3rd Trimester



  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Welcome welcome one and all!

    I am SO READY for this guy to show up but I still have at least a couple of cooking weeks to go and we have a ton of work to finish doing to the house before the little feller gets here...not to mention we should REALLY pick out a middle name :smile:

    My poor tummy skin is so itchy, anyone have products they swear by to relieve some of the itchiness?

    I haven't been itchy, and I've been using BioOil since about week 20. Expensive (get it at Costco, much cheaper there!) and I hate the smell, but it's keeping the itch and stretch marks away. (So far - knock on wood!)

    I'm feeling ready, but still need a few more weeks of cooking time, too. Baby has started moving around in a way that I suddenly find it difficult to breathe until it settles into a new spot. It's lovely. We're also totally not prepared to bring a baby into our house, either, and we're still stuck for girl names.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I am at the 32 week mark! Thank bob. I am pretty much done. My back pain is out of control. I am so glad I have a scheduled c section. I have only gained 12 pounds so far this pregnancy. My doc said today that as long as I am eating 3x a day and having snacks, she isn't worried.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Went and had an ultrasound yesterday according to the dr. she scored an 8 out of 8 (whatever that means). They also reconfirmed I am having a girl. Which is great because my mother has been buying girl stuff like crazy. I was worried that she would be big like my son was but she is only 2lbs 13oz right now so if she keeps this up she will be 7lbs 8oz by due date. Which is great for me my son was 8lbs 14oz and he was 5 days early. Still have 11 weeks to go so hopefully it stays the same. Well I went ahead and had the flu shot never had one before but thought I would rather be safe than sorry also having the pertussis vaccination after birth that stuff is scarey. Also having my hubby get one too his job offers the flu shot and that vaccination every year at the office so they do not have to miss work. Thankfully my son had the vaccination at 5 years old, but at his school last year they had 5 cases of the whooping cough and he goes to a small school. Still not ready for the baby to come though we especially have no clue on names yet we can't seem to agree plus the poor little thing won't have a room yet.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Since we are all in the third trimester and starting to feel tired again i have a question about working out. How many days a weeks and for how long are you all working out???

    I have been doing 6 days a week twice a day for a total of 90 minutes each day. Its really starting to kick my butt and I am thinking i should cut it down but an not sure what is a good number to aim for
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I stopped "working out" a few weeks ago. Now I focus on walking and stretching. I'll get back on the workout train 6 weeks postpartum.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    I've been working out about 4-5 days a week for 30-40 minutes all throughout this pregnancy. I walk 2 days a week, and do a pregnancy aerobics DVD twice a week. So it's obviously not to the extent I was working out before, but it's keeping me in check and helping me stay on track a bit. I plan on doing it as long as I can this time around- prolly will switch to just walking in about 2 weeks (I'm almost 36 weeks now).

    But yah, I definitely think it'd be okay for you to slow down a bit!!:)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    As for itchy belly, I've been using Mama Bee's Belly Butter and Belly Balm. The butter is a thick cream and the balm is like a vaseline substance. I also have Palmer's Belly Butter but I can't stand the smell. I've been rotating using all three and so far so good. I've been extra itchy as of late and my girlfriend bought me some Aveeno oatmeal bath stuff. I'll be trying that this weekend.

    Working out- I had to pull it way back because of my back pains. I had days where my legs would give out from the pain. I've been ok for a couple of weeks not (knock on wood) but am afraid to really do anything too strenuous. Walking and stretching it is for me too. Before my back got jacked up, I was still jogging/running and lifting weights. I'm half tempted to sit on my exercise ball and lift weights (again, I'm still afraid to mess up my back- not being able to walk is ridiculous).

    I'm 35 weeks, 4 days. Up 30 lbs- getting closer to that 200 lb mark I was trying to stay away from but I'm feeling good and dr. says I'm fine with the weight gain. I'm going to quit worrying about it... or at least try to... that 2## scares the crap out of me!

