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  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    change agent - that's awesome!

    I think the fact that there is a support group here just cheering you on for a win but not scorning you when a glass is drunk is a massive help!!!

    I also think just being more concious and wanting to change is a great step and often results in leaving that glass of wine, or not getting the fourth!

    I know these last two nights and now tonight I've found it much easier not drinking, I've realised I can do it and I have a hold on it not the other way around!!!

    Well done everyone, big high fives to all for trying and succeeding!!!
  • dunkrobertson
    dunkrobertson Posts: 58 Member
    I've been derailed lately... stress, PMS excuses excuses excuses. I got back into my old habits and found myself craving that glass of wine to take the edge off today. I also stopped losing and think I might have gained, don't want to check,its depressing.:^) I am happy to report I am typing this and having my tea. I did not indulge.
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    I've been derailed lately... stress, PMS excuses excuses excuses. I got back into my old habits and found myself craving that glass of wine to take the edge off today. I also stopped losing and think I might have gained, don't want to check,its depressing.:^) I am happy to report I am typing this and having my tea. I did not indulge.

    I think that's great. If you can go thru all of that and settle on a cup of tea, then I think you should feel good about your progress. I am pretty much dreading about a week from now when my PMS will likely be in full sail. It is awful - and usually derails me too. Just get back on the horse I say. (And then remind me I said it in a week+!)
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    change agent - that's awesome!

    I think the fact that there is a support group here just cheering you on for a win but not scorning you when a glass is drunk is a massive help!!!

    I also think just being more concious and wanting to change is a great step and often results in leaving that glass of wine, or not getting the fourth!

    I know these last two nights and now tonight I've found it much easier not drinking, I've realised I can do it and I have a hold on it not the other way around!!!

    Well done everyone, big high fives to all for trying and succeeding!!!

    Agreed! High fives all around!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    I've been derailed lately... stress, PMS excuses excuses excuses. I got back into my old habits and found myself craving that glass of wine to take the edge off today. I also stopped losing and think I might have gained, don't want to check,its depressing.:^) I am happy to report I am typing this and having my tea. I did not indulge.

    Good for you for getting back on track!! We've all been there, done that - and we're all here to help out when one of us does it again!
    Enjoy the tea - and keep up the good work!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Oh, and congratulations to those amazing people who've discovered when you can stop - I still daren't take the step of trying that, so I really admire you for it. One day.........
  • goneundone
    goneundone Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all my name is Ashleigh. And I love wine (and beer and spirits). But wine is my drink of choice. On Monday I made a decision to stop drinking until I reach my goal weight, and then I will reward myself with wine. It's very hard for me, not only do I enjoy a couple glasses of wine when I'm alone but I also drink during social events. All my will power goes out the window when I drink. I allow myself to have a few bites of some "forbidden food", and then before I know, I've eaten hundreds of calories worth! Eating too much while drinking has gotten to the point of being habitual. I have to put my foot down. Now.

    Only 6 months ago I was at my goal weight for the first time in my life. I was so happy, fitting into size 4's and being able to wear a bikini without being embarrassed. Then I started eating more and more. I broke out in acne and hid myself away for 2 months, being depressed and reverting back to my old patterns of emotional eating. These last 2 months of holidays packed on 10 lbs for me. I've officially gained 25 lbs since July. :(

    I've been on MFP for years, but never really utilized the community forums, until now. I started counting my calories and logging my exercise yesterday, and I am committed to losing 25 lbs, the healthy way. I'm also detoxing from caffeine, sugar and grains.. so this next week is going to be really tough for me. I'm looking forward to the support of this group!!
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hi Ashleigh - Welcome to the group! It sounds like you are making some big changes. I don't know if you have read any of the posts going back the last couple of weeks but I think a lot of us have found cutting back on or cutting out the wine has been more liberating (um... pleasant seems like the wrong word?) than we thought. I know it has been for me. It'll be interesting to hear what your experience is.

    (BTW, feeling generally liberated doesn't mean I don't very occasionally crave a drink of wine. Tonight I did but luckily didn't have any in the house. I think I am just really tired and that would have been a way for me to relax.)

