1st Trimester



  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'm in week 12 now and have my NT screenings on Friday - as long as everything looks good, we are going to make the announcement afterwards! I'm so excited I could bust - I just don't want it to be a secret anymore :)

    Glad many of you have had good news recently and welcome to the newest mommies-to-be!
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi all! I'm about 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant and, according the the internet, I should be due around March 10th. I have my first OB appointment on Jul 31st when I will 8 weeks along. At that point we're supposed to be able to do an ultrasound and see a heartbeat and everything.

    My question is, is there supposed an appointment between now and then when they check my HcG levels etc?

    This is my first time around and I keep reading about everyone's HcG levels and I'm wondering if I should be doing something different.

    Any input would be great!
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    Hi all! I'm about 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant and, according the the internet, I should be due around March 10th. I have my first OB appointment on Jul 31st when I will 8 weeks along. At that point we're supposed to be able to do an ultrasound and see a heartbeat and everything.

    My question is, is there supposed an appointment between now and then when they check my HcG levels etc?

    This is my first time around and I keep reading about everyone's HcG levels and I'm wondering if I should be doing something different.

    Any input would be great!

    While I can't speak for anyone else, all my hcg levels have been done completely on my own. I am super lucky in that my hubby is the director of laboratory services in our small-town hospital, and is happy to run my hcg as a way to do quality-control on one of his machines. I would suspect that since this is your first rodeo, your doctor figures you will have a very straight-forward pregnancy, leaving no need to be checking your hcg.

    Hope that helps, and CONGRATS on your pregnancy! This is such an exciting time!!!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Hi all! I'm about 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant and, according the the internet, I should be due around March 10th. I have my first OB appointment on Jul 31st when I will 8 weeks along. At that point we're supposed to be able to do an ultrasound and see a heartbeat and everything.

    My question is, is there supposed an appointment between now and then when they check my HcG levels etc?

    This is my first time around and I keep reading about everyone's HcG levels and I'm wondering if I should be doing something different.

    Any input would be great!

    I had my first appointment at 7 weeks and I have no clue what my HcG levels were - I'm assuming they were normal bc I didn't hear anything :) I think each doctor is different on when they bring you in the first time - some women don't have their first appt until 11 weeks even!
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    Hi all! I'm about 5 weeks and 2 days pregnant and, according the the internet, I should be due around March 10th. I have my first OB appointment on Jul 31st when I will 8 weeks along. At that point we're supposed to be able to do an ultrasound and see a heartbeat and everything.

    My question is, is there supposed an appointment between now and then when they check my HcG levels etc?

    This is my first time around and I keep reading about everyone's HcG levels and I'm wondering if I should be doing something different.

    Any input would be great!

    I had my first appointment at 7 weeks and I have no clue what my HcG levels were - I'm assuming they were normal bc I didn't hear anything :) I think each doctor is different on when they bring you in the first time - some women don't have their first appt until 11 weeks even!

    Thank you everyone for your help! I just want to make sure that I'm not missing anything and this wait to go to the doctor seems like it will take forever! I've NEVER been so eager to go to any doctor.

    Thank you again! This has definitely helped.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Rosered - I completely agree!!! They wanted to schedule me for 8 weeks and I was going to be out of town, so they bumped it up to 7 weeks luckily. I would have never made it to 9, haha. Glad you get to go soon, though :) It will all be worth it when you get to see your little one!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Rosered3333, for what it's worth, my first appt wasn't until 9 weeks, when they did all the paperwork and labs (blood work, urine). Whether HcG levels were part of those labs, I have no idea, other than they took 7 vials of blood for all the tests the nurse ordered! :laugh: My next appt will be at my 11 wk mark where the doc is supposed to review my labs and do a full physical, pap if needed, and then ultrasound to hear the heart beat. I'm not sure how many others had to wait that late to have their first appt, but being military they won't see you until a minimum of 8 weeks. :ohwell:
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    I was orginally caught off guard when I was told I wouldn't have my first appointment until 10-12 weeks. But I understood after they told me its after that timeframe the chance of miscarrying drops drastically and unfortuantely nothing can really be done prior to that to stop it if its happening.

    But it was still the longest 6 weeks of waiting in my life!!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Hello all! I am currently 8.5 weeks pregnant with child number 3 and due Feb 18, 2013. This pregnancy is full of so many differences, I can hardly believe it. I have been with MFP for over 2 years, and dropped 64 pounds at my lowest point. I am now sitting at about 50-55 lbs lost and comfortable. I ran my first half marathon in May, and was in the best shape of my life. Then my husband agreed we could try for baby number 3 and here I am!

    Biggest difference for this time, starting out at a weight of 165 lbs instead of 215+ like I did for my last 2 pregnancies. I am also much more active and enjoy the physical activity. However, I am having more issues with this pregnancy. I had nausea for the first time with this one, and while I had a certain type of meat I couldn't eat with each of my first pregnancies, this one is all over the place. Food likes and dislikes are changing daily and I am already seeing a change in my belly. Have my first ultrasound on August 1, and I am nervous that the result may be twins, as they run in the family. But for now, trying to eat healthy, in moderation, and to keep up with my exercise 2-3X per week.
  • jilleebean777
    jilleebean777 Posts: 230 Member
    Hi everyone! I am due around Feb. 14-16th ish...so far, this will be my second. EVERYTHING is different this time around!! I am irratible, moody, more gas then you can shake a stick at (sorry) and I am not at the weight I wished to be at when this happened, but everything happens for a reason.

