How Many of Us...



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Well, I have both a desk job, and an active job. The only difference is that, Im about to leave my active job.

    Active job is working in a professional kitchen - Im running around all day, flights of stairs to get my food areas stocked because the elevator is broken, lots of heavy lifting, moving, pushing, pulling...I get out of work and my chef jacket is SOAKED with sweat.. I got home at 1am this morning from working, and Im still feeling the typical aches and pains of a good slam.

    With an empty nest now, I no longer have to work two full time jobs (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!) and can concentrate on my healthcare job. I am an Advanced Medical Accounts Receivable Rep with 26 specialties of medicine under my belt. I am also a Certified Medical Specialist with a clinical background in patient care. I use my CMS background to help do my appeals for denied claims. I start my new billing job on January 30th.

    When I start that job, I will be joining a gym in my area to stay active. Ive worked very hard at making dietary changes due to medical problems, and dropped almost 70lbs... Im at the halfway point, and I dont want to gain it all back...
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Well, I have both a desk job, and an active job. The only difference is that, Im about to leave my active job.

    Active job is working in a professional kitchen - Im running around all day, flights of stairs to get my food areas stocked because the elevator is broken, lots of heavy lifting, moving, pushing, pulling...I get out of work and my chef jacket is SOAKED with sweat.. I got home at 1am this morning from working, and Im still feeling the typical aches and pains of a good slam.

    With an empty nest now, I no longer have to work two full time jobs (YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!) and can concentrate on my healthcare job. I am an Advanced Medical Accounts Receivable Rep with 26 specialties of medicine under my belt. I am also a Certified Medical Specialist with a clinical background in patient care. I use my CMS background to help do my appeals for denied claims. I start my new billing job on January 30th.

    When I start that job, I will be joining a gym in my area to stay active. Ive worked very hard at making dietary changes due to medical problems, and dropped almost 70lbs... Im at the halfway point, and I dont want to gain it all back...

    Congratulations on both the empty nest situation AND the new job!!! I'm envious of your medical background, as I have tried in the past two years to "break in" into the medical industry (coming from being in my own industry for over 20 years, wanted to try something different, to make a difference.) Cooking profession is hard on the back/legs/knees, so that's probably good you're switching...

    Wondering... do you have mixed emotions about having an "empty household" now?

  • CAWStar
    CAWStar Posts: 23
    Hate the keyboards and yes most of the time behind a desk, but I get out. I go outside and walk the block for every two hours sitting at my desk. Sometimes I wish I worked outside all of the time, then again, sometimes not.
  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    I work with pediatric and adolescent boys in a psych hospital. Not exactly a desk or sedentary job, although somehow I find myself sitting around an awful lot... :tongue:
  • mrFerris
    mrFerris Posts: 122 Member
    I consider that I have two jobs. First, house hubby looking after three boys 3, 5 and 9 in a three story, four bed house. My other job is study. I study at home for an astrophysics degree. So if I am not wiping noses, arbitrating sibling disputes! Cleaning house or cooking meals I have my head in books and Internet.

    And to think I said I had a sedentary lifestyle!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member

    Congratulations on both the empty nest situation AND the new job!!! I'm envious of your medical background, as I have tried in the past two years to "break in" into the medical industry (coming from being in my own industry for over 20 years, wanted to try something different, to make a difference.) Cooking profession is hard on the back/legs/knees, so that's probably good you're switching...

    Wondering... do you have mixed emotions about having an "empty household" now?


    I was laid off from my healthcare job back in August 2010 - New Hampshire took a major hit, and the two doctors I was responsible for, left to partner up with one of our major hospitals in the area.... I wasnt capable of following them because they have a central billing office... so I was still thankful for having my Chef position at the time, and a paycheck to bring home.

    I didnt find my chef position difficult on the back/legs/knees at all.. in fact, I loved the rigorous effort of running around with my head chopped off! The adrenalin rush was INTENSE!! When you are making 130 individual sauteed meals in 150 minutes, you really bust your *kitten*!!!!! LOL!!!! My arms feel like "Ahhhhhhnold" when Im done! HAHAHAAHAHHA!!!!!

    No mixed emotions about the empty nest. My daughter as a matter of fact, just called me yesterday to tell me she just got accepted at Franklin Pierce University with an additional $34,000.00 scholarship AND a $10,000 Art scholarship thanks to winning a competition here locally... She visits when she can while she is finishing high-school... I think my daughter was more shocked when she saw her room all cleaned out and now its an entertainment room.... it hit home for her real fast...
  • Bekzness
    Bekzness Posts: 122
    I work a desk job for 20 hours a week part time. I also have to drive there as its in another town.

