Totally Off the Weight Subject



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow.

    That's a great one!!

    I'm gonna see the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

    Did you see the original "GWDT" - the Swedish version? That was pretty good, in my opinion.

    I'm usually a stickler for the originals, so it's difficult for my friends to drag me to see the remakes.

    Yeah I've seen the original Swedish version and loved it. I've also read all the books. :)
  • mforcemaniac
    mforcemaniac Posts: 18 Member
    Doing the free step on Wii Fit today to Austin Powers I think. I haven't seen it in a long time and it always makes me laugh. I should watch "How to Train Your Dragon" at some point since I have to do some voice acting work for an upcoming convention, but I'm procrastinating :).
  • Deuxtrouble
    We went out on a double date this weekend and saw Contraband. Good movie and I am happy to report - I didn't have any popcorn :)
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Hey guys -

    Wanted to share this with the group, too. I love Harry Potter, the entire series.

    This clip is touching, for my fellow potterhead fans.

  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    I am a total nerd, and cartoon collector! I have Beauty and the Beast 3D, just got it on Blu*ray (figured it was cheaper than paying 17.95 per person to see it on the big screen), and I just got Lion King 3D for the same reason. I collect Blu*ray and DVDs. This weekend my son and I are likely to nerd out and watch HP movies or LOTR.


  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Do you guys really think the Blue-Ray is worth the extra money?

    I refuse to buy films, like Pixar movies, in blue-ray because they're cartoon like - save for the live action movies with real people in them.

    Now, the prices are starting to come down now some with blue-ray (Walmart's has a good sale in our area - $8/per title) but I have a few friends who have rooms full of dvd's and it would take a monstrous sum of money to convert them all.

    Opinions for/against BLUE-RAY vs regular DVD....
  • healermoon
    healermoon Posts: 74 Member
    I wasn't interested in blu*ray when my husband first bought our first blu*ray player....however then I watched Transformers (one of my favorite movies) on blu*ray and wow such a HUGE difference. Actually I do have lots of pixar stuff in blu*ray too and there is a difference between the dvd and blu*ray. Now my husband came home this year with a 3D blu*ray player and 3D TV. This after watching movies and cartoons in 3D blu*ray....cartoons are okay in 3D but...movies not so much. So while I would recommend Blu*ray especially with the lower costs, I wouldn't recommend 3D yet. Just my 2 cents.


  • drowninginatowel
    My husband and I watched Warrior. I'm into boxing/fighting movies :blushing: so I enjoyed it :smile:
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I wasn't interested in blu*ray when my husband first bought our first blu*ray player....however then I watched Transformers (one of my favorite movies) on blu*ray and wow such a HUGE difference. Actually I do have lots of pixar stuff in blu*ray too and there is a difference between the dvd and blu*ray. Now my husband came home this year with a 3D blu*ray player and 3D TV. This after watching movies and cartoons in 3D blu*ray....cartoons are okay in 3D but...movies not so much. So while I would recommend Blu*ray especially with the lower costs, I wouldn't recommend 3D yet. Just my 2 cents.



    My parents have the 3D big screen but I can't get into it. Guess it's just too new and fandangled for me (old fashioned girl). I don't like wearing the glasses either.

    We have something like five blue-ray movies (one of them being The Blind Side - one of my favorite movies) but can't watch them at home because I haven't made the big decision yet. Buy the blue-ray player or go-whole-hog and get an XBox, which my friends keep trying to convince me to get.

    "Its just a little more and you get to play all those games and the kinect, too..."

    Just can't decide...
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    My husband and I watched Warrior. I'm into boxing/fighting movies :blushing: so I enjoyed it :smile:

    Do you like Enter the Dragon? One of my husband's favorites of all time...

    Reminds me of Office Space and the "kung fu" moment...
  • AndreaG170
    AndreaG170 Posts: 104 Member
    I don't know about any of the movies that are currently out, but we did just watch The Goonies. What a classic!!! They really don't make movies like that anymore, but if you like The Goonies, I'd recommend Super 8, which came out last year.

    I love all the Toy Story movies, Harry Potter, and my newest favorite is the new Muppets movie! Since some of us seem to be on a "kids movie" kick, I'd definitely recommend that. It's not in theatres anymore, and I would hope you'd have a general understanding of how the Muppets operate before you go see it. For Muppets fans, it's awesome. Way better than the last couple of Muppet movies that came out in recent years. Classic.

    And as far as horror movies go, the last one I saw was The Others (on Netflix), and I really liked that too.
  • jlong7774
    jlong7774 Posts: 64 Member
    If you like Meryl Streep go see the Iron Lady. She was amazing in that movie. The plot was a little so so but she was great. Red Tails was good except the plot was pretty predictable.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I don't know about any of the movies that are currently out, but we did just watch The Goonies. What a classic!!! They really don't make movies like that anymore, but if you like The Goonies, I'd recommend Super 8, which came out last year.

    I love all the Toy Story movies, Harry Potter, and my newest favorite is the new Muppets movie! Since some of us seem to be on a "kids movie" kick, I'd definitely recommend that. It's not in theatres anymore, and I would hope you'd have a general understanding of how the Muppets operate before you go see it. For Muppets fans, it's awesome. Way better than the last couple of Muppet movies that came out in recent years. Classic.

    And as far as horror movies go, the last one I saw was The Others (on Netflix), and I really liked that too.

    I thought The Others' twist was really intelligent and creative, although you could see it coming half way through the film because of the seance scenes.

    I'm hot to trot to see Super 8. Heard it was interesting.

    Like Meryl Streep, since seeing her in both Mama Mia! and that movie about Julia Child with Amy Adams.

    Last horror movie - The Rite and The Last Exorcism.
  • LisaRN9
    LisaRN9 Posts: 75 Member
    GWDT was awesome. I saw it last week. I then came home and stayed up all night "streaming" the three swedish versions of the trilogy. I thought both versions were great. Tonight I watched Ben Alfeck's "heist" movie "the Town". It was pretty good but not my fav type of movie.
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
    I am also a scary movie JUNKY! We might go to a movie tomorrow night too :)
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    I am also a scary movie JUNKY! We might go to a movie tomorrow night too :)

    What are you going to see?
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Watching The Machinist with Christian Bale - holy cow, he is so dam skinny in this movie!

  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 770 Member
    I am also a scary movie JUNKY! We might go to a movie tomorrow night too :)

    What are you going to see?

    IDK yet I wanna see scary my husband....not so much lol
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    This won't rock your world but I enjoyed it, "The Company Men". Has a great cast of stars. I love the way it starts. This young executive comes into work late bragging about his golf game that morning. A few minutes later he is being escorted out with his box of personal items. When they look out over the parking lot you can see about a dozen employees carrying their boxes. From then on it is the heart felt trial and tribulations of looking for work and of rejection. Very good movie for those that have been unemployed.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    This won't rock your world but I enjoyed it, "The Company Men". Has a great cast of stars. I love the way it starts. This young executive comes into work late bragging about his golf game that morning. A few minutes later he is being escorted out with his box of personal items. When they look out over the parking lot you can see about a dozen employees carrying their boxes. From then on it is the heart felt trial and tribulations of looking for work and of rejection. Very good movie for those that have been unemployed.

    OMG, saw that a few weeks ago. I'm not a Afflect fan by any means, but I love me some Tommy Lee Jones and Chris Cooper (I know, weird).

    It was a decent movie but my question is why does Chris Cooper always have to die some horrible depressing death in every single one of his movies???

    Still love his acting...