3rd Trimester



  • eejieweejie
    eejieweejie Posts: 49 Member
    Hey ladies! Sorry, I don’t have long so won’t get to everyone, but I hope that you are all doing well!

    Kelley – Congrats on Hanah!! And go you for not getting the epi!! I’m so glad Ben is doing well with his new baby sister! How’s the breastfeeding going?

    Jayln – Congrats on Tayt! Sounds like you had a bit of a scary labor, but I’m glad to hear that you are both doing well. How are you feeling? Is the breastfeeding getting better?

    Melissa – Congrats on Rhody! Wow, you had a scary labor as well! So glad to hear you and Rhody are doing well. Lol at you looking like Pamela Anderson!!

    AFM – Oliver Henry arrived July 5th at 10.59am, weighing 7lbs 6oz and measuring 19 3/4inches long!
    I woke at 6am on Tuesday with contractions, but they were kinda random. They would start getting more regular and frequent, then would taper off again. I barely slept Tuesday night, and on Wednesday they let up for a few hours for me to take a little nap! Around 6pm on Wednesday they started getting regular and consistent. I labored at home as long as I could, then we headed to the hospital. We got there at 7am and they checked me and I was 4-5cm and 90% effaced. I did really well with just breathing through my contractions, but still decided to get the epi! After a bag of IV fluids I got my epi, and then shortly after the midwife came and checked me and I was already at 8cm and she broke my water. I don’t think it was even 30 minutes later that I felt crazy pressure and knew it was time for baby! The nurse checked me and baby’s head was right there, but then I had to wait for the midwife to arrive before I could push! I pushed for less than 5 minutes, and 8 pushes and a 2nd degree tear later, Oliver entered the world! He came out pretty purple and had a hard time transitioning and had some respiratory distress and retractions. I was waiting for a big cry, but all we got was a weak cry and some grunting. They took him across the room to work on him, and called down the peds team. I got to hold him for a couple of minutes before they took him to the special care nursery for them to check him out. Once my epi wore off and they moved me into recovery I was finally able to go and see my baby boy. He was in the special care nursery for about 5/6 hours until his breathing worked itself out and he was able to come and room with me. He's an awesome baby though and is as content as can be and only cries if I don't get my boob out fast enough! lol!
    Jack is an awesome big brother and he LOVES his little brother! He is so sweet with him! If Oliver cries Jack will go over and gently pat his head and say "It's ok little brother, don't cry, it's ok" SO adorable!!!! We couldn’t decide whether to call the baby Oliver Henry, or Henry Oliver, so we let Jack decide and he picked Oliver!
    Recovery this time has been so much easier than it was with Jack thank goodness! With Jack I was in so much pain and could barely get up and move, whereas this time I was up and moving around within a couple of hours with just a little discomfort really. DF had to go back to work on Monday, so it’s just been me and the boys and we’ve been doing really well, although I’m pretty exhausted!!!

    Well I’d better go and get a little bit of sleep before little one wakes up to be fed again!
    Take care ladies and I'll check in soon!
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Getting really nervous now reading all your birth stories :) well done ladies, really, well done.
    Helen are you having an Epidural? It's definitely more common in the States don't you think? I'm aiming for the whole natural affair but I'm not ruling anything out!!
    Well ladies, I knew I said I wasn't going to but I stepped on the scales this morning as I figured out I'm classed as 'full term' now. To my delight I am up 35lbs (I was figuring I'd be WAY over 40 at least!) so it's kinda spurred me on to staying healthy for the duration of the pregnancy.
    The sun is finally shining her in Nottingham today so I'm determined to get out and about in it! Rain again tomorrow :(
    Have a great Thursday ladies xox
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Morning everyone

    Melissa - Congrats on your little gorgeous boy. Glad everything went well in the end. I love how your waters broke in the gym - there is dedication for you!

    Jaylyn - Congrtas to you too - Glad you are doing well too and hope you recover quickly. Is feeding getting any easier?

    Emily - Sounds like once you got to the hospital it was pretty quick. Glad Oliver doing ok and Jack sounds adorable!

    Myice - I havent seen the film but my pregnant friend watched it and she said I should watch it as it scared her. I didnt ask her too much but she said lasy in film had complications etc. I think its a comedy though? so should be too bad surely....?

    Sugar - glad you appointment went well - your weigh gain is fab. Keep it up.

    Kellie - you said you were changing the spelling of Hanah name - is it still 'Hanah' like this? or is that the bit you changed? I noticed as we are going for Hannah (if its a girl but with 2 'n's)

    Sarah - Im getting nervous too. I have a week left at work. Im not planning on having an epi but I havent a clue how much pain I will be in so not ruling it out. Its not that common here - there are 2 hospitals near me (one 15 mins away that I will go to and one 30 mins away, the 30 min away one which is the bigger hospital doesnt do Epi's at all - they do a spinal block if you were having a cseaction but dont do Epi/spinal for Vagina birth - I guess if you really want one here you have to make sure hospital does it).

    Well done on your weigh gain, esp as you thought it was going to be more. Yep its sunny up North too - my Oh is baling grass today/tomoz so hoping weather stays fine.

    AFM: Not much happening here, my bump is defo growing and feels quite solid. Im not that comfy at work as when I lean forward to my computer a feel like I squash my bump and it squashing my ribs! I finish a week on Friday and only working mornings from now on so not bad at all.

    Im off for a pedi this afternoon and will walk dogs and do some housework. My OH will be working until dark as the weather has been awful lately and he really needs to bale the grass or we will have hungry cows this winter!

    Best get started at work as its 9.02am! Catch you later.

    35 + 3
    Up 28lb
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    Wow!!!!! Thanks for sharing everyone! Of course I'm starting my work day off by checking mfp instead of just working and everytime I read a birth story I get a bit weepy. Good thing no one can see me at my desk. Each birth story makes me more nervous and more excited at the same time but knowing you ladies came out all right in the end and have your beautiful babies in your arms makes me feel more confident. All of a sudden I find myself super pumped up now! :happy:

    Helen/Sas - I think i'm in the same boat as you......i'm going in with the intention of not having the epi but I won't beat myself up if I change my mind. I just really want to give myself the chance to have that experience. I've been getting all sorts of unsolicited advice and/or critism from my girlfriends on this subject and I think I'll just have to ignore them and experience this for myself.

    I've been feeling fantastic up until this last week. My pelvic area aches sooooo bad. right up in the inside where my legs attach to my torso just aches constantly. I've been walking my dog in the morning when my legs are fresh but even this morning I was waddling down the street at an excrutiatingly slow pace. Pretty sure the dog rolled his eyes at me several times. After work I'm even worse. Surprisingly though, I loosen right up when I hit the pool for swim club. I could barely get in the pool on Tuesday but by the time I was done I was cruising and even swam an extra half a km more than normal. I was totally wiped after but i could move my legs and hips freely again. This might be a long summer!

    Have a great day ladies!

    Melissa 33 weeks
    + 35 lbs of awesome
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Had my ob appt today. Wasn't what I was expecting though. Well, here goes:

    She said everything looked good weight/blood pressure wise. Yay!... BUT, because something as simple as walking into Walmart makes my blood pressure go up she said I'm not being put on bedrest, but I need to do as little movement as possible. Pretty much one step above bedrest. I asked her about baby yoga, and she said not even to do that. Pretty much just sit on my butt, read a book, watch tv, and get up whenever my 2yr old or I need something, I can still cook dinner etc. But she doesn't want me up unless need be. If I go to Walmart she even wants me to use one of those carts you drive around (lol, gunnu have to make hubby start shopping because I don't drive one of those)...

    We talked about vbac, and I have a 30-40% chance of something going wrong and ending up needed a c-section half way through pushing... So we decided, a week before my due date, we're doing a scheduled c-section... I guess in the end this is a better choice. Safer for me and baby, hubby will know what day so he wont be out of state working if I were to go in labor, etc.

    On the bright side, I get to see Logan 1 weeks sooner! Only a little over 5 1/2 weeks to go now. Someone will call in 3-5 days to let me know what days and times are available. ... Well that's the update. I'm a little nervous, but I guess I can't be more prepared than knowing the exactly day/time I'll have my baby, right

    ... Also, hubby and I went to go see What to Expect When You're Expecting in theaters today... It wasn't what I expected LOL I mean, it's nothing like the book. It is a comedy though. I teared up a few times, two main pregnancy complications that I remember are the things that made me tear up. But in the end, the movie turned out okay. I don't know if I would have wanted to spend money on it at the theater, but we went to the $3 theater, so that was worth it. I didn't feel like waiting til it was in redbox =P
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Melissa- Congrats on your little guy! Sounds like an intense experience but I'm glad that you seem to be recovering well and your little guy is doing good too. How's BFing going?