    The rest of my work is as a singer/karaoke & disco host, so this is quite active moving my sound equipment around from place to place and dancing around all night :P

    I take a few extra hours at an entertainment venue doing bar work and gig set ups too so hope that my work activity balances out :)
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    I do.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    We home school as well. There is lots of time to exercise, but we had various health issues that we didn't know about for a long time. I thought I was just old and my son was just into computers and reading and writing. I was wrong! Now our family is into aikido and we all use the elliptical. Eventually I would like to start running.
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    I have been unemployed for the last 3 months. I am only a half step away from a job I really want at the corporate headquarters of a hospital system out here, and yes it will be a desk job. On the good side because it is with a hospital group they have various health challenges for their employees. On the downside while I have had time to do more exercise, I have been depressed from being out of work and haven't really exercised. Too focused on finding work I told myself. But honestly it has just been laziness, I think.
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    No desk job-retired!!! After working some 30 years in a Deli, I was too tired to do anything when I came home. Of course having a medical problem didn't help. Couldn't understand why I was so tired all the time. Well, I was diagnosed with COPD with Chronic Bronchitis and Ashtma. My lips and cheeks would turn BLUE when I needed Oxygen and would have a hard time Breathing. So the stress from work didn't help so I had to Retire.
    Exercise are you kidding. I could hardly Breathe-but my Pulmo Dr. pushed me to try. I needed to lose weight but couldn't find the strength to do it. Finally, I gave in and everyday I got better. What I do now as far as Exercise I couldn't do a Year ago!!! My Breathing has gotten better and I don't turn Blue, anymore. I have lost 7 lbs. here but altogether I have lost 20. But, I still need to lose about 40 to 50 lbs.
    So I have a long road ahead of me but I'll do it.:smile:
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    No desk job-retired!!! After working some 30 years in a Deli, I was too tired to do anything when I came home. Of course having a medical problem didn't help. Couldn't understand why I was so tired all the time. Well, I was diagnosed with COPD with Chronic Bronchitis and Ashtma. My lips and cheeks would turn BLUE when I needed Oxygen and would have a hard time Breathing. So the stress from work didn't help so I had to Retire.
    Exercise are you kidding. I could hardly Breathe-but my Pulmo Dr. pushed me to try. I needed to lose weight but couldn't find the strength to do it. Finally, I gave in and everyday I got better. What I do now as far as Exercise I couldn't do a Year ago!!! My Breathing has gotten better and I don't turn Blue, anymore. I have lost 7 lbs. here but altogether I have lost 20. But, I still need to lose about 40 to 50 lbs.
    So I have a long road ahead of me but I'll do it.:smile:

    We will be with you every step, if you want us to be there.

  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I have a desk job from 8-4:30. I do try to get up often and walk. I drink about 100 oz of water so I get up pretty often to use the restroom :laugh:
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Today was frustrating!!!

    Yesterday I fit in that tiny exercise because I was angry (at work and got on the elliptical for 10 mins) and it made a difference in my attitude. I vowed to keep it going during the 5-day work week.

    Did not get the chance to hardly leave my desk today, much less visit the gym - putting out fires all flippin' day or answering work emails.

    Tomorrow, I promise (myself) that I WILL FIT IN some exercise in the building gym, dammit.

    I will I will I will.
  • Shirlann46
    Shirlann46 Posts: 430 Member
    Katie-Thanks! I need all the support I can get.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Anytime Shirlann - that's why we're here, right?
  • MellieR
    MellieR Posts: 34 Member
    Desk job here also. I do spend some time standing and doing presentations but, most of my days are spent running from meeting to meeting, managing emails, and putting out fires. I'd like to get to the point where i can fit in daily exercise break but right now I'm working on fitting in my snacks during the day. One step at a time!
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    Desk job? I do and I don't....

    I'm a buyer for a relatively small company. I run the stockroom, I do receiving inspections, I'm party of quality meetings, and run the cable department.

    When I'm at my desk cutting purchase orders and sending out drawings or quotes, yes I'm at my desk. I don't move really at all.

    When I'm out in receiving, I wear my sneakers and pick up boxes nonstop. Sometimes I'm moving battery boxes (32 lbs each) and other times I'm moving boxes of tubes (23 lbs each). So those days it's nice cuz I get a little extra workout. Sometimes I'm even sweating out there! :)

    Sometimes I feel VERY guilty because I try to eat/snack 5 times a day. And when I'm out in receiving I can't bring food out there. So during those days, even with snacks packed and ready to go, I still don't always get to eat as often as I'd like.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Hi I am a retail manager, so I spend about 10% of my 8.5 hour day at my desk. The rest is walking, lifting, moving fixtures etc.!! So my day is very active!!

    And yes these keyboards on smart phones suck!!
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    I have a desk job and they might as well have stapled my butt to my chair