3rd Trimester



  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Congrats Nikki! He's super cute! Can't wait for this last month to be over with :)
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Congrats Nikki! What a great story :flowerforyou:
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    I just realized that I never posted my birth story and it has almost been a month! I went in to the hospital to start my induction on April 2nd when I was 37 weeks pregnant (due to medical complications posted elsewhere in this thread). I got my cytotec cervical ripener at 10pm. At that point I was 1.5 cm dilated. I started having some crampy contractions around 1 am and I got my 2nd cytotec at 2. I was then 3-4 cm. I then waited until 9 am to receive my epidural after walking the hallway a couple of times. She checked me at 10 and I was only a 4, but my water broke as she checked me. From 10am to 11am, I went from 4 to 6 cm. The nurse decided I should lay on my left side for 30 min, then my right side for 30 minutes. Not even 10 min after she helped me lay on my right side I called her back in to my room because I felt more pain/pressure in my right groin, but wasn't sure if maybe the epidural wasn't as effective on my right. She had me push the button to give myself a little more medicine, and asked me to call back if in 10 minutes it didn't go away. Well, it didnt . She came back in, rolled me on my back and went to check me, when I heard her say "Oh! The baby is right there with a full head of hair!" At this point it is noon, and she goes out to call my OB, and tells me not to push yet. They get set up, and my doctor arrives at 12:20. I pushed through 3 contractions and we had our little girl! Despite all the prenatal complications, she is perfectly healthy. Ashley Elizabeth was born at 12:30 on April 3rd, weighting 6 pounds 3 ounces, and 19.5 inches long. We stayed in the hospital for 3 days to make sure we got the hang of breastfeeding. The day we left the hospital Ashley was down to 5 pounds 12 ounces and we had to go out and get a couple of premie thing for her. She is a very sleepy baby and up until this weekend, I have been having to wake her up to feed her. She also took a week to get close to her birth weight. The last time I had her weighed she was 6 pounds 1 ounce, but we are both doing great.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Congrats, doubletnurse, on your healthy baby girl! It sounds like a (relatively!) stress-free labor! Thanks for posting your story.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    So confused right now...I think my water broke...big gush of non-pee fluid, but I'm not having contractions or pain. The pain was immediate after my water broke with my son. I'm 34 weeks--anyone else had this happen?
  • kellykneppergrundy
    kellykneppergrundy Posts: 234 Member
    So confused right now...I think my water broke...big gush of non-pee fluid, but I'm not having contractions or pain. The pain was immediate after my water broke with my son. I'm 34 weeks--anyone else had this happen?

    Go to the doctor or hospital. They will be able to check what the fluid is, If your waters have broken you may need antibiotics until you go into labour. Hope your okay!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    So confused right now...I think my water broke...big gush of non-pee fluid, but I'm not having contractions or pain. The pain was immediate after my water broke with my son. I'm 34 weeks--anyone else had this happen?

    Go to the doctor or hospital. They will be able to check what the fluid is, If your waters have broken you may need antibiotics until you go into labour. Hope your okay!

    Agreed! You can have your water break but not have contractions (both at term and before), and you need to have that checked out! They'll give you antibiotics and probably have you on bedrest so as to forestall labor as long as possible. Good luck!!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I just realized that I never posted my birth story and it has almost been a month! I went in to the hospital to start my induction on April 2nd when I was 37 weeks pregnant (due to medical complications posted elsewhere in this thread). I got my cytotec cervical ripener at 10pm. At that point I was 1.5 cm dilated. I started having some crampy contractions around 1 am and I got my 2nd cytotec at 2. I was then 3-4 cm. I then waited until 9 am to receive my epidural after walking the hallway a couple of times. She checked me at 10 and I was only a 4, but my water broke as she checked me. From 10am to 11am, I went from 4 to 6 cm. The nurse decided I should lay on my left side for 30 min, then my right side for 30 minutes. Not even 10 min after she helped me lay on my right side I called her back in to my room because I felt more pain/pressure in my right groin, but wasn't sure if maybe the epidural wasn't as effective on my right. She had me push the button to give myself a little more medicine, and asked me to call back if in 10 minutes it didn't go away. Well, it didnt . She came back in, rolled me on my back and went to check me, when I heard her say "Oh! The baby is right there with a full head of hair!" At this point it is noon, and she goes out to call my OB, and tells me not to push yet. They get set up, and my doctor arrives at 12:20. I pushed through 3 contractions and we had our little girl! Despite all the prenatal complications, she is perfectly healthy. Ashley Elizabeth was born at 12:30 on April 3rd, weighting 6 pounds 3 ounces, and 19.5 inches long. We stayed in the hospital for 3 days to make sure we got the hang of breastfeeding. The day we left the hospital Ashley was down to 5 pounds 12 ounces and we had to go out and get a couple of premie thing for her. She is a very sleepy baby and up until this weekend, I have been having to wake her up to feed her. She also took a week to get close to her birth weight. The last time I had her weighed she was 6 pounds 1 ounce, but we are both doing great.

    Thanks for posting your story! Funny how you can suddenly dilate like that! That happened to me with my son, too - I was 4cm and stalled, got the epidural and went to 10cm in less than an hour, then pushed 3x and had him :)

    So glad you are both healthy and happy - congratulations!!!
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks ladies. I did--traded no water breaking for infections/hypertension--wow. Good times.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    @BBeccaJean - wow that sucks. Glad your baby is getting to bake longer, but still. Hope you're doing ok!

