1st Trimester



  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Update on me and baby - Well, I finally went for an ultrasound yesterday, I saw the baby's little head, body, the legs were moving and the little arms were waving at me on the screen, like he/she was telling me to stop worrying that he/she is right here. I also got to hear the heartbeat, it was amazing and at the same time I was so relieved to see I actually have a baby in there. It kind of made it more real for me.

    I'm so glad you were able to experience that! It made me smile. I absolutely loved seeing my little peanut kicking and waving :) Just wait until we can start feeling it as well!! I can't wait!
    Thanks all for your thoughts and prayers concerning my low progesterone. I still have to wait until next week to see if my level is rising, but I'm feeling much less panicked about it. I just have to keep reminding myself that I have no physical symptoms of any impending problems -- boobs still hurt, indigestion, soooo tired, an occassional bout of nausea, etc.

    I hope you keep us updated! I'll still keep you in my thoughts!!

    I've been feeling almost scarily well the past few days. I was so relieved at my appointment yesterday - I heard the heartbeat for the first time (and my doctor found it *very* quickly!) My doctor told me to stop all the worrying and just appreciate feeling so great. A lot of women would love to be where I was. Hopefully I can take his advice :)

    I'm also heading into my second trimester in the next couple days, so I'll be switching boards. But good luck ladies!! See you soon!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hey ladies! I am in the 2nd tri board now! Forgot to update that :) I am 14 weeks now! Nice to see new faces. I have an anatomy u/s scheduled for Aug 21 and hoping to see the gender as well! I will be 19wks! Looking forward to seeing you ladies move on to the 2nd Tri board soon!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Update on me and baby - Well, I finally went for an ultrasound yesterday, I saw the baby's little head, body, the legs were moving and the little arms were waving at me on the screen, like he/she was telling me to stop worrying that he/she is right here. I also got to hear the heartbeat, it was amazing and at the same time I was so relieved to see I actually have a baby in there. It kind of made it more real for me. They also told me I am 10 weeks 6 days, so I was 1 day off, I am due February 6th instead of February 5th.
    That's the same projected due date as me! Granted, that could change some Friday when I go in for the same appt you just had :) I'm hoping to see/hear the same thing!!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    lou_ann and cocolo - see you soon in the 2nd trimester board! Can't wait, hopefully by then the tiredness and nausea will stop.

    BTW, how many weeks is it for 2nd trimester, I heard some people say 12 weeks others say 13 others say 14 weeks. Which one is it?

    lilchino - let us know how it goes on Friday! It's pretty amazing, you must be so excited, I wish I could have an ultrasound every week!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    I've had the craziest 24 hours ever! I am my son's soccer team's coach. Yesterday was training and before going I was a bit wary, you know the no running thing, but I figured I can tell them what to do I shouldn't 'need' to demonstrate too much and shouldn't need to run. And I didn't really, I did a fair bit of dribbling and tackling, but I wasn't pushing myself, well I didn't think so.

    Anyway after 50 mins I felt like I was wetting myself. I told them to have a drink break, then went to the loo. I was bleeding, not spotting, bleeding, like the heaviest period I've ever had. My Aunty (who's the same age as me) was there watching my daughter's team play. I asked a student I teach, who just happened to be there, to take over, and marched over ... told her I was pregnant, and bleeding and I cried and cried ... I felt like I'd killed my baby, I shouldn't have been running at all, I felt I'd done too much dribbling and tackiling, I'm too competitive to take it easy.

    Phoned the midwife who sent me to A&E (ED), and my Aunty looked after my kids. It was rush hour and took over 30 mins to get there. By the time I was there the bleeding had just about stopped. We waited ages, they took lots of blood, did a scan, but couldn't see anything, checked that I wasn't going to bleed and sent me home at 10pm, inconclusive. I had not eaten for hours, since lunch, but didn't feel nauseous. They booked a 'proper scan' for today, I was convinced that this was just to confirm a miscarriage, but there was a little heart beating away. 7 weeks and 2 days old. I cried so much, I really thought I'd miscarried. Like the sonographer said, all is well now, but who knows what is to come. I'm hoping all will be well on this emotional rollercoaster. Anyway out come is no lifting, no exercise, no sex and fingers crossed!

    Licha75 - I hear you loud and clear now, taking it easy BIG TIME! I can lose weight later!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I've had the craziest 24 hours ever! I am my son's soccer team's coach. Yesterday was training and before going I was a bit wary, you know the no running thing, but I figured I can tell them what to do I shouldn't 'need' to demonstrate too much and shouldn't need to run. And I didn't really, I did a fair bit of dribbling and tackling, but I wasn't pushing myself, well I didn't think so.