    Emily- Congrats to you as well! Sounds like a fast delivery for you! Olivia had similar breathing issues when she was born. Glad that you are both home now and doing well? And so glad that Jack is being a great big brother. I'm sure that makes things easier since your hubby is back at work.

    MPederson- I feel ya on the pelvic achy-ness. Sometimes it all day long, and other times its just when I'm trying to walk.

    Sabrina- Glad that everything went good at your last appt! How far along were you when you were put on bed rest last time?

    AFM- I'm finally starting to feel a little more prepared for baby. Since hubby has been slacking on helping me set up the nursery I decided to do most of it myself, including moving around some furniture. I figured the worst that could happen is that I would go into labor :laugh: But no such luck. I got all our baby clothes out and put away, and got the bassinet set up in my bedroom. I think all that's left is setting up the crib, which isn't a big priority since she'll be in our bedroom for a while, but we have it and I don't like looking at the box when I could be looking at the crib. Plus Olivia is convinced that the mattress is a trampoline! I think I can do it by myself, but the only time I really have is during Olivia's nap and I'm not sure I can finish it all during that hour and a half.

    Last night I was walking with my Dad (we usually walk our dogs together) and he said "So since Olivia's around this time, your hubby isn't going to be able to stay the night at the hospital with you, right?" That was kind of a blow, since I assumed that he would be keeping her if I went into labor before my sister got here. So I dreamed last night that I went into labor and I was at the hospital by myself, came home and was all alone there too. I woke up with mixed feelings, partly excited "Maybe this is a sign I'll go into labor soon!" and partly sad because it could very easily be what happens. But I'm trying to accept the whole mess. The only important thing is that we have a healthy baby, right? Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member

    Sabrina- Glad that everything went good at your last appt! How far along were you when you were put on bed rest last time?

    I was put on bedrest at 29weeks because my bp was up, and then was taking off of it for a week, bp went back up so at 31 weeks i as put on bedrest in the hospital until i had to deliver emergency c-section at 32 1/2 weeks.... I'm 33 1/2 weeks now so looks like I'm doing better this pregnancy than the last one =D

    Also, when I set up the crib by myself this time (a simple one from Walmart) it took at least 2hrs!... My little guy is 2yrs old and I'm not sure if hubby will stay the night with me at the hospital or not this time. Kinda of in the same boat as you are with that. I'll end up having a scheduled c-section a week before my due date now, so I guess I'll probably be too drugged up to care either way though =P lol
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Morning ladies,
    Just a quick question - for the last week my itchy scalp has been ruling my life! I've not changed my shampoo or done anything different yet my scalp is unbelievable itchy 24/7 even waking me up in the night! Is it normal / hormonal? I'm 38 weeks tomorrow. Any advice would be appreciated xx
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Sarah - my friend is 38 weeks and having same problem but itching all over and driving her nuts! She has gone to cuedoc today and they have taken bloods and will prescribe her something. I will let you know what they say hers is from (if they can pinpoint anything). I imagine it is very annoying!

    Im tired today as went to a friends last night for chinese takeaway but didnt get home until 1am. Im not doing much though - just pottered in garden and tidied round. My friend has lent me Davina Pre natal workout so gonna have a go at that I think.

    Catch you all later x
  • kelley_m
    kelley_m Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Melissa - congrats on little Rhody...he is adorable...wow on the birth story so glad you are both ok and that you and DH are enjoying your new bundle of Joy.

