3rd Trimester



  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    31 weeks 3 days and feeling great!! Every now and then I'll get uncomfortable but it's not bad yet. Been nesting like crazy and about to start making easy freezer meals for the first few weeks after baby gets here :) oh and childbirth classes start in 3 weeks! I'm so excited :):)

    i cant believe i have just over 2 months left!! AHHHHHH!! haha Hope you ladies are doing well!!!

    I really want to try getting together some freezer meals, but have never done it before! Got any tips? Good receipes/meals? Websites you use? I have 8 wks &6 days left and have sooo much to do. Freezer meals is def. something I want done! Thanks!

    Here is a website I found:


    I also bought a book on Amazon called "Fix,Freeze, Feast".

    I intend to do this also, but haven't had time yet!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    My friend (who is not pregnant) offered to come over before the baby is born to help with some freezer meals...which we are doing TOMORROW! With only 2 weeks left til my due date, it's about time:) I just googled freezer meals and am making a couple that I found, and my friend is going to make a couple as well as a gift for me. We don't have a deep freezer, so about 4 meals is all we can fit in our freezer with all the other junk in it...but excited to be getting a little ahead of the game with that. Also, my church makes about 6-8 meals for new moms after the birth, so we should be set for a few weeks!!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Never thought of doing freezer meals. My mom plans on coming up here right before delivery and staying for at least a week to help out and she said she would do the cooking. Not so sure about that my mom didn't cook when I was growing up and she is not very good at it. May be I should think of doing that especially what I am going to do after she leaves.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Nursery is all done!

    *edited to resize
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Never thought of doing freezer meals. My mom plans on coming up here right before delivery and staying for at least a week to help out and she said she would do the cooking. Not so sure about that my mom didn't cook when I was growing up and she is not very good at it. May be I should think of doing that especially what I am going to do after she leaves.

    I have a feeling freezer meals are going to be a life saver for us! My parents are flying up 2 weeks after my due date, so even if baby arrives late we'll have ~ 1 week on our own, and I'm sure without freezer meals we'd end up resorting to frozen pizza a little too often! I started my freezer stash a while ago. When I make soup/pasta sauce/lasagna/anything that freezes well, I portion out a meal for that night, then freeze the rest. It means no leftovers for the next few days and cooking more often, but will be totally worth it when baby arrives. I'm hoping that when my parents are here my mom (who is an amazing cook) can help add to our stash.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Nursery is all done!

    Love the nursery! Ours is so boring, and my clothing stash is about 1/10th of yours! I'm excited to find out the gender at birth, but it makes decorating/clothing shopping much more difficult! Looking forward to finally being able to buy gender-specific clothes (I'm SO sick of beige/white/yellow/green) and add boy/girl decor to the room!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Nursery is all done!

    Love the nursery! Ours is so boring, and my clothing stash is about 1/10th of yours! I'm excited to find out the gender at birth, but it makes decorating/clothing shopping much more difficult! Looking forward to finally being able to buy gender-specific clothes (I'm SO sick of beige/white/yellow/green) and add boy/girl decor to the room!

    I picked monsters before we knew the sex, we were trying to go pretty neutral with it (Dad loves to cook and I'm ex-military so we're not big on gender norms). I can't imagine the self-control to not find out whether it's a boy or girl!! I wanted to know as soon as I could :)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Nursery is all done!

    *edited to resize

    Looks beautiful!!!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I would just google freezer meals! Or look on pinterest, there's a ton!!!! I don't have a deep freezer either so I'm not going to be able to make too many but I'm sure what i do make will last a little while! I'm planning to make chili, stew, enchiladas, breakfast burritos, just easy things we can just thaw and heat up without much work! I will probably be stocking up on lunch meat and other things for sandwiches. OH and paper plates.....lots of those to cut down on having to wash too many dishes :)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Nursery is all done!

    Love the nursery! Ours is so boring, and my clothing stash is about 1/10th of yours! I'm excited to find out the gender at birth, but it makes decorating/clothing shopping much more difficult! Looking forward to finally being able to buy gender-specific clothes (I'm SO sick of beige/white/yellow/green) and add boy/girl decor to the room!

    I picked monsters before we knew the sex, we were trying to go pretty neutral with it (Dad loves to cook and I'm ex-military so we're not big on gender norms). I can't imagine the self-control to not find out whether it's a boy or girl!! I wanted to know as soon as I could :)

    We had originally planned a nature/woodland theme (DH and I have an odd squirrel obsession....) and still may...

    Everybody has their preference and reason for finding out/not finding out the gender. This is a random/silly one, but for me I was noticing at my friends' showers that if they knew the gender, they pretty much only got clothes as gifts. Clothes are great, but they would get so much that most of it didn't end up being worn, or was not practical (ie. wrong season for the type of clothing). They usually didn't end up getting many of the more practical items needed when you have a new baby. I had one person give us all pink/blue clothes, with a gift receipt to exchange whichever we don't need. It was a very generous amount of clothing, but I think she just picked things out thinking, "Oh, these are cute pink polar fleece pants!" Cute, yes, but my baby (if it's a girl) won't fit into them until summer, when they will be too warm! On the other had, all of the neutral clothes I did get are small sizes and suitable to the season.

    The main reason, though, is I just really like the surprise! I always found when my friends had babies it was way more exciting waiting to hear the gender and name after the delivery.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Hi, guys! I'm 28 and a half weeks now, so I guess it's time I headed over to the third trimester board...SO CRAZY how quickly time is going all of a sudden! Anyway...here's what's going on with my pregnancy in a nutshell:

    * I have gained 30 pounds already. This is not okay! I have been eating like crap...I seem to have lost all self control. Vegetables have tasted gross for awhile now, but Pop Tarts and ice cream have tasted FANTASTIC. Yikes!

