3rd Trimester



  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Is it terrible that I want my son to come a little early? He's due December 22nd, and I feel like he's going to feel robbed if he is born on the 24th/25th. Also, we're naming him for my grandfather who was born on the 17th. I know they come when they come, but I have my fingers crossed super-tight for this day.

    Also, that comment about the parasite? I would have had to laugh at her. I could be wrong, and I am imagining her as a very particular type of woman that seems to be in abundance in NYC, but I imagine she's just jealous.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Is it terrible that I want my son to come a little early? He's due December 22nd, and I feel like he's going to feel robbed if he is born on the 24th/25th. Also, we're naming him for my grandfather who was born on the 17th. I know they come when they come, but I have my fingers crossed super-tight for this day.

    My daughter is due the 19th, and I hope she comes a little early also. (And also on my grandpa's bday!) I was born on Christmas day, and although I didn't feel "robbed", the older you get, the more people tend to forget. (I would NEVER let my husband forget though, haha.) I'll never forget the year I went to my grandma's for Christmas and saw a birthday cake on the table. I was a little excited that they finally remembered my bday! Then, I walked up to the cake and read it: Happy Birthday Jesus! I have a very religious aunt that was visiting from out of town that year...haha.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Is it terrible that I want my son to come a little early? He's due December 22nd, and I feel like he's going to feel robbed if he is born on the 24th/25th. Also, we're naming him for my grandfather who was born on the 17th. I know they come when they come, but I have my fingers crossed super-tight for this day.

    My daughter is due the 19th, and I hope she comes a little early also. (And also on my grandpa's bday!) I was born on Christmas day, and although I didn't feel "robbed", the older you get, the more people tend to forget. (I would NEVER let my husband forget though, haha.) I'll never forget the year I went to my grandma's for Christmas and saw a birthday cake on the table. I was a little excited that they finally remembered my bday! Then, I walked up to the cake and read it: Happy Birthday Jesus! I have a very religious aunt that was visiting from out of town that year...haha.

    Haha, I remember you telling that story once before, ajsdream! My brother is a Dec 24th baby and while he's never really complained, I don't think he's a fan. All holiday babies I know hate having a holiday birthday because people usually forget it is their birthday, too. I'm due Oct 29, and I'm really hoping baby doesn't decide to arrive on the 31st!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have a sister who was born on Dec. 27 and she is a complete nightmare on Christmas even though my parents worked very hard to separate Christmas and her birthday. She still tried to ruin Christmas for the rest of us and ungrateful it still makes me mad to think about it. I used to tell her it was her fault not moms she was due Feb 5 and came early.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm a New Years baby so I understand the holiday thing. My birthday is a week after Christmas but my parents were always amazing about separating the two. I have a feeling a Halloween baby is not out of the question for me.

    I was hoping for the baby to come early, but I'm pretty much out of time with that one!

    Due 10/28... Sleep is hit or miss for me. I've been kind of in a daze lately. I got made fun of at work for being "mentally tired." Apparently, I wasn't making much sense while talking all morning!

    I have been going twice a week to the dr because of my blood pressure. I went this morning (39 weeks, 4 days) and luckily, it was back to normal this morning. :) I'm about 1 cm dilated, still have my mucous plug and baby has dropped a little more. My dr. is great- he said dilation doesn't mean anything- I could go in to labor tonight. I do have the plug though and that's a sign that I probably won't go in to labor too soon. It'll happen when it happens.

    I have an appointment scheduled for Monday and an ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday (in case baby's not here yet). The u/s will let the dr. get a better look at the baby and check the fluids. At that point, we'll schedule an induction, if necessary. Again, I'm hoping for none of these appointments!!! Come on baby!!

    Also so tired of the old wives tales. My nurse even told us to have sex today! Poor husband has such a mental problem(dilation weirds him out) right now- so it's not exactly easy to get him in the mood... Sorry TMI!
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Is it terrible that I want my son to come a little early? He's due December 22nd, and I feel like he's going to feel robbed if he is born on the 24th/25th. Also, we're naming him for my grandfather who was born on the 17th. I know they come when they come, but I have my fingers crossed super-tight for this day.

