3rd Trimester



  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Congrats RachyPom! Man I hope mine goes that fast! :)

    Went to the doc last week and had my first cervics check. I'm not dilated (only 35 weeks at the time) but was surprised to hear "woah, hello baby's head" so I guess she's like her mama, likes to have everything ready to go even if it's weeks early. Hubs and I both agree we think she will be early.

    I have had few bouts of being emotional throughout pregnancy but man am I starting to get SUPER emotional. I cried last night because I didn't want my husband to go to work. I look forward to having my body and brain back so that I'm no longer a psycho
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you everyone for the kind words. This last week has been complete chaos. It started Monday with my previous post, then on Tuesday I spent all day on the couch except to make meals. I called my OB that afternoon to let her know about the constant heaviness and tightening whenever I was on my feet. I got sent back to L&D Tuesday night to be monitored. I ended up having to be admitted for 24 hours due to pre term labor at 34 weeks. I ended up getting 3 shots of terbutaline to stop my contractions, 3 liters of ivf, a round of steroid shots to develop her lungs, and increasing my procardia dose to keep things under control. I came home on Wednesday night with strict orders for bed rest. While I was in the hospital I got my cervix checked and was 1.5 cm dilated and thinning and also had some bloody show. Right now the goal is to keep her cooking until I am at least 36 weeks (11 more days).

    Thankfully I have great parents who are here to take care of my 3 yo son and myself while my husband is at work.
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    Well I am all set to get induced this Monday the 18th (I will be 40 weeks, 4 days). It's my last weekend child free!! I wish baby would come on his own, but there's still time I suppose :)
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    @rabbit_food - Congrats on a BEAUTIFUL BABY!!!!! Can't wait to hear how everything went.

    @RBX - I must have jinxed myself. I have had zero problems with swelling until this weekend! Admittedly I did not drink nearly enough water, and hubs and I had the weekend off from the kids so I ate entirely too much salt. But OMG I forgot how awful that feeling is of your hands and feet feeling like they might just pop right off.

    I also have had no problems sleeping.....until this weekend. It was like I couldn't shut my brain off to sleep, and I just kept tossing and turning. I would wake up with silly things on my mind. Really frusterating!!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Well I am all set to get induced this Monday the 18th (I will be 40 weeks, 4 days). It's my last weekend child free!! I wish baby would come on his own, but there's still time I suppose :)

    Congrats on your baby! Guessing you didn't need the induction after all. Hope all went well!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I'm due with my second around May 19th. I've still got 5-9 weeks left and I'm so ready to be done. I've had quite a few "Any day now, right?" and "Oh you are so close! How many days til your due?" comments at work this morning. And I want to cry. I wish it was any day now (not that baby would come early, just that I was 36 weeks instead of 31). The last few weeks always seem the longest though. right?

    Hope you are all doing well!
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I'm also due May 19th! And I feel the same way as you....these past 2 weeks I have felt so ready to get to my due date....with back aches, water retention, heartburn, etc....I felt great pretty much my whole pregnancy but since I hit the third trimester the symptoms have hit me all at once! And it is hard to stay motivated to keep exercising when I feel like no matter what I do in the 3rd trimester, my body is going to do what it wants to do....but these last weeks will go by fast I am sure! Know you are not the only one who feels like that!! I am trying to keep walking/jogging until the end, eat healthy for my baby, and ignore the scale lol.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I know how you feel laurab! I've just started to get heartburn really badly and it is definitely evil! I was thinking about joining Curves, but my hubby doesn't think I'll actually do it, so he doesn't want to spend the money :O(. My new goals are to pay attention to sodium intake and to not drink soda, which makes achiness and water retention way worse!
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I think if we can stay active, in whatever way possible, up until the end, we will still be better off than doing nothing....whether it is curves or walking, it will help! I am still jogging/walking but my legs feel heavy and achy from the water retention. But I feel more gross and my back hurts more when I am inside doing nothing. It's hard when sodium has never affected me before being pregnant and now having to watch it in the third tri. But it's nice to know all of this is normal!! And soon our sweet babies will be here and it will be worth it!
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    Hi everyone! As you can see from my profile picture, I had my little man on Sunday. He was my little St. Patricks Day surprise! I was scheduled to be induced at 4 a.m. on Monday but he came a day early. I was 40 weeks, 3 days when I delivered. I got to the hospital at about 10:30 a.m. after noticing my water broke at home around 9:45 a.m. I had no contractions or anything. Once they confirmed my water did break, they admitted me at 3 cm dilated (had been that for a few days). I spent the rest of the day at 3 cn even with high doses of Pitocin. My contractions were very intense & 2-3 minutes apart for about 7 hours (I got an epidural about 3 hours in). My doctor was cocerned because I had made no progress whatsoever and decided to do a c section around 7 p.m. It all happened very quickly and by son was born at 7:15 pm at 8 lbs 5 oz. He is perfectly healthy :-) The reason I was not progressing with dilation is because he had both of his hands up by his cheeks. He was making it very hard to move down deep enough into the birth canal. Regardless of hiw I had to deliver, I'm so glad he is here & healthy. I fell in love with my little Logan Alexander as soon as I heard hik cry. We get to go home tomorrow evening as long as everything looks ok!
  • rosy003
    rosy003 Posts: 251 Member
    Congratulations rabbit_food!
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi everyone! As you can see from my profile picture, I had my little man on Sunday. He was my little St. Patricks Day surprise! I was scheduled to be induced at 4 a.m. on Monday but he came a day early. I was 40 weeks, 3 days when I delivered. I got to the hospital at about 10:30 a.m. after noticing my water broke at home around 9:45 a.m. I had no contractions or anything. Once they confirmed my water did break, they admitted me at 3 cm dilated (had been that for a few days). I spent the rest of the day at 3 cn even with high doses of Pitocin. My contractions were very intense & 2-3 minutes apart for about 7 hours (I got an epidural about 3 hours in). My doctor was cocerned because I had made no progress whatsoever and decided to do a c section around 7 p.m. It all happened very quickly and by son was born at 7:15 pm at 8 lbs 5 oz. He is perfectly healthy :-) The reason I was not progressing with dilation is because he had both of his hands up by his cheeks. He was making it very hard to move down deep enough into the birth canal. Regardless of hiw I had to deliver, I'm so glad he is here & healthy. I fell in love with my little Logan Alexander as soon as I heard hik cry. We get to go home tomorrow evening as long as everything looks ok!

