3rd Trimester



  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    How is everyone feeling? I've just been really tired lately. I get spurts of energy and try to get as much done as possible during those times. So far so good. I have been getting sporadic swelling in my hands and feet, but nothing crazy. I'm not a big fan- sausage fingers and toes...

    People asking if I'm getting Braxton Hicks yet, but I guess I really just don't know. I've had some minor cramping, some tightening of the lower abdomen but nothing that I would associate with contractions (or practice ones). Any thoughts or comments on that one?

    As far as tiredness, I noticed last week that it's really started kicking in again. Like, there's so much I want/need to do, and I just can't do it anymore. It's been so hard keeping up enough energy to chase my 2-year-old!!

    Swelling a little, but not nearly as bad as I did with my daughter- I seriously couldn't even recognize my feet the last time!

    I didn't really get Braxton Hicks with my daughter at all, and haven't noticed much with this one either...although I have had mild cramping here and there which I think are contractions. It's so hard to tell, and some women never really get Braxton Hicks (think I might be one of them). I'd be interested in hearing other's suggestions as well.

    Hope to wash clothes and finish the nursery (again) this week. Have another ultrasound on Wednesday to make sure we are still team Pink... Also, think I will pack my hospital bag this weekend just in case:)
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I was thinking about putting together a hospital bag. I mean, it won't hurt to have it ready. There are so many checklists to use online- some of those lists would require me to bring a huge suitcase. I had to laugh at them! Toiletries and clothes for me and baby. :) I think we'll be set.

    Speaking of "go time," does anyone else work kind of far away from their hospital. I'm 40 minutes away from home and the hospital and I can't stop thinking about my water breaking at work. Do I drive home? Go to a hospital up here by work? I plan on asking my dr tomorrow...
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    I'm going to wait a few more weeks for the bag. One thing to remember to bring is lotion. The hospital air is soooo dry. Also good shampoo and conditioner.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I've been gathering items for my hospital bag for a few weeks now. I'm all set for travel-sized toiletries for me and DH, just need to figure out what clothes to pack. I have a limited number of lounge-y items in my wardrobe that still fit, so I've been reluctant to pack them up and take them out of my rotation. As for the large suitcase, it's probably what I'll end up bringing. The checklist from my hospital says I need to bring 24 diapers, wipes, and 24 pads for myself. I was pretty surprised, I assumed those were items the hospital would provide during our stay! Those items, esp the diapers, will take up a chunk of space in the bag.

    I'm hoping to be home/close to home when labour starts. We live about 20 mins from the hospital. DH and I did a drive-by yesterday because neither of us has been there before. Good thing we did, the exterior is a mess with construction, I couldn't imagine going there for the first time in the middle of the night and trying to find our way around! The only concern we have is that if DH is at work when I go into labour. He takes the bus, which is an hour ride, but we've decided he should start carrying extra cash in case labour starts fast and furious and he needs to take a taxi home (about 20-30 mins depending on traffic). We figure worst comes to worst I can call 911 if I have an emergency, and he can meet me at the hospital.

    I've been feeling absolutely drained all week. My sore throat/tireness from last week that kept me home from the Madonna concert is now a hacking cough that keeps me up at night. Sleep wasn't great before, and now it's much worse. My doctor puts all healthy women off at 38 weeks, I might see if "feeling like a sleep-deprived zombie" would be enough to get her to put me off a week early. Even on weekends I can't seem to catch up on my rest. Doesn't help that I am also nesting like crazy and find it hard to sit down and put my feet up!

    Braxton Hicks - I've been getting them off and on since mid-late 2nd tri. In the beginning I only got them when I was working out, my doctor said to slow down and drink water. Now I notice them if I'm really tired and doing stuff (ie. cooking, not just working out), or hold my pee too long. They motivated me to get going with the hospital bag because a few weeks ago I over did it around the house and had a few BH in a row that were longer than normal and didn't go away right away with rest. Not enough to warrant a call to my doctor, but enough to make me double check the hospital handouts she gave me and decide it was time to start thinking about the packing. Anyway, if you feel your belly while you're relaxed you'll notice your uterus is squishy when you press on it, but during a BH it gets quite hard *all over* (I've had a few times where I thought I was having one, but it was just baby pushing on one area of my belly, the rest stayed soft).