    Also, that comment about the parasite? I would have had to laugh at her. I could be wrong, and I am imagining her as a very particular type of woman that seems to be in abundance in NYC, but I imagine she's just jealous.

    aww its definitely not a terrible thing to wish for. My due dates were between Dec 30th -jan 7th. I'm not sure how I'd feel if she's born on new years... if it'd be an exciting thing or it being on a big day would ruin it... my oldest was due decemeber 10th and was born the 17th... we always have a bdya party for him but I always feel bad sending out invites cuz I know ppl are very very very busy getting ready for Christmas & spending all their money on gifts. So we are going w a every 5 yrs for a big party & just our little family the rest of the bdyas. But he's a lucky boy to be getting ppresents twice. Plus u have to keep in mind a very low percentage of women actually give birth on their official due date. But good luck :)
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I'm a New Years baby so I understand the holiday thing. My birthday is a week after Christmas but my parents were always amazing about separating the two. I have a feeling a Halloween baby is not out of the question for me.

    I was hoping for the baby to come early, but I'm pretty much out of time with that one!

    Due 10/28... Sleep is hit or miss for me. I've been kind of in a daze lately. I got made fun of at work for being "mentally tired." Apparently, I wasn't making much sense while talking all morning!

    I have been going twice a week to the dr because of my blood pressure. I went this morning (39 weeks, 4 days) and luckily, it was back to normal this morning. :) I'm about 1 cm dilated, still have my mucous plug and baby has dropped a little more. My dr. is great- he said dilation doesn't mean anything- I could go in to labor tonight. I do have the plug though and that's a sign that I probably won't go in to labor too soon. It'll happen when it happens.

    I have an appointment scheduled for Monday and an ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday (in case baby's not here yet). The u/s will let the dr. get a better look at the baby and check the fluids. At that point, we'll schedule an induction, if necessary. Again, I'm hoping for none of these appointments!!! Come on baby!!

    Also so tired of the old wives tales. My nurse even told us to have sex today! Poor husband has such a mental problem(dilation weirds him out) right now- so it's not exactly easy to get him in the mood... Sorry TMI!

    When I had my son I am not even sure I ever lost my plug. I dilated to 3 cm was told to come in the next morning to be induced and exactly 6 hours before I was to show up my water broke. Hope it is soon for you I know how you feel.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Becky, i hope it happens soon for you!!!!!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Had an appointment today. I am 36w6d, and I found out I tested positive for strep B so have to be on antibiotics during labor. Kinda sucks because that will limit mobility some, but as long as I have a healthy baby! I am not dilated at all, so I kinda figure he will be late as I orginally thought, but I am effacing more.

    Have you looked into doing HIbiclens along with probiotics? Then you can ask to be retested before delivery. And definitely don't let them push you to break your water. They get even more hard about your water being broken for a while if you are GBS positive.

    Thanks for the suggestion, I will have to look into that. I was thinking about asking to be re-tested anyway aorund 39-40 weeks since it can come and go, but i know they just want to be on the safe side, and so do I!

    As for holiday babies, I understand you guys. We have several in my family. My MIL is a Christmas baby, my sister the day after, and my dad New Year's. Although my parents always did something separate for my sister's b-day it kind of sucks as a child because you get one gift, but it was also great in a way because the whole family was usually in town for her birthday.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to eat healthy at this stage??? I find myself just wanting fast food, candy or chips. Healthy food just does not seem appealing AT ALL
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to eat healthy at this stage??? I find myself just wanting fast food, candy or chips. Healthy food just does not seem appealing AT ALL

