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  • gillybumbler
    I just started yesterday and my husband forgot. He brought home a nice bottle of chardonnay!!! I will be OK as long as he sticks to his gross gluten free beers :/
    I have a feeling this is going to be hard...will it get easier?
  • kerry0521
    kerry0521 Posts: 46 Member
    Have to share a small victory....my husband has been drinking less since I started not drinking during the week. He would usually have several beers in the evening. Last night he just had one.

    He snores and keeps me awake when he drinks several...and I think I sleep lighter if I've had wine so it wakes me up. He also ends up getting up in the night to go to the bathroom.

    This morning he remarked that he had such a good night sleep and it was nice NOT to get up in the night and then try to fall asleep again. I am sleeping better also!!!
  • kerry0521
    kerry0521 Posts: 46 Member
    Gilly- I sure HOPE it gets easier. LOL. Yes, I think it has somewhat already.... Easier but not easy (for me at least).
  • gillybumbler
    Way to go KMCCARV! I hope my decrease in drinking rubs off too!! It is much easier when it is not in sight!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    I live alone, so it's really easy for me - I don't have any wine in the house and after 17 days I don't even think about it (and I was a bottle a day-er pretty much). BUT, I still don't know how I'll go with friends drinking....... We'll see. And I'm with helenoftroy - the change in energy is amazing. When I leave my house in the morning it actually looks the way I want it to for when I get home, instead of having all those things I was going to get around to doing some time still sitting there! Plus I went to my Pilates session this morning and was really pushed - and it felt good! So hang in there - it does get easier and the benefits are well worth it!
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hear! Hear! (or is it Here! Here!?) I am feeling more and more energetic and YES, just pushing through the sort of random crap that irritates during a day. It is all about having the little extra bit of energy in the pocket. This is Day 4 for me: feeling GOOD. Thank you all!
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I've found this pretty easy as I'm so busy at work, I'm loving not having the dreaded wine hangover. Haven't had a drink since New Years Eve now. The first week of Jan I didn't manage to exercise and was still dawdling over the diet but managed to drop 3lbs literally within days and lost the bloated feeling I used to get after a bottle of wine 3 times a week :) Definitely will be changing my habits from now on and try not to drink needlessly :)
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Day 5 and feeling good. Think some of the puffiness in my fingers, etc., is starting to go down too.

    kmcarv: glad to hear your husband is joining with you and sleeping better! sleeping well is something i always did and never really appreciated until the last couple of years. (up side is remembering even more weird dreams because i wake up so much!)
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Haven't had wine since Monday! My real test is this weekend! Sounds like all of your are doing great. Have a great day!!!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but with me I think the more I drink wine although it relaxes me, I always feel like crap the next day, then i get depressed when i get depressed I want more wine then I begin to eat and throw all my hard work out the window, when i do that i get more depressed and drink more. It's like a vicious cycle. I use to always think I need wine to sleep well so I dont wake up in the middle of the night.

    I've learned NOW i can still sleep through the night w/o waking up. I have energy the next day to get up and go to the gym. I make better food choices. I still loveeeeeee wine but I need to learn when i drink it do it in moderation and not binge drink.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    You've described exactly how I am - and it's the learning to drink in moderation that's the hard part! I think the support here is just great though and am hoping that when I finally start to let myself have a glass of wine that will keep me on the straight and narrow! Good luck for your weekend :smile:
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    HelenofTroy - what's up?

    dlbanks & opal24: exactly. i think i drink to avoid feeling slightly depressed and to avoid feeling tension/anxiety. But it only works to make me more depressed and more anxious! and then the cycle just keeps rolling around. tonight have just been feeling a little blue - hormones? off exercise day? no idea why really - and it is the first time in days i have really wanted to drink. and not just for the taste. I have to be honest with myself here. I like feeling buzzed at times like this. But it is MUCH better that I did not (tho would probably have if had it in the house!). I will go to the gym tomorrow and it will all be okay.

    Sometimes, things are hard though. Man.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    HelenofTroy - what's up?

    dlbanks & opal24: exactly. i think i drink to avoid feeling slightly depressed and to avoid feeling tension/anxiety. But it only works to make me more depressed and more anxious! and then the cycle just keeps rolling around. tonight have just been feeling a little blue - hormones? off exercise day? no idea why really - and it is the first time in days i have really wanted to drink. and not just for the taste. I have to be honest with myself here. I like feeling buzzed at times like this. But it is MUCH better that I did not (tho would probably have if had it in the house!). I will go to the gym tomorrow and it will all be okay.