    Slowly getting ready for baby. DH assembled our IKEA dresser, but when it was finished I noticed two of the drawers had dings on the front that bothered me. We took them back but they didn't have any extras and the dresser was out of stock, so they offered us a 30% dicsount. Score! We decided we could live with the dings with that kind of a discount. Still waiting for the crib, picked up our car seat yesterday. There's a work shower for me on Friday, so after that I'll see what else we need and get going with sorting and washing. We still need a ton of stuff, everything we have fits in a large Rubbermaid tote - with lots of room to spare! I'm usually more prepared than this, it's a little embarrassing! :blushing:
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    WOW you guys took my worries concerns right outta my head and on this forum!!! I've been nesting like crazy and my mind is constantly running of all the things I need to do! I still have one more place to register and hoping to do it this week..at my appointment next week I'm going to go ahead and preregister at my hospital and set things up to use the pediatrician that I want. Oh and I have a breastfeeding class in early October!

    I've already washed and put away all the clothes and things I have for him now and have been thinking about what's all going in my hospital bag! I was told (by friends) not to pack diapers and stuff bc the hospital will supply them but definitely to bring regular fit or boyshort undies and pads so you don't have to wear the sexy ones they supply you with LOL

    As far as Braxton hicks are concerned I've had them for a long time now, I guess it's normal for me. None of them have been painful or uncomfortable, my stomach just gets super tight!

    Have y'all thought about meal planning? I've started making a list of all the ingredients I need to prepare freezer meals for the first week or so after baby gets here so all I have to do is thaw it out and microwave/oven or throw it in my Crockpot!!

    I know it's really early to be thinking about all this but I just want to be prepared..you never know if you'll be put on bed rest and can't do anything and you never know when baby is going to come!!!!

    Oh and I don't live too far from my hospital but my husband works about an hour away from home...and to make matters worse he works graveyard so if my water were to break in the middle of the night I would have to call a friend (and hope they wake up) to take me and have my husband meet me there. The only good thing about that happening in the wee hours of the night is no traffic (hubs works in Dallas!)
  • Mewlingstork
    Mewlingstork Posts: 266 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been a stalker on this board, just reading, but now I'll post something. :) 37 weeks this week, gained about 30 lbs now. Won't know the gender until this baby decides to be born! Walking most every day, trying to do other stuff, but work gets in the way.

    I agree with MrsCarter, BH everyday, about 20 of them, but not uncomfortable usually, just tight tummy!

    I have our 'nursery' pretty much set up; we don't have a room, just a section of our bedroom for baby. I've had everything washed (including our cloth diaper stash) for a few weeks. So excited!

    My hospital bag has the bare essentials; we were in the hospital for pre term labor a month ago, so I was able to learn what all they provide. I've been cooking and freezing things - combo nesting and wanting to be prepared.

    I thought Saturday night might have been the night - lots of contractions, starting to get closer together and stronger, cramps, but then, nothing!

    I've started evening primrose oil, red raspberry leaf tea, and most of the other old wives' tales about getting labor started (if baby is ready... I know I'm ready!).

    How is everyone feeling? There were a couple ladies that sounded close to due dates, inductions, etc. Any updates?
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been a stalker on this board, just reading, but now I'll post something. :) 37 weeks this week, gained about 30 lbs now. Won't know the gender until this baby decides to be born! Walking most every day, trying to do other stuff, but work gets in the way.

    I agree with MrsCarter, BH everyday, about 20 of them, but not uncomfortable usually, just tight tummy!

    I have our 'nursery' pretty much set up; we don't have a room, just a section of our bedroom for baby. I've had everything washed (including our cloth diaper stash) for a few weeks. So excited!

    My hospital bag has the bare essentials; we were in the hospital for pre term labor a month ago, so I was able to learn what all they provide. I've been cooking and freezing things - combo nesting and wanting to be prepared.

    I thought Saturday night might have been the night - lots of contractions, starting to get closer together and stronger, cramps, but then, nothing!

    I've started evening primrose oil, red raspberry leaf tea, and most of the other old wives' tales about getting labor started (if baby is ready... I know I'm ready!).

    How is everyone feeling? There were a couple ladies that sounded close to due dates, inductions, etc. Any updates?

    So glad I'm not the only one who's baby isn't going to have a room! I will be breastfeeding so it makes more sense for him to be in my room anyway. I would like for him to have a room but we're not ready to get a house bc the one we have is enough for us for now!