    * We have our one-day birthing class this Saturday.

    * I have hemmorrhoids......they suck.

    * Starting to freak out about all the things we still need to do...I'm a 2nd grade teacher and do independent tutoring as well, and my husband is part-time National Guard and full-time third year law student. We have a lot of things for our nursery...super adorable things....but no time to put them together!

    * Baby is starting to move a lot more. I love it!

    * I can't sleep, but can't complain of anything much worse than that...no pains, no more headaches or stomach issues...I'm pretty lucky, I think.

    Hope you all are doing well!
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Does anyone else feel like they are getting the crap beat out of them from the inside? It is downright painful some days. It also wakes me up at night.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Does anyone else feel like they are getting the crap beat out of them from the inside? It is downright painful some days. It also wakes me up at night.

    Yes I feel the same she stomps on my pelvis and last night I couldn't sleep because she was beating my rib cage with her head. My first one didn't do that in fact with him I slept all the time.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Does anyone else feel like they are getting the crap beat out of them from the inside? It is downright painful some days. It also wakes me up at night.

    Yes, and I love it!! haha This morning she kicked me so hard it took my breath away for a second. She hasn't woken me up yet though. Not that I sleep very well these days, I seem to be getting up every 2 hours to pee.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Does anyone else feel like they are getting the crap beat out of them from the inside? It is downright painful some days. It also wakes me up at night.

    I think mine is running out of room, I have less jabs and more stretching and sliding by type of movements. Feet are up under my right ribs, some times when they slide by it's like someone is trying to tickle me from the inside. Some days I swear it is in there doing the downward dog, feet poking out on one side, torso pressing out on the other... It gets the hiccups all the time, and likes to wake me up at night my pressing into my lungs. Nothing like waking up not being able to breathe!
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Does anyone else feel like they are getting the crap beat out of them from the inside? It is downright painful some days. It also wakes me up at night.

    I think mine is running out of room, I have less jabs and more stretching and sliding by type of movements. Feet are up under my right ribs, some times when they slide by it's like someone is trying to tickle me from the inside. Some days I swear it is in there doing the downward dog, feet poking out on one side, torso pressing out on the other... It gets the hiccups all the time, and likes to wake me up at night my pressing into my lungs. Nothing like waking up not being able to breathe!

    Sounds like a girl :) You are going to have to let us know what the outcome is. I love it when it is a surprise.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi, guys! I'm 28 and a half weeks now, so I guess it's time I headed over to the third trimester board...SO CRAZY how quickly time is going all of a sudden! Anyway...here's what's going on with my pregnancy in a nutshell:

    * I have gained 30 pounds already. This is not okay! I have been eating like crap...I seem to have lost all self control. Vegetables have tasted gross for awhile now, but Pop Tarts and ice cream have tasted FANTASTIC. Yikes!

    * We have our one-day birthing class this Saturday.

    * I have hemmorrhoids......they suck.

    * Starting to freak out about all the things we still need to do...I'm a 2nd grade teacher and do independent tutoring as well, and my husband is part-time National Guard and full-time third year law student. We have a lot of things for our nursery...super adorable things....but no time to put them together!

    * Baby is starting to move a lot more. I love it!

    * I can't sleep, but can't complain of anything much worse than that...no pains, no more headaches or stomach issues...I'm pretty lucky, I think.

    Hope you all are doing well!

    Welcome to the final stage! Yayy!! I think a lot of us are going through the crazy weight gain and unhealthy cravings!! Is this your first? And did you find out the sex? Good luck getting things ready!! I'm 32 weeks and am nesting like crazy so mines getting there!!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Does anyone else feel like they are getting the crap beat out of them from the inside? It is downright painful some days. It also wakes me up at night.

    I think mine is running out of room, I have less jabs and more stretching and sliding by type of movements. Feet are up under my right ribs, some times when they slide by it's like someone is trying to tickle me from the inside. Some days I swear it is in there doing the downward dog, feet poking out on one side, torso pressing out on the other... It gets the hiccups all the time, and likes to wake me up at night my pressing into my lungs. Nothing like waking up not being able to breathe!

    No painful kicks or jabs from my little man but like yours he has the hiccups ALL the time!!!!!!! At least once a day! Yesterday i think it was he had them FOUR TIMES!! Poor baby lol
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Does anyone else feel like they are getting the crap beat out of them from the inside? It is downright painful some days. It also wakes me up at night.

    I think mine is running out of room, I have less jabs and more stretching and sliding by type of movements. Feet are up under my right ribs, some times when they slide by it's like someone is trying to tickle me from the inside. Some days I swear it is in there doing the downward dog, feet poking out on one side, torso pressing out on the other... It gets the hiccups all the time, and likes to wake me up at night my pressing into my lungs. Nothing like waking up not being able to breathe!

    Same movements here! I don't get the hiccups much but nice slow, stretching movements all the time. It's like she's doing yoga in there!

    Oh, and I can't wait to be able to recline or lay back again. As soon as I lean back, my lungs are being smashed! I thought once she dropped it'd get better... not so much!
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    Yes, it is our first....and it's a boy! Super excited and terrified at the same time.


    Welcome to the final stage! Yayy!! I think a lot of us are going through the crazy weight gain and unhealthy cravings!! Is this your first? And did you find out the sex? Good luck getting things ready!! I'm 32 weeks and am nesting like crazy so mines getting there!!