  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    LOTS of heartburn for me. I've started keeping Tums on my nightstand, since last week I got up in the middle of the night for two nights to take some, and since I'd been keeping them nearby I hadn't had any issues. Last night, though, I woke up at 4AM feeling horrible!

    I saw my OB last Thursday, and she said I could take Zantac twice a day. I didn't ask what dose, so I went to the drug store and saw 75mg and 150mg. The instructions on both say not to exceed two pills a day, but how does that make sense if one is literally twice the dose of the other? Anyway, I settled on the lower one to be safe. I should take it first thing in the morning but haven't been taking it unless I get heartburn, which is annoying because I have to deal with it until the medicine kicks in. Right now I'm feeling rather acidic and took the pill about 10 minutes ago :frown: I have a bottle of water and wonder if downing it quickly will help!
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Congratulations Rabbit_food!

    RBXChas - I would ask your pharmacist what they think, but I am pretty sure Zantac works the best when taken as a scheduled dose and not as needed. That way your are not having to wait for it to start working and can take the tums in between if needed. But I would make sure to ask your pharmacist or doctor and not take my word on it.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    RBXChas - I would ask your pharmacist what they think, but I am pretty sure Zantac works the best when taken as a scheduled dose and not as needed. That way your are not having to wait for it to start working and can take the tums in between if needed. But I would make sure to ask your pharmacist or doctor and not take my word on it.

    I've been lax about it because I don't like taking meds if I don't feel that I have to. One of my really good friends is a doctor (and had a baby last June), and she texted me earlier today and said she did better on Prevacid than Zantac when she was pregnant, at least until it got so bad that she had to go to prescription meds (she has really bad GERD to begin with). She also said to take it regularly, like you said, whether I have heartburn or not. So yes, you're right!

    When it kicks in, it works fine - so I will just take it twice a day, 12 hours between doses, and use Tums as needed :)
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Here is my week 35 update. I went in to my OB yesterday for my twice weekly NST and her heart rate was too high again. After being on the monitor for an hour and not seeing it stay down consistently, my OB got me in for a ultrasound with my high risk doc (1 floor down) an hour later. The only problem was I had to stay hooked up to the monitor until 10 minutes before my appointment. So I was hooked up for a total of 2 hours in the morning. :-/ I went in for the other appointment and they did an ultrasound and looked at little girl's heart REALLY well, then I got to visit with my high risk doctor and get monitored for another 40 minutes (total of almost 3 hours on thee monitor all day). Basically with the umbilical vein varix (widening of her vein) coupled with the 2 vessel cord, my preterm labor last week, and her heart rate occasionally being in the 180's she wanted me to stop doing anything to prevent me from going into labor at this point. Her reasoning was there might be something going on that they can't see and my body and the baby are trying to tell us that she would be better off out than in at this point. Especially since I was able to get the steroid shots last week for her lungs and was still having mild contractions despite the procardia. So I stopped my strict bed rest, and all meds yesterday at noon and we are just in a wait and see game right now with continuing my twice weekly NST's.

    As of yesterday she was measuring her to be 5 pounds and 1 ounce. We are praying that everything is okay and the delivery will be easy with no complications. I will try to keep you all updated as I can.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I will be praying for you DoubleT. Sounds like you are in good hands. At my 35 week appt the doc said that at the point if I go into labor they won't do anything to stop it because (like your doc said) that would be the baby saying she would do better on the outside. I hope everything goes well for you and deliver is uneventful bringing you a beautiful baby girl :)
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Here is my week 35 update. I went in to my OB yesterday for my twice weekly NST and her heart rate was too high again. After being on the monitor for an hour and not seeing it stay down consistently, my OB got me in for a ultrasound with my high risk doc (1 floor down) an hour later. The only problem was I had to stay hooked up to the monitor until 10 minutes before my appointment. So I was hooked up for a total of 2 hours in the morning. :-/ I went in for the other appointment and they did an ultrasound and looked at little girl's heart REALLY well, then I got to visit with my high risk doctor and get monitored for another 40 minutes (total of almost 3 hours on thee monitor all day). Basically with the umbilical vein varix (widening of her vein) coupled with the 2 vessel cord, my preterm labor last week, and her heart rate occasionally being in the 180's she wanted me to stop doing anything to prevent me from going into labor at this point. Her reasoning was there might be something going on that they can't see and my body and the baby are trying to tell us that she would be better off out than in at this point. Especially since I was able to get the steroid shots last week for her lungs and was still having mild contractions despite the procardia. So I stopped my strict bed rest, and all meds yesterday at noon and we are just in a wait and see game right now with continuing my twice weekly NST's.

    As of yesterday she was measuring her to be 5 pounds and 1 ounce. We are praying that everything is okay and the delivery will be easy with no complications. I will try to keep you all updated as I can.

    Also praying for you doubletnurse! Hope little one is safe and grows/develops as long as she can. Good luck!