    I'm not sure what my deal is, over the past few days I haven't been hungry which is so weird bc usually I snack about every hour! And I've been feeling super fatigued..is this normal for third trimester??
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been a stalker on this board, just reading, but now I'll post something. :) 37 weeks this week, gained about 30 lbs now. Won't know the gender until this baby decides to be born! Walking most every day, trying to do other stuff, but work gets in the way.

    I agree with MrsCarter, BH everyday, about 20 of them, but not uncomfortable usually, just tight tummy!

    I have our 'nursery' pretty much set up; we don't have a room, just a section of our bedroom for baby. I've had everything washed (including our cloth diaper stash) for a few weeks. So excited!

    My hospital bag has the bare essentials; we were in the hospital for pre term labor a month ago, so I was able to learn what all they provide. I've been cooking and freezing things - combo nesting and wanting to be prepared.

    I thought Saturday night might have been the night - lots of contractions, starting to get closer together and stronger, cramps, but then, nothing!

    I've started evening primrose oil, red raspberry leaf tea, and most of the other old wives' tales about getting labor started (if baby is ready... I know I'm ready!).

    How is everyone feeling? There were a couple ladies that sounded close to due dates, inductions, etc. Any updates?

    So glad I'm not the only one who's baby isn't going to have a room! I will be breastfeeding so it makes more sense for him to be in my room anyway. I would like for him to have a room but we're not ready to get a house bc the one we have is enough for us for now!

    I'm not sure what my deal is, over the past few days I haven't been hungry which is so weird bc usually I snack about every hour! And I've been feeling super fatigued..is this normal for third trimester??

    Although we have his room ready, he is going to be in a cradle beside the bed at first. From what I've heard from many moms, this is the most practical and your only chance at sleep...I'm sure I'll still be checking on his constantly, but I'd rather have him there than 2 rooms down.

    Luckily the hospital is about a 5 minute drive for us, but DH and I work in a variety of places. The furthest away either of us would be is about an hour, but I figure there will be plenty of warning!

    I will probably worry about the hospital bag after getting things organized from my shower Sunday, so maybe the beginning of October, hopefully he won't be that early!

    MrsCarter- Until I have been sick my fatigue has come and gone in the 3rd trimester, but more so lately. At the beginning I still felt pretty good, but it seems overall the energy is declining. Exercising still really helps me feel better, although I have not been as consistent with it as I should...I know it's super important now though as labor is approaching!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I just posted this on the October board, but thought I'd post here as well to hopefully get input from a few more people....

    Have any of you done a will? How did you decide who should be your child's guardian? We'd like to keep our guardian within the family, but we're having a hard time deciding who that should be. BIL+wife are already overwhelmed with their 3 kids and we don't agree with a lot of their parenting choices, but they are established and live in the same city as our parents. I know my brother would be a great dad, however he is younger (26), single and lives with a roommate, and is a police officer. He has a good job, but the hours are certainly not ideal given that he's single. If he was married and had a wife who would be home when he is working night shifts it would be totally different. Also, he lives 4 time zones away from our parents. I don't think DH's parents could handle looking after young kids anymore (BIL's kids frazzle them and they're only there for a few hours at a time), plus we both know our kids would be morbidly obese in no time living with MIL. I'm leaning towards my parents, but they have their own set of issues. Dad had a stroke a few years ago and mom's arthritis is getting worse, and even though they're younger than the inlaws I know the extra work of having kids around would wear them out in no time. We have a few friends we'd be totally comfortable using as guardians, but really want to keep it in the family. What to do? :ohwell:
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    We haven't thought about it. But, I wonder if you could do rotating custody. Something like the school year with BIL's established family, followed by the summer going around to the others? God-forbid you should actually need to do this, but if everyone gets along and wants what is in the best interest of your child, the ideal situation may present itself from that. I don't know. Man, that's a tough one! Now I am thinking about what we would actually do...I have no idea!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    I just posted this on the October board, but thought I'd post here as well to hopefully get input from a few more people....

