3rd Trimester



  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Sugarbabie - Saw your status today about being induced next week if she doesn't come out on her own. Keep us posted!

    BeckyJill - Yeah, SIL is a peach. We actually get along quite well, but we don't see eye to eye on ANYTHING. Well, a few things, but not much. Her family is all drama, all the time, and I think she likes it.... I come from a very low-key family. The only drama that ever seems to pop up for me always involves the inlaws! I don't talk to my MIL often, either. When she calls she usually only talks to DH, but last week she asked to speak with me, too. I was shocked! It's not that we don't get along, we just have pretty much nothing in common. Anyway, we had a nice 20 minute chat, mostly about how the new niece is a great baby and she thinks we'll have a great baby, too. :laugh:

    Jillsie - So does low bpm usually mean boy, high is girl? Mine is consistently around 150 at each appt. Hmm.... Yay for another ultrasound! I have one more at 36w to check growth/fluid levels, I can't wait! Looking forward to hearing what you find out at your next u/s. I would think it would be nice to have one of each, but you're right about having a lot of last minute shopping if it does turn out to be a boy! Either way, having a healthy baby is the most important part.
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member

    Jillsie - So does low bpm usually mean boy, high is girl? Mine is consistently around 150 at each appt. Hmm.... Yay for another ultrasound! I have one more at 36w to check growth/fluid levels, I can't wait! Looking forward to hearing what you find out at your next u/s. I would think it would be nice to have one of each, but you're right about having a lot of last minute shopping if it does turn out to be a boy! Either way, having a healthy baby is the most important part.

    Well, it's kind of an old wive's tale, but they say the lower the heart rate (like in the 130s) that it's more likely to be a boy, and the higher (obviously) than the more likely it's a girl. But there are so many exceptions to the rule and it's not a fool-proof way of predicting. However, I read somewhere that the closer you get to the birth, the more likely it's correct. And this last appointment, it was the lowest it had been. I wouldn't be too worried, HOWEVER, a friend of mine had the same ultrasound tech I had (who predicted I was having another girl) during her last pregnancy. The tech told my friend she was having a girl- was 99% sure...until they had the baby- and it was a boy. So with the tech's track record combined with the fact that the heartrate has been lower than with my daughter- it just has me worried. Just want to know for sure if I can:)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Sugarbabie - Saw your status today about being induced next week if she doesn't come out on her own. Keep us posted!

    BeckyJill - Yeah, SIL is a peach. We actually get along quite well, but we don't see eye to eye on ANYTHING. Well, a few things, but not much. Her family is all drama, all the time, and I think she likes it.... I come from a very low-key family. The only drama that ever seems to pop up for me always involves the inlaws! I don't talk to my MIL often, either. When she calls she usually only talks to DH, but last week she asked to speak with me, too. I was shocked! It's not that we don't get along, we just have pretty much nothing in common. Anyway, we had a nice 20 minute chat, mostly about how the new niece is a great baby and she thinks we'll have a great baby, too. :laugh:

    Jillsie - So does low bpm usually mean boy, high is girl? Mine is consistently around 150 at each appt. Hmm.... Yay for another ultrasound! I have one more at 36w to check growth/fluid levels, I can't wait! Looking forward to hearing what you find out at your next u/s. I would think it would be nice to have one of each, but you're right about having a lot of last minute shopping if it does turn out to be a boy! Either way, having a healthy baby is the most important part.

    Jillsie-I thought they said anywhere from 120-180 was normal. It's awesome you get to see your baby again, and hopefully they don't chang their mind!