    Same for me vz the inner-leash: one drink and I am face down in a side order of fries or what have you. Not good.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi Ashleigh - good to have you on board, and good for you for taking that big step. And yes, I'm another one who gets straight into the food excesses once I break open the wine, so am glad to have cut it right out.

    Oh, and I've just posted a blog, so I'll share here as well, committing myself to no alcohol until 1 January 2013 (which will be 365 days) or until I reach goal, whichever comes later! Gulp............ Think I'm going to need all the support I can get!
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hi there,
    Opal24 -- that's great that you started a blog! I am going to read it.

    For first day in many, I really had to wrestle with wanting a glass of wine. I am feeling just a bit worn down and work was "jangly" for lack of a better word - nothing major just constant interruptions and low key stress and chatter and distractions and endless fricking noise. This usually wouldn't bug me much but today it did. so after work really wanted to go out for a complete shovel-fest at a thai restaurant and down some cold white wine with my pad thai but did not. for one thing, was feeling too cheap. for another thing didn't want to wake up with my fingers and face all puffy and my head clogged. and then also had an anxiety attack that i would promptly fall back into old ways. i can still feel the possibility of that out there like something i could literally bump into - hard. going to bed soon and reading - and right now that sounds even better than a glass of wine. fancy that.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Good for you for resisting! Those bad days are just sent to try us :-)

    Isn't it great though, being able to imagine the effects of giving in to the blow-out craving and then use that image to resist - it's such a huge step forward. And it is difficult still living with that fear of falling back into old habits. But, as they say, one day at a time - and you won the battle today!

    Have to say that early bed and a book do tend to appeal to me - and I'm doing that a lot more these days!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Woohoo! 28 days down and still going strong.
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    That's fantastic, opal24! I am about to go out to dinner and have been contemplating drinking some wine mostly because i am really, really tired (weird connection perhaps) and I want to relax. My back is aching (pms, arthritis) and I really want to down something. But! Your post has inspired me to watch myself. Indeed, I am generally feeling great so why ruin it now? Might have a half glass or even full glass with food but that's all I am going to permit myself at MOST. Thanks for leading the way here.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    No, not a weird connection at all. It's when I'm feeling tired and achy that I'm most tempted - I know alcohol is meant to be a depressant, but I find that when I'm feeling like that it actually livens me up. I have no idea how that works, but there you are! Good luck with your dinner - I'm sure you'll do fine. :wink:
  • Change_Agent
    Change_Agent Posts: 98 Member
    Hey again - just checking in to report that it DID go fine! thanks for the words of encouragement. Once again, I found I just really didn't want it. I think this must be some very weird perimenopausal hormones thing. It does not taste the same any more. But - yes - it's when I'm wiped out that I want it the most. Going to bed - think that's the real ticket.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Glad you achieved what you wanted. Every win (NOT wine) counts!
  • goodadvice
    Hi Opal
    You are an inspiration to me for some reason! I think our connection could be our vino habit! One glass is never enough for me...I keep a food journal (my trainer will look it over today...YIKES.. she won't like the many days wine made it in)... Did you ever notice a bad sugar craving after the wine was eliminated? Last night I ate 1000 calories of cookies and chex mix at 9:00... am I crazy! I was hungry and the sweet snack put me right to sleep! I think the sugar and wine entertain the same pleasure center in the brain.. maybe I just answered my own question! I admire you for committing to 365 days with no alcohol!!
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi goodadvice - Yes, I think the vino habit definitely creates a connection. You know, I hadn't really thought about the sugar craving, but when I read that I remembered that in my first week of not drinking I realised that I had some bags of chocolate coins left over from Christmas. You know, those little mesh bags with different sized gold covered chocolate coins in them? Well, two nights running I took one of those bags and sat there and ate every single coin in it, to the point where I felt slightly sick. It was so much chocolate that I woke up the next morning with a chocolate hangover! After the second (and last, thankfully) bag was gone, I realised that that had to be it! So I went cold turkey on that as well........ It has improved though - I can now eat a very small portion of something sweet and not want any more. Doesn't seem fair though, does it?

    (my MFP name - opal is my birthstone and 24 my birthdate. Not very original, I'm afraid)
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    omg!!! So that's what it was! When I gave up for those two weeks, I craved chocolate, and when I go without wine for a bit now, I crave it, thought I was pregnant for a moment!! ha ha
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member