :)
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    AMEN to staying away from BabyCenter! I joined because I thought it would be a fun way to connect...WRONG! It seems like every thread I read ended up being 50 woman chiming in to tell their "the day my pregnancy went completely awry and we lost the baby" stories. Ugh. My husband has threatened to block it from my computer. I wouldn't blame him. I had an ultrasound yesterday due to some light bleeding (they couldn't find a source and, therefore, told me not to worry), and we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time....so that made me feel a little better. Good luck at your ultrasound tomorrow! It's so much fun!

    I'm in the same boat as many of you - still can't believe it's real, but we have our first ultrasound tomorrow so that should make me feel better! I'm always worried something might go wrong - I think part of that is due to reading babycenter and wte forums...some posts make me a worry wart, so I'm having to stay away for now. prayers for everyone here for less stress and a healthy pregnancy :)
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm glad everything was okay for you yesterday at the doctor's office!!! And so exciting to hear the heartbeat :) I can't wait!!

    As for the forums - I think it's healthy for women to be able to post there about their loss and get support from others who have been in the same boat or may be sympathetic. So, I'm glad they feel they are able to post. But, like you, it's hard for me to read without worrying myself to death, so I just need to stay away for a little bit until I am able to separate my situation from everyone else's outcome!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Had my appointment this morning. The urine test they did at the office was negative, so they did more bloodwork. At least she did not treat me like a crazy woman LOL She went over my symptoms and all and scheduled me for an exam (possible ultrasound) on the 18th regardless of the outcome of the bloodtest. I think they are doing that because I had a faint positive at 6wks and two more faint positives at the begining of this week (Monday and Tuesday of 9wks) and I should be having a more positive positive on a test taken three weeks later or nothing at all. I've had no indications of a miscarraige, and I am certain that it is twins.

    Soooo, let the waiting continue LOL It stinks having an "abnormal" pregnancy.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    1985Freckle - I'm glad your doctor is working with you and not just believing what the test said!! I hope your next appointment will confirm what you've believed all along :)

    We had our first ultrasound today! I measured at 7 weeks on the dot...such a sweet little heart beat. Due date moved to Jan 24th now - I go back in 3 more weeks for another ultrasound!!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    1985Freckle - I'm glad your doctor is working with you and not just believing what the test said!! I hope your next appointment will confirm what you've believed all along :)

    We had our first ultrasound today! I measured at 7 weeks on the dot...such a sweet little heart beat. Due date moved to Jan 24th now - I go back in 3 more weeks for another ultrasound!!

    Awwwwww!!!!!!! That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Awesome!!!!!!!!! This is such an exciting time for you! I pray for an easy trouble-free pregnancy and delivery for you!

    I am glad the doc didn't act like I was totally off my rocker too LOL I am 9wks 2-4 days. I know when (within a 24hr window) conception was. It's kinda nice knowing which BC pills you missed LOL Thing is, my LMP was a couple days after conception (takes a week for the egg to make it way in there anyway) so all the drs do is go on that which would make me only 6wks according to them. *eyeroll* I can wait to hear those precious little heartbeats and tell all the doubters "Told Ya So!" LOL