    Sometimes, things are hard though. Man.

    Martha - I'm sorry you're having a bad day. It sounds like hormones to me - at least that's how I sometimes feel and I attribute it to hormones. Glad you didn't have anything in the house because now you'll wake up feeling good tomorrow. And once you work out and get your "high" from that, you'll be back to your usual self. Get some rest; it'll all look better in the morning!
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I have to agree with the hormone thing. I haven't had a period since 2008 and I am 43 yrs old. I really know my hormones are out of whack. This is why i stay in the gym and relaxes me a lot!
  • KellieNicole813
    DAY 16: NO wine (or any alcohol for that matter)!!!

    I found the first few days to be the hardest (which I'm assuming is normal...) but now that I haven't had a drink in over 2 weeks, I honestly feel great! However, I'm a bit nervous about this weekend because I am going out with a few friends to see a band play and I'm sure that being in that kind of atmosphere will incline me to want a drink. I'm hoping that since I haven't drank in a while that I can refrain but if I decide otherwise, I really don't think 1 or 2 drinks is gonna affect my weight loss goals/progress too negatively.

    Good luck to all of you!! Glad this forum is up... love reading everyone's different stories!! :smile:
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hey there-
    Thanks all for the support. I think it's hormones too now. I am just feeling a little off but SO glad I didn't end up drinking last night AND that indeed I went to TRX class this morning and felt good.

    Perimenopause is hard! I don't generally like to attribute to much to it but I think that's the culprit. The gym is a lifesaver. Love the people there and the routine. I even love my locker.

    KellieNicole8 - Good for you!! I am feeling much better without it too. I am meeting friends tonight - same concerns. THink I'm just going to state right up front that I am taking a break from alcohol for awhile and just leave it at that. If I say it out loud then it will take the pressure off refusing, etc.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    what's up????!!!
    I'll tell ya!!
    Wed night had two glasses of wine and stopped. Didn't want anymore
    Thursday I went to the party had a few glasses of wine and when I thought "you know what I'm quite happy right now". I stopped!!! Yep that's right, from 11pm I was on lime and soda and I had a fantastic night, soooooooo funny watching all the drunk people and even better, no hangover the next day!!!
    I went for a curry last night with the boyf and we'd usually split a bottle. I had 1 diet coke and two glasses of water!!! Didn't even miss it!

    I faced my nemesis and this time I won!
  • shawnsysco
    shawnsysco Posts: 10 Member
    I know giving up my nightly wine and sometimes Tullamore Dew and diet Coke will make me lose weight. I love to cook and I find that drinking wine while cooking is so relaxing. I started this 23 years ago so a change now is going to be very difficult. I'm up for the challenge. I really want to lose the 15 lbs I gained last year before my 50th birthday party in April. Maybe I'll have a wine then. The grapes have caught up to me!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Wow - 21 days down and still going strong. I can't believe the energy I have now! This is going to sound really strange, but in some odd way I sort of miss my old, non-energetic life. I used to be able just to blob out at the weekend, reading, dozing and generally doing nothing much - now I'm constantly doing stuff! I'm clearing out the house, catching up on stuff that's been needing doing for ages and just generally being busy. I'd say it's exhausting, but oddly enough it's not........ oh dear....... looks as though I'll just have to get used to a new lifestyle.....
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hi -

    Hof Troy: wow! that's fantastic! You are in the driver's seat now!
    shawnsysco: welcome! glad to see you here and know what you mean about the grapes catching up. (Sigh.)
    opal24: ha! yes, it can be exhausting to be so dang energetic can't it? I'm still letting myself just veg out completely sometimes (sitting and watching 30 Rock, etc.) because I just want to. doing it without wine makes me feel virtuous.

    Report: yesterday, out to lunch at a really lovely place with my mom. We both ordered a glass of Pinot Gris - one of my favorites (A to Z from Oregon) but after half a glass (half a glass!) had had enough and just DIDN'T WANT IT?!** This has not happened to me since attaining adulthood i think. So just left it there on the table. That felt wild. But just didn't want it. Have been telling everyone up front that i am cutting back because i didn't like the way i was starting to feel/act about wine and it really helps. Felt weird/anxiety-inducing telling my mother (who, after all, might worry) but she was fine with it. Told her about the fabulous No Winers and she was delighted for me. She herself is trying to cut back it turns out. So, ha! I am actually changing it seems. Off to gym now feeling great.