    Anyway after 50 mins I felt like I was wetting myself. I told them to have a drink break, then went to the loo. I was bleeding, not spotting, bleeding, like the heaviest period I've ever had. My Aunty (who's the same age as me) was there watching my daughter's team play. I asked a student I teach, who just happened to be there, to take over, and marched over ... told her I was pregnant, and bleeding and I cried and cried ... I felt like I'd killed my baby, I shouldn't have been running at all, I felt I'd done too much dribbling and tackiling, I'm too competitive to take it easy.

    Phoned the midwife who sent me to A&E (ED), and my Aunty looked after my kids. It was rush hour and took over 30 mins to get there. By the time I was there the bleeding had just about stopped. We waited ages, they took lots of blood, did a scan, but couldn't see anything, checked that I wasn't going to bleed and sent me home at 10pm, inconclusive. I had not eaten for hours, since lunch, but didn't feel nauseous. They booked a 'proper scan' for today, I was convinced that this was just to confirm a miscarriage, but there was a little heart beating away. 7 weeks and 2 days old. I cried so much, I really thought I'd miscarried. Like the sonographer said, all is well now, but who knows what is to come. I'm hoping all will be well on this emotional rollercoaster. Anyway out come is no lifting, no exercise, no sex and fingers crossed!

    Licha75 - I hear you loud and clear now, taking it easy BIG TIME! I can lose weight later!

    *hugs* I am so happy to hear that you saw your baby's heartbeat and all was okay! That sounds terrifying!

    What a scary day!
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    lou_ann and cocolo - see you soon in the 2nd trimester board! Can't wait, hopefully by then the tiredness and nausea will stop.

    BTW, how many weeks is it for 2nd trimester, I heard some people say 12 weeks others say 13 others say 14 weeks. Which one is it?

    lilchino - let us know how it goes on Friday! It's pretty amazing, you must be so excited, I wish I could have an ultrasound every week!

    I don't know, that's a good question. I just went in between and chose 13wks as my 2nd trimester. LOL. My OB uses 12wks, my books say 13wks, and other people tell me 14wks, SOOO confusing.
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    Rachypompa - Oh my goodness...I was scared for you while reading that! I am SOOO glad you got to see that precious little heart pumping along. So scary. Did the doc say anything about a subchorionic hemmorrhage? Some ladies get them - it's like a little blood clot caught between the sac and the uterine wall. Most of the time people describe what you had - bleeding out of the blue that stops (and usually never recurs).

    Prayers your way - for a peaceful heart and mind for you, for NO MORE EXCITEMENT, and for a healthy baby!!!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    I've had the craziest 24 hours ever! I am my son's soccer team's coach. Yesterday was training and before going I was a bit wary, you know the no running thing, but I figured I can tell them what to do I shouldn't 'need' to demonstrate too much and shouldn't need to run. And I didn't really, I did a fair bit of dribbling and tackling, but I wasn't pushing myself, well I didn't think so.

    Anyway after 50 mins I felt like I was wetting myself. I told them to have a drink break, then went to the loo. I was bleeding, not spotting, bleeding, like the heaviest period I've ever had. My Aunty (who's the same age as me) was there watching my daughter's team play. I asked a student I teach, who just happened to be there, to take over, and marched over ... told her I was pregnant, and bleeding and I cried and cried ... I felt like I'd killed my baby, I shouldn't have been running at all, I felt I'd done too much dribbling and tackiling, I'm too competitive to take it easy.

    Phoned the midwife who sent me to A&E (ED), and my Aunty looked after my kids. It was rush hour and took over 30 mins to get there. By the time I was there the bleeding had just about stopped. We waited ages, they took lots of blood, did a scan, but couldn't see anything, checked that I wasn't going to bleed and sent me home at 10pm, inconclusive. I had not eaten for hours, since lunch, but didn't feel nauseous. They booked a 'proper scan' for today, I was convinced that this was just to confirm a miscarriage, but there was a little heart beating away. 7 weeks and 2 days old. I cried so much, I really thought I'd miscarried. Like the sonographer said, all is well now, but who knows what is to come. I'm hoping all will be well on this emotional rollercoaster. Anyway out come is no lifting, no exercise, no sex and fingers crossed!

    Licha75 - I hear you loud and clear now, taking it easy BIG TIME! I can lose weight later!

