3rd Trimester



  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I absolutely love my chiropractor and get my babies adjusted too. My daughter had horrible colic and wouldn't eat, and after 1 treatment was almost 100% better. 2 more and she was a happy, hungry, nursing baby and sleeping well. Finding the right chiropractor is important, but I have faith in mine and he treats his own kids as well.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    At 38 weeks, 3 days now and have finally been getting some intermittent contractions the last few days. Hoping it will mean good news and the baby coming soon, but they have not been regular or very intense. See my doctor on Thursday again, so hoping I won't need that appointment! Took my kids skating yesterday and walking in the snow really did me in! Might start doing some more walks outside in the melting snow and see what I can get started! :wink:
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Just need to vent a little...

    I'm 37 weeks as of today, and these last few days have been really trying. I've had a horrible time sleeping. Can't seem to sleep more than a few hours at a time and only at the strangest hours. Midwife thinks I have SPD so my pelvis has been in horrible pain for about a week now, and it's only getting worse. The pain radiates all around my lower spine and into my tailbone. I pee all the time. I poop all the time, and it hurts when I have to "go" anymore, because I get horrible bowel cramps. I can't even walk after 3pm from the discomfort and instability in my hips. I seem to do better in the morning with that. To top it all off, I just got sick with a cold and can't take any decongestants.

    I feel like all this is wearing on my willpower and nerves a lot. I'm trying to distract myself with work and other things and trying to remember that it's only temporary, but it's getting really stressful and exhausting mentally and physically.

    My midwife told me to get a maternity belt, so that should be here on Tuesday, but I'm just really getting tired of all this.

    I could use some encouragement and maybe some voices of reason...

    I get back and hip pain the last few weeks as well. Mine is worse when standing, but I get great relief sitting on one of those exercise balls that you inflate. I pretty much live on mine instead of a chair or the couch for the last 2-3 weeks and even sit on it during labor if one is available. The counter pressure on my pelvis really seems to help. Check it out if you don't already have one.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Am I the only one who is super disappointed to realize that the 1st trimester is, in fact, NOT the hardest. I feel so much more tired this trimester (I guess it's the extra 40 lbs I'm toting around) and my blood pressure is all over the place.

    When my first and second trimester were relatively easy (aside from a few complications) I thought "oh this pregnancy thing isn't too bad" I still don't think it's THAT bad (my sis has REALLY hard pregnancies) but I kinda was hoping to be super pregnant lady and that just isn't happening. I guess I need to stop comparing myself to other people. I still feel great most days but I certainly need a lot more sleep than before and the whole standing for hours on end cooking or cleaning, yeah that's a no go.....sigh* sorry, guess I just needed to complain a little ;)
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    LOL. Well you are not alone. i was folding clothes yesterday and after shirt # 5, my arms were killing me. lol.
  • rachypompa
    rachypompa Posts: 653 Member
    Lovely pic Pregosaurusrex! Are congratulations in order?!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Lovely pic Pregosaurusrex! Are congratulations in order?!

    OMG congrats! I didn't even notice!!!! :)
  • Mrshotwing
    Mrshotwing Posts: 166 Member
    Congratulations Pregosaurusrex! What a cutie :)
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    I just noticed as well! Congrats! Hope you and baby are doing well!
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Congrats, Pregosaurus! He is adorable!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Am I the only one who is super disappointed to realize that the 1st trimester is, in fact, NOT the hardest. I feel so much more tired this trimester (I guess it's the extra 40 lbs I'm toting around) and my blood pressure is all over the place.

    When my first and second trimester were relatively easy (aside from a few complications) I thought "oh this pregnancy thing isn't too bad" I still don't think it's THAT bad (my sis has REALLY hard pregnancies) but I kinda was hoping to be super pregnant lady and that just isn't happening. I guess I need to stop comparing myself to other people. I still feel great most days but I certainly need a lot more sleep than before and the whole standing for hours on end cooking or cleaning, yeah that's a no go.....sigh* sorry, guess I just needed to complain a little ;)

    I think third trimester is hard (not just for the obvious physical reason) because it will give us the motivation to get ourselves through laboring and delivery. :) Like I've been telling myself this whole pregnancy that I'm perfectly content to go 2 weeks overdue if need be. Now that I'm at 32 weeks, I'm realizing/remembering that I'm NOT going to be perfectly content to wait longer than need be. lol. However, I'm still going to wait, content or not. :)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Am I the only one who is super disappointed to realize that the 1st trimester is, in fact, NOT the hardest. I feel so much more tired this trimester (I guess it's the extra 40 lbs I'm toting around) and my blood pressure is all over the place.

    When my first and second trimester were relatively easy (aside from a few complications) I thought "oh this pregnancy thing isn't too bad" I still don't think it's THAT bad (my sis has REALLY hard pregnancies) but I kinda was hoping to be super pregnant lady and that just isn't happening. I guess I need to stop comparing myself to other people. I still feel great most days but I certainly need a lot more sleep than before and the whole standing for hours on end cooking or cleaning, yeah that's a no go.....sigh* sorry, guess I just needed to complain a little ;)

    I think third trimester is hard (not just for the obvious physical reason) because it will give us the motivation to get ourselves through laboring and delivery. :) Like I've been telling myself this whole pregnancy that I'm perfectly content to go 2 weeks overdue if need be. Now that I'm at 32 weeks, I'm realizing/remembering that I'm NOT going to be perfectly content to wait longer than need be. lol. However, I'm still going to wait, content or not. :)

    Very good point! And I agree, I'll wait even if the baby's late but I dunno how happy I'll be about it. As of right now I wouldn't be super upset if she is late but I'm anxious to meet my little munchkin
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Lovely pic Pregosaurusrex! Are congratulations in order?!

