No Binge January!



  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    ahhh i binged today. i feel sick. i had an exam this morning at 9:30. i spent yesterday from 4pm to 11:30 at the library. then i went home to eat dinner (real late) and continue studying. but my laptop suddenly wouldnt open pdf files that i desperately needed (lecture notes and past test papers online), so at 1am i trekked back to the library. i was there all night. there was a big bag of malteasers at about 2am LOL. at 8am the library cafe opened, so i got a coke and a traybake (i was starving by this point). i left the library around 9 and walked to the school gym -- the exam was being held in the big sports hall. exam was 3 hours long, so i was out by 12:30. walked home (thankfully its not far, took maybe 5-10 minutes) and stood in the kitchen debating making a sandwich, but the need for sleep won out! i was dozing from 1pm to after 3pm, then my roommate called me because she forgot her keys and i needed to let her in. after that, i returned to bed. i swear, for the next 5 hours i did not move an inch, i was so dead to the world. ive never slept so hard like that before LMAO!

    so anyhows, after that looooong and stressful few days, i woke around 8pm very hungry. roommate and i then decided to walk round the corner to the fish & chip shop. got me some yummy chicken goujons and fries and curry sauce. oh god was it good. then i went to the Spar nearby and got some ben&jerrys, and some pringles... ALL of the above food is now making its way through my digestive system. hence why i feel so ill!! but, i needed it. to relax and unwind and enjoy myself.

    im still pretty beat (its nearly 2am now), so im gonna go to bed and hopefully sleep through till morning. then i plan some retail therapy. i need new jeans, my old ones are officially done in :(

    SO! moral of the story, i binged HARD and have to put a B beside my name on the spreadsheet! hopefully tomorrow will be good.
  • GeorginaMcKee
    GeorginaMcKee Posts: 35 Member
    everyday brings new challenges, and new opportunities for growth and change. i'm sorry that your day didn't turn out the way you would have liked, but i hope the days since have been better.

    it's hard not to get stuck in beating ourselves up when we do binge, but try to let it go and make better choices next time.

    i've been doing alright the last few days, but my mind has been on fire about it. i'm tired from the constant hampster wheel of judgment going on up there, but i have been able to make better choices. it's progress at least...
  • emmiee921
    emmiee921 Posts: 224
    Ive been binging once to twice a week but this week i went campingg so i have been good hopefully for the rest of the week
  • brindlechewy
    brindlechewy Posts: 84 Member
    Hi everyone. Just a reminder that it's helpful (for some people) to include a "cheat" day once per week. A better term that I've heard is "spike day," because varying your calorie intake may help your metabolism spike upwards after a week of consuming fewer calories. I had my "spike meal" yesterday and am back to eating clean today. I've found the concept of a weekly spike helps me stay motivated and gives me a reason to eat clean and exercise during the week. Good luck to everyone and have a nice weekend.
  • GeorginaMcKee
    GeorginaMcKee Posts: 35 Member
    I feel like I have been doing very well lately, but last night i had dessert. it was one small piece of pastry that my mother had gotten specially for me and i had it after a great, healthy meal...hard for me to not think of that as a binge though. one day at a time...
  • gorgeouss9
    So, I was over on the 13th by 280 calories (after exercising) does that count as Binging??

    Also, the spreadsheet doesn't have a January 17th ?!
  • FitSix
    FitSix Posts: 17 Member
    So, I was over on the 13th by 280 calories (after exercising) does that count as Binging??

    Also, the spreadsheet doesn't have a January 17th ?!

    I think not! In my opinion, binge eating is totally out of control eating...when you are clearly not hungry.
  • GeorginaMcKee
    GeorginaMcKee Posts: 35 Member
    I've been thinking about this question of "what is binging"...I think that is different for everyone. what i have figured out for myself is that is seems to have less to do with quantity or even type of food, but is more about the quality of how i eat it. i feel myself getting panicked about eating, i feel myself start roaming for anything to eat, to eat quickly with little to no thought about it. When i find myself "flash eating" like that, fast and furious and barely stopping to breathe, that is a binge for me. it's about where i am emotionally when i engage in eating. sometimes (usually) it's larger than necessary portions of food, but sometimes it just a few bites of something out of anger or sadness or stress.

    The trick is the punishment that happens after. no matter how large the amount of food I binge on, i have to be really careful to not push into starvation mode the next day. that is key and so hard to wrap my brain around! If i engage in binging i have to forgive myself, learn from it and keep moving forward with healthy eating the next day. So, i think that part of my journey is to try and be less preoccupied with the amount of food i may stuff in, but how and why and what i do afterwards to take better care of myself.

    these are just my thoughts in the last few days....maybe they will ring true for someone else too.
    Glad to have this group, it helps to read and write about these things! thanks so much everyone.