3rd Trimester



  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    doubletnurse-My doctor wasn't worried at this point...he just said that if I get more contractions like I did last weekend, then to call him. I was having them very close together on Friday and Saturday especially....they would come for an hour then go away when I did something else, then randomly start again in the evening. I had back pain like crazy and felt like I was having heavy period cramps. I thought about calling but they went away...and my mom was like, it's just your body getting ready so don't worry. But now that I know that he's already sitting right there and with the effacement, I will definitely follow my doctor's advice and call if it happens again. Wow, you are very close to that 37 week mark! I know all of those tests and the monitoring have probably been so stressful...but you are so close!!!

    Right now I am just trying to take it easy....has anyone else been extremely tired? I feel like I felt in the first trimester....which is frustrating because I love keeping myself busy but my energy is so low.....and I also feel like my appetite has calmed down, probably because I don't have very much room for more food. But second trimester was when I seemed to eat and eat and never feel full...now getting to eat extra calories has kind of lost its appeal...I just want to hold my baby and be back to normal!

    I've wondered about the "plug" too because I've heard it can be different for everybody....

    I should probably start reading up on breastfeeding too....
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My experience with losing the mucus plug was like having a huge booger with reddish/pinkish/sometimes brownish streaks in it. I know that's a gross way to explain it, but it really sums it up. I also had it come out over the course of a day, so every time I went to the bathroom and wiped, more came out. It started in late morning and finished up by late afternoon, and I went into labor that night around 11:30.

    I wasn't sure I'd know when it happened, but when it happens, you know. It's pretty unmistakeable compared to other mucus. If you're interested and aren't currently eating, do a Google Image search. I did that the first time and was kind of grossed out, but when I lost mine there was no doubt in my mind as to what it was.

    As for my sister, with her first, she was like me and lost it over the course of a day and then went into labor that night. With her second, she lost it and was induced about 10 days later. It just means you're close, but unfortunately it doesn't tell you quite how close.
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    So how exactly do you know if you have started to lose your plug? I definitely have been extra mucus-y but I feel like there's more to it than that...baby is in position and putting a lot of pressure on my pubic bone so I'm hoping that means she is coming soon :)

    I never really noticed with my son last time around. At one point I had the tiniest mucus with bloody show. Then again, I didn't dialate until near the end with help of EPO.

    This time around, I've had a TON of mucus in the past week. I self checked myself this afternoon and have noticed that my cervix has dropped some and I feel a little dialated (1 cm is my guess), but still....no bloody show. Last night I had a ton of contractions - they felt non-stop for like 3 hours but then stopped as soon as they started. I'm guessing the contractions did a little work. Hopefully I'm not going to run late this time around!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Also, (at least for me) it could be possible that the plug came out overnight at some point - which is when I tend to do most of my peeing. lol.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Ditto to RBX. With my first, I had pinkish mucus throughout the day on a Monday. Then I went and coached softball for 2 hours that night and then went on a long, long walk. When I got home several huge blobs came out that had streaks of brown/pink. I labored throughout the night, and went in to get checked Tuesday morning. They sent me home with a sleeping pill and told me I'd be back in 12-24 hours. I slept for 12 hours, woke up and labored all through the night again, and the next morning was admitted. That means I started to lose my plug about 2 days before I was admitted to the hospital.
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    With my first, I never noticed losing my plug, but I noticed it with this one while wiping after using the bathroom. It was kind of like a glob with a brownish/pink color. I had it every time after I wiped on Sunday then it stopped. Still haven't gone into labor, but have had a couple of contractions yesterday and today that just felt like menstrual cramps across my whole belly.

    Everything is still good here. My OB got me schedule for my induction Tuesday night (I'll be 37 weeks) with hopefully her delivery on Wednesday. The plan right now is that I will get the Cytotec suppository that night and shouldn't need anything else to get my labor going (just how it went with my son) based on how my cervix felt today. I am still at 1 cm, but VERY soft and her head is still very low and engaged. 6 more days until we get this show started! I can not wait!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Getting real anxious for baby to arrive. For a while i thought for sure she would be coming this week, but the BH have calmed down so now I don't know. I wish there was a way to tell how close we are to delivery!

    Thanks to all of you who gave input on the mucus plug, I'm assuming that I haven't lost mine thought it's possible it happened in the night (I don't turn on the lights at night). Tomorrow I'm having lunch with the lactation counselor who is also going to act as my doula (she just got lamaze certified) I hope she comes soon, so ready to meet this little girl (and tired of gaining weight lol)
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Tomorrow I reach the official 40 week mark. :/ Can anyone tell me why I only experience contractions on the weekends? lol

    Going to try some pump stimulation today. They do produce some contractions, so hopefully my body is getting some of the work done before actual show time. My next appointment is Thursday.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Tomorrow I reach the official 40 week mark. :/ Can anyone tell me why I only experience contractions on the weekends? lol

    Going to try some pump stimulation today. They do produce some contractions, so hopefully my body is getting some of the work done before actual show time. My next appointment is Thursday.

    Stuff only happens on the weekend because your doctor's office is closed :tongue:

    I hope the pumping works! I think I would try that after a certain point.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I got tricked into going to get another u/s. The reason I say tricked is that I really don't want to get it but the doc started talking about shoulder dislocation if the baby is too big and that got my husband worried so he wants me to get it. So we are going to get that today to see how big she is. I hope it doesn't show her very big because i'm going to get real irritated if they try to get me to induce because of size
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    @Emily - that would seriously peeve me. I would never want an induction, not even for size unless necessary. They must be overly cautious or really thinking that this is going to be one large baby!! I mean I had a boy just shy of 10lbs, and they were never once concerned about his size. One Dr a couple weeks before delivery even guessed he would only weigh about 8lbs. Good luck!!
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    my best friend gave birth naturally to three babies, all 10 lbs or at least close to. So being too big is not a good reason to induce. Some drs. are just nervous about delivering larger than average babies. I hope you get good news!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Just chiming in on the supposed macrosomic babies: in my Bradley class we discussed exactly this. They said it's extremely rare that a woman's pelvis is too small to birth her baby and that the error margin for ultrasounds can be as much as TWO POUNDS!!! But it sounds like you've done your homework and will pursue the birth you are aiming for.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Just chiming in on the supposed macrosomic babies: in my Bradley class we discussed exactly this. They said it's extremely rare that a woman's pelvis is too small to birth her baby and that the error margin for ultrasounds can be as much as TWO POUNDS!!! But it sounds like you've done your homework and will pursue the birth you are aiming for.

    Agreed! I only know one person who ended up with a c-section because her pelvis was literally too small. Her son's head got stuck, so when she had her second, they just did a planned c-section. For whatever reason, her pelvis never widened like it's supposed to, and that's apparently very rare.

    But yes, those ultrasounds can be deceiving. Unless you're weighing the baby outside of his/her mom, you have no idea how much s/he weighs!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement. The us showed her at 7lbs 2 ounces (which is EXACTLY what I guessed it would show her at lol). I have an appt today so we'll see what they say. According to most websites "normal" is 6lbs 8oz so I don't feel like that's very much bigger especially with the margin for error. I also have decided that I'm going to see the midwife as much as possible from here on out because she is less likely to recommend interventions. I also am NOT considering any interventions before 42 weeks unless something happens like my water breaks and I don't go into labor....you know, the type of things that could cause REAL problems.

    How are you all feeling? While I still feel pretty well I'm so ready for this baby to be here! Today is 38 weeks and 3 days and I'm soooooooo ready to meet her! The whole anticipation of she could be here anytime between now and 3 weeks from now is killing me! But I will wait the best I can until she is good and ready :)
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    Kudos to you for not letting your Dr sway your opinion.

    I'm think I'm to that point in pregnancy where the time just stops. Or maybe it's just this week...I'm two days shy of being 32 weeks. Sleep has become completely evasive for the past 2 weeks. I took no nap yesterday and walked 2.5 miles. I went to bed about 1045 and zonked until 2am when I had to use the bathroom. Was still so tired, but sleep would NOT happen. I flipped and flopped (probably kept the husband up) and just couldn't get comfortable enough to even consider sleeping. I think I finally went back into a good sleep around 4am....and now a full day of chasing a 4 yr old and 2.5 yr old...*YAWN*
    I've gained 27 lbs so far.....which means for me I'm not over my goal of gaining no more than 35, and hopefully means I still have a chance of keeping it below that. I think it will be easier not to overeat from now on since the baby is all up in my ribcage. I still get hungry but am eating about half the portion size I normally would just to keep the heartburn and nauseating stuffed feeling at bay.
    I have my first biweekly Dr appt today. I'm always glad to hear that the baby is doing well, but quite honestly these appts get a bit redundant.
    Ok so reading back over this I sound like I'm griping, which I didn't intend to sound like. I'm just to that uncomfortable stage. All in all this has been a good pregnancy, but I certainly wouldn't complain if she decides to come on her original due date (2 weeks earlier than u/s measured)
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    I had my 40 week appt today (yesterday was EDD). Midwife checked and I'm a good and stretchy 3-4 cm. I had her sweep the membranes. She said they were starting to bulge and thinks I can go at any time. In fact, she said if I started to get uncomfortable I could always just go in and they'll break my water. I don't want to do that, though. I've been having contractions since the appointment 3 hours ago. They are a little uncomfortable but they've been getting a little stronger. Hopefully that means this is it. If so, I've got some work to do to get ready like laundry and carseat!!!!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I had my 40 week appt today (yesterday was EDD). Midwife checked and I'm a good and stretchy 3-4 cm. I had her sweep the membranes. She said they were starting to bulge and thinks I can go at any time. In fact, she said if I started to get uncomfortable I could always just go in and they'll break my water. I don't want to do that, though. I've been having contractions since the appointment 3 hours ago. They are a little uncomfortable but they've been getting a little stronger. Hopefully that means this is it. If so, I've got some work to do to get ready like laundry and carseat!!!!

    EEK!! So exciting! Hopefully it isn't too long now - and good luck with your last minute preparations :happy:
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Thanks :) They are definitely starting to feel like some real contractions. Seems like they are coming along but not timing them just yet (if it's a long labor I don't want to have to keep track for too long hahaha). Carseat installed - check!
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    That is great news!! I know you are probably ready to have your baby!!

    ehg87-Don't feel bad, I am right there with you! I'm getting soooo uncomfortable and can't imagine being able to handle more belly weight! My back is killing me, plus he was already down low in position at my 32 week appointment, now at 34 weeks he definitely dropped 2 nights ago and seems to have flipped from face up to face down....I can feel him move his head from side to side, putting a ton of pressure down low (which seems to be right when I am going to bed haha). Does anyone else get leg cramps/hip numbness on the side you're sleeping on? I was 70 percent effaced at the last appointment and am interested to see what I am now. But as uncomfortable as I am now, I just hope I haven't progressed too much...he needs to stay until at least 37!