


  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    Thank you!! We talked on the phone for almost four hours last night! Four hours! I feel like a teenager lol. We have a date to go bowling tonight. :)
  • greenmanspirit
    I have only used OKC. I actually joined back in 2006 when I was looking at making a Pittsburgh-centric dating website and I was looking at all the ones that existed to get ideas. I have had two gf's off of there, one I am still friends with and one that used me. Other than that, I have no luck there. I read through most profiles I see come up when I am on and usually write a message involving something in their profile but I rarely get a reply. It is what it is. I also tried asking two girls out the old fashioned way recently and one said she would never consider dating me (long term friends so I assume that has something to do with it) and the other had a boyfriend. I think all dating is a crap shoot.
  • Jeneba
    Jeneba Posts: 699 Member
    I shut down my profile. The only man I met turned out to be gay! What on EARTH was he DOING there, I wonder! LOL. A sweet honey of a man but that was not the point! The only other guys who were interested in me were either so young that they were in diapers when I was getting my BA OR they looked so decrepit that it was insulting that they wold even THINK I would be attracted to them! What drove me to pull the plug was one Old Gent who reminded me of my Great Uncle Arnold in his elder years who said that he and I should really get together soon to "see if there are any sparks...." OMGosh!!!! I couldn't BELIEVE it! I don't like to be cruel, but...... REALLY!