    The BPM is not true in my case, my boy's has been from 155-165 the entire pregnancy, and it's pretty confirmed that it's a boy...2 ultrasounds have said so.
  • JLatham325
    JLatham325 Posts: 105 Member
    Just checking in... still here!! 40 weeks, 4 days... miserable as hell lol

    I was supposed to be scheduled for an induction this Friday, however, they were unable to find me a bed. So now the doctor's office is trying to find me a spot for Monday the 17th, however I have not received a phone call confirming if they can fit me in yet. So it's just the frustrating waiting game. I've had no contractions and no signs of labor coming anytime soon. Last week for the 3rd week in a row I was 1cm, 0% effaced, and I'm sure I'm still the same this week.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    My nursery is finally put together! Woo hoo!! We put up the crib, changing table, dresser and rocking chair last night. It looks so amazing- and it helps ease my stress. I've been a little mental lately. I had a mini-meltdown Sunday night. I got a little overwhelmed by how much we had left to do. DH reassured me we don't have that much and what we do have left won't take much time. He proved that by putting the whole nursery together last night! Such a relief! Now I just have to get some baskets and organize all the toiletries and diapers and clothes.

    I have a breastfeeding class Monday night and childbirth classes start the following week. I wanted to take the class sooner but this was all they had available. Oh well! It'll be a nice scheduled date night for us the next 4 weeks!

    Jillsie- I had a dream last night the Dr told me I was having a boy, not a girl. And that it's twins! I can't imagine finding out this late in the game the sex is different! It's funny you have the gut feeling though! I can't wait to hear how it all plays out :)

    I hope everyone is feeling good :)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    34 Weeks

    Had a doctor's appointment yesterday and the lil' chap is sitting transverse, BAD BOY! I have a fibroid that the doctor thinks may be getting in the way of the Boy getting turned completely around. I've already looked at all the "spinningbaby.com" stuff, actually spent most of my vacation last week in the pool hoping the lack of gravity would get him moving but nope, he likes where he is!

    Good news is that I now get an ultrasound at 36 weeks to see whether he made the move himself. If not then we hit the bad new of whether the doctor can flip him or...*sigh*... the possibility of scheduling a C-Section :sad:
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    34 Weeks

    Had a doctor's appointment yesterday and the lil' chap is sitting transverse, BAD BOY! I have a fibroid that the doctor thinks may be getting in the way of the Boy getting turned completely around. I've already looked at all the "spinningbaby.com" stuff, actually spent most of my vacation last week in the pool hoping the lack of gravity would get him moving but nope, he likes where he is!

    Good news is that I now get an ultrasound at 36 weeks to see whether he made the move himself. If not then we hit the bad new of whether the doctor can flip him or...*sigh*... the possibility of scheduling a C-Section :sad:

    I hope the little man starts moving around for you! I can understand the disappointment of scheduling a c-section but at least you are informed ahead of time and aren't trying to push a baby that won't come out. (Trying to look at the positive side)

    Sugarbabie- thinking about you! Hope you are feeling well and maybe progressing! How are you? Any news?
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member

    I hope the little man starts moving around for you! I can understand the disappointment of scheduling a c-section but at least you are informed ahead of time and aren't trying to push a baby that won't come out. (Trying to look at the positive side)

    Yep, wouldn't mind getting to pick his birthday :smile: but I'd still be disappointed
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member

    I hope the little man starts moving around for you! I can understand the disappointment of scheduling a c-section but at least you are informed ahead of time and aren't trying to push a baby that won't come out. (Trying to look at the positive side)

    Yep, wouldn't mind getting to pick his birthday :smile: but I'd still be disappointed

    Never thought of that! :)

    My profile pic is my nursery- I can't figure out how to post it in the thread from my phone so that'll have to do. I'd love to see others :)
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My profile pic is my nursery- I can't figure out how to post it in the thread from my phone so that'll have to do. I'd love to see others :)

    I hope to have mine up soon, have some finishing touches and a TON of stuff to put away!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Faughorn-I hope he turns. I had a co-worker who they scheduled for a c-section because her baby was breach, but about a week before, she turned on her own...so hopefully your boy will cooperate!

    Becky-I completely understand the stress of that, I feel a ton better after having the room all painted and furniture together. I still want to do more decorations and have to get his clothes organized, but it feels much closer now! My shower in next Sunday, so I'm not too worried about everything until I see what I get from that.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Sugarbabie - Glad to hear you have an induction date. Good luck and keep us posted!