    Amanda - congrats on Olivier...and Jack being an awesome big brother. I wonder what it is about the toddlers patting the baby's head? I always have to tell Ben not to touch Hanah's eyes and head...he wants to grab her hand and leg as well but I figure that is ok as long as he is gently. Super impressed that you are home alone with the two boys. I would be so exhausted. My hubby works from home 2 days a week and then has one day a week off for 6 weeks...we broke up his paternity leave. Plus I have the nanny who helps out about 10 hrs a week so I can get some extra sleep. Seriously if it was just Ben and Hanah and I ...I am sure I would make it as we have had a few days with just the 3 of us but still. BF has been a challenge as Hanah is a bit tongue tied so that along with the first two weeks of nipple soreness has not been nice. I have been doing tons of research and have been to Lactation consultants as well as to her Ped twice...anyway we are still plugging away and trying to go with BF. the good news is she is gaining weight at an amazing pace.

    Helen- I changed the name to Hanah...with just the one -n...I had a phonectically incorrect spelling before that people just couldn't get so we changer her name legally on Thursday.

    AFM...other than the breastfeeding things are going well. I am slowly adjusting to being home with 2 kids and a hubby and not having as much time as I am used to. The good news is at the moment the kids nap around the sametime so I get at least an hour of quiet time. In a few weeks we had for vacation with the family and then the hubby goes back to work so I am really hoping to have both kids on some kind of schedule by then. At the moment hanah sleeps about 3 hour or 3.5 hr increments at night and in the evening. In the mornings after 9 she up more than she is awake but as long as I am holding her or she can hear my voice in her swing she is ok for the most part.

    Wishing all you mommas a happy and safe delivery.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Kelley- How is the breastfeeding going? Glad that everything else is going well for your family.

    Sabrina- Thanks for sharing about your crib. We got ours at walmart too. Luckily we found one that came with a free crib mattress! Tomorrow is hubby's last day off so if he doesn't help put it together then, I'll attempt to do it alone on Wednesday. I talked to my friend/hairstylist today during my haircut and she said that when she had her 2nd baby she was alone every night and she was fine. So I guess if that ends up being the case I will be too :ohwell:

    AFM- Another appt today. My cervix was only about half a cm more dilated then last time, and still "high and thick." Kind of disappointing, because I'm getting so uncomfortable. I'm open to suggestions on helping things get going! I've been walking every night, and bouncing on my exercise ball. I haven't really felt many contractions. But man, my back is KILLING me!!!! We'll see what happens. A couple days ago my Dad informed me he's going to a family get together in a town 3 hours away on Thursday. Then at my appt today my Dr said "If you go into labor on Thursday make sure its early in the morning, because I'm heading to the next town over (30 mins away) and I'll be working there all day." Oh great, wouldn't that be just my luck? No one to watch Olivia AND a stranger for a Dr??!?!?! :laugh: Hope everyone is doing great and had a great weekend!

    39w tomorrow
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member

    Sabrina- Thanks for sharing about your crib. We got ours at walmart too. Luckily we found one that came with a free crib mattress! Tomorrow is hubby's last day off so if he doesn't help put it together then, I'll attempt to do it alone on Wednesday. I talked to my friend/hairstylist today during my haircut and she said that when she had her 2nd baby she was alone every night and she was fine. So I guess if that ends up being the case I will be too :ohwell:

    On the bright side, in the hospital they let you choose how much you do and do not with the baby. If you want them to do all the diaper changes and feedings while you're there, they will. Unless you're breastfeeding, I'm pretty sure you don't want them to do all the feedings for you hehe jk.... My hubby works 3rd shifts. And he also works out of state two days a week. So it will deff be hard. We have it planned out that he'll watch our 2yr old while i'm in the hospital, and when i come home it'll be able time for him to work out of state, so his grandma will watch out 2yr old while he's gone. Just the first week. I'm have the c-section so I wont be able to lift hijm or anything, so I'm going to need the rest etc
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Destiny- I’ve heard the following can help induce labor: sex/orgasm, walking, using a breast pump, and eating foods with lemon in it (weird I know) lol The sex theory worked for my SIL and the breast pump theory worked for my neighbor (as apparently using a breast pump or breastfeeding making you contract). Good luck!