    Have any of you done a will? How did you decide who should be your child's guardian? We'd like to keep our guardian within the family, but we're having a hard time deciding who that should be. BIL+wife are already overwhelmed with their 3 kids and we don't agree with a lot of their parenting choices, but they are established and live in the same city as our parents. I know my brother would be a great dad, however he is younger (26), single and lives with a roommate, and is a police officer. He has a good job, but the hours are certainly not ideal given that he's single. If he was married and had a wife who would be home when he is working night shifts it would be totally different. Also, he lives 4 time zones away from our parents. I don't think DH's parents could handle looking after young kids anymore (BIL's kids frazzle them and they're only there for a few hours at a time), plus we both know our kids would be morbidly obese in no time living with MIL. I'm leaning towards my parents, but they have their own set of issues. Dad had a stroke a few years ago and mom's arthritis is getting worse, and even though they're younger than the inlaws I know the extra work of having kids around would wear them out in no time. We have a few friends we'd be totally comfortable using as guardians, but really want to keep it in the family. What to do? :ohwell:

    WOW something that I had not thought about...thanks lol!!! Lol Jk. It is definitely something that needs to be addressed. And it's a tough one! I would want our little man to go to my SIL bc we share the same religious beliefs and feel strongly about them. I would probably be hurting my sister's feelings bc she's my best friend but doesn't feel strongly like we do about church, etc. Ultimately we have to have our LO's best interest and can't worry about who's feelings we may be hurting.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I just posted this on the October board, but thought I'd post here as well to hopefully get input from a few more people....

    Have any of you done a will? How did you decide who should be your child's guardian? We'd like to keep our guardian within the family, but we're having a hard time deciding who that should be. BIL+wife are already overwhelmed with their 3 kids and we don't agree with a lot of their parenting choices, but they are established and live in the same city as our parents. I know my brother would be a great dad, however he is younger (26), single and lives with a roommate, and is a police officer. He has a good job, but the hours are certainly not ideal given that he's single. If he was married and had a wife who would be home when he is working night shifts it would be totally different. Also, he lives 4 time zones away from our parents. I don't think DH's parents could handle looking after young kids anymore (BIL's kids frazzle them and they're only there for a few hours at a time), plus we both know our kids would be morbidly obese in no time living with MIL. I'm leaning towards my parents, but they have their own set of issues. Dad had a stroke a few years ago and mom's arthritis is getting worse, and even though they're younger than the inlaws I know the extra work of having kids around would wear them out in no time. We have a few friends we'd be totally comfortable using as guardians, but really want to keep it in the family. What to do? :ohwell:

    My kiddo will be going to my mom if something happened. My BIL and SIL are awesome but they already have a 3 year old and twin 1 year olds and we don't have the life insurance to cover another mouth and my mom is pretty well off and totally healthy (not "too" old). I wouldn't trust my siblings with their OWN kids let alone mine...
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    We haven't thought about it. But, I wonder if you could do rotating custody. Something like the school year with BIL's established family, followed by the summer going around to the others? God-forbid you should actually need to do this, but if everyone gets along and wants what is in the best interest of your child, the ideal situation may present itself from that. I don't know. Man, that's a tough one! Now I am thinking about what we would actually do...I have no idea!

    I know it's a morbid topic, but it's an important one! Anyway, I was thinking about having it change at some point down the road. Like if we have my parents as the guardians for now, but if my brother gets married the kid(s?) would then go to him instead. As for everyone getting along, they do. My inlaws and parents enjoy eachothers' company quite a bit. However, I know my in laws are stingy when it comes to sharing (esp holidays, they are uber religious and it took them years to understand that it is important for me to see my family at Christmas, too, even though we're 100% not religious) and the parenting beliefs of in laws vs my family are completely different. Inter-family sharing of custody probably would not work.

    I know it's one of those things that will likely never happen, but it's better to be prepared. Fortunately DH has excellent benefits/insurance, so whoever gets the kid would also be provided with money to help look after it, so we're not concerned about that aspect.

    We have an appointment with a lawyer in about 3 weeks, so I guess we'll have to have our minds made up by then!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I just posted this on the October board, but thought I'd post here as well to hopefully get input from a few more people....