    Started childbirth classes last night. I don't think they are going to be super enlightening but I think they will be more helpful then not. At least I'm meeting other pregnant women in the area... My husband is getting accustomed to him being in the backseat and taking care of me. I love that part of the class. The instructor definitely focuses on keeping mommy happy- he needed to hear from someone other than me so that's really helping me mentally. I got a back rub out of the deal yesterday... and ice cream :)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I've been drained for the past several weeks, plus I've had a cold, so my workouts have been minimal lately. I just don't have the energy to drag my butt to the gym/outdoors. What little exercising I have been doing is mostly walks around my neighbourhood, or eliptical/treadmill/biking at the gym, and usually only 30-45 minutes at a time.

    DH and I will both get the flu shot, but it isn't available here until my due-date. At our childbirth class last night the instructor said doctor's offices usually have it 1-2 days in advance, so hoping we could sneak in a bit early. DH and our parents all had the whooping cough booster, and I will be getting it once the baby is born. Cases of whooping cough seem to be on the rise here, too, which is scary.

    35w3d and up 35lbs this morning. Guess I'm not staying under my 35lb goal! :ohwell: New goal is to stay "around" 40lbs.

    blink - I know what you mean about choosing names and the room being ready. We have a boy's name but not a girl's, and we just found out today that our crib is delayed again and not expected to arrive for another 2-ish weeks. I'm due in just over 4! :angry:
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Hello gals!

    My first "official" post in the 3rd trimester! So happy to be here!

    I feel like I'm flying off the walls today! I had a steroid shot for lung development yesterday and one this morning. We decided it would be a good idea since my uterus is slightly heart-shaped and could cause pre-term labor. Otherwise, I would have declined it. I also have to get my next rhogam shot because my blood type is rh-. That will be 4 shots this week (we do progesterone in oil once a week too).

    Our baby room is almost ready to go! We are just waiting on the chair that we ordered. I even placed a newborn pj in the crib just to see how small she was going to look in there since the crib seems HUGE!

    I've been reading about this whole "working out" thing, and to be honest, I have lost my motivation to do so! I was on exercise restriction for the first 18-20 weeks, but then after I got released from that, I just haven't made time to do anything. I do walk my dogs, but I know that's not enough to prepare me for hard labor.

    One question for you all: When you are cleared to exercise again after baby, are you planning on going back to your exercise program pre-pregnancy, or starting something new? I "think" I want my hubby to get me JIllian Michael's Body Revolution for Christmas, since the workouts are only 20 minutes long, but I haven't really decided yet. I'm sure this is the last year we will buy Christmas presents for each other.

  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    jls - I would be freaking out right now if my crib was delayed. My mom has mine and is bringing it with her when she comes up for delivery if baby decides to show up early at least I have the basinett :laugh:

    aj- was wondering where you were have not seen in awhile. Glad you are doing well.

    Well ladies I did it again!!! I managed to fall on my face this time. Some may remember back in July I managed to slip and fall down some stairs on my backside. Well last night I stepped onto some uneven pavement and fell on my face. I managed to fall on my hands and knees so the belly was cushioned by my thighs but I banged myself up pretty bad. My hands and knees are torn up and I think I sprained my ankle because it is huge. Hopefully I can keep this baby inside and stop falling all the time. I didn't call my doctor because I wasn't bleeding, or cramping or pain in the belly area I was just in the office on Wed. but now I may just call and let them know whats going on. My job is so mad at me with all these dr. appt and leaving on short notice.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    jls - I would be freaking out right now if my crib was delayed. My mom has mine and is bringing it with her when she comes up for delivery if baby decides to show up early at least I have the basinett :laugh:

    The person I've been dealing with at the store got a stern email saying we expect a full refund, and I said we'd be in this weekend expecting someone to do the refund for us. Luckily he agreed to it without any hassle! I was expecting to have to fight for a refund because it was a special order/final sale, but I think the guy could tell we were not impressed with the delays and we really can't wait any longer to get a crib. So, off to Babies R Us this weekend to pick out something in stock...!
    Well ladies I did it again!!! I managed to fall on my face this time. Some may remember back in July I managed to slip and fall down some stairs on my backside. Well last night I stepped onto some uneven pavement and fell on my face. I managed to fall on my hands and knees so the belly was cushioned by my thighs but I banged myself up pretty bad. My hands and knees are torn up and I think I sprained my ankle because it is huge. Hopefully I can keep this baby inside and stop falling all the time. I didn't call my doctor because I wasn't bleeding, or cramping or pain in the belly area I was just in the office on Wed. but now I may just call and let them know whats going on. My job is so mad at me with all these dr. appt and leaving on short notice.