    Yes, I am with you. I am still trying to fit in fruits and veggies, but it's like I can't resist all the good-tasting bad sweets and fast food. And I've been drinking too much soda too! And I don't really care, I'm just going to keep trying to get in veggies and fruit and try my best to resist cravings....but that hasn't been happening :)
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Anyone else finding it increasingly difficult to eat healthy at this stage??? I find myself just wanting fast food, candy or chips. Healthy food just does not seem appealing AT ALL

    Yep, me too! I really try to get some healthy things in for the day. My stomach seems to be filling a lot more quickly too, so if I eat something bad, I don't have room for anything healthy. Today, I really, really want a frozen 3 Muskateers. With nachos.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    All I want is ice water and salami & american cheese sandwiches. Weird.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Alexander Wyche S. Birth Story!!

    So as many know I was scheduled to go in for a C-section on Monday the 22nd because lil' baby boy was transverse. We showed up at 5:30am to check in for the 7:30am procedure. Once in we found out SURPRISE #1 - our "scheduled" C-section wasn't on the schedule at the hospital, just with the anesthesiologist...so we had to wait around to find out if they could fit us. They said they could do it at 8 (so not too far off). Went in for the pre-op and they did a last ultrasound and SURPRISE #2 the lil' pooper flipped on us and was facing down! The doctor at my previous appointment had said there was only a 5% chance of that happening! Doctor said I wasn't dilated so she didn't want to induce and asked if I wanted to stick around for an elective C-section. I said "nope" and we headed home.

    All Monday I sat on my birthing ball...sad...thinking that I wanted to meet my kid! I had been all set and prepared for the C-section so now I had to get back in the frame of mind for a natural birth.


    Tuesday night, we decide to go SPICY and hurry this kid up! Dozen Carribean Jerk and Asian Zing wings from BWW and an episode of Downton Abbey would make me feel better right? Got about 6 wings in and thought...hmm...that feels funny. Got up and started walking for the bathroom and ALMOST made it when I felt my water break! (approximately 7:30pm) Yeah that whole "I wonder if my water broke" thing? I KNEW what it was, had NO idea I was holding that much inside of me! :laugh:

    I stupidly thought that I would change my pants...yeah once that sucker breaks it just keeps on going! So we packed up the car and headed to the birthing center (approximately 8:00pm).

    So we check in at the hospital, they do everything they had done the day before...although did a MUCH crappier job at the IV...OUCH! And we headed back to the labor room. My mom met Mark and me there and she stayed with us through the night. I was only dilated about 1cm at this point, 2 station, and 50% effaced (9:00pm) so the doctor gave us about an hour to see if I progressed...NOPE. She started the pitocin at around 10:30pm. At that point the daggone labor pains got a TON worse! I labored for another couple of hours, we walked the halls, we played a game of Phase 10, and the pain just got worse and I was still failing to progress.

    All through this time the nurses would come in and have me roll from one side to another side but hadn't really told me why.

    Doctor comes in around 4am (10/24 - MY DUE DATE!!) and says that every time I had a contraction the baby's heart rate dropped and none of the moving me around was helping. They thought that there was something going on with the umbilical cord, that he was stuck on it or something. Either way, I wasn't progressing and the doctor didn't want me to go past 18 hours of labor (StrepB+). She wanted to run a wire in and around the baby to keep track and then up the pitocin more but didn't seem real positive that it would help. Since I wasn't progressing after 10 hours of pitocin and everything else, she recommended C-section.

    I got prepped for surgery.


    Received the epidural (so weird) and my husband came in to go through with the surgery with me. Maybe 15 minutes after they started we heard a cry! Most beautiful sound I have ever heard!! They showed him to us and then took him over to weigh him. You have no idea how gorgeous he was! I started crying (of course). Then the nurse brought our baby boy over for us to hold for a minute before he was taken to the nursery. Mark went with our new baby and I stayed and got stitched up!


    He is such a wonderful baby! We were in the hospital for three days and headed home on Saturday!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Alexander Wyche S. Birth Story!!