    Have any of you done a will? How did you decide who should be your child's guardian? We'd like to keep our guardian within the family, but we're having a hard time deciding who that should be. BIL+wife are already overwhelmed with their 3 kids and we don't agree with a lot of their parenting choices, but they are established and live in the same city as our parents. I know my brother would be a great dad, however he is younger (26), single and lives with a roommate, and is a police officer. He has a good job, but the hours are certainly not ideal given that he's single. If he was married and had a wife who would be home when he is working night shifts it would be totally different. Also, he lives 4 time zones away from our parents. I don't think DH's parents could handle looking after young kids anymore (BIL's kids frazzle them and they're only there for a few hours at a time), plus we both know our kids would be morbidly obese in no time living with MIL. I'm leaning towards my parents, but they have their own set of issues. Dad had a stroke a few years ago and mom's arthritis is getting worse, and even though they're younger than the inlaws I know the extra work of having kids around would wear them out in no time. We have a few friends we'd be totally comfortable using as guardians, but really want to keep it in the family. What to do? :ohwell:

    I have thought about this too, sounds like a tough decision for you, but I"m sure you will make the best decision for you LO. I would like my parents to take care of our baby if something happened to us. My parents are great and I'm sure they wouldn't mind raising him.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    Hello ladies moving over from the second trimester board hit 28 weeks on Saturday and am ready for the last leg looking forward to interacting with you all till the end.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I just posted this on the October board, but thought I'd post here as well to hopefully get input from a few more people....

    Have any of you done a will? How did you decide who should be your child's guardian? We'd like to keep our guardian within the family, but we're having a hard time deciding who that should be. BIL+wife are already overwhelmed with their 3 kids and we don't agree with a lot of their parenting choices, but they are established and live in the same city as our parents. I know my brother would be a great dad, however he is younger (26), single and lives with a roommate, and is a police officer. He has a good job, but the hours are certainly not ideal given that he's single. If he was married and had a wife who would be home when he is working night shifts it would be totally different. Also, he lives 4 time zones away from our parents. I don't think DH's parents could handle looking after young kids anymore (BIL's kids frazzle them and they're only there for a few hours at a time), plus we both know our kids would be morbidly obese in no time living with MIL. I'm leaning towards my parents, but they have their own set of issues. Dad had a stroke a few years ago and mom's arthritis is getting worse, and even though they're younger than the inlaws I know the extra work of having kids around would wear them out in no time. We have a few friends we'd be totally comfortable using as guardians, but really want to keep it in the family. What to do? :ohwell:

    We went through this with my first child it was hard, but a necessity because my son needed the protection. Unfortunately without a will it can become an insane court battle. We chose my parents because they are the most stable in my opinion and would not ignore my children. At the time we did ours (we now have to redo it) both my sisters were single and neither had a stable job or career, my husbands brother was newly single and paying child support and is about as responsible as a five year old, his mother I do not agree with dropping children in front of televisions and walking away. Now that it is 8 years later not much has changed except one of my sisters is married with a kid, but I cannot stand her husband and my husbands brother has remarried but they seem to be having children every year that they can't afford. My parents are older but in decent health and are fairly well off and live in a good area. It is an unlikely situation but its the best I can do for my children. We also took what life insurance we have and in the case we both go at the same time our life insurance will be put into a trust for our children and we named a trustee so that our children's education would not suffer. When first started out in the workforce I worked with a woman who both she and her husband were killed and they did not have a will so their son was sent by the courts to live with an unmarried aunt (only surviving relative) and she was given all money in one lump sum. Unfortunately she blew through it pretty quickly not sure how. Again an extreme situation and not that I do not trust my family it would just be easier if I took care of details like that for them so it would be worry free.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hello ladies moving over from the second trimester board hit 28 weeks on Saturday and am ready for the last leg looking forward to interacting with you all till the end.

    Welcome!! Yayyyyyyy for the final stretch!
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Names Jamie and i am coming over from the second trimester board. Due with my first child Colton around Chrismas!!!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Welcome welcome one and all!

    I am SO READY for this guy to show up but I still have at least a couple of cooking weeks to go and we have a ton of work to finish doing to the house before the little feller gets here...not to mention we should REALLY pick out a middle name :smile:

    My poor tummy skin is so itchy, anyone have products they swear by to relieve some of the itchiness?
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    Welcome welcome one and all!

    I am SO READY for this guy to show up but I still have at least a couple of cooking weeks to go and we have a ton of work to finish doing to the house before the little feller gets here...not to mention we should REALLY pick out a middle name :smile:

    My poor tummy skin is so itchy, anyone have products they swear by to relieve some of the itchiness?

    Palmers Tummy Butter. Its very thick but works wonders!