    Yesterday I spent 6 hours in the ER, they believe with a slight gall bladder attack. I was advised to do low fat, high fiber diet. I am now back to watching what I eat...(I fell off of that wagon a little while ago, I WAS doing well) and getting back into a moderate exercise routine. I need to remember I am not doing this for me anymore. My first prenatal appt. is monday. I had one with a nurse to anser all the typical questions ( I am going to a new Dr. this time around, so it's like starting over) I am anxious, my daughter had complications when she was born, so I am DYING to get in to see the Dr. I want to know all these answers to questions only they can answer...But the waiting game it is!! I will be about 9.5-10 weeks then, so who knows what they will say or do.

    Aeriel- I am with you, I am nervous for twins, my belly is a little out already. I can suck some in, but not much.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Oh man ... exercise for me has come to a total standstill, I just don't feel like I have the energy for it ... how's every one else doing. I need some motivation ... someone motivate me PLEASE!!!

    Also my cravings are ALL carbs, I've been craving baked potatoes for like 4 days now, I could live solely on baked potatoes ... I was eating low carb before I got pregnant and keep wondering, is this why my body wants so much carbs now???

    And then I think ... high carbs ... no exercise = weight gain! AAAARRRGGHH! I really don't want to undo all my hard work!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Good Morning! I just joined the group, I'm due Feb 13th and I want to stay motivated to workout during my pregnancy, despite how tired I am. Prior to pregnancy, I was already limited with my working out because I was recovering from an Achilles tendon repair. (which is now bothering me more than ever).

    This is my first and third for my husband, during the time we found out, we had the kids up here for the summer. I feel like I am getting great pracitice already.

    I have one more week until my first doctors appointment, I'm super excited to hear and see our little baby. Unfortunately, for most of this pregnancy, I will be alone because my husband will be gone a lot inlcuding birth.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh man ... exercise for me has come to a total standstill, I just don't feel like I have the energy for it ... how's every one else doing. I need some motivation ... someone motivate me PLEASE!!!

    Also my cravings are ALL carbs, I've been craving baked potatoes for like 4 days now, I could live solely on baked potatoes ... I was eating low carb before I got pregnant and keep wondering, is this why my body wants so much carbs now???

    And then I think ... high carbs ... no exercise = weight gain! AAAARRRGGHH! I really don't want to undo all my hard work!

    What helps keep me motivated is that I know exercising will make labor easier - and I'm all about making it easier! I have cut way back, but I go to zumba 3 days a week and try to fit in a pregnancy dvd at lunch at work when I can. It's just a habit - I don't really give myself the option of going to zumba - I just go! unless I'm super super tired, and then I reevaluate :)

    I've been a carb craver too - not so much because I really want them, but it's the only thing that sounds good. I'm almost 13 weeks now and am just getting my taste for meat, fruit, and veggies back - but not fully. I've just tried to do my best, but I've gained more than I planned. Gotta go with the flow, though, and do your best - it will get better!
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    Oh man ... exercise for me has come to a total standstill, I just don't feel like I have the energy for it ... how's every one else doing. I need some motivation ... someone motivate me PLEASE!!!

    Also my cravings are ALL carbs, I've been craving baked potatoes for like 4 days now, I could live solely on baked potatoes ... I was eating low carb before I got pregnant and keep wondering, is this why my body wants so much carbs now???

    And then I think ... high carbs ... no exercise = weight gain! AAAARRRGGHH! I really don't want to undo all my hard work!

    I have discovered that the exercising has cut back on the gassiness and bloating, so that's what my motivation is. The nausea hit today though, so I will see how I feel later and I will workout if I can.
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    Bummer...My progesterone results just came in and they're really low. Please pray for a healthy baby and that we can somehow turn this around! Doc increased my prometrium from 200mg twice per day to three times per day. Next check will be Friday (with Monday results).
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    JillSandm - Big hugs. I'm not sure exactly what low progesterone means, and assume the prometrium is a progesterone supplement. I hope al is well. Big hugs.

    Thank you ladies for the exercise support. I suppose the issue is that my main exercise was running and have been told I can't run after spotting after a run, so I need to make myself a new plan of action, and stick to it! Weather is looking more pleasant today, so I'll start with a walk to school and back. Than I'll sit down and make a plan!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    JillSandm - sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. Hang in there and think positively.

    Rachypompa - I had a miscarriage last September because I was excessively working out and spotting alot. This time around I am only walking, I am not taking any chance.

    Update on me and baby - Well, I finally went for an ultrasound yesterday, I saw the baby's little head, body, the legs were moving and the little arms were waving at me on the screen, like he/she was telling me to stop worrying that he/she is right here. I also got to hear the heartbeat, it was amazing and at the same time I was so relieved to see I actually have a baby in there. It kind of made it more real for me. They also told me I am 10 weeks 6 days, so I was 1 day off, I am due February 6th instead of February 5th.
  • JillSandm
    JillSandm Posts: 52 Member
    licha75 - Yay for seeing baby!!!

    Rachypompa - What have you come up with for an exercise plan? Could you bike or swim?

    Thanks all for your thoughts and prayers concerning my low progesterone. I still have to wait until next week to see if my level is rising, but I'm feeling much less panicked about it. I just have to keep reminding myself that I have no physical symptoms of any impending problems -- boobs still hurt, indigestion, soooo tired, an occassional bout of nausea, etc.
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    I was 7 weeks yesterday! nausea most of the day and really really tired. the worst feeling is that about every 2 hours or so i get this horrible feeling in my tummy like you would get when you are really really hungry...

    has anyone else had this? What did you do?
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I was 7 weeks yesterday! nausea most of the day and really really tired. the worst feeling is that about every 2 hours or so i get this horrible feeling in my tummy like you would get when you are really really hungry...

    has anyone else had this? What did you do?

    I can't get hungry or I get horrible acid reflux and indigestion (tummy aches). Just eat light snacks throughout the day. Saltine crackers are great, because they won't irritate your tummy.