    So as many know I was scheduled to go in for a C-section on Monday the 22nd because lil' baby boy was transverse. We showed up at 5:30am to check in for the 7:30am procedure. Once in we found out SURPRISE #1 - our "scheduled" C-section wasn't on the schedule at the hospital, just with the anesthesiologist...so we had to wait around to find out if they could fit us. They said they could do it at 8 (so not too far off). Went in for the pre-op and they did a last ultrasound and SURPRISE #2 the lil' pooper flipped on us and was facing down! The doctor at my previous appointment had said there was only a 5% chance of that happening! Doctor said I wasn't dilated so she didn't want to induce and asked if I wanted to stick around for an elective C-section. I said "nope" and we headed home.

    All Monday I sat on my birthing ball...sad...thinking that I wanted to meet my kid! I had been all set and prepared for the C-section so now I had to get back in the frame of mind for a natural birth.


    Tuesday night, we decide to go SPICY and hurry this kid up! Dozen Carribean Jerk and Asian Zing wings from BWW and an episode of Downton Abbey would make me feel better right? Got about 6 wings in and thought...hmm...that feels funny. Got up and started walking for the bathroom and ALMOST made it when I felt my water break! (approximately 7:30pm) Yeah that whole "I wonder if my water broke" thing? I KNEW what it was, had NO idea I was holding that much inside of me! :laugh:

    I stupidly thought that I would change my pants...yeah once that sucker breaks it just keeps on going! So we packed up the car and headed to the birthing center (approximately 8:00pm).

    So we check in at the hospital, they do everything they had done the day before...although did a MUCH crappier job at the IV...OUCH! And we headed back to the labor room. My mom met Mark and me there and she stayed with us through the night. I was only dilated about 1cm at this point, 2 station, and 50% effaced (9:00pm) so the doctor gave us about an hour to see if I progressed...NOPE. She started the pitocin at around 10:30pm. At that point the daggone labor pains got a TON worse! I labored for another couple of hours, we walked the halls, we played a game of Phase 10, and the pain just got worse and I was still failing to progress.

    All through this time the nurses would come in and have me roll from one side to another side but hadn't really told me why.

    Doctor comes in around 4am (10/24 - MY DUE DATE!!) and says that every time I had a contraction the baby's heart rate dropped and none of the moving me around was helping. They thought that there was something going on with the umbilical cord, that he was stuck on it or something. Either way, I wasn't progressing and the doctor didn't want me to go past 18 hours of labor (StrepB+). She wanted to run a wire in and around the baby to keep track and then up the pitocin more but didn't seem real positive that it would help. Since I wasn't progressing after 10 hours of pitocin and everything else, she recommended C-section.

    I got prepped for surgery.


    Received the epidural (so weird) and my husband came in to go through with the surgery with me. Maybe 15 minutes after they started we heard a cry! Most beautiful sound I have ever heard!! They showed him to us and then took him over to weigh him. You have no idea how gorgeous he was! I started crying (of course). Then the nurse brought our baby boy over for us to hold for a minute before he was taken to the nursery. Mark went with our new baby and I stayed and got stitched up!


    He is such a wonderful baby! We were in the hospital for three days and headed home on Saturday!

    How cute so how big was he? Can't believe he came on his due date. Enjoy him as much as possible.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Born at 6:19am
    8lb .5oz
    20.5 inches!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Born at 6:19am
    8lb .5oz
    20.5 inches!

    :heart!: CONGRATS!!! Beautiful baby!!!
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Born at 6:19am
    8lb .5oz
    20.5 inches!

    Congrats!! He is beautiful!!
  • tinyjourney
    tinyjourney Posts: 198 Member
    Born at 6:19am
    8lb .5oz
    20.5 inches!

    Congrats!! He is beautiful. :)

    I'm currently carrying breech and was told that same 5% chance of turning. Same exact scenario as you, preplanned c/s and checking the day of to see if she has turned. Your little man just knew what day he wanted to come! But please tell me you saved the BWW!
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Born at 6:19am
    8lb .5oz
    20.5 inches!