    Faughorn - Hopefully your baby turns! He still has a few weeks to do it, so try not to worry. Some wait until the last minute!

    Not much new going on here. At my last appt my doctor felt my belly and thinks baby is head down, but I could have kicked her when she checked. She pressed down on my pelvic area for a feel and it hurt like a mother. My already achy pelvis was nice and sore for the rest of the day! The girl who does my weight/blood pressure at each appt did my blood pressure twice because it was high, but doctor didn't mention it. Hoping next week it will be normal, if not I'll certainly ask about it.

    Gaining weight at a slow and steady pace. Was up about 32lbs this morning (I'm now at 33w2d), so higher than I'd like given I was hoping to stick to a 35lb gain, but I guess it's not too bad. It is what it is! I've started waking up with heartburn every night, and yesterday I had it during the day as well. I've been eating Tums sparingly, given the daily limit for pregnant women is 5 and I usually need at least 2 for the bad stuff at night.

    Totally made the right decision the other day to sell my Madonna ticket. At first I was bummed about not going, but knew health-wise it was better to stay home given how tired I was and how sore my throat had been all day. The next day I heard the concert ran super late (Madonna took the stage 90 mins late!) and I wouldn't have been home until the wee hours of the morning, so it made me feel much better about selling my ticket! Still have the sore throat but not feeling as tired, so hopefully I'm back to 100% sooner than later.

    Actually, now that I think about it my throat is incredibly sore first thing in the morning, wonder if it could be related to the bad heart burns I'm now getting every night? Must go play Dr. Google! :laugh:
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Becky- Can't figure out how to just post a picture into a message- any ideas? I think it'd be fun to show off nurseries!

    Faughorn- I'm sure he'll turn- he's got plenty of time...:) Keep us posted!

    Jls- I can't BELIEVE you had Madonna tickets and couldn't go. A Madonna concert is on my bucket list, so I'm totally jealous you even had tickets. But I understand not feeling well, and wanted to rest up for the baby. Amazing what we will do for these little ones!

    I'm 33 weeks 4 days and am up 25 lbs...feelin' good and hoping to stay under the 30 lb mark this time around. But I don't know how long I'll keep working out. Getting to the point where I just dread it, and am getting more sore after. When I was pregnant with my 2 year old, I quit any "workouts" about a month before she was born but continued walking right up til the birth. Maybe I will do the same this time...what are you guys planning to do as far as workouts?
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    JLS - ooooh Madonna...saw Cher a decade ago and that was a fun concert! I'm heading to go see "Totem" which is the Cirque du Soleil show here in DC tonight. Going with my mom and she called ahead and had our seats moved to an aisle seat so I wouldn't bug anyone running to and from the bathroom :laugh:
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Jls- I can't BELIEVE you had Madonna tickets and couldn't go. A Madonna concert is on my bucket list, so I'm totally jealous you even had tickets. But I understand not feeling well, and wanted to rest up for the baby. Amazing what we will do for these little ones!

    I know, eh? Had I not been pregnant I would have sucked it up and gone to the concert even though I wasn't feeling well. I was already in bed when Madonna finally took the stage the other night!
    JLS - ooooh Madonna...saw Cher a decade ago and that was a fun concert! I'm heading to go see "Totem" which is the Cirque du Soleil show here in DC tonight. Going with my mom and she called ahead and had our seats moved to an aisle seat so I wouldn't bug anyone running to and from the bathroom :laugh:

    I LOVE Cirque du Soleil! I'm signed up for our local stadium's newsletter/advance ticket sales thingy, and they had 50% off Cirque's Michael Jackson show last month. Didn't end up going, though, the only seats left were the most expensive ones and even discounted they were still too pricy for my liking. :ohwell: Funny about the aisle seat, the people I was going to Madonna with made sure I had the aisle seat, too!