    AFM- Pregnancy is finally catching up with me. I’m a FTM and I didn’t have any morning sickness in the first trimester, and I didn’t start really showing until about 7 months. But NOW, holy moley, my back is KILLING me to the point where I’m in tears most days/nights in any position sitting or laying down. It’s always the back of my light rib/shoulder blade and my lower back above my butt. It’s been horrible. I’m also starting to get nauseous very often in this last trimester, usually right after I take my prenatal vitamin, even though I take it after a meal as suggested. So that’s been a little rough. Also my round ligament pain has been almost unbearable when I try to go on walks or walk on a treadmill, I’m carrying fairly low and it feels like I’m being stabbed in the pelvis when I try to walk. Yet the elliptical doesn’t bother me so I try to get to the gym to do that when I find the energy (also lacking some serious energy these days).

    I signed up for a birthing class finally (August 18th) and while I’m excited to become more educated on what I’m going to go through I’m dreading the 8 hour day that the class calls for. And I’m a little worried about ym baby shower. I’m due in a little over 7 weeks, and my mom hasn’t begun planning a shower and no invitations have been sent out yet… getting a little anxious because there are a lot of things for the baby and the nursery that I haven’t purchased yet because I wanted to wait until after the shower. I just hope this baby girl doesn’t decide to come early because I am NOT READY lol

    Hope all is well!!

    32 Weeks, +27 pounds (yikes)
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Hi ladies,
    Just back from my 38wk midwife appt and all is well. LIttle Ava is still 1/5th engaged and everything else was fine.
    Nothing more to report from this side of the Atlantic!
    Take care,
    Sarah xox
  • mpederson
    mpederson Posts: 123 Member
    well darnnit.....my doctor is pretty sure my baby is breach. crap. Well he's got 6 weeks to fix that I suppose. She's going to send me for another u/s and I'll see her in two weeks.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Hi all

    Nothing much happening here. I had my 36 week apppointment and all good. Baby measures well. My BP was good and baby heart rate good. The baby is 3/5 engaged - which I was surprised at as I though it might have dropped down from under my ribs when it engaged but it hasnt yet.

    My midwife has offered me a cervical sweep at 40 weeks - what do you think? Would you have one or just wait until you had to have one to get it moving? (41/42 weeks). I dont want it to set off if baby not ready so unsure what is best to do. Im sure the midwfie wouldnt do it though if she didnt think she should. I will ask about it again at my 38 week week appointment.

    Im on my last week at work and should be just working half days but we are busy so just having quick sandwich and going to stay a few more hours (thats why Ive been AWOL as been pretty busy).

    Sas - glad appointment went well, sounds like Ava is getting ready too.

    Melissa - plenty of time for baby to turn yet. My friends baby was head down for weeks and 2 days before due date flipped the other way and ended up with C-section. (obviously thats the opposite to you but it still flipped itself).

    Sugar - Love your profile picci - you look fit as!!

    Destiny - hope you dont go into labour on Thurs, sounds liek you are doing plenty of walking and bouncing to get things moving.

  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    helenmelon29- Thanks! I'm trying my best to stay active, but my eating habits have still been pretty bad... I can't seem to say no to brownies/ice cream/cookies/etc lol What exactly is a cervical sweep? It helps get the process moving along? I don't know what it is, but it made my body hurt just reading it lol
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    August 21st a little after 5:00pm I will have baby Logan in my arms! So glad the scheduler finally called... That means a little less than 5 weeks! YAY!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Sugar - Membrane sweeping is done by your midwife or doctor. While internally examining you, she will simply "sweep" a finger around your cervix (neck of your womb). The aim is to separate the membranes around your baby from your cervix. This releases hormones called prostaglandins, which may kick-start your labour. A membrane sweep increases the likelihood that labour will start within 48 hours. It has a higher chance of working if your cervix is already softening and preparing for labour. It does not increase the risk of infection to either you or your baby. (as per my info!).

    I will prob have it done as she is suggesting it. We get no internal examinations here until this.

    Myice - oh great - glad you know the date. Is that a week earlier than your due date?
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    Myice - oh great - glad you know the date. Is that a week earlier than your due date?

    Yep! If I go into labor I have a 30-40% chance of something going wrong, because of all the problems I had with my last pregnancy. So we all thought it'd be safer to just schedule a c-section 1 week before the due date. Guess we can't be much more prepared than this lol They might call the day of to let me know if there's an earlier time available. 5pm will be torture because i can't eat 8hrs before the surgery, and I'd have already slept all night =P So right before 9am I'm going to eat a HUGE breakfast LOL