Week 2 Friday Weigh In



  • ocrunner11
    ocrunner11 Posts: 293 Member
    Hi there! I'm new and I'd like to join your "In it to win it 2012" group. In the last two weeks, I've been faithful about logging on myfitnesspal.com and tracking everything I put in my mouth. So far, I've lost 3 lbs. I have become anal about reading the nutrition labels on everything I eat. I'm scared to put anything in my mouth if I don't have the nutrition label to read first. Going out to eat is a nightmare right now. I don't know what to eat when I'm out yet. I've gotten salads the last couple of times I've eaten out and only ate half of them. I know it is much better to eat at home and fix your own food, but my husband's job requires we dine with his colleagues or customers sometimes. I want to stay focused and get to my goal weight by the time I hit 50 years old this summer. Eating out is a big issue for me right now. I want to eat all the good stuff but I know I can't do that. Temptation can be unbearable. My husband's boss kept trying to get me to drink more wine the other night, and I told him no more, twice. My husband gave me this look of "don't piss off the boss, dear". Later, I had a talk with my husband and told him, if he wants me to be heathly & happy, then I had to cut out the extra alcohol, or even cut it out completely. He understood. Happy wife, happy life!! That's my motto! HA!
    Welcome to our Group :smile: Keep logging in and check in when you weigh in, we have a friday to do this, if your day is something else, that is ok, just let us know you are doing well. Each week you can set mini-goals to make your week successful. Start this week and think of a reward that you would like to have once you make your goals. LIttle rewards will lead up to the big reward. So very happy for you. Great communication with your husband, it takes courage to do this.
    Enjoy your week :flowerforyou:
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    Down from 186 to 184: I don't actually get on a computer daily, I usually post from my phone so that's why I'm late. This was last week's weigh in weight, though.