    How is everyone else these days?

    I had a Dr's appt yesterday which I thought was going to be a semi-interesting one, and at least get a cervix check and see if anythings been going on. Turns out the practice I go to won't do a strep B test until I'm EXACTLY 36 weeks or beyond b/c they won't let me go past 41 weeks, and the test results are only good for exactly 5 weeks, so that ensures that only have to do one test. Which was weird b/c 2 weeks ago the Dr said they would go ahead and do it yesterday...guess it just depends on the Dr. I was 35 +5 at my appt yesterday. So anywho it's scheduled for next week instead when I'll be almost 37 weeks. Whatevss. I guess that gives me more time to dilate and efface. By feeling around externally Dr was pretty confident head is engaged in pelvis which is progress from 2 weeks ago. I've been having more intense BH contractions and this past week some of those really sharp twinges of pain. One really interesting thing about appt. I've lost 3lbs in the past 2 weeks!! Which puts my total gain back to 27lbs. That was really shocking because I haven't done anything different.

    There was a lot of confusion in the beginning about my EDD. Originally it was May 19th, and after u/s they pushed it back till June 1st. I still feel like May 19th is more accurate. Especially after losing weight at this appt, which I've heard is pretty common a couple weeks before labor. I guess as time gets closer we'll see :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    @BBeccaJean - wow that sucks. Glad your baby is getting to bake longer, but still. Hope you're doing ok!

    How is everyone else these days?

    I had a Dr's appt yesterday which I thought was going to be a semi-interesting one, and at least get a cervix check and see if anythings been going on. Turns out the practice I go to won't do a strep B test until I'm EXACTLY 36 weeks or beyond b/c they won't let me go past 41 weeks, and the test results are only good for exactly 5 weeks, so that ensures that only have to do one test. Which was weird b/c 2 weeks ago the Dr said they would go ahead and do it yesterday...guess it just depends on the Dr. I was 35 +5 at my appt yesterday. So anywho it's scheduled for next week instead when I'll be almost 37 weeks. Whatevss. I guess that gives me more time to dilate and efface. By feeling around externally Dr was pretty confident head is engaged in pelvis which is progress from 2 weeks ago. I've been having more intense BH contractions and this past week some of those really sharp twinges of pain. One really interesting thing about appt. I've lost 3lbs in the past 2 weeks!! Which puts my total gain back to 27lbs. That was really shocking because I haven't done anything different.

    There was a lot of confusion in the beginning about my EDD. Originally it was May 19th, and after u/s they pushed it back till June 1st. I still feel like May 19th is more accurate. Especially after losing weight at this appt, which I've heard is pretty common a couple weeks before labor. I guess as time gets closer we'll see :)

    Crazy about your EDD! I take it you are not sure of your LMP date. I knew my LMP date last time and this time, but both times I felt like I was running on a short cycle, so I think my date is a little later than it should be (as I thought last time). Both times I've measured right on pretty much the whole time, though, so who knows.

    I was just saying on the May 2013 Due Dates thread that I feel like I can't eat as much at one time anymore and that I wouldn't be surprised if I lost or maintained at my next appointment. Last time I did lose a couple of pounds at each of my last two appointments. I think you just kind of run out of room! If you were truly due June 1st, I think it would be a little early for that to be happening, so you're probably closer, if not correct, on your 5/19 EDD.

    This past Tuesday was my last appointment, and I was "thinner" than last time but still at 1cm (I was 60% effaced and 1cm the week before). My next appointment isn't until next Thursday, when I'll be almost 38 weeks, so I have a week and a half between appointments this time. I am feeling lots of activity and pressure down below, but from inside, so I'm wondering if the baby is shifting more downwards, and hopefully that means that by next Thursday I will have made a little progress. S/he is definitely head-down and "right there," as my OB put it, so that's a start.

    I guess technically my next appointment is 37 weeks, though I'll be closer to 38 weeks, and last time I went into labor the night after the day of my 38-week appointment, so this is all starting to get very real very quickly :noway: Even though I know I will hate myself for thinking this when I'm totally sleep-deprived, I am anxious to get a move-on, to get through L&D and past that awful initial newborn stage when you are working on almost zero sleep (if not zero).
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    @RBX - I'm right there with you! I'm very ready for L&D to be over with and beyond the sleeplessness.
    After my appt yesterday I've been flipping out slightly and have started washing up all baby clothes, blankets etc. I feel like if this child decides to come early that I am no where near close to being prepared. I haven't even packed a hospital bag! Has anyone else?

    I was fairly confident of LMP, and also fairly confident of conception date (as we were trying, and I had been keeping up with it). I had my first positive pregnancy test like the second week of Sept etc. I mean everything lined up with a May 19th baby...EVERYTHING. And then I wound up having an early u/s due to some spotting, and they dated the baby as being 2 weeks smaller and said it was impossible for DD to be May 19th. I know those early u/s are usually super accurate, but still...isn't it possible baby was just measuring small? I dunno. I do know that if I didn't get pregnant until the first week of Sept it would have been IMPOSSIBLE to get a positive pregnancy test the following week. Plus when they did the anatomy scan baby was measuring a week and a couple days larger. Oh well! I'm in the home stretch either way so I guess we'll just see exactly how accurate technology is these days :smile: