Sign up for Rocking a Bikini by 1st June 2012



  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    oh girls, having some real issues at the moment. my blood sugars are rising (think may be a result of increasing my calories to help with my work outs) and have gained weight even though diet has been good. Not sure I will be making the challenge n June 1st but will happily keep on with the stats for the rest of you. I have an appt with my doctor next week to discuss my bm's & the possibility of going back on meds. need to get something sorted as it is really pissing me off not losing & actually gaining when i am on a 600cal a day deficit. boo
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    beccyleigh- So sorry to hear of your problems! I would be pissed, too. Hope that all goes well with your doc, and you can get yourself sorted out.

    I was doing well until the first week of May- celebrated anniversary, and hub's 30th bday... then had the 30th party... and I'm finishing up party leftovers (STILL!). not good. When I thought about taking measurements- the damage had been done- so I'm sitting this month out, too. :(
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    beccy!!! blech, i am so sorry you are having body craziness! hopefully the doctor will be able to sort you out :O)

    I think we should all feel pretty good about sitting may out... i mean.... we have been diligently doing this for like 5 months! so kudos to all our hardwork and june is a new month!

    way to go girls! bikini bods are in our future!
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Ladies, I was feeling so guilty about neglecting this group, and stressing that i may have gained this month. We must all be really in sync, because it seems like everyone had a similar month! I'm going to make May a better month and see what kind of results I can come up with.

    i love this group of gals! Would you all like to keep this going through the Summer? I think it helps motivate!
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    absolutely! i use this is just a place to track my results! haha, so i am game for keeping it going as long as we feel like it (Beccy, you do not need to feel like you need to track the numbers forever lol)

    and since i love you ladies, i really enjoy getting to keep track of your progress too!!!
  • Jenn152
    Jenn152 Posts: 373 Member
    Anyone bought a bikini yet for the summer?