    Hopefully everything is okay and your ankle heals quickly! I've noticed my balance has been off a bit now that my belly is bigger, but luckily no spills yet. As for your work, you're pregnant, what do they expect? Pregnant women spend a good chunk of time at the doctor's office! As long as your work is getting done, they shouldn't be mad at you.
  • aya619
    aya619 Posts: 27 Member
    Blink-hope you feel better! Take care of that ankle too. I sprained my ankle when I was six months pregnant last pregnancy and it was hard because being on crutches and a belly is not balanced very well,plus lots of looks! you poor thing...take it easy the next few days mama
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    question for you ladies. For awhile now I have been having pain in my lower abdomen especially after walking for awhile. If I am working out or even something as simple as shopping. If I lay down or sit for awhile it goes away. I have asked my doctor about and he just tells me it is my uterus stretching. I would think it is big enough by now. I know it has nothing to do with my fall since I had it before I did that. Didn't have it with my first pregnancy and wondering if any of you have experienced this.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    question for you ladies. For awhile now I have been having pain in my lower abdomen especially after walking for awhile. If I am working out or even something as simple as shopping. If I lay down or sit for awhile it goes away. I have asked my doctor about and he just tells me it is my uterus stretching. I would think it is big enough by now. I know it has nothing to do with my fall since I had it before I did that. Didn't have it with my first pregnancy and wondering if any of you have experienced this.

    For one, sorry about your fall!!!! Yikes! And I've had some of that at random times and my dr says the same thing. I'm really not worried about it bc i don't get it often and its really more of an uncomfortable feeling then pain and it goes away pretty quick. I wouldn't worry, like they say every pregnancy is different!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    question for you ladies. For awhile now I have been having pain in my lower abdomen especially after walking for awhile. If I am working out or even something as simple as shopping. If I lay down or sit for awhile it goes away. I have asked my doctor about and he just tells me it is my uterus stretching. I would think it is big enough by now. I know it has nothing to do with my fall since I had it before I did that. Didn't have it with my first pregnancy and wondering if any of you have experienced this.

    I get that same kind of pain after I get up from lying on my side, but only for a short time. I kind of figured it is just from everything re adjusting in there!
  • EricaG86
    hey ladies im 32 weeks..Is anyone having problems breathing?? This just started yesterday, I feel like im out of breath or going to have a panic attack. I can't describe it really, kind of like something is sitting on my chest. I'm thinking it might be the baby putting pressure on my lungs or diaphragm(hopefully that what it is). Anyone experencing anything similiar?
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    blink - If it's just the underside of your belly, it might be round ligament pain. I've been noticing it more frequently lately, and usually after a busy day of errands. If it's your whole uterus feeling tight it could be Braxton Hicks contractions.

    Erica - I'm at 36 weeks and have been finding it difficult to breathe (mostly at night) for about a week or so. It's probably the baby squishing everything. I find some times when I'm laying down it happens quite suddenly, and sure enough, if I feel/look at my belly I can tell the baby has shifted and has its bum/legs pressed into a lung.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    Erica - I have the same problem especially when reclining its because she is sitting so high. I didn't have it with my first but he sat really low. I just have to try to find the most comfortable position possible but in the beginning it was scarey.
  • EricaG86
    thank you ladies, i have never had breathing problems in my life and it scared me. Thx for the advice.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    blink - If it's just the underside of your belly, it might be round ligament pain. I've been noticing it more frequently lately, and usually after a busy day of errands. If it's your whole uterus feeling tight it could be Braxton Hicks contractions.

    Erica - I'm at 36 weeks and have been finding it difficult to breathe (mostly at night) for about a week or so. It's probably the baby squishing everything. I find some times when I'm laying down it happens quite suddenly, and sure enough, if I feel/look at my belly I can tell the baby has shifted and has its bum/legs pressed into a lung.

    Basically this same answer for both. :)

    The breathing has been quite a problem for me lately. I can't lay down on my back or recline a whole lot. It's so fun. There are times when I'm just walking around that it happens too. Darn baby squishing my organs. :)