    So glad everything worked out for you and the baby! I am with you on that, no heavy exercise for me after my last miscarriage, I am walking and swimming though, which are good for you when you are pregnant but as soon as I feel tired or have cramps, I go straight to bed and relax. I would like to add prenatal yoga, I just have to find a good video because they don't offer any classes here. As for sex, I had bled afterwards and was scared, my doctor told me it's normal but he said to tell my husband I am already pregnant so he can take a break! haha! But it will all be worth it when we get to hold our baby!!
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    I've had the craziest 24 hours ever! I am my son's soccer team's coach. Yesterday was training and before going I was a bit wary, you know the no running thing, but I figured I can tell them what to do I shouldn't 'need' to demonstrate too much and shouldn't need to run. And I didn't really, I did a fair bit of dribbling and tackling, but I wasn't pushing myself, well I didn't think so.

    Anyway after 50 mins I felt like I was wetting myself. I told them to have a drink break, then went to the loo. I was bleeding, not spotting, bleeding, like the heaviest period I've ever had. My Aunty (who's the same age as me) was there watching my daughter's team play. I asked a student I teach, who just happened to be there, to take over, and marched over ... told her I was pregnant, and bleeding and I cried and cried ... I felt like I'd killed my baby, I shouldn't have been running at all, I felt I'd done too much dribbling and tackiling, I'm too competitive to take it easy.

    Phoned the midwife who sent me to A&E (ED), and my Aunty looked after my kids. It was rush hour and took over 30 mins to get there. By the time I was there the bleeding had just about stopped. We waited ages, they took lots of blood, did a scan, but couldn't see anything, checked that I wasn't going to bleed and sent me home at 10pm, inconclusive. I had not eaten for hours, since lunch, but didn't feel nauseous. They booked a 'proper scan' for today, I was convinced that this was just to confirm a miscarriage, but there was a little heart beating away. 7 weeks and 2 days old. I cried so much, I really thought I'd miscarried. Like the sonographer said, all is well now, but who knows what is to come. I'm hoping all will be well on this emotional rollercoaster. Anyway out come is no lifting, no exercise, no sex and fingers crossed!

    I'm so sorry to hear!! But I'm SO glad all is well! Keep us updated!

    I also heard 12, 13 AND 14 weeks. I've had people warn me about things not to do in the first trimester, so I figured waiting until the latest I've been told would be best. It couldn't hurt anyway. But thats also just me.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Thank you for the hugs.

    JillSandm - I forgot what the doctor called it pretty much as soon as she said it! But that sounds about right, she said it was bleeding coming from behind the gestational sac, they couldn't see where the bleed had come from which suggested it had healed, which is really good news and that in most cases it wouldn't happen again.

    Licha75 - Walking and swimming is all I'm planning. I had thought I'd bike ride too, but I'm super cautious now. No risks! I did yoga with my first pregnancy, it was really great, very relaxing, hope you find something suitable. Often normal yoga classes will modify their program for you, you could try that.

    All has been well since my scare. I've taken a couple of days off work, and I'm taking it easy. Fingers crossed.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Thank you for the hugs.

    JillSandm - I forgot what the doctor called it pretty much as soon as she said it! But that sounds about right, she said it was bleeding coming from behind the gestational sac, they couldn't see where the bleed had come from which suggested it had healed, which is really good news and that in most cases it wouldn't happen again.

    Licha75 - Walking and swimming is all I'm planning. I had thought I'd bike ride too, but I'm super cautious now. No risks! I did yoga with my first pregnancy, it was really great, very relaxing, hope you find something suitable. Often normal yoga classes will modify their program for you, you could try that.

    All has been well since my scare. I've taken a couple of days off work, and I'm taking it easy. Fingers crossed.

    Glad to hear things have calmed down. Hope that they stay that way.

    I was a runner before getting pregnant, but am restricting myself to walking at 4 mph with various inclines on the treadmill now. No issues and no spotting, and I am closing in on 10 weeks on the weekend. First appointment will be July 31 and ultrasound on August 1, so I am very much looking forward to getting the "twin" question answered. I have been very tired too, and daily food "hates" are all over the place. Yesterday, the only thing that tasted good was the jalapeno poppers. Grilled turkey and swiss killed me! :laugh: Tummy is expanding quickly, out of my size 8 & 10 jeans and almost out of the older size 12's. I can do them up but definitely not comfortable. Sweats are my new best friend until I get home and get some maternity clothes.
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    NEwbie here! First pregnancy. Starting my workouts today. Zumba used to be my favorite, but so scared of doing anything dancy right now, so i would stick to walking and biking. I am just 4 weeks and one day. Starting my healthy eating today too, had a big celebration binge yesterday when i found out i was preggo. I have had high blood sugar in the past so i really need to watch my meals and exercise so i dont have GDM.