    The broadway version of "Beauty and the Beast" is coming to town next month.... the day AFTER my due date! I told DH if baby isn't here yet and I'm feeling up to it, we totally have to try to get some last minute tickets! We'll take the hospital bag with us just in case I go into labour during the show! :laugh:

    We did manage to see a few good shows over the last year - a Cirque show (bonus, those tickets were free!), Prince, Transiberian Orchestra (YouTube them if you've never heard of them, kind of heavy metal Christmas music, it's hilarious), "Lion King", "Wicked"... So I can't really complain.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    This has been a big year for my concert going too!

    I saw Transiberian a couple of years ago and they're great! I also saw Wicked for the first time this year :)

    We really lucked out with the Cirque tickets, my mom's office purchases tickets to events ahead of time in case there are visiting clients, etc. for them to take out. If no one uses them then they draw names out of a hat to see who gets them! So yay free tickets!
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hey ladies!! Coming over from the 2nd trimester board! Finally 28 weeks, yayyy!!!! :):)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hey ladies!! Coming over from the 2nd trimester board! Finally 28 weeks, yayyy!!!! :):)

    Welcome...home stretch :)

    So I am majorly nesting. Yesterday, despite not feeling well, I picked out curtains for the nursery....which involved I think 4 stores. I also washed all his 0-3 month clothes and put them away. Now I will just have to wait and see what I get from the shower and organize all that!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Hi MrsCarter- welcome to the third tri! Yay!

    Chicky- I am so majorly nesting as well. I have had two showers in the past two weekends and I spent all day yesterday setting up the nursery, doing laundry, putting away clothes, putting sheets on the crib mattress, getting the changing table set up and ready, organizing clothes, etc. It's so much fun! And I feel so amazing now that the nursery looks like a baby's room for real!

    I'm trying to be good and not take the tags off of all the clothes. I want to wash them all and put them away!

    I still have to go buy a few things- thank goodness for gift cards! I still get to pick up my travel system, monitor and breast pump. I'm a nerd but really excited to get these things.

    How is everyone feeling? I've just been really tired lately. I get spurts of energy and try to get as much done as possible during those times. So far so good. I have been getting sporadic swelling in my hands and feet, but nothing crazy. I'm not a big fan- sausage fingers and toes...

    People asking if I'm getting Braxton Hicks yet, but I guess I really just don't know. I've had some minor cramping, some tightening of the lower abdomen but nothing that I would associate with contractions (or practice ones). Any thoughts or comments on that one?
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi MrsCarter- welcome to the third tri! Yay!

    Chicky- I am so majorly nesting as well. I have had two showers in the past two weekends and I spent all day yesterday setting up the nursery, doing laundry, putting away clothes, putting sheets on the crib mattress, getting the changing table set up and ready, organizing clothes, etc. It's so much fun! And I feel so amazing now that the nursery looks like a baby's room for real!

    I'm trying to be good and not take the tags off of all the clothes. I want to wash them all and put them away!

    I still have to go buy a few things- thank goodness for gift cards! I still get to pick up my travel system, monitor and breast pump. I'm a nerd but really excited to get these things.

    How is everyone feeling? I've just been really tired lately. I get spurts of energy and try to get as much done as possible during those times. So far so good. I have been getting sporadic swelling in my hands and feet, but nothing crazy. I'm not a big fan- sausage fingers and toes...

    People asking if I'm getting Braxton Hicks yet, but I guess I really just don't know. I've had some minor cramping, some tightening of the lower abdomen but nothing that I would associate with contractions (or practice ones). Any thoughts or comments on that one?

    I bet it is hard not to take the tags off! I got most of my clothes used, and hopefully won't get too many more at my shower because I think I have enough! I've been feeling pretty good until the last few days when I've come down with a cold. I don't have much energy, but can't sleep well, hopefully it passes soon...I have stuff to do!! I notice my hands swell a lot more now when I walk around for a while. I am also not sure about BH, I'm with you, I think I might have had a few but I'm not really sure. I've notice sometimes it's uncomfortable and my uterus is really hard, but I'm just not sure.