    Glad you pointed it out......we are not friends off the forum, so hadn't seen it. Congratulations pregosaurusrex! Impatiently waiting to change my picture too!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    39 weeks today. Off to a massage and a doctor appointment, and then hopefully doing a maternity photo shoot with a friend of mine who is building her portfolio. Hoping the doctor has good news that things are close!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    39 weeks today. Off to a massage and a doctor appointment, and then hopefully doing a maternity photo shoot with a friend of mine who is building her portfolio. Hoping the doctor has good news that things are close!

    Sounds like a great day! I was looking at the website of the midwife I'm thinking of switching too and was really excited to see that one of the services they offer is massage heck yes!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Am I the only one who is super disappointed to realize that the 1st trimester is, in fact, NOT the hardest. I feel so much more tired this trimester (I guess it's the extra 40 lbs I'm toting around) and my blood pressure is all over the place.

    When my first and second trimester were relatively easy (aside from a few complications) I thought "oh this pregnancy thing isn't too bad" I still don't think it's THAT bad (my sis has REALLY hard pregnancies) but I kinda was hoping to be super pregnant lady and that just isn't happening. I guess I need to stop comparing myself to other people. I still feel great most days but I certainly need a lot more sleep than before and the whole standing for hours on end cooking or cleaning, yeah that's a no go.....sigh* sorry, guess I just needed to complain a little ;)

    I think third trimester is hard (not just for the obvious physical reason) because it will give us the motivation to get ourselves through laboring and delivery. :) Like I've been telling myself this whole pregnancy that I'm perfectly content to go 2 weeks overdue if need be. Now that I'm at 32 weeks, I'm realizing/remembering that I'm NOT going to be perfectly content to wait longer than need be. lol. However, I'm still going to wait, content or not. :)

    Very good point! And I agree, I'll wait even if the baby's late but I dunno how happy I'll be about it. As of right now I wouldn't be super upset if she is late but I'm anxious to meet my little munchkin

    Oh, I'm anxious, too...especially because we are choosing to wait to find out the gender!!! But I'll take waiting over induction any day. :)

    Tomorrow I've got my 32 week appt and an ultrasound in the morning. Glad I made the appointment for the morning because this superstorm is supposed to hit in the afternoon! I'll be very glad to chill at home and snuggle up tomorrow night. :)

    Oh, and speaking of massages/pampering, I think I'm going to see if my MIL can watch my toddler next week so I can get a proper pedicure. I did a quick toenail painting a couple of weeks ago, but I can't reach my feet anymore!!!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    39 weeks today. Off to a massage and a doctor appointment, and then hopefully doing a maternity photo shoot with a friend of mine who is building her portfolio. Hoping the doctor has good news that things are close!

    Sounds like a great day! I was looking at the website of the midwife I'm thinking of switching too and was really excited to see that one of the services they offer is massage heck yes!

    It was a great day and the doctor news was good too! Already at 2-3cm dilated, baby is down and fully engaged and he expects me to go in the next 4-5 days :-) Had a great photo shoot with my friend and looking forward to seeing pictures soon!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    So I met with the midwife and I'm not switching. Sound like the OB in her practice is super fond on interventions and I'm more likely to get him than her. Another weird thing about the visit, when I looked around I thought "wow, this office is really cool." After leaving I realized that it is a very cool office....if it were a tattoo parlor! Most OBs have real beautiful pictures of pregnant women, sometimes they even have cool photos of pregnant women with tattoos, this doctor? Forget the pregnant women! Just give me paintings of naked women with tattoos. It was so odd! The office I was in had some real pretty maternity photos but the main office was all tatted up chicks with big boobs...creepy!
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    So I met with the midwife and I'm not switching. Sound like the OB in her practice is super fond on interventions and I'm more likely to get him than her. Another weird thing about the visit, when I looked around I thought "wow, this office is really cool." After leaving I realized that it is a very cool office....if it were a tattoo parlor! Most OBs have real beautiful pictures of pregnant women, sometimes they even have cool photos of pregnant women with tattoos, this doctor? Forget the pregnant women! Just give me paintings of naked women with tattoos. It was so odd! The office I was in had some real pretty maternity photos but the main office was all tatted up chicks with big boobs...creepy!

    Maybe the office moonlights as a tattoo parlor! Or they could be doing experiments where they give women tattoos during labor to distract from the pain. Although I couldn't imagine that those tattoos would turn out very well....
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    So I met with the midwife and I'm not switching. Sound like the OB in her practice is super fond on interventions and I'm more likely to get him than her. Another weird thing about the visit, when I looked around I thought "wow, this office is really cool." After leaving I realized that it is a very cool office....if it were a tattoo parlor! Most OBs have real beautiful pictures of pregnant women, sometimes they even have cool photos of pregnant women with tattoos, this doctor? Forget the pregnant women! Just give me paintings of naked women with tattoos. It was so odd! The office I was in had some real pretty maternity photos but the main office was all tatted up chicks with big boobs...creepy!

    Maybe the office moonlights as a tattoo parlor! Or they could be doing experiments where they give women tattoos during labor to distract from the pain. Although I couldn't imagine that those tattoos would turn out very well....

    You know what, that would be amazing! If I could get tatted while in labor I so would! I don't even care if there's ink on the needles, when I'm in pain tattoos seriously do help! LOL