    The treadmill would be my best friend for now. Reading thru all your posts have encouraged me!
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Welcome Jaygirl3 and congratulations! LOL at the celebration binge, my friend fetched me a box of chocolates to help me overcome my scare ... eeek! Fortunately the kids like chocolate too!!
  • alabughosh
    alabughosh Posts: 132 Member
    Found out a couple weeks ago that I am pregnant for the first time ever! It was such a shock to see those two lines on the test...I've taken so many pregnancy tests, but never got a positive, so I was floored. I'm 6 1/2 weeks now and I have my first appointment on August 9th. I'm feeling slightly nauseous all day and no foods besides carbs and dairy really sound appetizing to me. I mostly ate granola yesterday...and some ice cream... :( I've been on MFP for a while and lost 40 pounds. I'm 5'7 and 172, right now. No weight gain so far. I want to limit this trimester to one pound gained.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Found out a couple weeks ago that I am pregnant. Its so early, I feel like I'm barely pregnant! I'm 6 1/2 weeks now and I have my first appointment on August 9th. I'm feeling slightly nauseous all day and no foods besides carbs and dairy really sound appetizing to me. I mostly ate granola yesterday...and some ice cream... :( I've been on MFP for a while and lost 40 pounds. I'm 5'7 and 172, right now. No weight gain so far. I want to limit this trimester to one pound gained.


    Unfortunately, with your hormones, you may not be able to control the scale weight. Just eat well, keep exercising, and don't worry so much about it. I gained 12 lbs already, and I'm only 10 weeks. It's all water weight and bloating though.
  • snowgrrl83
    snowgrrl83 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi everyone, just checking in! I'm 11 weeks and 2 days today! My first ultra sounds (IPS testing) is in a week and a half and I can't wait!
    I still feel as though this entire pregnancy experience is surreal because I don't feel pregnant. I barely got any morning sickness (just 5 minutes here and there of nausea) but I have gained 9 pounds. I feel bloated all the time and my skinny jeans don't fit anymore.
    I had really bad constipation between week 6 and 9 which has subsided! Phew!
    Today, I'm really gassy and feeling a bit of heartburn, but otherwise feeling great.
    I'm going to try and slow down this weight gain since I hear that you are only supposed to gain a max of 6 pounds in your first trimester.... maybe my gain rate won't be as quick in the second trimester...I sure hope so because I don't want to give birth to a monster baby!! LOL

    Good luck everyone! :)
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi everyone, just checking in! I'm 11 weeks and 2 days today! My first ultra sounds (IPS testing) is in a week and a half and I can't wait!
    I still feel as though this entire pregnancy experience is surreal because I don't feel pregnant. I barely got any morning sickness (just 5 minutes here and there of nausea) but I have gained 9 pounds. I feel bloated all the time and my skinny jeans don't fit anymore.
    I had really bad constipation between week 6 and 9 which has subsided! Phew!
    Today, I'm really gassy and feeling a bit of heartburn, but otherwise feeling great.
    I'm going to try and slow down this weight gain since I hear that you are only supposed to gain a max of 6 pounds in your first trimester.... maybe my gain rate won't be as quick in the second trimester...I sure hope so because I don't want to give birth to a monster baby!! LOL

    Good luck everyone! :)

    Hi Snowgirl. Nice to hear you are not having any nausea. i pray i would be nausea free like you.
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    Found out a couple weeks ago that I am pregnant for the first time ever! It was such a shock to see those two lines on the test...I've taken so many pregnancy tests, but never got a positive, so I was floored. I'm 6 1/2 weeks now and I have my first appointment on August 9th. I'm feeling slightly nauseous all day and no foods besides carbs and dairy really sound appetizing to me. I mostly ate granola yesterday...and some ice cream... :( I've been on MFP for a while and lost 40 pounds. I'm 5'7 and 172, right now. No weight gain so far. I want to limit this trimester to one pound gained.

    Everyone's different, and since this is your first pregnancy, it's quite possible that you won't gain more than a pound during the first trimester. Talk to your doc - mine is totally fine with me losing weight now. He doesn't want to see me lose more than 3 pounds per month, but said that by the time I'm 6 months along he wants to see some gain. I have my MFP goal set to 1/2 pound per week loss, and I'm generally not eating back my exercise calories at this point (unless I HAVE to have ice cream!!!) that night.

    Congrats, and welcome! First pregnancies are sooo exciting! Enjoy every minute (and every bite...)!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Hope everything is going well for all of you! :flowerforyou: I had a fun morning, went on a 5km "fun run" in Alaska, where I am working this month. Not a great 5km time for me at 40:07, but I focussed on listening to my body and keeping my HR under 160, which is the guideline my doctor set for me. It usually got to 170-175 during my long runs, and he didn't want me pushing myself that hard anymore. Took some walking breaks, snapped some pictures of wildflowers on the way and really enjoyed myself. It was a nice break from the treadmill. ~10 weeks along now, and impatiently waiting on my ultrasound on August 1!.